1|00000101|New Year's Day|New Year's Day
3|00000317|St. Patrick's Day|St. Patrick's Day
4|00000401|April Fool's Day|April Fool's Day
5|00000704|Independence Day|Independence Day
7|00001111|Veterans Day|Veterans Day
9|19970120|Martin Luther King Jr. Day|Martin Luther King Jr. Day
10|19970217|President's Day|President's Day
11|19970323|Palm Sunday|Palm Sunday
12|19970328|Good Friday|Good Friday
13|19970330|Easter Sunday|Easter Sunday
14|19970406|Daylight Savings Time Begins|Daylight Savings Time Begins
16|19970511|Mother's Day|Mother's Day
17|19970526|Memorial Day|Memorial Day
18|19970615|Father's Day|Father's Day
19|19970901|Labor Day|Labor Day
20|19971002|Rosh Hashanah|Rosh Hashanah
21|19971011|Yom Kippur|Yom Kippur
22|19971013|Columbus Day|Columbus Day
23|19971026|Daylight Savings Time Ends|Daylight Savings Time Ends
24|19971127|Thanksgiving Day|Thanksgiving Day
26|19980119|Martin Luther King Jr. Day|Martin Luther King Jr. Day
27|19980216|President's Day|President's Day
28|19980405|Daylight Savings Time Begins|Daylight Savings Time Begins
29|19980405|Palm Sunday|Palm Sunday
30|19980410|Good Friday|Good Friday
32|19980412|Easter Sunday|Easter Sunday
33|19980510|Mother's Day|Mother's Day
34|19980525|Memorial Day|Memorial Day
36|19980621|Father's Day|Father's Day
37|19980907|Labor Day|Labor Day
38|19980921|Rosh Hashanah|Rosh Hashanah
39|19980930|Yom Kippur|Yom Kippur
40|19981012|Columbus Day|Columbus Day
41|19981025|Daylight Savings Time Ends|Daylight Savings Time Ends
42|19981126|Thanksgiving Day|Thanksgiving Day
44|19990118|Martin Luther King Jr. Day|Martin Luther King Jr. Day
45|19990215|President's Day|President's Day
46|19990328|Palm Sunday|Palm Sunday
48|19990402|Good Friday|Good Friday
49|19990404|Daylight Savings Time Begins|Daylight Savings Time Begins
50|19990404|Easter Sunday|Easter Sunday
51|19990509|Mother's Day|Mother's Day
52|19990531|Memorial Day|Memorial Day
53|19990620|Father's Day|Father's Day
54|19990906|Labor Day|Labor Day
55|19990911|Rosh Hashanah|Rosh Hashanah
56|19990920|Yom Kippur|Yom Kippur
57|19991011|Columbus Day|Columbus Day
58|19991024|Daylight Savings Time Ends|Daylight Savings Time Ends
59|19991125|Thanksgiving Day|Thanksgiving Day
61|20000606|Calendar Started|This is what the display for an event looks like. You can add html elements (such as bold and Italic) if you choose too.
66|20000720|Event #1|This is about event #1
67|20000725|Event #2|This is about event #2
68|20000720|Room availability|Some rooms still available
69|20000725|Room availability|No rooms available
70|20001231|Cathedral Of Joy Holds New Years Eve Celebrations|Cathedral of Joy is having a New Year's Eve party for area middle schoolers. You do not need to be a member of the church to attend. The cost is $25.00 per person. This includes great food, mid
71|20001231|Cathedral Of Joy Holds New Years Eve Party |The Cathedral of Joy is having a New Years Eve party for area high schoolers. You do not need to be a member of the church to attend. It begins at 7:00 pm and ends at 2:00am for the intown party. Gre
74|20021218|Announce Your Community Event|Have a community event that you want announced on the KAPP/KVEW Home Page? Send us an e-mail, and upon review, we'll have it listed on our community page.
78|20010212|Lincoln's Birthday|Lincoln's Birthday (US)
79|00000214|Valentine's Day|Valentine's Day
80|20010219|President's Day|President's Day
81|20010222|Washington's Birthday|Washington's Birthday (US)
82|20010228|Ash Wednesday|Ash Wednesday
85|20010401|Daylight Savings Time|Daylight Savings Time Begins (US)
86|20010408|Passover*Palm Sunday|Passover begins at sundown.
87|20010413|Good Friday|Good Friday
88|20010415|Easter Sunday|Easter Sunday
89|20010425|National Secretaries Day|National Secretaries Day
91|20010513|Mother's Day|Mother's Day
92|20010528|Memorial Day|Memorial Day (Observed)
93|20010519|Armed Forces Day|Armed Forces Day
94|20010614|Flag Day|Flag Day
95|20010617|Father's Day|Father's Day
97|20010903|Labor Day|Labor Day
98|20010331|Don Hegy Cancer Benefit|*2P-12A at Colgan Air Hanger Fanta Reed Rd, French Island.$10 donation at the door, includes food, beverages, entertainment and doorprizes.
100|20010329|Leon and Sue Ackerman|*Leon and Sue Ackerman and their children of Pigeon Falls lost everything in a house fire hearly Sunday morning. Please send donations to: Leon and Sue Ackerman Fund, Pigeon Falls State Bank, P.O. Box 489, Pigeon Falls, WI 54760
109|20010428|Neighbor's Day|* If you would like to volunteer to help out or need help please call the Cities Recycling office.
114|20010409|DNR Boater Safey Classes|Holmen YMCA is currently accepting registration. Classes will be Mondays April 9, 16 & 23 from 6-9P. Please call Holmen YMCA @ 526-9176.
115|20010429|Senior Sunday|1-3P Boyceville Senior High School, $2 admission.
Music, Bingo, Refrshments, Dancing & Fun. Call Dawn Mitchell for more info: 643-4311 ext. 240.
119|20010429|Omelet Breakfast|Sponsored by Boy Scout troop 64 of Waukon. At St. Patricks catholic church basement from 7:30A to 12:30P.
132|20010429|The MS Walk 2001|Begins at the La Crosse Center Ballroom at 10A. Walkers may walk 3.1 or 7.5 miles. To register call 262-547-8999 or 1-800-242-3358. Or register on line at www.wisms.org.
133|20010505|Youth Fishing Derby|6th Millston - Knapp Youth Fishing Derby, May 5th at Robinson Pond. Pre-registration required by May 3rd at 8P. Tickets available at Moe's Hardware & Dugan's Hardware, Black River Falls, John's Tap, Millston, Warrens Mall, Warrens, & Millies Bait Shop, Tomah.
134|20010428|Book Sale/Bake Sale|Campbell Library are having their annual book/bake sale, from 7 to 11A at the Campbell Townhall in conjunction with the Campbell Fire Department Pancake Breakfast. Book donations are appreciated. Books can be dropped off at the French Island Quillins or the Campbell Townhall Library, 2219 Bainbridge Street, on French Island. or call 783-0052.
137|20010426|Rummage Sale|Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 612 Division St. La Crosse, WI (south). 8A to 2P
138|20010427|Rummage Sale|Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 612 Division St. La Crosse, WI (south) 1A to 2P, (1/2 price day)
139|20010428|Joel T. Benefit Trap Shoot|Joel T. Benefit Trap Shoot at the Black Rive Gun Club, Hwy E. Sign up 9 to 3P. For more information call Sam at 284-2320. Help us, help Joel fight Lou Gheriig's disease.
143|20010428|Rummage Sale|Franciscan - Skemp Garage, 11th & Ferry St. Time 6A to ??.
145|20010428|Pancake/Scrambled Egg & Ham Breakfast|Campbell Fire Fighters Association all you can eat breakfast. 6A to 11A, 2219 Bainbridge Street.
146|20010505|Trout Fund Raiser|Trout Fishing Contest @ Romance 7 Springs Sports Club, Romance WI. Hog roast @ 4P.
148|20010428|Spring Luncheon|Spring Luncheon, serving 10:30A to 1:30P at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 110 W Begley, Greenwood WI.
149|20010510|Evergreen Elementary Chicken Q|7th Annual Evergreen Elementary Chicken Q Holmen, Wisconsin. 11A to 7P.
150|20010510|WOW Rally 2001|Team up with seniors for WOW Rally 2001, the fifth annual Retired & Senior volunteer Program Rally on Thursday. 11A to 2P at the Riverside Park in La Crosse. For more information call RSVP at 785-0500.
160|20010425|La Crosse PC User's Group|The La Crosse PC User's Group will be meeting Wednesday, at the Overhold Auditorium, Gundersen -Lutheran Medical Center, 7P.
162|20010428|Celebrationg of Health Diabetes Program|Franciscan Skemp is holding a Celebration of Health in Marycrest Auditorium, on second floor of Franciscan Skemp Medical Center, La Crosse. Individuals with deabetes and their guests are cordially invited to a gourmet dinner and short educational program on diabetes. Dinner begins at 6P. For more information call 791-4172.
166|20010429|Pancake Breakfast|All you can eat Pancake Breakfast from 7A to 12N at Harpers Ferry Fire Station, Harpers Ferry, IA.
167|20010504|Chicken Q|Grand Central Station Show Choir - Central High School from 11A to 6P. Chicken will be prepared by Pogy's catering.
169|20010505|Indianhead Area Special Olympics|come celebrate the abilities of our athletes! Indianhead Area Special Olympics cordially invidtes you to eattend their area track and field meet at the UW Eau Clair track at 10A.
170|20010521|Pump House Annual Golf Classic|Pump House Regional Arts Center 1st Annual Golf Classic with proceeds toward Visual Arts & Educational Programs. at the La Crosse Country Club. 18 holes, 4 person scramble format, shotgun start at 1P. For more information call Chris at 783-1343.
171|20010428|Spring Salad luncheon|The La Crosse Area Church Library Association will hold its Spring Salad Luncheon at 9A at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 420 West Avenue, South, La Crosse.
172|20010428|Valley Annual Spring Sale|Valley Annual Spring Sale, at 9A to 3P at Valley Community Center, Valley, WI on Vernon Co. Hwy P.
Crafts, rummage, etc.
173|20010505|Style Show, Luncheon|Style Show & Salad Bar Luncheon at the Community Church 204 Main Street, Hokah, MN. Luncheon 12N, Style Show 1P.
174|20010429|VFW Bloody Mary Breakfast|VFW Bloody mary breakfast 8A to 12N at the VFW Club Rooms. 6th & Market st. La Crosse, WI.
175|20010427|Steak & Fish Dinner|Steak & Fish Dinner 5P to 8P at VFW clubrooms. 6th, Market La Crosse, WI.
176|20010426|Family Playhouse - Sneakers|The Family Playhouse Presents - Sneakers. A magical musical for the whole family. April 26-29 at Lincoln Middle School in La Crosse. Call 796-1111.
179|20010428|Campbell Fire Fighters Breakfast|Campbell Fire Fighters Association breakfast. 6 - 11A. 2219 Bainbridge Street.
180|20010428|Spring Fling Bazaar & Bake Sale|Spring Fling bazaar & bake sale, United in Christ Lutheran Church, 1857 County Road Z - Dellwood, WI 9A to 2P.
181|20010504|Fly Fishing Weekend|Beyond becoming an Outdoors Woman Fly Fishin Weekend. For more information call 507-467-2437 or 888-800-9558.
182|20010428|Fair Housing & Home Buyers Exp|The second annual Fair Housing & Home Buyers Expo will be held from 10A to 3P at the Boys & Girls Club of La Crosse, 1331 Clinton Street.
183|20010428|Free Car Wash|Free summertime car wash to be held at American Home Center, 420 Theatre Road in Onalaska from 10A to 3P.
184|20010429|Da Capo Concert Band's benefit|Da Capo Concert Band's benefit at 2P at Central High School auditoriuml
185|20010428|Alzheimer's Association rummage sale|The Alzheimer's Association - Riverland Chapter will host a community rummage sale from 8:30A to 4P at the La Crosse County Fiargrounds in West Salem.
186|20010429|Alzheimer's Association rummage sale|The Alzheimer's Association - Riverland Chapter will host a community rummage sale from 10A to 2P at the La Crosse County Fairgrounds in West Salem.
187|20010505|Bethany Heights Flower Fund Raiser|Bethany Heights Flower Fund Raiser. from 10A to 12N at the Bethany Heights Juniper Lane, Holmen.
188|20010429|Ashley Brommer Benefit|2Year old daughter of David & Bobbi Jo Brommer has been diagnosed with Leukemia. This benefit is to support the family in ther fight to conquer this disease. Music-Danicing-Raffles-Food-Fun at 1:30P at the Urne Whitetail Bar & Grill. Hwy 25 south of Durand to Hwy K turn left go 8 miles.
189|20010518|Golf Scramble|Coulee Region Christian School of West Salem announces its Golf Scramble 2001 - A Golf Odyssey at Drugan's Castle Mound in Holmen. Call CRCS at 786-3004.
190|20010519|Family Fun Days|St. Joseph's Cathedral, 531 Main Street, La Crosse is sponsoring Family Fun days.
191|20010511|The Beauty of the Dreaming Wood|Brookwood Drama Dept presents The Beauty of the Dreaming Wood.
192|20010512|Consignment Auction|Sparta First Church of the Nazarene Consignment Auction at 10A. Location 6848 Hamlet Ave.
193|20010519|2n Annual Sidwalk/Rummage Sale|2nd Annual Sidewalk/rummage sale. Old Towne North, 1200 Block Caledonia St. from 9A to 3P.
194|20010519|Norwalk Ontario Witton Legion Baseball Fundraiser|Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton Legion Baseball Fundraiser 5P to ?.
195|20010508|Public Card party, bake sale, white elephant sale|Public card party, bake sale & white elephant sale at the American Legion Club room, 6th & Market S. La Crosse. 12:15 bake sale & white elephant and 1P public card party. Sponsored by Nokomis Grandmothers club.
196|20010503|Pink Floyd The Wall (disc 1)|Pink Floyd the wall (disc 1) 7 & 8P at the UWL Planetarium, 20 Cowley Hall.
197|20010510|Pink Floyd The Wall (disc 2)|Pink Floyd The Wall (disc 2) 7 & 8P at the UWL Planetarium, 20 Cowley Hall.
198|20010518|Bone Density Screening clinic|The FSH La Crescent Pharmacy and Wyeth Ayerst Laboratories are sponsoring a free Bone Density Screening Clinic in the pharmach form 8A to 5P. Appointments are necessary please call 895-8784.
199|20010520|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast from 8A to 12N at the VFW Clubrooms, 630 S. 6th Street, La Crosse, WI. Price $4.50
200|20010517|Pancake Supper|Westby sons of Norway are sponsoring a pancake supper at the Rod & Gun building in Timber Coulee. Serving 6-8P, Adults $5 & Children under 10 $3. Dance & Music - Everyone Welcome.
201|20010519|Show Choir Rummage Sale|Central High Schoot, Show Choir Annual Rummage Sale in the Hackett Gym. 8A to 2P, use rear entrance of school.
202|20010519|Celebrate The Kickapoo|The 2nd annual "Celebrate the Kickapoo: a tribute to the land we love" will be held in Gays Mills. The day will begin with demonstrations along the Kickapoo River at Robbs Park @ 10P. For more information call Barb Schieffer at 608-528-4432.
203|20010519|Chicken Q|DAV Chaper 12 Chicken Q 11A to 7P or sold out at 1120 Logan St. La Crosse, WI.
204|20010520|Chicken Q|South Beaver Creek Lutheran Church Chicken Q at the Ettrick Rod & Gun Club. Country western worship 11A to 12N. Dinner 12N to 3P.
205|20010519|Sidewalk/Rummage Sale|2nd Annual Sidewalk/Rummage Sale. Old Town North, 1200 Block Caledonia St 9A to 3P.
206|20010519|7th Annual River to Ridge Run/Walk|The 7th Annual River to Ridge Run/Walk starting at Riverside Park. Check out our website at www.bigfoot.com/~hfnc for more information and to register or call at 608-784-0303.
207|20010524|Chicken Q|Chicken Q at St. Thomas More - 2006 Weston St. La Crosse. Serving form 11A until 6P.
208|20010526|Flea Market|Flea Market, Marquette, Iowa May 26,27 & 28. September 1,2,&3 and October 6 & 7 and October 13 & 14th.
209|20010603|2001 Ride for Awareness|The 2001 Ride for Awareness will be held at the southside Oktoberfest grounds. Sign up begins at 10A, group ride begins at 11A.
210|20010609|Barn Dance|A barn dance to benefit the restoration of the Historic Temple Theatre in Viroqua. For more information call 637-8109 or 634-4488.
211|20010624|Annual Pie & Ice Cream Social|Annual Pie & Ice Cream Social at the Boorman House, Juneau County Historical Society, 211 North Union Street, Mauston, WI 53948. 1P to 4P.
212|20010531|Riverfront Groundbreaking|Riverfront is holding a groundbreaking ceremony for the addition of the Riverfront Production Plant & Program Facility at 10:30A at 300 South Avenue, La Crosse.
213|20010605|Garden Bus Tour To Madison|Garden Bus Tour To Madison sponsered by the Town & Country Garden Club. Tours of three nurseries - The Flow Factory, America's Best Flower Gardens and Jung's. Price $35 for more information call 608-787-1986.
214|20010601|June Diary Days Recipe Contest|June Dairy Days Recipe Contest at 1:30P at the village Hall Senior Citizens Center, West Salem, WI. Admission $1.
215|20010603|R-B Riders Saddle Club Horse Show|R-B Riders Saddle Club will hold the first of it's two annual horse shows. The location is the club grounds at "Fleming Field" near Rockland,WI on County Hwy J off of Hwy 16. Classes begin at 8:30A.
216|20010602|Country in the Country|8th Annual Country In The Country Festival 18 local country & Modern Country Bands on stage. For more info call 608-648-2520.
217|20010602|Rhapsody in Blue|Pianist/singer Jack Wallace concert at the Pump House at 7:30P.
218|20010601|De Soto High School Musical|The De Soto High School Music Dept are presenting the musical "Godspell" at 7:30P
219|20010602|Free Car Wash|Girl Scout Troop 179 hosts a free car wash at American Home Center, 420 Theatre Rd in Onalaska from 10A to 3P.
220|20010608|Butterfest Quilt Show|The Fourth annual Sparta Butterfest Quilt show will be held the weekend of June 8-10. The location is 900 E Montogomery.
221|20010608|Greenwood Dairy Days|Carnival, Flea market, parade, mud bog, truck pull, antique tractor pull, horse pull, raffle, bingo, food and entertainment.
222|20010609|Lansing Art & Historical Walk|Lansing ARt & Historical Walk 10A to 4P. Main st. and selected locations near downtown lansing IA. Contact Phyllis Martino 785-7096.
223|20010610|White Knuckle single track classic|White Knuckle single track classic mountain bike race. Start 11A, registration opens at 9A.
224|20010610|High Power Rifle Match|The Chaseburg Rod & Gun Club will have a High Power Rifle Match from June 1P to 4P. Call Ed at 782-3326 for more information.
225|20010620|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Saint Jame sthe Greater Parish 2502 Eleventh Street in Eau Claire Parish Council of Catholic Women will be hosting a pie and ice cream social from 4 to 7 P.
226|20010627|La Crosse PC User's Group|The La Crosse PC User's Group will be meeting at the Overholt Auditorium, Gundersen-Lutheran Medical Center at 7P.
227|20010624|Trout Camp|Trout Camp at Eagle Bluff ELC, Lanesboro, MN. Participants must be 11 to 14 years old at the time of the camp. For more information call 507-467-2437 or 888-800-9558.
228|20010620|Ice Cream Social|Ice Cream Social from 4P to 8:30P at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Elk Mound.
229|20010621|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Presbyterian Women's Pie & Ice Cream Social from 3 to 7P. First Presbyterian Church West Ave and Cass street, La Crosse.
230|20010623|Brownsville Family Celebration|Brownsville Lions Present Brownsville Family Celebration.
231|20010621|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social at the upper Pigeon Creek Church. Serving 4 to 7P. (1 1/2 miles E. of Northfield on Hwy 121).
232|20010622|Family Retreat|St. Anthony Retreat Center, Marathon is offering a weekend Family Retreat. It will begin at 7:30P on Friday and end on Sunday. For more information call 7115-443-2236.
233|20010621|Sparta Garden Tour|The 6th Annuall Sparta Garden Tour will be held fro 4-8P. For more information call 608-269-5908.
234|20010731|German Dinner/Dance|German International Relations committee German Dinner/Dance @ Forest Hills. Hospitality 6P, Dinner 7P and Oktoberfest Singers 8P. Cost is 27.50 call for more information 788-6846.
235|20010704|Pie & Ice Cream Social|First United Methodist Church Fourth of July Pie & Ice Cream Social. 1105 Butts Ave. Tomah Wi. 7 tp 9P.
236|20010707|3-D Archery Fun Shoot|3-D Archery Fun Shoot at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, Lanesboro MN. Saturday 8A to 4P and Sunday 8 A to 12N. For more information call Eagle Bluff at 888-800-9558 or 507-467-2437.
237|20010626|The Staffmen Quartet|The Staffmen Quartet at McKinley United Methodist Church at 7:30P.
238|20010630|Special Olympics Softball Tourny|10th Anniversary Special Olympics Softball/T-Ball Tournament at Trempealeay Co Health Care Center. State Road 121 between Whithall and Independence. For more information call 715-538-4312.
239|20010726|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Osseo Medical Center Auxiliary cannounces a Pie & Ice Cream Social from 630-8P. At the Nursing home dining room.
240|20010630|Legion WA DuShuda Celebration|New Lisbon Am Legion WA DuShuda celebration. For more information call 608-562-3256.
241|20010630|A Creative Expression Retreat|Inner Gardens: A Creative Expression Retreat 9A to 4P. Call 507-280-2180 for more information.
242|20010630|Scheers Lumberjacks|The Cadott chamber of commerce is sponsoring the Scheers Lumberjacks to perform 2 shows. Shows start at 4P. For more information call 289-3338
243|20010704|Strawberry Shortcake/Ice Cream Social.|An old fashioned Strawberry Shortcake/Ice Cream Social will be held on the lawn of the historic Sherry/Butt Farmhouse from 1 to 7P. 608-637-2998
244|20010708|Horse Show|The R-B Riders Saddle Club will hold the second if it's two annual horse shows. The location is the club grounds at Fleming Field near Rockland WI on County Hwy J off of Hwy 16. Classes begin at 8:30A.
245|20010804|Curtiss Corners Quilt Show|Curtiss Corners Quilt Show will be held at Curtiss Community Hall in Curtiss Wi. 10A to 4P at the Old School House. Located west of Abbostsford & east of Owen just of of Hwy 29.
246|20010805|Curtiss Corners Quilt Show|Curtiss Corners Quilt Show will be held at Curtiss Community Hall in Curtiss Wi. 10A to 4P in the Old School House, located west of Abbotsford & east of Owen just off of Hwy 29.
247|20010824|Pride Along the Mississippi|Reach out to our community with a presence at the 1st Annual Pride Along the Mississippi Festival.
248|20010825|Pride Along the Mississippi|Reach out to our community with a presence at the 1st Annual Pride Along the Mississippi Festival.
249|20010826|Pride Along the Mississippi|Reach out to our community with a presence at the 1st Annual Pride Along the Mississippi Festival.
250|20010715|Big Game Camp|Big Game Camp at Eagle Bluff Lanesboro, MN. Participants must be 12-14 years old. For more information call 888-800-9558.
251|20010725|Summer Picnic|St. Joseph Parish Summer Picnic. Starting at 4P.
252|20010720|Potluck Renunion|Former MAPCO Employees Potluck Reunion from 2P to 10P at Myrick Park Gun Club Shelter. Call 781-9314 for more information.
253|20010706|Houston County Horse Arena Grand Opening|The brand new, completely rebuilt Houston County Horse Arena, located at the fair grounds in Caledonia, MN, will have it's Grand Opening celebration and gymkhana at 6P. For more information call 507-894-4871.
254|20010706|Coulee Region Food Distribution Program|There will be a free food distribution to ghe general public from 10A to 2P at Cathedral of Praise Church in Onalaska, WI. For more information call 608-783-2909. Volunteers are needed.
255|20010708|Rockland United Methodist Church|Rockland United Methodist Church, Open house to dedicate our New Addition. 1:30 to 4P. 106 E Main Street in Rockland, WI. For more information call Nancy Schmig 486-4588.
256|20010710|Girls Adventure Camp|Girls Adventure Camp at Eagle Bluff Lanesboro, MN participants must be between 12 - 14 years old. For more information call 888-800-9558 or 507-467-2437.
257|20010717|Blood Drive Announcement|Holmen Blood Drive 2 to 6P at the American Legion Hall. 419 W First Avenue.
258|20010722|Bird Hunting Camp|Bird Hunting Camp at Eagle Bluff Lanesboro, MN. Participants must be 12 to 14 years old. For more information call 888-800-9558 or 507-467-2437.
259|20010713|Motorcycle/Car show|Stop by Riverside Park when HOnda Valkyrie Owners Association International holds their annual Motorcycle/Car show frm 6 to 8P. Call 312-642-4055 for more information.
260|20010713|The New Minowa Players|The New Minowa Players, Decorah's Community Theatre, will present "A Silver Salute". for more information call 319-382-3728.
261|20010714|Area Wide Dog Show|The Zoo will be holding their 4th Annual Area Wide Dog Show at their store location, 222 North Main Street, Viroqua. Contact Anne Zastro 608-637-7827.
262|20010718|Girl Scouts of Distiction|Wipfli and your Girl Scouts of Riverland Council invite you to a lawn social honoring 5 women whose lives have been influenced by Girl Scouting. For more information call Sally 608-784-3693 X 307.
263|20010714|Catfish 50 bike race|Everyone is invited to participate in the 17th annual Catfish 50 bike race and 15/25/50 mile tour. Contact Gretchen Benjamin for more information at 608-534-7422 eve and 608-785-9982 day.
264|20010721|Rail Fair|Rail Fair, Copeland Park, La Crosse from 10A to 5P. for more information call 608-582-4761 or 608-784-0036.
265|20010706|Sheri Losota|Portrait Show 2001 of local artist Sheri Lisota. Call the Pump House for more information. 608-785-1434
266|20010812|Fund Raiser for Winona County Dive Rescue Team|Fudn Raiser for the Winona County Dive Rescue Team. For more information call 507-453-0807.
267|20010720|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society|The July meeting of the La Crosse Area Astronimical Society will be held in Room 201 of Cowley Hall on the UW L campus at 7P. For more information call Robert Allen 785-8669
268|20010720|Logan Class of 1976|7P Casual get together at Sloopy's Alma Mater.
269|20010721|Logan Class of 1976|Class Renunion Dinner at Onalaska American Legion Post #336.
270|20010803|Kornfest Medallion Hunt|The Holmen LIoness Club is sponsoring the first Kornfest Medallion Hunt. 7:30P if you find the medallion call 526-4123.
271|20010727|Fish Fry Fundraiser|Fish Fry Fundraiser, 5 to 8:30P. Knights of Columbus Hall, 64 East Fifth Street, Winona.
272|20010930|Phillip Scheid Fundraiser|There is going to be a fundraiser in Memory of Phillip Schied from 1-7P. Phillip was the 9 yr old boy that was killed while getting of a school bus on May 1st in Centerville. Checks can be mailed to Citizens State Bank, Trempealeau care of Georgia Thompson in memory of Phillip Scheid. Any questions please call Margie Meier at 779-4941. Fundraiser will be held at the Centerville Curling Club.
273|20010728|A Night of Harmony|A Night of Harmony featuring the internationally renowed, award winning barbershop quartet The Sundowners. at 7P at Historic Al Ringling Theatre, Baraboo WI. call 608-253-7266.
274|20010807|International Children's Art Exhibit|International Children's Art Exhibit coming to Children's Museum. Open at 11A.
275|20010808|Art Workshop|Spntaneous Plaster Creations, from 6-9P at the Pump House Regional Arts Center. Call 785-1434 for more information.
276|20010727|MGD Army Concert Tour|MGD Armu Concert Tour featuring 38 special with Night Ranger, Molly Hatchet and Survivor. Gates open at 6P
277|20010804|The MS 150 Best Dam Bike Tour 2001|The MS 150 Best Dam Bike Tour at Waukesha. The Tour begins at Waukesha County Tech College at 7:30A. Call 1-800-242-3358 for more information.
278|20010710|Cajun Fest |Cajun Fest at the La Crosse Public library at 1:30P.
279|20010810|SS Peter & Paul Parish Fall Festival|SS Peter & Paul Parish Fall Festival, Independence, WI. August 10th, 11th & 12th. Call 715-985-2227 for more information.
280|20010729|Ecology Camp|Ecology Camp at Eagle Bluff Lanesboro, MN July 29 to August 3rd. Participants must be 11 - 14 years old. Call 888-800-9558 for more information.
281|20010803|Coulee Region Christian School|Coulee Region Christian School invites yo to an inspirational rally, A Heritage of Truth, A Vision of Hope. Call 786-3004 for more information.
282|20010907|ACT Alive|ACT Alive festival of the lively arts and food. Contact Janet Hartmann at 715-232-8999 for more information.
283|20010804|Ice Cream Social|Ice Cream social, children's games at In The Good Old Summertime at Stonefield historic site in Greenbush. For more information call 608-725-5210.
284|20010803|Wilton Wood Turtle Days|Fireworks, Mens softball,dance, etc at Wilton Wood Turlte Days, Wilton Village Park.
285|20010726|Breeders Twi-light Meeting|Monroe County Holstein Breeders Twi-light meeting at 7:30P at Jeff & Kathy Schmitz Family Farm. Coles Valley off Hwy. 16 between Tomah & Sparta just off County A. Watch for signs.
286|20010801|HIllview Job Fair|Hillview Job Fair from 3 to 7P.
287|20010805|Chaseburg Legion Chicken Q|Chaseburg Legion Auxiliary Chicken Q at Legion Park serving @ 11A until gone.
288|20010804|Book Signing|Book signing at B. Dalton for WI author R.S. Oatman's book UniverSoul Ways at Oakwood Mall in Eau Claire. From 1 to 4P.
289|20010805|Championship Mud Racing|Championship mud racing at 1P, 6 miles east of Warrens on cty hwy EW. for more information call 608-378-4240.
290|20010805|Celebration of Summer|St. Charles Borromeo church, 810 pearl st, Chippewa Falls will host their Celebration of Summer of Sunday. 11 A to 5:15P. Fun events all day.
291|20010805|Jake Camp|Jake Camp at Eagle Bluff, Lanesboro MN. Call 888-800-9558 for more information.
292|20011013|Fall Festival Singles Weekend|Fall festival singles weekend for ages 50 and over is being held at Eagle Bluff. call for more information 888-800-9558.
293|20010805|Ice Cream Social|The annual Wilmington Lutheran Church Ice Cream Social will be held at the church in rural Caledonia. serving will begin at 5P.
294|20010811|Corn Broil|28th Annual Melrose American Legion Corn Broil. 12N to 12Midnight at the Melrose Rod & Gun Club. For more information call 608-488-3252
295|20010812|Corn Broil|28th Annual Melros American Legion Corn Broil. 11A to 6P at the Melrose Rod & Gun Club grounds.
For more information call 608-488-3252
296|20010814|Harmony Under The Stars|Coulee Chordsmen Harmony Under The Stars, Riverside Park at 7:30P.
297|20010810|Lansing Fish Days|Lansing Fish Days, many fun events. for more information call 563-538-4641 or 563-538-4686
298|20010811|Lansing Fish Days|Lansing Fish Days, many fun events. for more information call 563-538-4641 or 563-538-4686
299|20010812|Lansing Fish Days|Lansing Fish Days, many fun events. for more information call 563-538-4641 or 563-538-4686
300|20010818|American Red Cross Lifeguarding Course|The La Crosse Family YMCA will be holding an American Red Cross Lifeguarding course for those who wish to become certified lifeguards. The course will be held Saturday Aug 18th through Thursday Aug 23rd. For more information call 782-9622.
301|20010822|Pie & Ice Cream Social|1 to 3P the L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Belliger St, Eau Claire is celebrating the 4th year in our new facility.
302|20011009|Acting Classes|Acting classes for adults presented by the showcase theatre of La Crosse and the Pump House. call for more information at 608-785-1434.
303|20010825|Pork Feed & Dance|Rock Creek Fire dept. 20th Annual Pork Feed & Dance. Rock Creek Town Hall, Rockfalls Wi.
304|20010907|Camp HOPE|Enjoy a great day of golf and help support Camp HOPE. for more information call 715-341-0076.
305|20010826|AIDS benefit 2001 variety show|AIDS benefit 2001 varity show, La Crosse Center South Hall A. 7 to 9P. Call 796-0383 for more information.
306|20010818|Bus Tour|Bus Tour, Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor's Center, Spring Green Gallieries and American Players Theatre. call 785-1434 for more information.
307|20010806|Parenting Multiples|Parenting Multiples, Developmental Delays. call for more information 608-784-8125
308|20010820|Parenting Multiples|Parenting Multiples, Temperaments & Siblings. call for more information 608-784-8125
309|20010827|Parenting Multiples|Parenting Multiples, Family Stress. call for more information 608-784-8125
310|20010815|American Red Cross Blood Drive|American Red Cross Blood Drive, Valley View Fitness, 3939 Cth B, La Crosse, 2 to 7P. for an appointment call 781-4614.
311|20010819|Mini Airfest|The Coulee Region Modelers host their annual Mini Airfest from 10A to 4P. Airfield located on top of Ten Mile Hill hiway 14/61 between La Crosse & Coon Valley.
312|20010827|Northside Community Center|The lower Northside and Depot Neighbors regular monthly meeting will be held at the Northside Community Center, located at 713 St. James St at 6:30P.
313|20010822|Dedication of Sesquicentennial Mural to city|Houston County Wonmen's Resources Dedicates Sesquicentennial Mural to City at 6P. Location will be at 112 Main street, Hokah, MN.
314|20010825|Hilltopper Summer Camp Show|18th Annual Hilltopper Summer Camp Show will be held at 3P. Onalaska Hilltopper show choir under the direction of Paul Gulsvig & Dawson Strutt. Choreographed by April James & Marty DeMott.
315|20010826|St. Joseph Parish Festival|St. Joseph Parish Festival in New Albin, IA will be serving charcoal beef & pork dinner from 11A to 2P.
316|20010824|2001 Vernon Area Business/Proffessional Woman of the year|2001 Vernon Area Business/Professional Woman of the Year. All nominations must be in no later than August 24th. Nomination forms are available now by calling Lynn Dolezel at the Viroqual Post Office 637-3292 between 10A & 12N M-F, or by stopping in at the Viroqua, Westby, or La Farge Post Offices.
317|20010915|St. Mary's Fun Run|St. Mary's Fun Run will start 9A at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Tomah. For more information call 608-372-4516.
318|20010909|Chicken Que|2nd Annual English Lutheran Church Rally Day Chicken Que from 11:30 to 1:30. Please purchase tickets before September 2nd.
319|20010909|Pancake Breakfast|The Tomah Chapter 935 of the Experimental Aircraft Association will be holding their annual fly-in/drive-in Pancake Breakfast. Serving starts at 7A.
320|20010909|Fall Bazaar|St. Patricks Church in Seneca is hold ing a Smoked Pork Chop Dinner from 11A to 2P.
321|20010911|Introduction to Disaster Services|Learn how to respond, react and provide relief in times of disaster. To register call 1-800-837-6313.
322|20010913|Chicken Q|Chicken Q at Thomas More Church, 2006 Weston St. La Crosse.
323|20010908|Rummage Sale|Annual Pittsville All City Rummage Sale 8A to 5P.
324|20010905|River City Youth Hockey|River City Youth Hockey is holding a registration and equipment swap and sale for the public at the Green Island Ice Arena from 5:30-6:30P.
325|20010905|La Crosse Symphony ticket sales campaign|La Crosse Symphony Orchestra'a first annual full season ticket sale campaign runs through Sept 5 through 18th.
326|20010910|Lakeview Health Center Auxillary Meeting|Lake view Health Center Auxillary meeting will be an informational membership coffee, from 1-3P at the Hazel Brown Leicht memorail Library on 201 Neshonic Rd, West Salem.
327|20010909|Fall Festival|Holy Family Catholic Parish Fall Festival in Arcadia.
328|20010909|Chicken Q & Pie Sale|Chicken Q & Pie Sale at St. Bridget's Catholic Church in Ettrick from 11A to 2P.
329|20010908|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony|Auditions for the La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestras will be held at UW-L Center for the Arts. For more information call 608-788-0159.
330|20010908|Pickwick Mill Day|Pickwick Mill Day, in Pickwick Minnesota. Many different activities.
331|20010909|Car Show & Swap Meet|22nd Annual Red Cedar Antique Auto Club Car Show & Swap Meet. Dunn Co. Rec. Park East End of Main St. Menomonie, WI. gates open at 6P.
332|20010908|Rumage Sale|The Harry J. Olson Senior Citizen Center of 1607 North Street, La Crosse, WI will hold a rummage sale from 8:30A until 1P.
333|20010910|Volunteer Training|New Horizons Fall 2001 Volunteer Training at St. Paul's West Avenue, La Crosse. Entrance is in the back building.
334|20010909|Fall Festival & Auction|St. John's Catholic Church, Cooks Valley, will hold their annual fall festival and auction on Sunday. Beginning with a Mass at 10:30A. The Chruch is located 6 miles west of Bloomer on Hwy. 40.
335|20010909|Annual Fall Dinner|St. Mary's Catholic Church of Houston MN is hosting it's Annual Fall Dinner from 11A to 1P.
336|20010922|Contemporary Figure Drawings|An exhibit of Centemporary Figure drawings opens the 2001-2002 University Art Gallery Season. For more information call 608-785-8237.
337|20010918|Rummage Sale|PEO-Chap BX Rummage Sale at Coach House, West Ave & Cass ST. 9A - 2P.
338|20010922|Ann Reed|Ann Reed, Folk Singer will perform at the Pump House at 7:30P. For tickets and more information call 785-1434.
339|20010920|C.H.A.D.D.|Children and Adults with attention deficiet disorder will be at 6:30P to 8P. The meeting will be held at Francisican Skemp Clinic @ 800 West Avenue South. Any questions call 791-0839. All meeting are held on the third Thursday of the month.
340|20010904|The Fantasticks|Tickets will be on sal for the La Crosse Community Theatre's production of the Fantasticks. Call 784-9292 for more information.
341|20010914|Logan High School Alumni Assoc.|Logan High School Alumni Association would like to announce the forth coming Homecoming Alumni Week on Sept. 14 following the Logan vs Tomah Homecoming Game.
342|20010919|St. Francis School of Nursing Alumni|St. Francis School of Nursing annual alumni luncheon will be at 11A.
343|20010916|Farm Toys & Craft Show|Chippewa Valley Farm Toys & Craft Show will be at the Eau Claire County EXPO Center. For more information call Ron Hayden at 715-875-4792.
344|20010916|St. Pauls Fall Festival|St. Paul's Fall Festival, New Lisbon. Steak dinner, bingo, drawings, etc.
345|20010915|Essay Contest|What Veterans Mean To Me, Essay Contest. All students currently in the 4th through 8th grades in the 15 county Tomah VA Primary Service Area are invited to participate. Call 608-372-1727 for more information.
346|20010913|Carnival Opens|4:00-10:00 pm Minnesota Magic Shows
347|20010912|Little King and Miss Apple Pageant|6:00 pm King Apple Tent
348|20010914|Senior Citizen Luncheon|11:00 am - 2:00 pm LaCrescent American Legion
349|20010914|Sonic Beats|8:00-12 Midnight King Apple Tent
350|20010915|Applefest Events|Scenic 5K Run/Walk 7:30 am
Flea Market 8:00 am
Arts & Crafts Fair 9:00 am
4th Annual Rendezvous Car & Cycle Show 10:00 am
Kiddie Parade Registration & Judging 10:30 am
Kiddie Parade 11:00 am
Big Wheel Races 12:30 pm
Apple Box Derby 1:00 pm
Lip Syne Competition 2:00 pm
Coronation 7:00 pm LaCrescent High School
The Connectors 8:00 - Midnight
351|20010916|Applefest Events|Pancake Breakfast 7:00 am
Flea Market 8:00 am
Kaptain Kirby Rides 10:30 am
King Apple Parade 1:00 pm
Apple Annies 3:00 pm
Trouble Shooter 7:00 - 11:00 p.m
352|20011013|Roast Beef Dinner|Roast Beef Dinner with dressing and all the trimmings served from 4-8P at St. Peter Church Hokah, MN.
353|20011013|Chicken Q|Chicken-Q, Onalaska Show Choir fund raiser from 11A to 6P at Skogens Center 90. Contact Paul Gulsvig 783-4561 or 783-8116.
354|20011019|Norwegian Fall Festival|Westby 3rd Annual Host Fest, a Norwegian Fall Festival. For more information call 608-634-4011.
355|20011013|All Church Bazaar|Ashbury United Methodist Church, 1818 Redfield st, La Crosse - All Church Bazaar from 9A to 2P.
356|20011014|Avery Valentine Benefit|Avery Valentine Benefit 12N to Midnight at All Star Banquets in La Crosse. For more information call 507-894-8077 or 507-894-4787.
357|20011014|Lutefisk n Meatball Dinner|Lutefisk N Meatball dinner from 11A to 3P at Bruce Valley Church, located 6 miles south or 11 miles norht of Whitehall. Call for more information 695-2903.
358|20011018|Potato Pancake Supper |Potato Pancake supper from 4 to 7 P at Trinity United Church of Christ off Hwy 14-61 in Mormon Coulee, La Crosse.
359|20011014|Potato/Regular Pancake & Sausage Breakfast|Potato/Regular Pancake & Sausage Breakfast form 8:30A to 12:30P at St. Mary's Catholic School in Greenwood WI. for more information call 715-267-7287.
360|20011018|Mississippi Swans Ladies Ducks Unlimited|Mississippi Swans Ladies Ducks Unlimited will hold its 19th annual fund raising banquet at the Freight House restaurant. Doors will open at 5:30P.
361|20011013|The Pumpkin Patch|The Pumpkin Patch at W394 County Highway K in Stoddard, please register by October 5th.
362|20011017|Harvest Supper, Craft & Bake sale|Harvest Supper, Craft and bake sale serving form 4:30 - 7:30P at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pigeon Falls, WI.
363|20011009|Doerflinger's annual reunion|Doerflinger's Annual Reunion to be held at Moose Lodge at 11A. for more information call 782-8746.
364|20011013|Lutefisk Dinner|Lutefisk Dinner at Halfway Creek Lutheran Church, 2 1/2 miles east of Holmen on D from 2 to 8P.
365|20011020|Valley Annual Fall Sale|Valley Annual Fall Sale 9A to 3P at Valley Community Center. On Vernon Co Hwy P between State Hwys 131 and 82.
366|20011013|Annual Bazaar & Bake Sale|Annual Bazaar & Bake Sale 9A to 2P at United Methodist Church, 605 N Harvey St, Necedah.
367|20020206|Meatball Supper|Immanual Lutheran Church (Caledonia) will be serving their annual Meatball Supper from 5P to 7:30P.
368|20020212|Child Development Day|The Child Development Day is screening for all children ages 2 1/2 to 4 years of age. For more information call 726-2590 ext 5024.
369|20020223|Lutefisk Supper|Our Savior's Lutheran Church present their 13th annual Lutefisk Supper from 11A to 2P and 4P to 8P. Our Savior's Lutheran Church 306 S Main St. Westby, WI.
370|20020211|New Horizons Spring 2002 Volunteer Training|New Horizons Spring 2002 Volunteer Training Feb 11th to 14th. Call 791-2607 for more information.
371|20020209|Senior Citizen's Valentine's Day Prom|Senior Citizen's Valentine's Day Prom at National Guard Armory, Black River Falls from 2 to 7 PM.
372|20020209|Cabin Fever Reliever Get Away Weekend|Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, Lanesboro, MN, Cabin Fever Reliever Get Away Weekend February 9-10th. Call 888-800-9558 for more information.
373|20020226|Coulee Region Chapter of Trout Unlimited|the Coulee Region Chapter of Trout Unlimited will hold its annual fund raising banquet on Tuesday, February 26th. For more information call Bob Hubbard at 608-786-1563.
374|20020304|Blood Drive| La Crosse Community Blood Drive, March 4,5,6 & 7 at Our Saviors Lutheran Church.
375|20020212|Community Health Screening|La Crescent, Hokah Community Education & Viterbo University Deitetics Department are hosting a Community Health Screening Feb 6th from 4 to 7P at the Hokah Fire Hall and Feb 12th 7-930A at the La Crescent Community Building at 4 to 7P in the High School cafeteria.
376|20020208|Ice Skating Lessons|Sparta area figure skating club spring ice, lessons are at the rink located at 1121 East Montgomery, Sparta. For more information call 608-786-2264.
377|20020217|Old Fashion Country Brunch|Old Fashion Country Brunch from 7:30 am to 12:30P at St Michael's Church North Creek 5 miles east of Arcadia. Mass at 8:30A.
378|20020210|Spaghetti Dinner|St Mary's Catholic Church of Houston, MN is hosting its annual Spaghetti Dinner from 11A to 1P.
379|20020226|FREE CPR Class|the La Crosse Fire Department and the La Crosse Club at 215 S 5th street will sponsor a free CPR class. from 630-930 in Eagles club romms at 215 South 5th. For more information call 782-7514.
380|20020210|Chocolate Lover's Night|Chocolate Lover's night from 6 to 8P in the Holmen High School Commons. Come and enjoy a tasty sampling of Chocolate desserts, candies etc.
381|20020209|13th Annual Sweetheart Dance|Sweetheart Dance, Viroqua AM Legion 9P to 1A.
382|20020215|Firearms Safety Training|Eagle Bluff in Lanesboro, MN is offering Firearms Safety Training and Advanced Hunter Education Friday at 4P and Sunday 3P. For more informatinoo call 888 800-9558.
383|20020207|Soup & Sandwich Luncheon|Soup & Sandwich Fund Raiser Luncheon from 10A to 2P. This is to aid in the pruchase of a Caledonia Fire Department thermal imaging camera.
384|20020209|Snowmobile radar run|The Mt. Tabor Moonlight Riders will be holding a snowmobile radar run. The track will be 1000 feet on the Hillsboro Lake. For more information call 608-489-3732.
385|20020217|39th Annual Turkey Dinner|39th annual Turkey Dinner at St. Mary's Scholl Hall, Greenwood, WI. from 11A to 1:30P.
386|20020209|Babysitting Clinic|The Holmen YMCA and Lutheran Hospital are co sponsoring a babysitting clinic from 8:30A to 12:30P at the Holmen YMCA. For more information call 526-9176.
387|20020215|Fish Dinner|Trinity Council Kinights of Columbus will have a Fish Dinner at St. Raymond's Church, 800 brown, Augusta, wI from 4:30 to 7:30P. For more information call 715-878-4601.
388|20020212|Pancake Supper|Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper form 4:30 to 7P at Onalaska United Methodist Church, 212 - 4th Avenue N. Onalaska, WI.
389|20020208|Showcase 2002|Logan High School Show Choirs, Class Act & Clasey Ladies are hosting showcase 2002. Area and visiting middle school show choirs will be performing Friday at 6P in Logan's Theater. For more information call 784-6283
390|20020217|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast 8A to 12N at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI
391|20020207|2 year b-day Party|La Crescent Area Boys & Girls club in assoc with La Crescent - Hokah Community Education and the City of La Crescent is celebrating its 2nd year of service. Please join us 5 to 7p located at the La Crescent Community Arena, 520 South 14th St, La Crescent, MN 55947. For more info call 507-895-3282.
392|20020303|Bowl a thon|Wisconsin chaper bowl a thon at Pla Mor lanes. La Crosse. For more information call Linda at 779-4504.
393|20020322|Figure Skating Club Ice Show|The Black River Falls Figure Skating club ice show will be March 22nd and March 23rd at 7P and on March 24th at 2P. This will be held at the Jackson County Fair Grounds Ice Arena.
394|20020323|Evening in Red|American Red Cross, Scenic Bluffs Chapter, is holding an evening in Red at the Radisson Grand Ballroom at 5:30P.
395|20020210|Annual Card Party|St. Bridget's Catholic Church is holdiing it's annual Card Party at 1P in the basement.
396|20020223|Antique Show|24th Annual Antique Show in Tomah, WI. Feb 23rd from 9A to 5P and Feb 24th 9A to 4P. The Show will be held at Recreation Park, Recreation Building, Hwy 16 just west of Tomah.
397|20020216|Smelt Feed|11A to 2P, Tomah Jaycees is hosting a Smelt Feed at O Rustics Supper Club, Oakdale. Proceeds go to Special olympics. Raffle and Door Prizes.
398|20020215|Alzheimer's Disease& related Disorders Support Group|The week of Feb 15 there is a meeding of Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Support Group for all individuals who suffer from Alzheimer's Disease and their familes. For more information call 832-5480
399|20020207|Class - Pets & Your Newbourn|Sacred Heart Hospital is having a meeting on Pets and Your Newborn. For more informationcall 839-4265
400|20020328|Ducks Unlimited|The West Bank Chapter of Ducks Unlimited in La Crescent will be holding it's 21st annual Banquet at 5P at Pettibone RV Campground Resort. Call 507-895-6741 or 507-895-4760 for more information.
401|20020310|Most Beautiful Baby Contest|Most Beautiful Baby Contest, at Valley View Mall registration starts at 12P. Call 815-227-1070 ext 223 for more information.
402|20020303|Ham Dinner|St. Peter Lutheran Church, 201 S Michigan St, Prairie Du Chien annual Ham Dinner from 11A to 1P.
403|20020310|Breakfast|Holy family parish, Arcadia, WI will hod it's spring fling. A pancake, french toast and sausage breakfast will be served 8A to 12:30P.
404|20020304|Grace & Glorie|Tickets will be on sale for La Crosse Community Theatre's production of Grace & Glorie. Call the box office for more information 784-9292. Show dates are March 8-10, 14-17 & 21-24.
405|20020309|Perennial Gardening|The La Crosse public library will present two free programs on Perenial Gardening at 10AM and 1:30PM. Call the library for more information 789-7127.
406|20020323|Kindergarten Karnival|The Kindergarten Karnival will be held from 11A to 3P at EAgle Bluff School, 200 Eagle Court in Onalaska. For more information call 783-7234.
407|20020309|All you dare to eat supper|La Crescent lion club will sponsor their annual boiled codfish and norwegian meatball supper from 3:30P to 7P at the La Crescent Legion club in La Crescent. Proceeds go to Camp Winnebago.
408|20020305|Meatball Supper Bake Sale|St. John's United Church of Christ, 630 West Ave So will be holding their annual Meatball Supper and Bake Sale from 4P to 7P. For more information call 784-3314.
409|20020310|Chicken Q|De Soto Booster Club is hosting a Chicken Q at the De Soto Community Center. For more information call Kay Furlano at 689-2434.
410|20020317|Charcoal Chicken Dinner|Charcoal Chicken Dinner at the sacred Heart Parish Pine Creek/Dodge WI. Serving from 11A to 2P.
411|20020309|Civil War Expo|2nd Annual Chippewa Valley Civil War Expo in Eau Claire. The Expo will be held from 10A to 4P at the American Legion Hall at 634 Water Street, Eau Claire. For more information call Chuck at 715-874-6652.
412|20020314|Tony N' Tina's Wedding comedy|Tony N' Tina's Wedding Vegas Style is an interactive comedy. 7:30P March 14-16 & March 20-23. Held at the Westgate Sportsman Club. For more information call 832-7529.
413|20020314|Mission Rummage Sale|Mission Rummage Sale, Hwy 14 East, St Charles, Mn
Mar 14 3-7:30P, 15 8:30A-5P & 16th 8:30A-12N.
414|20020310|Worship that Rocks|Worship that rocks, at First United Methodist Church 1105 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI 609-372-4543.
415|20020311|Pancake Supper|Annual Cashton Area Girl Scounts Pancake Supper. 4P to 8:30A at the Elementary School Cafeteria. Contact the Girl Scouts for tickets.
416|20020225|Dial A hearing Screening Test|Free every day, dial a hearing screening test by calling 608-791-9865.
417|20020317|St. Patrick's Day Dinner|There will be a St. Patrick's Day Dinner from 11A to 2:30P. Turkey and all the trimmings at St. Bridget's Catholic Church, 22650 Washington St, Ettrick Wi 54627.
418|20020323|Craft Fair|Annual Spring Fling craft fair 9A to 3P at the New Lisbon Am Legion Hall.
419|20020428|La Crosse AFL-CIO Workers Memorial Day|La Crosse AFL-CIO Workers Memorial Day there will be a ceremony honoring the workers who have been killed or injured on the job. The ceremony will be held at the Workers Memorial in the Labors Grove at Green Island Park, La Crosse, WI. Service starts at 12N.
420|20020314|Large Group Choral Music Festival|Longfellow Middle School will host the Wisconsin School Music Association Large Group Choir Festival. The Festival will take place at Logan Middle School in the auditorium. It runs from 8:30A to 2:30P.
421|20020423|WI Education Fair|A Wisconsin Education Fair for high school students and parents and prospective adult students will be held at Pacelli High School from 6:30 to 8:30P.
422|20020309|Peter Pan Play at the Library|The Dragon Players Children's Theater will present "The Return of Peter Pan" at the Onalaska Public Library. Performance are at 10A and 12:30P and last approx. 1 hr and 15 min.
423|20020413|Antique Show|The Logan Band parents and students are sponsiring an antique show at Logan High School with procees earmarked for the Logan Ban program and Logan student scholarships. The show will be held from 9-5P in the Logan Field House.
424|20020414|Antique Show|The Logan Band parents and students are sponsoring an antique show at Logan High School with proceeds earmarked for the Logan band program and Logan student scholarships. The show will be held from 10-4P in the Logan Field House.
425|20020317|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestra|The La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestras Spring Concert will be held at the Viterbo Fine Arts Center at 4P. For more information call 788-0159.
426|20020323|Rummage Sale|The Harry J Olson senior citizen center, 1607 North St. from 8A to 12N.
427|20020321|Independence School Concert|The Independence Public School Music Department will present the eighth annual "Condert Under the Stars" at 7:30P.
428|20020413|Annual Healthy Kid's Day|Schneider Heating & Air Conditioning presents the YMCA's Annual Healthy Kid's Cay featuring the Bunny Hop Run. The day starts at 11:30A for kids ages 3 to 11. For more information call 782-9622.
429|20020323|3d bow shoot|Coon Valley Conservation club 3-D Bow Shoot. Registration 7A to 4P. Watch for signs one mile west of Coon Valley on Hwy 14 & 162 south.
430|20020317|St Patricks Irish Beef Stew|St Patrick's Irish Beef Stew at St. Patricks Church Hall in Lanesboro from 11A to 1P. Adults $6 to Children $4.
431|20020314|Annual Mission Supper|Annual Mission Supper of turkey and all the trimmings at the St. Rose of Lima Church hall. Lewiston, MN from 4:30 to 7P.
433|20020315|Mynd Thoughts of Larry Green|You are invited to an evening of Mynd Thoughts of Larry Green at The Pump House, 119 King Street. For reservations call 785-1434.
434|20020316|Irish Stew Supper|Irish Stew Supper upper Pigeon Creek Church - 1 1/2 miles E of Norhtfield on Hwy 121. Serving from 4 to 7P.
435|20020315|Family Wordhip Assembly|Family Worship Assembly of Black River Falls in sponsoring a 2 day marriage seminar from 6:30 P to 9:30P. For more information call 715-284-5569
436|20020315|Antigone|The Onalaska High School Drama Department presents an updated version of the Greek tragedy, Antigone at 8P in the Claude C Deck auditorium. For more information call 783-4561 ext. 5312.
437|20020323|Kindergarted Karnival|The Onalaska Kindergarten Center PTO is pleased to invite you to the third annual Kindergarten Karnival from 11A to 3P at Eagle Bluff Elementary School in Onalaska.
438|20020318|Education program|Teh La Crosse County Association for Home and Community Education is sponsoring an education program at 1:15P at the Hamilton Town Hall, N5105 N Leonard St, West Salem.
439|20020317|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast 8A to 12N at VFW Clubrooms 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI
440|20020403|Bone Mineral Density Test|The medicine Shoppe, 510 Cass St, La Crosse is holding a Bone Mineral Density Test from 9A to 6P. Call for Appointment 784-9922.
441|20020404|Bone Mineral Density Test|The medicine shoppe, 510 cass st, La Crosse is hosting a Bone Mineral Density Test from 9A to 6P. Call for Appointment 784-9922.
442|20020406|Variety Show|Waukon Lions Annual Variety Show, Doors open at 6:30P and show starts at 7:30P in the Waukon Senior HIgh School Auditorium. Tickets available at Waukon State Bank, Farmers and Merchants savings bank, Citizens State Bank, Hartig Drug Store, Elliot Jewelers or any Waukon Lions Club Member.
443|20020326|Couple's Social Dance|The Holmen YMCA is offering a couple's social dance class on Tuesday evenings at 7:30P. For more information call 526-9176.
444|20020327|Blood Drive|Royall HS Blood Drive from 8:30A to 12:30P at the Royal Middle School Gym.
445|20020413|Chamber Singers & Concert Choir|The scheduled April 27 concert featuring the Saint Mary's University Chamber Singers and Concert Choir has been moved. The Concert will be held at 7:30P at Chapel of Saint Mary of the Angels located on the corner of 7th and vila.For more information call 507-457-1715
446|20020406|Rise Up America|Rise Up America from tragedy to triumph. The real stories of how triiumph cam out of tragedy at 7P in the Sparta High School Gymnasium.
447|20020405|Ducktails & Bobbysox|The Greenwood High School Drama Club is presenting a musical called Ducktails & Bobbysox on Friday and Saturday at 7:30P on Friday and 1:30P on Saturday. in the Greenwood High School Cafetorium.
448|20020421|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 64 of Waukon at St. Patricks catholic church basement serving from 7:30A to 12:30P.
449|20020413|Best of Broadway|The Winona Oratorio Chorus will present the Best of Broadway at 7:30P in Winona Middle School auditorium, 1570 Homer Rd, Winona. For more information call 507-452-1077.
450|20020406|Get On The Bus|The Chippewa Valley Museum is sponsoring a bus trip to St. Paul, MN to visit two of the city's finest attractions. Please call 834-7871 before 3/29 to reserve a seat.
451|20020406|Cole Skaar Cerebral Palsy Fundraiser|Cole Skaar Cerebral Palsy Fundraiser, Hixton-Taylor AMerican Legion. Food served 4-8P. Join Lutheran Brotherhood Branch #8225 along with family and friends in this effort to raise money for Cole's return trip to Poland.
452|20020415|DNR Boater Safety|The Holmen YMCA is sponsoring a DNR Boater Safety course. For registration and more information call 526-9176.
453|20020413|Salad Luncheon|Bangor & Area Historical Society is having a Salad Luncheon from 11A to 1P at the museum, 1525 Commercial Street, Bangor. Tickets available from members, at museum or at the door.
454|20020410|Problem Gambling Presentation & Discussion|Problem Gambling Presentation and Discussion at 7P at the La Crosse Public Library Autitorium, 800 Main St. La Crosse, WI.
455|20020423|Spring Rummage Sale|Spring Rummage Sale, First Congregational Church, Corner of Losey Blvd & Main St, La Crosse. 12:30-5:30P. For more info call 608-784-8137.
456|20020504|Bangor Garden Club Plant Sale|Bangor Garden Club Annual Plant Sale at the Bangor Village hall, beginning at 8A.
457|20020415|Sheldon Theatre Brass Band|Audiences will enjoy an evening of warm brass band music when the Saint Mary's University Page Professional Series presents the Sheldon Theatre Brass Band. The concert will be held at 7:30P at Saint Cecilia Theatre, 1124 W 7th St. Tickets are available at the SMU Performance Center box office at 507-457-1715.
458|20020601|Dairy Breakfast|The Monroe County Dairy Breakfast will be held from 7 to 11A at the Tyrone & Colleen Johnson farm located 5 miles north of Cashton on Hwy 27.
459|20020503|MVP 85 Mile Garage Sale|MVP 85 Mile Garage Sale starting at 7A to 5P, rain or shine. 85 mile loop in the vintage villages of Alma, Nelson, Pepin, Stockholm, Maiden Rock and Bay city on Hwy 35 in WI. Red Wing, Frontenac, Lake City, Camp Lacupolis, Reads Landing, Wabasha adn Kellogg on Hwy 61 in MN. For more information call 1-888-999-2619.
460|20020424|Living with grief: loss in later life|12:30 - 3:30P, Franciscan Skemp Health care, Gundersen Lutheran and the La Crosse County UW Extension will host Hospice Foundation of America's ninth annual living with grief teleconference, living with grief: loss in later life. For more information call 1-800-362-5454.
461|20020412|Gospel Choir Benefit Concert|Coulee Region Gospel Choir Benefit Concert at 3P at English Lutheran Church, 1509 King Street, La Crosse, WI. Benefit for the Hunger Task Force. For more info call 608-793-1002
462|20020413|Hillbilly Weddin - Play|Blair-Taylor high school drama club,wiil be presenting Hillbilly Weddin at 7:30P at the Blair-Taylor elementary gymnasium. For more info call 608-989-2525.
463|20020411|Bright Star Performance is a Rollercoaster of Jazz|Prepare your ears for an exciting evening at Viterbo's fine Arts Main Theatre at 7:30P with the Regina Carter Quintet. For more info contact the Viterbo Box Office at 796-3100.
464|20020414|Pancake & Crepe breakfast|Humbird Honey Bees 4-H club is hosting a Pancake & Crepe breakfast at the Town Hall in Humberid. fro 9:30A to 12:30P.
465|20020406|Toy Show & Auction|Trail cruisers snowmobile club hosts 15th annual Toy Show & Auction from 9A to 3P. For more info call 608-372-6907 or 608-378-4163.
466|20020403|Salad Luncheon|All you can eat buffet, Salad Luncheon from 11A to 1P at PResbyterian Churcy of West Salem, 625 W Franklin St. located 1 block south of hwy. 16 behind Hansen's IGA.
467|20020406|Kiddie Carnival|Kidde Carnival Tremp. Co. 4-H's response to Sept. 11th. from 11A to 1P at the Independence Public School. Games & Activities with prizes, lunch available.
468|20020410|Pancake Supper|Pancake Supper from 4:30 to 7P at the First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave, Tomah WI, 608-372-4543.
469|20020406|Kathi Paglini RSD Benefit Dinner|Kathi Paglini RSD Benefit Dinner and Dance for Medical Expenses at Holmen American Legion Hall, 419 1st St, Holmen, WI. For more information call 526-2577.
470|20020420|Pig Roast|Boy Scout Troop 91 8th annual pig roast from 4 to 7P at Holmen American Legion, 419 1st Ave, North, Holmen. call 526-9519 for more info.
471|20020412|Murder Mystery Dinner Theater|Murder Mystery Dinner Theater at 6P at Pettibone Resort, 333 Park Plaza Dr. La Crosse. A fundraiser for the Hunger Task Force of La Crosse. for tickets call 793-1002
472|20020503|Chicken Q|Grand Central Station Show Choir will be sponsoring a chicken Q in the Central High Schools Parking Lot. Serving time iss 11A to 7P.
473|20020418|Rummage Sale|A rummage sale will be at Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 612 Division St, La Crosse, WI. 8A to 1P.
474|20020420|Craft & Rummage Sale|Craft & Rummage Sale in combination with our spring soup, sandwich & pie social. Southside Senior Center at 1220 Denton St, La Crosse from 9A to 2P.
475|20020420|Spring Fling|Swing into Spring at Pine View Care Center's 15th annual Spring Fling from 1P to 3:30P. 400 pine view rd, Black River Falls, WI. Proceeds go for Pine Views Friendship Walk and benefit community members with Alzheimers.
476|20020427|Sidewalk sale|3rd Annual Sidewalk sale, Old Towne North, 1200 Block of Caledonia St from 8A to 3P.
477|20020512|Chicken Q & Raffle|Mother's day Chicken Q & Raffle at Cashton Community Hall, 11A to ?
478|20020414|Ham & Meatball Dinner|Ham & Meatball Dinner from 11A to 1:30P at St. Patrick's Church, Brownsville, MN.
479|20020413|Chili/Pie Supper|Chili Pie Supper from 4 to 6:30P sponsored by Onalaska Chapter #249. Order of the eastern star masonic center, 4th & Main St, Onalaska WI.
480|20020427|Arc-Wisconsin Disability Assoc|The Arc-Wisconsin Disability Association, Inc. assembly meeting - hosted by ARC-La Crosse, Inc. from 9:30A to 2P at Moose Lodge #1920, 1932 Ward Ave, La Crosse, WI.
481|20020420|Spring Festival|Spring Festival at North Presbyterian Church, 1327 Salem Rd, La Crosse 9A to 1P.
482|20020504|Farmers Market|First Farmers Market will be Saturday, May 4th from 7:30A to 12N.
483|20020421|Meatball Dinner|Highland Prairie, Meatball Dinner from 11A to 2P. Highland Prairie Lutheran Church, rural Rushford, MN.
484|20020511|Working Artist' Show|The DeSoto Lions Club is sponsoring the 7th Annual Working Artist's Show at the DeSoto Community Center from 10A to 5P.
485|20020410|Spring Rummage Sale / Flea Mrkt|Holmen - St. Elizabeth Church Spring Rummage Sale & Flea Market from 11A to 7P, located at Banquets on the Square/Holmen Mall.
486|20020427|Clothing Giveaway|Clothing Giveaway from 9A to 1P across from Hintgen Elementary 28th st. Church of Christ, 3506 S 28th St, La Crosse.
487|20020427|Winona's Antique Appraisal Fair|From 11A to 3P the Winona County Historical Society along with Watkins Incorporated will be hosting Winona's Antique Appraisal Fair: What's It Worth? The Fair will take place at the Watkins Administration Building located at 150 Liberty Street, in Winona.
488|20020502|Chicken Q|The Harry J. Olson Senior Citizen Center will hold a Chicken Q at Menard Plaza form 10:30A to 6P or until gone. Donation $6
489|20020503|Fireman's Dance|3rd Annual Independence Fireman's Dance, music by Troubleshooter. from 9P to 1A at the Independence Fire Station. Tickets are $5. For more information and tickets call 715-985-2126
490|20020426|Babysitter training course|The American Red Cross Scenic Bluffs Chaper is holding it's babysitter's training course. For students in the La Crosse and La Crescent school districts. For more info call 787-8505.
491|20020427|Annual Savin Grace Concert|Grace Place will be holding the 3rd annual Savin Grace Concert from 12N to 5P. Tickets are available at Midtown Foods, Winona Mall office, Grace Plance and Grace Place Market Square and form any board member or Grace Place Volunteer.
492|20020418|New Horizons Tremp County Fundraising Event|New Horizons Outreach Center will be hosting a dance. The event will feature the Marshall Star & Sage bands from 7 to 11P at Club Midway, Independence. For more info call 715-538-2311 ext 307.
493|20020720|Recycled Bike Art Exhibit|The Second Annual Recycled Bike Art Exhibit in Houston MN announces its call for entries. Specifications, entry forms and a list of sources for the bike parts are avail form the Houston County Recycling Center at 507-896-2535.
494|20020420|Poetry about the Kickapoo Valley|Poetry about the Kickapoo Valley, childrens activities and identifying archeological artifacts are among new features to be enjoyed at the third annual Celebrate the Kickapoo. Will take place from 10A to 5P at the West Fork Sports Club on County Y and S in Avalanche. For more info all 608-637-3615.
495|20020504|Plant & Craft Sale|Plant & Craft Sale by Leon Garden Club at the Leon Town Hall. 9A to 1P.
496|20020426|Smelt Fry|Wheatland Fire Dept, 14th Annual Smelt Fry from 4 to ? at Redmound Coummunity Bldg & Fire Station.
497|20020425|Spring Senior Art Show|The Annual Spring Senior Art show will hang in the UW-L art gallery. Students graduating this spring will exhibit a variety of work. For more info call 608-785-8230.
498|20020418|An Evening with Mary McBride|An Evening with Mary McBride, author, humorist. An evening of laughter using humor to enrich our lives at 7P. Congregational United Church of Christ, 201 North Water St. Sparta WI 54656 608-269-5100.
499|20020420|La Crosse Three Rivers Intertribal Powwow|20th annual La Crosse Three Rivers Intertribal Powwow at Mitchell Hall on the campus of UW-L. The doors will open at 1P and close at 10P. For more info call 608-785-8838.
500|20020428|Pancake Breakfast|All you can eat Pancake Breakfast. From 7A to 12N at Harpers Ferry Fire Station, Harpers Ferry, IA. This is for Harpers Ferry Rescue Squad fundraiser.
501|20020420|Fluff & Puff Pillow Cleaning|Fluff & Puff Pillow Cleaning 8A to 12P at the Community Church of Hokah, Mn.
502|20020421|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast 8A to 12N at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI.
503|20020422|The Cripple of Inishmaan|UW-L Department of Theatre Arts Presents... The Cripple of Inishmaan, An Irish Dark Comedy April 26-28 and May 2-5. For more info call 608-785-8522.
504|20020512|Pianist Jason Peterson|Pianist Jason Peterson will perform at Halfway Creek Lutheran Church in Holmen at 7P. More info about this concert can be found on our website, www.halfwaycreek.org.
505|20020425|The Orphan Train|The Orphan Train by Aurand Harris, Historical theatre at its best, both entertaining and educational at the Pump House in downtown La Crosse. Call 785-1434 for reservations.
506|20020421|Winona Symphony Orchestra|The Winona Symphony Orchestra will present its final concert of the season at 7:30P on the main stage of the Performing Arts Center.
507|20020421|Spring Concert|The Decorah Chorale and the Charles City Singers, two community-based adult choral ensembles, will join together to present concerts in both communities. Will be held at 7:30P at Trinity United Methodist Church, in Charles City.
508|20020428|Spring Concert|The concert will be at St. Benedict's Catholic Church in Decorah at 7P.
509|20020504|First Annual Tremp Elementary Benefit Trec Event|Come join the first annual Tremp Elementary Benefit Trec multi sport athletic event on Sat at 8A at the Tremp Elementary school. Early registration participants can pick up event packet that morning plus day of the race registration is available at 6:30A. Registration can be obtained by contacting Annie Allen at 608-534-6291.
510|20020426|Award winning student plays staged |The Viterbo and La Crosse communities will get a chance to see the award winning one-act plays by three Viterbo students deuring the Fresh Ink Series. The Fresh Ink Series will be staged in the Black Box Theatre at 4P. For more info go to www.viterbo.edu/campnews/releases.
511|20020419|Registration for Summer Ice Program|Sparta Area Figure Skating Club will be taking registrations for it's Summer Ice Program from April 19 to May 15th. Call Cheryl for more info 608-786-2264.
512|20020426|Youth Fest|Youth Fest, at the Courthouse Lawn and Eckhardt Park in Viroqua. For more information call Mr Schneider 608-637-1235.
513|20020517|Syttende Mai Celebration|Syttende Mai Celebration at the Westgate Sportsman Club, 4909 Sportsman Dr, Eau Claire, WI. For more information and reservations call 715-835-8718.
514|20020428|Pops Concert|The La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestras presents a Pops Concert at Viterbo Fine Arts Center at 7P.
515|20020505|Spring Book Sale|The friends of the La Crosse Public Library will hold their spring book salein the lower level of the La Crosse Public Library at 800 Main Street, La Crosse.
516|20020505|Royall Senior Citizen Prom|Royall Senior Citizen Prom appreciation Dinner at 11:30A in the cafeteria. Call Royal HS 462-2602.
517|20020504|Valley Community Center Spring Sale|Valley Community Center Spring Sale from 9A to 3P. We have crafts, vendor booths, lots of great rummage & mouth watering food.
518|20020502|Benefit Concert for Cancer|Sparta Area Cancer support, inc. presents Celebrate life. A benefit concert featuring Sparta's high school at 7:30P in the Sparta High School auditorium. For more info call Sue at 269-3352.
519|20020504|Style show/Salad Bar Luncheon|Sytle Show and Salad Bar Luncheon at the Community Church, 204 Main St, Hokah MN. Luncheon at 12N and Style Show at 1P.
520|20020426|Steak & Fish Dinner|Steak and Fish Dinner from 5-8P at VFW Clubrooms, 6th & Market st. La Crosse.
521|20020427|Potluck Spring Salad Luncheon|The La Crosse Area Church Library assoc. will hold its Potluck Spring Salad Luncheon at 9A at the Halfway Creek Lutheran Church, W6016 Hwy W, Holmen WI.
522|20020427|Rummage Sale|Blessed Scrament's Spring Rummage Sale 8:30A to 1P. Blessed Sacrament School, corner of King and Losey, La Crosse.
523|20020426|Teddy Bear's Tapoff & Benefit Tournament|The first annual Teddy Bear's Tapoff & Benefit Tournament to raise meoney for Onalaska High School teacher Curt Mcllquham, will be held Apr 26, 27 & 28 at Goose Green Field in La Crosse. For more info call Mark at 608-269-9797 or 608-783-5265
524|20020615|Lynyrd Skynyrd camp out & BBQ|The Lynyrd Skynyrd Camp Out and Bar B Q at the Float Rite Park Amphitheater just 30 minutes east of the Twin Cities. For tickets call 651-989-5151 or on line at ticketmaster.com.
525|20020504|Living Waters Bible Camp Open House|Living Waters Bible Camp Open House from 9A to 4P. E8932 Reo Ave, Westby WI 45667. For more info call 608-634-4373.
526|20020430|Weekday Morning Bird Hikes|Weekday Morning Bird Hikes 4/30, 5/7 & 14 6:30-7:45A at the La Crosse River Marsh. 5/2,9 & 16 from 6:30-7:45A at Hixon Forest. For more info call 784-0303.
527|20020519|Celebrity Auction 2002|Celebrity Auction 2002, a benefit for the Red Ribbon Family Fund, Inc for AIDS Charities. At Rainbow's End, 417 Jay Street, La Crosse, WI. at 3P. For more info call Judi Alf at 788-9411 or Michael Matter, at 793-1050.
528|20020502|Big Big Auction|WWTC Foundation sponsors Big Big Auction at Southside Octoberfest grounds from 5-8P in the Bier Hall. For more info call 785-9487.
529|20020510|Brookwood Drama Dept|The Brookwood Drama Dep presents Two One-Act Plays for Children 7P on May 10 & 11.
530|20020609|Quilts wanted for Quilt Show|The fifth annual Sparta Butterfewt Quilt show is seeking any quilted items for display which have not been shown at this event in previous years. The show will be June 8 from 10A to 5P and June 9 from 12N to 4P. For more info call Sherry at 608-259-4826 or Avis at 608-269-3526.
531|20020508|Salad Luncheon|Salad Luncheon at Viroqua United Methodist Church, 221 S Center St. Viroqua WI from 11A to 1P.
532|20020603|Learn Microsoft Works|Learn Microsoft Works at Richland Center UW campus. For more information call 608-647-6641.
533|20020601|9th Annual Country In The Country Festival|9th Annual Country In The Country Festival, 18 local country & Modern Country Bands on Stage. Sat & Sun june 1 & 2. 12N to ?. At Bear Valley Park, Bear Valley, Hwy 130 for more info call 608-648-2520.
534|20020622|Tomah Airport Aviation Jamobree|Tomah airport Aviation Jamboree for ultralights and RC Models Sat & Sun June 22 & 23. Camping Avail call 608-269-5627 or 608-372-3396 for more info.
535|20020908|Tomah Airport EAA Ch 935 Fly in|Tomah EAA Chapter 935 Pancake Breakfast fly-in/Drive-in event. Tomah Airport 7A to 11A.
536|20020505|Rummage Sale|The Jewish Women's league of our local synagogue, congregation sons of Abraham is holding a rummage sale. Doors are open 8A to 4P, 1820 Main St. La Crosse.
537|20020630|Festival Foods Fireworks/Lee Greenwood appearance|13th annual Festival Foods Fireworks at the omni Center in Onalaska. The concert will run form 8:15P to 9:45P outside the Omni Center, fireworks start at 10P.
538|20020518|Plant Sale|The Ridge and Valley Garden Club will have the 4th Annual Plant Sale from 8A to noon in the Village Park in Coon Valley.
539|20020517|Onalaska High School Claude Deck Performing Arts Center|Here's your last chance to see the 01-02 Hilltopper and Express Show Choirs. For more info call 786-3282 or 783-4561
540|20020512|Share the Spirit/A Celebration of Age|Share the Spirit a Celebration of Age during National homes for the aging week May 12-18 at Trempealeau Co Health Care Center. For more info call TCHCC at 715-538-4312 or PFHCC at 715-983-2293.
541|20020518|Renaissance Fair|From 10 to 2P at the Tomah recreational park, the Tomah freshman class will host its 9th renaissance fair.
542|20020526|Pancake/French Toast|Annual sunfish Days Pancake/French Toast Breakfast from 7A to 11A. at the Onalaska American Legion Club Rooms, 731 Sandlake Rd, Onalaska, WI.
543|20020521|Plant Sale|Hill Valley Garden Club, Plant Sale, Bake Sale, White Elephant from 7 to 1 at 2110 S 22nd St, La Crosse.
544|20020621|Golfing for Girls|The Girl Souts of Riverland Council will be holding its 6th annual Girl Scout Golf Tourney at Drugan's Golf Course in Holmen. For more info call Sally K Snow by mail at Girl Scouts of Riverland Council, 2710 Quarry Rd, La Crosse, WI for at 800-78SCOUT X307.
545|20020517|National Wild Turkey Fed Women in the Outdoors Spring Event|National Wild Turkey Federation Women in the Outdoors Spring Event at Eagle Bluff, Lanesboro, MN. Call Eagle Bluff at 507-467-2437 or 888-800-9558 for more info.
546|20020518|French Island Community Day|French Island Community Day at the Town Hall, Fire Dept Pancake Breakfast 6 to 11A. Friends of the Library Book & Bake Sale. Island Beautification Committe plant exhcange. Police Dept bike sale.
547|20020506|Play Auditions|Auditions for the La Crosse Community Theatre Youth Theatre production of Mr. Popper's Penguins will be held May 6 & 7 at the La Crosse Community Theatre, 118 Fifth Ave Nroth. For more info call 784-9292.
548|20020530|A Livinng History Stage Show|Longfellow Middle School presents. A Living History Stage Show at 7P at Central High School Auditorium. Call 789-7670 for more info.
549|20020601|Viroqua Gem -Mineral & Jewelry Show|Viroqua Gem-Mineral & Jewelry Show 2002 June 1 & 2 at Viroqua High School Gym. For more info call Gary Krause at 608-637-2574 or 800-657-4826.
550|20020523|Home buying programs and resources for people with disabilities|Free Seminar, Home buying programs and resources available for people with disabilities. From 2P to 4P at HHS auditorium, 300 4th St N. La Crosse, WI 54602. To RSVP 784-2016.
551|20020511|Riverside Family Fun Fair|Riverside Family Fun Fair from 1 to 4P in Riverside Park, Downtown La Crosse. The purpose is to turn people on to the history of La Crosse, educate about all the things that there is to see and do and about tourism. For more info call 782-2366.
552|20020527|Veterans Names Unveiling|Veterans Day and Coon Creek Area Veterans Memorial Assoc. will be celebrating two important events. The parade will begin at 10:30A and the traditional Memorial Day ceremony and serv will take place at 11A. The Auxiliary will serve lunch at 12N in the Legion Hall. The final dedication of the Memorial will begin at 1:30P unveiling the two walls with approx 1800 names of veterans. This event will take place at the memorial site behind the Legion Hall.
553|20020525|Broiler Days|Arcadia Broiler Days tractor pull at Memrial Park at 6P.
554|20020526|NTPA Tractor Pull|Arcadia Broiler Days NTPA Tractor-Truck pull. Fox Ridge Speedway 7P.
555|20020519|Syttende Mai Dinner|Syttende Mai Dinner, Westby Coon Prairie Church, Lefsa, Meatballs & Trimmings 11A.
556|20020608|Wild West Days Inc. of Viroqua|Wild West Days, Inc of Viroqua will host a WI Foundation Quarter Horse Show, on the Wild West Grounds (behind Vernon county Fairgrounds- Viroqua). For more info call 637-2640.
557|20020603|St. Francis School of Nursing Picnic|St. Francis School of Nursing annual Alumni Picnic in the Big Shleter at Myrick Park 4P to 9P, serving at 6P. Bring a dish to pass on your place setting.
558|20020610|The Family Playhouse|The Family Playhouse, Summer Theatre Production camp for 10 to 18 year olds. The weeks of June 10, 17, and 24th with final performances the weekend of June 28. Call 786-3459 to register.
559|20020519|US Airforce Concert Band|United States Airforce Concert Band at GET High School at 2P. For tickets call 582-2628.
560|20020629|Breast Cancer Survivors|First Annual Breast Cancer Survivor Curise, 11A to 2P. For more info call 784-2101 or 1-800-947-0586.
561|20020531|Becky Cleven Benefit|Becky Cleven Benefit for her and her familiy losing their home due to a house fire in March. Dinner 4 to 9P at Coon Valley Legion Hall, Coon Valley, WI.
562|20020518|Garage Sale|Garage Sale 8 A to 2P, Mc Kinley United Methodist Church, 801 W Broadway, Winona MN
563|20020518|Sandbox Fill|The La Crosse Jaycees will be holding their annual Sandbox Fill from 8:30A to 2P. The Sandbox Fill will be located in West Salem, just past the first right hand turn off Hwy 16, going to West Salem. If you have any questions please call 608-423-2193.
564|20020604|Caregiver Celebration|La Crosse Area Assisted Living association 4th Annual Caregiver Celebration at Vernon Memorial Hospital, Viroqua WI. For more info call 788-6158 or 608-637-3934.
565|20020602|Horse Show|The RB Riders Saddle Club will hold a horse Show at the Club grounds at Fleming Field near Rockland on county Hwy J off of Hwy 16. Classes begin at 8:30 AM.
566|20020608|June Lumberjack Breakfast|Breakfast at the Sparta Eagles Club Hwy 21 E. Sparta, WI June 8 & 9th from 8A to 12N.
567|20020607|Greenwood Dairy Days|Greenwood Dairy Days June 7,8 & 9th. Horse Pull's, Censessions, Music and Dances.
568|20020617|Bonners Summer Tennis Academy|Valley View Athletic Club will be hosting Bonner's Summer Tennis Academy. Call for more information 781-4614.
569|20020609|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social from 11A to 3P. 331 S. Water St, Sparta, Morrow Memorial Home.
570|20020624|Alzheimer's Assoc Golf Open|12th Annual Alzheimer's Assoc Golf Open will be held at Cedar Creek Country Club. Check in and silent auction will begin at 11A. For more info call 608-784-5011 or 800-797-1656.
571|20020608|Clearwater Challenge|Clearwater Challenge Trek 5K, Run/Walk & Hike will be held at 8:30A. Start at Rowe Park, end at Clearwater Farm.
572|20020619|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social, St James the Greater Parish, 2502 Eleventh St in Eau Claire from 4 to 7P.
573|20020609|Pickwick Volunteer Fire Dept Chicken Q|Pickwick Volunteer Fire Department, Chicken Q at 11A.
574|20020621|Girl Scout Golf Outing|Girl Scout Golf Outing, 12:30P Shotgun Start at Drugan's Castle Mound.
575|20020619|Ice Cream Social|Ice Cream Social from 4 to 8:30P at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Elk Mound.
576|20020616|Charcoal Chicken Dinner|Father's Day Charcoal Chicken Dinner will be held at the Bohemian Hall (7 miles north of Cadott) from 11 A to 2P.
577|20020623|Wilson Daze|The Wilson Vol Fire Dept and Auxiliary will host thier annual Wilson Daze at the Wilson Vol Fire Dept, 8 miles south of Winona, juntion of I-90 and Hwy 43 North. Please call 507-454-1428 for more info.
578|20020706|Wadushuda Day in New Lisbon|Wadushuda Day in New Lisbon, Parade at 11A. Chicken Dinner, Bingo, Fireworks all at the American Legion Grounds.
579|20020620|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social from 4 to 7P at the upper Pigeon Creek Church (1 1/2 miles East of Northfield on Hwy 121).
580|20020630|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social at the Juneau County Historical Society, Boorman House, 211 North Union Street, Mauston from 1 to 4P.
581|20020725|Open House|La Crosse EAgles #1254 will hold a open house at 7P. The purpose to give the Onalaska Dare program $1000 check.
582|20020616|Ultimate Rummage Sale|The Ultimate Rummage Sale to benefit Alissa Ogen, age 23, who was recently in a tragic accident. The event will be held 8A to 3P at the Inland Printing, 3030 airport reoad near the Air Fest grounds.
583|20020613|Rummage & Bake Sale|4th Annual Juneau Co 4-H Rummage & Bake Sale, June 13, 14, & 15 9A to 5P at the Juneau County Fairgrounds, Division Street, Mauston, WI Youth Exhibit Building.
584|20020615|Engine & Farm Machinery|The coulee Antique Engine Club will hold thei4r 31st annual antique engine & Farm Machinery show June 15 & 16 at the Vernon Couty Fiargrounds, Viroqua, WI.
585|20020614|Habitat needs Volunteers|Habitat needs volunteers for community build days June 14 & 15th. Join your friends and family from 9A to 4P at 738 West Fourth St in Winona. For more information call 507-457-0003
586|20020616|Summer Jaz in Riverside Park|The Gertrude Salzer Gordon Jazz in the Park 02 summer concert series swings into action in Riverside Park. Concert starts at 7P.
587|20020622|Brownsville Days|Brownsville Days June 22 & 23 all day and evening. For more info contact 507-482-7011.
588|20020616|Pancake Breakfast|The Holmen YMCA is hosting a pancake breakfast fundraiser at the Holmen American Legion, served from 7:30A to 12N. Proceeds will benefit Holmen YMCA youth programs. Matching funds will be provided by Lutheran Brotherhood Branch 8148 and Aid Association for Lutherans Branch 10504. For more info call 526-9176.
589|20020615|Sandwich Salad Sundae Dinner|The United Methodist Chruch of Norwalk/Salem is having a Sandwich Salad Sundae dinner from 4 to 7P. The Church is located on Main Stree in Norwalk and is handicapped accessible. For more info call 435-6626.
590|20020626|Blood Drive|Valley View Athletic Club will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive from 2 to 7P. It will be held at Valley View Athletic Club, 3939 Cnty Hwy B. Donors may call Valley View Athletic club at 781-4614 to make an appointment. Walk ins are welcome.
591|20020615|Strawberry Fest Model Railroad Show|Strawberry Fest Model Railroad Show in conjunction with Waupaca Chamber of Commerce's Strawberry Festival. A great event for the whole family. For more info call 715-258-7343.
592|20020615|Parade of Homes|La Crosse Area Builders Association Parade of Homes, June 15 - 16, 19-23. For more info call 608-781-5242.
593|20020623|Strawberry Festival|Henrytown Lutheran Church, RR Canton, MN Strawberry Festival serving from 11A to 4P.
594|20020925|Occupational Health Seminar|Occupational Health Seminar at Sacred Heart Hospital. Call 715-833-6161 for more information.
595|20020620|Babysitting Clinic|The Holment YMCA and Lutheran Hospital are sponsoring a Babysitting Clinic from 8:30A to 12:30P. For more information call 526-9176.
596|20020623|Health for Body & Soul|Health for Body & Soul 10 A to ?? at First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave, Fellowship Hall, Tomah, WI 54660 (608) 372-4543
597|20020704|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Annual 4th of July 6 to 8P Pie & Ice Cream Social at Frist United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts, AVe, Tomah, WI (608) 372-4543.
598|20020627|Josepth & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat|Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is presented byt the Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild, 7:30P June 27-29 & 1:30P June 30. State Theatre, Downtown, Eau Claire. For more info call 832-7529.
599|20020619|Animals at the Museum|The Chippewa Valley Museum kicks off its annual summer kaleidoscope series with Animals from 10:30A to 12N.For more information call 715-834-7871.
600|20020712|Constitution Park - Fort McCoy|Constitution Park - Fort McCoy, Styx, Bad Company. Gates open at 6P, Concert begins at 7P. For camping reservations call 608-388-3517.For tickets call 877-864-4969 or online www.mccoymwr.com.
601|20020623|Chicken Q|Chicken Q at Masonic Lodge, 118 South 8th St. La Crosse, WI. Eat in or carry out 10A - Gone. Tickets Avail by calling 386-8730.
602|20020628|Free Food|Coulee Region Food distribution program, Free Food. Bring your own bags or boxes from 10A to 1P. Cathedral of Praise Church Foyer, 3340 S kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska.
603|20020620|The Truth About Love|The Truth About Love: How You Can Make It Last Forever. Tickets available at Festival Foods, Onalaska, $10 a person. 7P at Annette Recital Hall center for the Arts, UWL.
604|20020628|Blood Drive|Holmen Blood Drive 1 to 5P at the American Legion, 419 W First Ave.
605|20020629|Youth Day|Holmen Rod & Gun Club Annual Youth Day. Trap Shooting, 22 Rifle Shooting, Black Powder, Archery, Rod & Reel Casting, Running Deer. Registration on Saturday at the Club grounds between 8A and 8:45A.
606|20020622|Special Olympics Softball Tournament|Indianhead Area Special Olympics Softball Tournament at Trempealeau Co. Health Care Center, State Rd 121, Whitehall, WI. Opening ceremony 9:45A competition 10A to 6P. For more info call 715-538-4312.
607|20020824|A Show of Pride, 2002|The Red Ribbon Family fund, Inc. for AIDS charities in La Crosse is once again ready to present its gala annual variety show, A Show Of Pride, 2002 from 7:30P to 10P. The show will be held at the La Crosse Center in South Hall A and B.
608|20020621|historic Hixon House|The historic Hixon House, located at 429 N 7th St. Visitors experience viewing an authentic glimpse into the past. Tours run daily from 1 PM until 5PM through Labor Day. For more info call 782-1980.
609|20020713|PRCA Rodeo|PRCA Rodeo at 7P at St. Feriole Islnad, Prairie du Chien, WI
610|20020714|PRCA Rodeo|PRCA Rodeo at 2P at st.Feriole Island, Prairie du Chien,WI
611|20020808|Carparee Family Fun Days|Carparee Family Fun Days at St. Feriole Island in Prairie du Chien, WI 800-732-1673 or wwwlprairieduchien.org
612|20020809|Carparee Family Fun Days|Carparee Family Fun Days, at St. Feriole Island, Pairie du Chien, WI 800-732-1673 or www.prairieduchien.org
613|20020719|Gospel Sing|Gospel Sing, at Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 306 S. Main Street, Westby, WI at 7:30P
614|20020710|Practical Advice About Childhood Obesity|Practical Advice About Childhood Obesity from 6:30 to 8P at the Family Resources 122 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI 784-8125.
615|20020804|Chicken Q|Chaseburg Legion Auxiallary chicken Q at the Chaseburg Legion Park from 11A to ?
616|20020720|Chicken Q|The disabled American Veterans will have a chicken Q from 11A to 7P at 1120 Logan Street, La Crosse. For delivery call 784-7110.
617|20020712|Live Music|Free live music at Riverside Park band shell. Sponsored by Wafer (food pantry) from 12P to 1:30P. For more information call 791-6227.
618|20020727|Craft Show|New Horizons First Annual Craft Show from 9A to 3P at Our Saviors Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Division st, La Crosse. For more info call 791-2611.
619|20020803|Curtiss Corners Quilt Show|Curtiss Corners Quilt Show, august 3rd and 4th at the Curtiss Community Hall in Curtiss, WI (Old School House) 10A to 4P. Located west of Abbotsford & east of Owen just off of Hwy 29.
620|20020724|Summer Picnic|St. Joseph Ridge Parish, summer Picnic, charcoal chicken by Pogy's. at St. Joeseph Ridge Ball Park. Start serving at 4P.
621|20020704|Harmony's Old Fashioned 4th of July|Harmony's Old Fashioned 4th of July will be celebrated with the traditional Grand Parade in the afternoon. For more info call 800-445-6481.
622|20020703|Family Fun Fest|The Eitzen Lions club from Eitzen,MN will hold their annual Family Fun Fest on July 3rd and 4th. For more info call 507-495-3381 or Information Booth on Fest Grounds.
623|20020714|Horse Show|The R-B Riders Saddle Club will hold the second if it's two annual horse shows. The location is the club grounds at Fleming Field near Rockland on County HWY J off of Hwy 16. Classes begin at 8:30A.
624|20020724|Wabasha's Riverboad Days|Wabasha's 24th annual Riverboat Days Festival will be held July 24 - 27. Taking place at the Athletic Field accross from Scheel's Super Valu. For more information 651-565-4158 or go on line at www.wabashamn.org.
625|20020727|Pack 67 Bake Sale & Car Wash|Pack 67 Bake Sale and Car Wash at the Sparta Walmart Parking Lot.
626|20020803|Annual Flower Show|Annual Flower Show, sponsored by The Garden of Eden Club of Galesville. Competition is open to the public as well as club members in the Galesville Community Room. Doors open for public viewing after the judging from 12:30 - 4P. For more info call 608-525-2602.
627|20020727|Art Fair on the Green|44th Annual Art Fair on the Green at UW-La Crosse campus lawns, 16th & State Streets, July 26th & 28th. Sat: 10A to 5P and Sun 10A to 4P.
628|20020721|Motocross Race|Motocross Race at CMJ Raceway, Hixton WI. Racing Starts at 9:30A and Lasts all day. For more info call 608-634-2842.
629|20020727|Sparta Eagles Fields|34th Annual Sparta Eagles Fields, Hwy 21 East Sparta.
630|20020722|Summer Basketball Camp|The holmen YMCA is conducting summer basketball camps for both boys & Girls ages 7-14 at Viking Elementary School Gym. The Camp will run Monday through Friday, July 22nd through July 26 from 8:30-11:30A for ages 11-14 and 1-4P for ages 7-10P. For more information call Holmen YMCA at 526-9176.
631|20020722|3 persons best ball Miniature Golf Tournament|New Horizons is Teeing off with Riverside Amusement Park and CC106 for the 9th annual 3 persons Best Ball Miniature Golf Tournament at Riverside Amusement Park from 11A to 11P. For more information call 791-2604.
632|20020801|Hot times for hotlines|Hot Times for Hotline, this is to help raise money for New Horizons Hotlines. For more information call 791-2600.
633|20020727|Pancake Breakfast|13th Annual Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale. 6to 10A at Halfway Creek Lutheran Church. 2 1/2 miles east of Holmen on Hwy D.
634|20020729|Open House|Independent Living Resources, Inc. (formerly Great Rivers Independent Living Services, Inc) is celbrating their new name and location with an Open House and Old Fashioned Picnic from 3 to 6P. 4439 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse. For more info call 608-787-1111.
635|20020720|Antique Show and Flea Market|12th Annual Old Towne North Antique Show & Flea Market 7A to 5P. 1100-1300 Blocks of Caledonia Street in Old Towne North. For more info call 608-779-5785 after 6P.
636|20020721|Antique Show & flea Market|12th Annual Old Town North Antique Show & Flea Market 8A to 4P. 1100 - 1300 Blocks of Caledonia Street in Old Towne North.
637|20020803|Victiorain Ice Cream Social|Victorian Ice Cream Social fro 1 to 4P in the beautiful Hixon House garden, 429 N 7th St. La Crosse. For more info call 787-1980.
638|20020808|Family Resources Birthday Party|Family Resources of La Crosse 12th Annual Birthday Party. The will be held from 4P to 7P at the Myrick Park main Shelter. For more info call Jodi Widuch at 784-8125.
639|20020802|Class A Baseball Tournament|The Coon Valley Area Baseball Association is hosting the 2002 American Legion Calss A Baseball State Tournament at Veteran's Memorial Park in Coon Valley on Aug 2 to Aug 6th.
640|20020803|Celebration of Summer|St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Chippewa Falls, WI Celebration of Summer Family Fun Night. at McDonell Central High School from 4P to 11P.
641|20020807|Leithold Music to Sponsor Free Workshop for Piano Teachers|An exiciting workshop for Piano Teachers will be hosten by Leithold Music with the acclaimed pianist, teacher and compopser, Catherine Rollin. The Free workshop will be held from 9A to 12:30P at Leithold Music, 116 South Fourth Street, La Crosse.
642|20020805|Open House|Nature's Edge Therapy Center, Inc, 2523 13 3/4 Ave, Rice Lake, WI 54868. 715-859-6670. www.naturesedgetherapycenter.org. Open House to Celebrate our volunteer youth program and Horitculture therapy from 5-7P.
643|20020808|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Osseo Medical Center Auziliary sponsoring Pie & Ice Cream Social on August 8th from 6:30 to 8P at the Osseo Medical Center Dining Room.
644|20020720|Car Wash|La Crescent Swim Team Car Wash at the La Crescent City Pool from 8A to 12P.
645|20020808|Annie|Annie, part of 2002 Lansing Fish Days at the Kee High Gymnasium. at 7P.
646|20020815|Corn Roast|Join Congressman Ron Kind for an Old-Fashioned Wisconsin Corn Roast at the La Crosse County Fairgrounds, West Salem. Thursday, Aug 15th from 6 to 10P. Please RSVP by calling 608-782-3444 or e-mail at KindCornRoast@aol.com
647|20020809|Miss Holmen Pageant|Miss Holmen Pageant, Decades of Dance at 7:30P in the Holmen High School Auditorium.
648|20021005|Disabled Deer Hunt|Disabled Deer Hunt scheduled at Fort McCoy for people with disabilities October 5 -6. For more information call 608-388-3337.
649|20020908|Fall Festival|St. John's Catholic Church, Cooks Valley, will hold thier annual Fall Festival and auction, beginning with a mass at 10:30A. The Church is located 6 miles west of Bloomer on Hwy 40.Serving from 11A to 5P.
650|20020825|Parish Festival|St. Joseph's Catholic Church, New Albin, IA will hold their Parish Festival from 11A to 2P.
651|20020915|Fall Festival|Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church of Mondovi is having their annual Fall Festial.Activities starting at 11A.
652|20020817|Millston Knapp Sportsmen's Club Field Days|Millston Knapp Sportsmen's Club Field Days, Saturday and Sunday, Trap Shoot, Chicken BBQ, Refreshments. Located 1 mile east of Millson on County o. For more info call 608-378-4604.
653|20020811|Golf Outing|Crucifixions 3rd annual 4 person best ball golf outing at the Pine Creek Golf Course. T-times begin at 1P check in at 12:30P. For more information call Dan or Cindy at 895-8561.
654|20020810|CRHS Dog Wash |CRHS Dog Wash from 9A to 12N at the Southside Oktoberfest Grounds. $6 per dog to benefit the Coulee Region Humane Society. For more info call 783-6606.
655|20020811|Free Vision Screening|Pearle Vision located in the Valley View Mall will be performing free vision screenings Sunday 11th to 18th and 25th from 11A to 5P.
657|20020903|La Crosse Girl Choir Auditions|La Crosse Girl Choir Auditions girls ages 7-14. Call for appointment 796-0771 or email lacrossegirlchoir@hotmail.com
658|20020830|Kids Night at the Races|Jackson/Trempealeau County Crimestoppers Kids Night at the Races at Fox Ridge Speedway in Arcadia. For more info contact Rebecca Konkel at 715-538-2311 ext. 357.
659|20020824|Silent Auction|Silent Auction 9:30A to 1:30P at St. Lukes United Methodist Church, 1022 Caledonia Street, La Crosse, WI 54603.
660|20020825|Norskedalen's Ice Cream Social|Norskedalen's Ice Cream Social & Tour of Cottages from 12N to 4P at Skumsrud Heritage Farm. Tour Coon Valley & Timber Coulee Cottages: 1/2 mile west of Coon Valley, WI on US Hwy 14-61 for more info call 452-3424 or www.norskedalen.org
661|20020907|Chicken Supper|Chickent Supper, Altoona United Methodist Church from 4 to 6:30P at 428 First Street West. For more info call 835-3444 or 832-5975.
662|20020823|Chicken Q|Viterbo Alumni hosting a Chicken Q at Jackson Street entrance of the Fine Arts Center. Proceeds going to the Sister Celestine Cepress Endowed Alumni Children's Scholarship. For more info call 796-3072
663|20020822|Chicken Q|Ridge History Park Inc Chicken Q 3P til out at Blessed Sacrament Parking Lot. Losey Blvd & King Street.
664|20020817|Watermelon Bowl|The Onalaska Football Booster club is sponsoring the 2nd annual Watermelon Bowl at the Onalaska football field from 5 to 8:30P.
665|20020817|Tomah Youth Soccer Fall Registration|Tomah Youth Soccer Fall Registration open to boys & girls ages 3 to 14 years old. For more info call 372-5909.
666|20020810|Car Wash|Central High School Cheerleading Squad will be holding a car wash from 10A to 2P. The Car wash will take place at Kwik Trip on Losey Blvd in La Crosse. For more info call 789-7900 ext 4002
667|20020824|R & R Carnival|R & R Carnival, fun for all ages from 10A to 4P at the R&R Campground, Hwy 64 between Bloomer & Cornell. All proceeds to Shriners Children's Hospital.
668|20020815|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale at Faith Lutheran Church, Hwy 14 East. St. Charles MN at 7:30P
669|20020810|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, 3161 East Ave S. at Alterra Clare Bridge Cottage, 8A to 2P. All prodeeds will benefit the La Crosse Area Alzheimer's Association.
670|20020814|Blood Drive|Hillboro Area Blood Drive, 12N to 4P at First Congregational Church.
671|20020810|Bangor Fun Daze|Bangor Fun Daze 10th and 11th.
672|20020908|Chicken Dinner|Chicken Dinner at St. Mary's Church, Houston MN 11A to 1P.
673|20020822|Picnic|Coulee Region Christian School will be holding a celebration and picnic from 6P in the School Gym. The School is located at 230 West Garland St in West Salem. For more info call 786-3004.
674|20020818|Fall Festival|St. Boniface Parish, Waumandee, WI Fall Festival. Starting at 10A.
675|20020825|Car and Motorcycle Show|Tomah VAMC plans 16th annual car & Motorcycle Show from 12N to 2:30P. For more info call 608-372-1727.
676|20020927|Warrens Cranberry Festival|Warrens Cranberry Festival (30th Annual), Fri.9/27, Sat.9/28, Sun.9/29. "Cranberry Capital of Wisconsin", located 8 miles North of Tomah, take I-94 West to Exit #135. Many events! For info, call 608-378-4200. Website: www.cranfest.com. Email: cranfest@cranfest.com
677|20020906|Fund Raiser|The Boys & Girls Club of Tomah area is hosting their first annual fundraiser at Recreation Park in Tomah, Smokin Coyotes will be on stage at 7:30PM and Neal Mc Coy will jump on at 8:30PM
678|20020907|Golf Outing|18 Hole 4 person golf scramble. Check in at 11A, shotgun start at 12N. To register call Boys & Girls club of Tomah Area at 374-4386.
679|20020907|Dresbach Picnic|Annual Dresbach Picnic held in the Dresbach Park Shelter. Set up at 11:30A, Eat around 12:30P and Quilt raffle at 1:30P.
680|20020908|Chicken Q|St. Bridget's Catholic Church, Ettrick, WI Chicken Q and Pie Sale from 11A to 2P. Food, Fun, Raffles.
681|20020831|Motorcycle & ATV Hillclimb|Mororcycle and ATV Hillclimb August 31 and Sept 1 CMJ Raceway - Hixton WI. Racing starts at 11A. For more info call 608-634-2842.
682|20020907|Solar Lifestyle: Intro to RE|Providing participants with a broad overview of what renewable energy is, how it works, and what it can do for you. Topics include: passive solar home design, wind electric systems, solar electric systems, and solar water heating systems. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd., Custer, WI. Cost: $50. ph.# 715-592-6595. email: mreainfo@wi-net.com.
website: www.the-mrea.org.
683|20020915|10 kW Utility Intertie Wind Installation|September 15th - 21st. Install a 120' freestanding tower and a 10 kW Bergey XL wind generator, with the help of a crane. This workshop will focus on the components of a wind system, site analysis and site improvement, equipment options, system siting and sizing, and installation techniques. Location: Lewiston, MN. Cost: $595. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd., Custer, WI. Ph.#715-592-6595.
email: mreainfo@wi-net.com
website: the-mrea.org
684|20021003|Using RETScreen|Renewable Energy Technology Screening (RETScreen) software was originally developed in order to be able to quickly, accurately and inexpensively predict the performance of renewable energy systems. Learn how to use RETScreen at this workshop. Location: Madison, WI. Cost: $90. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd., Custer, WI. Ph#715-592-6595.
email: mreainfo@wi-net.com
website: www.the-mrea.org
685|20020907|Special Blood Drive|Due to great demand and current shortage of blood supply, Veterans Memorial Hospital & American Red Cross will sponsor a special blood drive. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., in Large Conference Room located on lower level of Veterans Memorial Hospital. Enter thru the main entrance. Walk-ins welcome. For info, call Beth Ryan, Medical Laboratory Tech. at Veterans Memorial Hospital at 568-3411.
686|20020907|Hesper-Mabel Steam Engine Days|50th Annual Steam Engine Days. Saturday, Sept. 7th & Sunday, Sept. 8th. Mabel, MN. Junction Hwys 43 & 44, Southeastern MN. Steam & Gas Engines, Parade both days, Exhibits, Drawing, Barn Dance, Food & Carnival, and much more! For general info, call Community First Bank at 507-493-5426. Button admission: $5.00 advance, $6.00 at gate, 12 & under - free.
687|20020831|Renaissance Festival "Autumn Rose"|Renaissance Festival, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Trempealeau County Fairgrounds in Galesville, WI. Free and open to the public. For info, call Karen Schmidt at 608-525-8400.
688|20020829|La Crosse Girl Choir Auditions|La Crosse Girl Choir Auditions for girls, ages 7 - 14, will be held on August 29th and also September 3rd. Call for an appointment at 608-796-0771, or email: lacrossegirlchoir@hotmail.com.
689|20020907|Quilt Auction/Bar-B-Que|Sugar Creek Bible Camp Quilt Auction / Bar-B-Que & Other items. 10:00 a.m. 100 beautiful quilts, rosemaled items, wildlife prints, choice pork, antiques, woodcrafted items, sports memorabilia, quilt racks, wood shelves, etc. Great Bar-B-Que pork lunch, homemade pies, etc. Terms: Cash. Sugar Creek Bible Camp, 13141 Sugar Creek Bible Camp Rd., Ferryville, WI. Ph#608-734-3113.
690|20020902|Trail Ride|Wazee Riders will be having a Trail Ride on Labor Day. Meet at Kwik Trip in BRF at 12 NOON SHARP. Easy trail ride near Wildcat Flowage on east side of BRF. Ride should last 2 hours. Bring own beverage/snacks. $5 fee per family for non-members. Negative coggins for each horse required. Questions, call Brent at 284-7807.
691|20020929|Gymkhana|Wazee Riders having a Gymkhana at Jackson County Fairgrounds outdoor arena, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Indoor arena if it rains. Jackpot classes & High Point Year End Awards. Questions, call either Pam at 284-5625, or Mike at 284-9112.
692|20020907|Rhett Back Benefit|Rhett, son of Russ & Mary (Matchey) Back and grandson of Bob & Anita Back / Richard & Margaret Matchey, diagnosed with Leigh's Syndrome, lost his battle on August 17th, 2002. Bake Sale / Craft Sale, auction, drawing, chinese raffle, children's games, charcoal chicken, plus music by Kickin' Asphalt. 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Whitehall Fire Station, off Hwy 121 in Whitehall, WI. Cash donations can be sent to The John O'Melby & Co. Bank, in Whitehall, WI.
693|20020908|Hesper-Mabel Steam Engine Days|50th Annual Steam Engine Days. Saturday, Sept. 7th & Sunday, Sept. 8th. Mabel, MN. Junction Hwys 43 & 44, Southeastern MN. Steam & Gas Engines, Parade both days, Exhibits, Drawing, Barn Dance, Food & Carnival, and much more! For general info, call Community First Bank at 507-493-5426. Button admission: $5.00 advance, $6.00 at gate, 12 & under - free.
694|20020906|Brownsville Co-ed Softball Tournament|Brownsville Park & Rec Co-ed Softball Tournament will be held on Friday, Sept. 6th, starting at 6:30 p.m., and all day on Saturday, Sept. 7th, at the Brownsville Ball Park. Beer, Pop,, Food & Snacks will be sold. Please, no Carry-Ins. All proceeds go to Brownsville Park & Rec. For info, call Tim Rohrer at 482-6224. Dance on Sat. night.
695|20020907|Brownsville Street Dance|Brownsville Park & Rec Street Dance with Saddle Tramp. 8:00 - 12:00 at Brownsville Ball Park. Beer, Pop, Food & Snacks will be sold. Please no Carry-Ins. All proceeds go to Brownsville Park & Rec. Co-Ed Softball Tournament going on all day.
696|20020906|Promise Keepers 2002 |Promise Keepers 2002 "Storm the Gates" LIVE WEB CAST from the Target Center in St. Paul, MN, WILL BE VIEWED ON JUMBO SCREEN at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County Rd. PH, Onalaska, WI, (located behind Cub Foods). Friday, Sept. 6th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm, and Saturday, Sept. 7th from 8:30am to 6:00pm. Registration Cost: FREE. Questions, call Mike Duncan at 608-781-0047. Call to register for box lunch on Sat. - Price: $5.
697|20020907|Promise Keepers 2002|Promise Keepers 2002 "Storm the Gates" LIVE WEB CAST from the Target Center in St. Paul, MN, WILL BE VIEWED ON JUMBO SCREEN at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County Rd. PH, Onalaska, WI, (located behind Cub Foods) on Saturday, Sept. 7th from 8:30am to 6:00pm (Also, Friday, Sept. 6th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm). Registration Cost: FREE. Questions, call Mike Duncan at 608-781-0047. Call to register for box lunch on Sat. - Price: $5.
698|20020908|Fall Bazaar|St. Patrick's Parish Fall Bazaar in Seneca, WI. Smoked pork chop dinner served from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Country Store, games and bingo. Auction starts at 3:00pm, with raffle drawing at 4:00pm. Contact person: Julie Chambers.
699|20020912|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale on Thurs., Sept. 12th from 8:00am to 4:00pm, and Friday, Sept. 13th from 8:00am to 11:00am. Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2135 Weston St., La Crosse, WI.
700|20020913|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale on Friday, Sept. 13th from 8:00am to 11:00am (Also Thurs. Sept.12th from 8:00am to 4:00pm.) Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2135 Weston St., La Crosse, WI.
701|20021102|Tomah Jaycee's Hunter's Night Out|Tomah Jaycee's Hunter's Night Out. Social at 5:00pm, Prime Rib Dinner at 6:30pm. Raffles & Door Prizes. Located at Tomah Fairgrounds Recreation Building. Cost: $45 in advance, $50 at door. Only 450 tickets available. Tickets available at IRA Federal Credit Union, Tomah Area Credit Union, Farmer's & Merchant's Bank, First Bank, Roscoe's Live Bait, Moe's Hardware (BRF), & WCOW (Sparta). For tickets/info call 608-374-4059 or 608-372-2232.
702|20020912|Restorative Justice: Moving Beyond Punishment Program|Tomah First United Methodist Women having an informative program on "Restorative Justice: Moving Beyond Punishment". Speaker is Tom Weber of Criminal Justice System at Monroe County Courthouse. 7:00pm. Will be held Fellowship Hall, refreshments served. For info, call Church Office at 608-372-4543.
703|20020921|School Fall Festival|Queen of the Holy Rosary School Fall Festival. 11:00am - 7:00pm. Music by "Pat and Carol". Food & beverage tent, beer garden, children's/adult games, pony rides & llamas, Spiderman from 2-4pm. Race car display by Jim Sauter 4-6pm, Volleyball/horseshoe tournaments, ATV raffle drawing 7pm. To sign up, call 608-564-2425. $30 fee. 80% payback. Located 1 mile East of Necedah, follow signs.
704|20020918|Fall Mission Meatball Dinner|Trinity Lutheran Church in Spring Grove, MN, is having a Meatball Dinner. Serving 5:00pm - 8:00pm. Menu: Meatballs, potato, gravy, coleslaw, glazed carrots, rommegrot, rolls, lefse, pie, coffee, & milk. Cost: Adults - $6.50, Children under 12 - $3.00, 5 and under - Free. All carryouts - $7.00. For info, call Lorilyn Dehning at 507-498-3458.
705|20020903|"The Land of the Dragon" Auditions|"The Land of the Dragon" Auditions are Tues., Sept. 3rd and Wed., Sept. 4th, in the Coppertop Theatre on the Richland Center UW campus. Open to community. Off-stage assistance needed in many areas. Copies of script to read prior to auditions are on reserve at UW-Richland Miller Memorial Library. Performance dates will be Oct. 25th, 26th, & 27th. For info, contact director Zoie Eva Lutz at 608-647-6186.
706|20020904|"The Land of the Dragon" Auditions|"The Land of the Dragon" Auditions are Wed., Sept. 4th (and Tues., Sept. 3rd), in the Coppertop Theatre on the Richland Center UW campus. Open to community. Off-stage assistance needed in many areas. Copies of script to read prior to auditions are on reserve at UW-Richland Miller Memorial Library. Performance dates will be Oct. 25th, 26th, & 27th. For info, contact director Zoie Eva Lutz at 608-647-6186.
707|20020914|Rock Solid Youth Center Concert|Rock Solid Youth Center is having a concert starting at 8:00pm. The Band is POVERTY. Tickets are $4 each, and are available at: Rock Solid, and Country Market in Winona, MN, Shepherd's Voice in Onalaska, WI, (ph#608-781-3460), & Christian Book and Gift in Rochester, MN, (ph#507-289-2590. Rock Solid Youth Center, 75 West Third St., Winona, MN. Contact: Greg Moser at 507-452-2125. website: dwebsite.com/rocksolidyouthcenter or email: rsyc@hotmail.com.
708|20020921|Disabled Am. Veterans Chicken-Q|Disabled American Veterans Chicken-Q at 11:00am til 7:00pm (or until sold out). Located at 1120 Logan St., La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. Home-made pies available. Delivery available by calling 784-7110. For info, contact: Alvin R. Thompson at 785-4674.
709|20020916|La Crosse Boychoir Auditions|La Crosse Boychoir Auditions held from 5:30pm - 7:30pm in Rm.421 at Viterbo University Fine Arts Center, 929 Jackson St., La Crosse. All boys between ages of 7 and 12 are eligible to audition. Singing experience not required. No preparation needed for audition. Call Brian Laschenski, Administrator, at 608-796-3787 for info.
710|20020918|St. Francis School of Nursing Alumni Luncheon|St. Francis School of Nursing Annual Alumni Luncheon, 11:00am-Hospitality, 12:00Noon-Lunch. Cost: $5/Life Members; $8/Non-Life Members. Location: Mary Crest Auditorium, St. Francis Medical Center. For reservations, send to Fran Hutson, 3510 Kenton St. South, La Crosse, WI 54601, by Sept. 11th. Make checks payable to: St. Francis School of Nursing Alumni Association. For rides, call: Marion Pavela at 782-1316, or Marge Wuensch at 782-7383.
711|20020903|Memorial Wood Carving Display|Memorial Wood Carving Display enroute across the Country. Tues., Sept. 3rd, at Midway Motor Lodge, 1835 Rose St., La Crosse, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm; and Wed., Sept. 4th, at Forest Hills Golf Course, corner of Losey Blvd./La Crosse St., La Crosse, from 9:00am to 11:00am. This wood carving display was done with a chainsaw, and is of the 3 Firefighters raising the flag at Ground Zero. For info, call Mike Suchla at 608-788-2165.
712|20020904|Memorial Wood Carving Display|Memorial Wood Carving Display enroute across the Country. Wed., Sept. 4th, at Forest Hills Golf Course, corner of Losey Blvd./La Crosse St., La Crosse, from 9:00am to 11:00am. (Also, Tues., Sept. 3rd, at Midway Motor Lodge, 1835 Rose St., La Crosse, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.) This wood carving display was done with a chainsaw, and is of the 3 Firefighters raising the flag at Ground Zero. For info, call Mike Suchla at 608-788-2165.
713|20020906|Black River Crossing Civil War Re-enactment|Black River Crossing Civil War Re-enactment. Fri., Sept. 6th, from 8:00pm to 9:30pm. Sat., Sept. 7th, from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Sun., Sept. 8th, from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Directions: Black River Falls, WI, Hwy 27 South to West 7th St., follow signs. MANY ACTIVITIES! Dance to music of OL MAN RIVER BAND, Sat., Sept. 7th from 6-10pm, at Perry Creek Cranberry Hall, BRFalls. For more info on cost or events, call Ken Schoolcraft at 715-333-6185.
714|20020907|Black River Crossing Civil War Re-enactment|Black River Crossing Civil War Re-enactment. Fri., Sept. 6th, from 8:00pm to 9:30pm. Sat., Sept. 7th, from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Sun., Sept. 8th, from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Directions: Black River Falls, WI, Hwy 27 South to West 7th St., follow signs. MANY ACTIVITIES! Dance to music of OL MAN RIVER BAND, Sat., Sept. 7th from 6-10pm, at Perry Creek Cranberry Hall, BRFalls. For more info on cost or events, call Ken Schoolcraft at 715-333-6185.
715|20020908|Black River Crossing Civil War Re-enactment|Black River Crossing Civil War Re-enactment. Fri., Sept. 6th, from 8:00pm to 9:30pm. Sat., Sept. 7th, from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Sun., Sept. 8th, from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Directions: Black River Falls, WI, Hwy 27 South to West 7th St., follow signs. MANY ACTIVITIES! Dance to music of OL MAN RIVER BAND, Sat., Sept. 7th from 6-10pm, at Perry Creek Cranberry Hall, BRFalls. For more info on cost or events, call Ken Schoolcraft at 715-333-6185.
716|20020921|North PARK Fundraiser|North PARK Fundraiser at Colgan Air, 4pm-Midnight. Fundraising games, food, beverages, silent auction, DJ & Dance, raffle. Raffle tickets available from Jefferson/Coulee Montessori, Franklin, Roosevelt/SOTA, & three M&I bank locations. Funds will be for new playgrounds at Franklin, Roosevelt/SOTA and Jefferson/Coulee Montessori. Contact: Harvey Witzenburg, Jefferson/Coulee Montessori. Ph# 789-7685.
717|20020919|UW-LaCrosse Concert by "Crash"|UW-LaCrosse Concert by the band "Crash", (sounds of fiddle, sax, drums, bass, & vocal) Cartwright Center - Gunning Addition, 7pm. Admission: free. For info, call UW-L Student Activities at 608-785-8866.
718|20020918|VFW Meatball Supper|VFW Meatball Supper, 4pm-7pm, VFW Clubrooms, 630 S. 6th St., La Crosse. Cost: $6, carry-outs available.
719|20020917|Alliance for Mentally Ill Support Mtg.|Alliance for Mentally Ill of La Crosse County, a support and advocacy group for families/friends of seriously mentally ill, will meet @ 7:15pm, at First Congregational Church Comm. Rm., 2503 Main St., La Crosse. Speaker: Brian D. Proctor, MD Psychiatrist w/Gundersen Luth. Med. Ctr. Topic: An Update on ECT Therapy.
720|20020918|Grace Lutheran Church Smorgasbord|Grace Lutheran Church Smorgasbord, 226 Erickson St., Elroy, WI. 4pm-8pm. All you can eat! Salads, Swiss Steak, Ham, Meatballs, Home-made Pie, etc. Cost: Adults $7, Age 12-5 $3.50, Preschool Free. Carryouts available for $.50 extra.
721|20020919|Church Rummage Sale|Our Savior's Lutheran Church Rummage Sale. Thurs.9/19, 8am-1pm. Fri.9/20, 8am-1pm (1/2 price on Fri.). 612 Division St., La Crosse, WI.
722|20020920|Church Rummage Sale|Our Savior's Lutheran Church Rummage Sale. 9/20, 8am-1pm (1/2 price on Fri.). 612 Division St., La Crosse, WI.
723|20020918|Artist Talk & Slide Show|Artist Talk & Slide Show, 7pm, Lanesboro Comm. Center, Lanesboro, MN. Features: Mary Eischen, Fiber Artist. Free & open to public. For info, call Sara Decker, Admin. Dir. @ 507-467-2446.
724|20020929|Artist Reception/Banner Unveiling|Artist Reception and Banner Unveiling at 7pm, Cornucopia Art Center, 103 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For info, call Sara Decker, Admin. Dir. @ 507-467-2446.
725|20020921|Banner Project Workshop |Banner Project Workshop with Mary Eischen, 10am-3pm, 'Art Bank' in Whalen, MN. Ages 5 & up welcome. Children 10 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Cost: $15 ea./ $12 ea. for Cornucopia members. (fees include all materials). Bring sack lunch. For info, or to register, call: Cornucopia Art Center @ 507-467-2446.
726|20020924|Open Art Studio |Open Art Studio, Tues.9/24 & Wed.9/25, 2pm-5pm at 'Art Bank' in Whalan, MN. Drop in to observe and/or help Mary Eischen work on the banner. Learn about painting on fabric and design. Free, public welcome. For info, call 507-467-2446.
727|20020925|Open Art Studio|Open Art Studio, Wed.9/25, 2pm-5pm at 'Art Bank' in Whalan, MN. Drop in to observe and/or help Mary Eischen work on the banner. Learn about painting on fabric and design. Free, public welcome. For info, call 507-467-2446.
728|20020917|SME 50th Celebration|SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers), 96th Chapter, will celebrate their 50th year in La Crosse. (SME is also celebrating its 70th Anniversary.) Red Cloud Park on St. Andrew St. Social hr. at 4:30pm, Meal at 6pm, w/short presentation preceeding. Gathering continues until park closes at 10pm. RSVP to Charlie Bakey @ 608-787-4772.
729|20020918|Genealogy 101|Winona County Historical Society Genealogy 101, "All Food for Thought" programs meet at 12:05pm at the Armory Museum, 160 Johnson St., Winona, MN. Free & open to public. Feel free to bring sack lunch. WCHS will provide coffee, and pop is available. For info, contact Vicki Englich, Museum Educator at WCHS.
730|20020918|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River/Trempealeau Refuges|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River and Trempealeau Refuges. Open House at 4pm. Open public comment session at 7pm. Brownsville Comm. Ctr., 6th & Main St., Brownsville, MN. Public is encouraged to express their views about future management of the Refuge Complex. Website: http://midwest.fws.gov. Contact: James Nissen at 608-783-8401.
731|20020919|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River/Trempealeau Refuges|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River and Trempealeau Refuges. Open House at 4pm. Open public comment session at 7pm. Eagle Bluff Elem. School, 200 Eagle Bluff Ct., Onalaska, WI. Public is encouraged to express their views about future management of the Refuge Complex. Website: http://midwest.fws.gov. Contact: James Nissen at 608-783-8401.
732|20020924|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River/Trempealeau Refuges|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River and Trempealeau Refuges. Open House at 4pm. Open public comment session at 7pm. Wabasha-Kellogg High School auditorium, 2113 E. Hiawatha Dr., Wabasha, MN. Public is encouraged to express their views about future management of the Refuge Complex. Website: http://midwest.fws.gov. Contact: James Nissen at 608-783-8401.
733|20020925|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River/Trempealeau Refuges|Public Forum on Upper Mississippi River and Trempealeau Refuges. Open House at 4pm. Open public comment session at 7pm. Minnesota State College auditorium, 1250 Homer Rd., Winona, MN. Public is encouraged to express their views about future management of the Refuge Complex. Website: http://midwest.fws.gov. Contact: James Nissen at 608-783-8401.
734|20020926|Public Forum on Trempealeau Natl. Wildlife Refuge|Public Forum on Trempealeau Natl. Wildlife Refuges. Open House at 4pm. Open public comment session at 7pm. Trempealeau Town Hall, Trempealeau, WI. Public is encouraged to express their views about future management of the Refuge Complex. Website: http://midwest.fws.gov. Contact: James Nissen at 608-783-8401.
735|20020919|Harp of Joy: Renewing & Refreshing w/Musical Energy|Harp of Joy: Renewing & Refreshing w/Musical Energy. 7pm. Franciscan Skemp chapel, 700 West Ave. S., La Crosse. Freewill donation accepted. Refreshments served. Learn how the harp music benefits people in many settings. To register/info, call 791-4172. Seating is limited.
736|20020917|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
737|20020918|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
738|20020919|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
739|20020920|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
740|20020921|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
741|20020922|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
742|20020927|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
743|20020928|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
744|20020929|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
745|20021001|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
746|20021101|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula"|Commonweal Theatre Company presents "Dracula" by Steven Dietz. Sept.13th thru Nov.17th. Evenings at 8pm. Sundays at 2pm. St.Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro, MN. For tickets, call 800-657-7025 or 507-467-2525. Tickets: Adults $15. Seniors (55 & older) $14. Students $7. Local & group discounts available. website: commonwealtheatre.org.
747|20020928|River of Life Assembly of God Church Groundbreaking Ceremony|River of Life Assembly of God Church, located at 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI, celebrating groundbreaking ceremony of the second phase w/outdoor ceremony on Sat.9/28, 6:30pm-9pm, w/outdoor worship time. Popcorn/hot apple cider served. Also, Sun.9/29, combined all-church & community celebration service held at 10:00am. Catered meal/games following service. Purchase meal tickets for $5 at River of Life by Wed.9/25. For info, call 608-782-2780. All invited to attend!
748|20020929|River of Life Assemby of God Church Groundbreaking Service|River of Life Assembly of God Church, located at 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI, celebrating groundbreaking ceremony of the second phase w/outdoor service on Sun.9/29, combined all-church & community celebration service held at 10:00am. Catered meal/games following service. Purchase meal tickets for $5 at River of Life by Wed.9/25. For info, call 608-782-2780. All invited to attend! (Also, Sat.9/28, 6:30pm-9pm, outdoor worship time. Popcorn/hot apple cider served. All invited to attend).
749|20020929|Motocross Race|Motocross Race, CMJ Raceway, Hixton, WI. Racing starts at 9:30am and lasts all day. For info, call 608-634-2842.
750|20020923|Latin Lunes Film Series: "West Side Story"|Latin Lunes Film Series: "West Side Story". (Hispanic Heritage Month @ UW-L) 7pm, 339 Carwright Center. For info, call Bob Seaquist at 608-785-8497.
751|20020925|"Latino Stereotypes" Round Table|"Latino Stereotypes" Round Table. (Hispanic Heritage Month at UW-L). 6pm, 339 Cartwright Center. Moderator: Enilda Delgado, sociology/archaeology. For info, call Bob Seaquist at 608-785-8497.
752|20020926|Race, Ethnicity, & Construction of Natl. Identity Lecture Series|Race, Ethnicity, & Construction of Natl. Identity Lecture Series: Martin Espada, "Poetry of the Latino Imagination", (Hispanic Heritage Month at UW-L). 7pm-9pm, Ward Rm, Cartwright Center. Organized by the English Dept. For info, call Bob Seaquist at 608-785-8497.
753|20020930|Latin Lunes Film Series: "Butterfly"|Latin Lunes Film Series: "Butterfly", (La lengua de las mariposas), directed by Jose Luis Cuerda, 1999 (Spain). Spanish w/English subtitles. (Hispanic Heritage Month @ UW-L). 7pm, 339 Cartwright Center. For info, call Bob Seaquist at 608-785-8497.
754|20020919|Viterbo University presents "Daylight to Boonville"|Viterbo Univ. presents "Daylight to Boonville", Mon.9/19 thru Mon.9/23, performances at 7:30pm in the La Croix Black Box. Tickets: $9. For info/tickets, call Viterbo Box Office at 796-3100.
755|20020920|Viterbo University presents "Daylight to Boonville"|Viterbo Univ. presents "Daylight to Boonville", Mon.9/19 thru Mon.9/23, performances at 7:30pm in the La Croix Black Box. Tickets: $9. For info/tickets, call Viterbo Box Office at 796-3100.
756|20020921|Viterbo University presents "Daylight to Boonville"|Viterbo Univ. presents "Daylight to Boonville", Mon.9/19 thru Mon.9/23, performances at 7:30pm in the La Croix Black Box. Tickets: $9. For info/tickets, call Viterbo Box Office at 796-3100.
757|20020922|Viterbo University presents "Daylight to Boonville"|Viterbo Univ. presents "Daylight to Boonville", Mon.9/19 thru Mon.9/23, performances at 7:30pm in the La Croix Black Box. Tickets: $9. For info/tickets, call Viterbo Box Office at 796-3100.
758|20020923|Viterbo University presents "Daylight to Boonville"|Viterbo Univ. presents "Daylight to Boonville", Mon.9/19 thru Mon.9/23, performances at 7:30pm in the La Croix Black Box. Tickets: $9. For info/tickets, call Viterbo Box Office at 796-3100.
759|20020921|Applefest Art Gala|Applefest Art Gala, 10am-6pm, in the La Crescent MN Community Arena. Sponsored by La Crescent Area Historical Society. Event is free to the public. For info, call Historical Society at 507-895-1857.
760|20020921|St. Mary's Fall Fest|St. Mary's Fall Fest, Sat.9/21 and Sun.9/22, at 203 W. Monroe St., Tomah. Sat.events: Fun Run - 8:45am and 9am; Teen Dance - 7pm-10pm. Sun.events: Roast Pork Dinner 11:30am-2pm; Crafts, quilts, produce, bingo, kid's games, household auction @ 1pm. $7,500 in raffle prizes.
761|20020922|St. Mary's Fall Fest|St. Mary's Fall Fest, Sat.9/21 and Sun.9/22, at 203 W. Monroe St., Tomah. Sat.events: Fun Run - 8:45am and 9am; Teen Dance - 7pm-10pm. Sun.events: Roast Pork Dinner 11:30am-2pm; Crafts, quilts, produce, bingo, kid's games, household auction @ 1pm. $7,500 in raffle prizes.
762|20020925|UW-L Lecture|UW-L Lecture on "Smoking Gun or Smoke and Mirrors? Southern Plains Evidence for Early Peopling of the Americas", by Don G. Wyckoff, associate professor of anthropology at the Univ. or Oklahoma. 7:30pm, at Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Cost: Free admission.
763|20020926|Acoustic Music Show "Dylan"|Acoustic Music Show "Dylan" to perform at 7pm at UW-L in the Cellar, Carwright Center. "Dylan" is UW-L student Anthony Kesely. Free admission. For info, call Student Activities at 608-785-8866.
764|20020925|Norwegian Buffet|Norwegian Buffet, 11am-1pm and 3:30pm-8pm, at Scheie Lutheran Church, 4 miles N/1 mile W of Mabel, MN. Tickets at door. Bake sale also. Cost: Adults $8; Kids 6-12 $4; Kids under 6 Free.
765|20020922|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestra "Open Rehearsal"|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestra will hold an "Open Rehearsal", from 3pm-5:30pm, at UW-L Center for Arts. All young musicians invited to come and play along w/our orchestra. Call 608-788-0159 for info.
766|20020922|Marshall Grass Memorial Horse Pull|Marshall Grass Memorial Horse Pull, at 12:30pm, located at Taylor Rod & Gun Club Grounds, 2 miles S. of Taylor, WI, on County Trunk N. Teams weigh in at Alan Grass Farm, 8am-10am. Admission: Adults $3; 12 & under Free. Food/refreshments on grounds. For info, call 608-989-2840. *Limited Seating - Bring Lawn Chairs*
767|20020921|Monday Night Singles Dance|Singles Dance at Concordia Hall Ballroom, 1129 La Crosse St., La Crosse, WI. Doors open at 7:30pm. Dance music provided by popular DJ, from 8pm - 12Midnight. Cost: $5 per person. Open to all singles, divorced, widowed, never married, 21 or older. For info, call Gerald A. Bonsack at 787-6757(w), or 781-1582(h).
768|20020922|St. Mary's Catholic Church Fall Dinner|St. Mary's Catholic Church Fall Dinner, Bangor, WI. Serving from 11am-2pm. Cost: Adults $6.50; Children under 12 $3. Country store and refreshments. Drawing for Amish Quilt at 2pm.
769|20020922|Boy Scout Troop 64 Fundraiser|Boy Scout Troop 64 of Waukon Fundraiser. Omelet Breakfast, serving from 7:30am-12:30pm, at St. Patricks Catholic Church Basement, 607 2nd St. NW, Waukon, IA. Cost in advance: Adults $5; 10 & under $3. ($.50 more at door). For info, call Arnie Laures at 563-568-2763.
770|20020922|Pie Social & Auction|Caledonia United Methodist Church is having a Community Carnival Pie and Ice Cream Social & Auction. 1pm-3pm. Also, games for children. Location: 308 North Kingston. For info, call 507-725-2815.
771|20020927|Fall Foliage Fest|Fall Foliage Fest celebrated Fri.9/27, Sat.9/28, & Sun.9/29, in Harmony, MN. Many activities! Celebrating and dedicating the Hobo Camp in the trailhead park. (Hobo Camp located at spot where hobo camp existed during the depression years). For info, call Harmony Visitor Info Office at 800-247-6466 or 507-886-2469.
772|20020928|Fall Foliage Fest|Fall Foliage Fest celebrated Fri.9/27, Sat.9/28, & Sun.9/29, in Harmony, MN. Many activities! Celebrating and dedicating the Hobo Camp in the trailhead park. (Hobo Camp located at spot where hobo camp existed during the depression years). For info, call Harmony Visitor Info Office at 800-247-6466 or 507-886-2469.
773|20020929|Fall Foliage Fest|Fall Foliage Fest celebrated Fri.9/27, Sat.9/28, & Sun.9/29, in Harmony, MN. Many activities! Celebrating and dedicating the Hobo Camp in the trailhead park. (Hobo Camp located at spot where hobo camp existed during the depression years). For info, call Harmony Visitor Info Office at 800-247-6466 or 507-886-2469.
774|20020922|Fall Festival|Fall Festival at St. John's Catholic Church, Whitehall, WI, under the Huge Tent. Mass @ 10:45am. Serving Dinner from 11am-2pm. Cost: Adults $6.50, Chicken 6-12 $4, Ages 5 & under Free. All Carryouts $6.50 in Rectory Basement. Live music from 2pm-4pm. Auction starting @ 12:30pm (rain or shine) Under the Tent. Raffle drawing @ 4pm. For info, call 715-538-4607.
775|20020923|Pillow Cleaning Service|Pillow Cleaning Service held at St. John's Catholic Church, Whitehall, WI, from 8am-3pm. Service provided by Min-De's Fluff & Puff Pillow Service. For info, call 715-538-4607.
776|20020920|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring KELLY DEHAVEN. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
777|20020921|Onalaska Hilltopper Show Choir Fundraiser|Onalaska Hilltopper Show Choir Fundraiser, 10am-6pm, Festival Foods, Crossing Meadows in Onalaska. Choir performs at 1:30pm in parking lot. For info, call Paul Gulsvig at 783-4561(wk) or 783-8116(hm).
778|20020921|Necedah Lions Whooping Crane Festival|Necedah Lions 2nd Annual Whooping Crane Festival, Sat.9/21 & Sun.9/22, at NAB Field on Hwy 80, (north end of Necedah). Bus tour/pancake breakfast combination. Tours of Necedah Refuge will emphasize whooping crane project. Tours held hourly starting at 7am-11am. MUCH MORE EVENTS! For info, call Dave Arnold at 608-565-2101, or Larry at 608-565-2551.
779|20020921|Church Bazaar|Church Bazaar, First United Meth. Church, 1105 Butts Ave., Tomah, WI. 9am-2pm. For info, call church office at 608-372-4543.
780|20020920|AARP 55 Alive Driver Safety Program|AARP 55 Alive Drive Safety Program, Fri.9/20 & Fri.9/27, from 12:30pm-4:30pm, at L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger St., Eau Claire, WI. Contact: Sandy Pocernich at 715-839-4909. Minimal fee: $10. MUST ATTEND BOTH CLASSES!
781|20020927|AARP 55 Alive Driver Safety Program|AARP 55 Alive Drive Safety Program, Fri.9/20 & Fri.9/27, from 12:30pm-4:30pm, at L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger St., Eau Claire, WI. Contact: Sandy Pocernich at 715-839-4909. Minimal fee: $10. MUST ATTEND BOTH CLASSES!
782|20020921|Luther College piano recital|Luther College piano recital, featuring Marjorie Wharton, Luther College assistant professor of music & French, 4pm, in Noble Recital Hall on campus, Decorah, IA. For info, call 563-387-1865. Free and open to public.
783|20020925|Turkey Dinner|Turkey Dinner, St. Charles United Methodist Church, 824 Church Ave., St. Charles, MN. 4:30pm-7pm. Tickets: $7 Ages 11-Adult; $3 Ages 5-10; 4 & under FREE. Take-Outs, call 507-932-4966, will deliver.
784|20020925|Melrose Methodist Church Dinner/Bazaar|Melrose Methodist Church Dinner/Bazaar, 5pm-7pm, Bazaar at 7:30pm. Held at Melrose Am. Legion Hall. Prices: Adults $6; 12 & under $3.
785|20020924|La Crosse Genealogy Society Mtg.|La Crosse Genealogy Society Mtg., at La Crosse Public Library Branch, 800 Main St. 7pm. Discussion will be "What Forms Are Available for Genealogy?" Bring your examples along. Refreshments served. Meeting is free and open to public. For info, call Sue Page at 783-2210.
786|20020922|Necedah Lions Whooping Crane Festival|Necedah Lions 2nd Annual Whooping Crane Festival, Sun.9/22 (& Sat.9/21), at NAB Field on Hwy 80, (north end of Necedah). Bus tour/pancake breakfast combination. Tours of Necedah Refuge will emphasize whooping crane project. Tours held hourly starting at 7am-11am. MUCH MORE EVENTS! For info, call Dave Arnold at 608-565-2101, or Larry at 608-565-2551.
787|20020924|Viterbo hosts co-author Fr. John Heagle|Viterbo hosts co-author John Heagle. 7:30pm, at Fine Arts Center Main Theatre. Discussing book "Tender Fires: The Spiritual Promise of Sexuality". Free & Open to Public. Viterbo U, 815 Ninth St. S., La Crosse, WI. For info, call 796-3705.
788|20020924|Multiple Sclerosis Newly Diagnosed Educational Series|Multiple Sclerosis Newly Diagnosed Educational Series. 5-wk program to adress major issues of being diagnosed w/MS. 6pm-7:30pm on consecutive Tues. eves, Sept.24-Oct.22., at Franciscan Skemp Med. Ctr. in La Crosse. Free of charge to anyone diagnosed w/in past 3 yrs. Each participant can bring along an adult family member/friend. Class size is limited/pre-registration required. For info/register, call Wisc. Chapter at 262-547-8999 or 1-800-FIGHT MS. Website: www.wisms.org.
789|20020927|SMU presents "The Importance of Being Ernest"|SMU presents "The Importance of Being Ernest", Sept.27-30, Fri.9/27, Sat.9/28, & Mon.9/30 at 7:30pm, and Sun.9/29 at 2pm. Cost: $7 Adults, $5 Students/Senior Citizens. Call 507-457-1715, 10am-6pm.weekdays/ or 507-453-5511, 10am-2pm weekdays.
790|20020926|Soup Supper|Soup Supper at United Methodist Church of Norwalk/Salem. Serving from 4pm-7pm. Located at Main St., Norwalk. Public invited. For info, call 435-6626.
791|20020927|"Light on the Land" Logging Demonstration|"Light on the Land" Logging Demonstration, hosted by Aitkin Cty Private Woodlands Comm./partners held Fri.9/27, & Sat.9/28, from 9am-3pm. Open to public. Held approx. 6 miles East of Hill City, just South of State Hwy #200. Lunch avail. for purchase. Contact: Dennis Thompson at 218-927-6565, or at dennis.thompson@mn.usda.gov.
792|20020926|Archaeology of South Pacific/New Zealand presentation|Archaeology of South Pacific/New Zealand presentation at Luther College, Rm 102, Olin Building. 7:30pm. Features Effigy Mounds Natl. Monument Park Ranger Robert Palmer. For info, call Ken Block at 563-873-3491.
793|20020928|Hawk Watching Celebration|Hawk Watching Celebration (18th Annual) at Effigy Natl. Monument, Sat.9/28, & Sun.9/29 from 10am-4pm. Bird walk w/Dennis Carter at 8am. Events free and open to public. Call Effigy Mounds Visitor Ctr at 563-873-3491, or coord. Pam Kester at 563-873-1236 for info. The center is located 3 miles N. of Marquette, IA, and 17 miles S. of Waukon, IA on Hwy 76.
794|20020929|Free Vision Screening |Free Vision Screening at Pearle Vision, Sun.9/29 and Sun.10/6, located in Valley View Mall, La Crosse. 11am-5pm. Ages 5 & up welcome. Appointments not needed. Call 1-800-873-1974 for info/questions.
795|20020929|Hawk Watching Celebration|Hawk Watching Celebration (18th Annual) at Effigy Natl. Monument, Sun.9/29 (& Sat.9/28) from 10am-4pm. Bird walk w/Dennis Carter at 8am. Events free and open to public. Call Effigy Mounds Visitor Ctr at 563-873-3491, or coord. Pam Kester at 563-873-1236 for info. The center is located 3 miles N. of Marquette, IA, and 17 miles S. of Waukon, IA on Hwy 76.
796|20021006|Free Vision Screening|Free Vision Screening at Pearle Vision, Sun.10/6, located in Valley View Mall, La Crosse. 11am-5pm. Ages 5 & up welcome. Appointments not needed. Call 1-800-873-1974 for info/questions.
797|20020928|Warrens Cranberry Festival|Warrens Cranberry Festival (30th Annual), Fri.9/27, Sat.9/28, Sun.9/29. "Cranberry Capital of Wisconsin", located 8 miles North of Tomah, take I-94 West to Exit #135. Many events! For info, call 608-378-4200. Website: www.cranfest.com. Email: cranfest@cranfest.com
798|20020929|Warrens Cranberry Festival|Warrens Cranberry Festival (30th Annual), Fri.9/27, Sat.9/28, Sun.9/29. "Cranberry Capital of Wisconsin", located 8 miles North of Tomah, take I-94 West to Exit #135. Many events! For info, call 608-378-4200. Website: www.cranfest.com. Email: cranfest@cranfest.com
799|20021012|Harvest-Time Bazaar/Bake Sale|Harvest-Time Bazaar/Bake Sale, 9am-2pm, at United in Christ Lutheran Church, 1857 Hwy Z, Dellwood, WI. Crafts, Baked Goods, & White Elephant Table. Cost: $4 Adults, $2.50 Children under 12.
800|20020930|YMCA Tap Dance Classes|YMCA Tap Dance Classes (Holmen YMCA) beginning the week of Sept. 30th. Adult classes Mon. nights at 7:30pm (beginners); Thurs. nights at 7:30pm (advanced). Children's classes Mon. nights at 5:30pm (beginners); Thurs. nights at 4:30pm (intermediate). Call Holmen YMCA at 526-9176 for registration info.
801|20020929|Trempealeau Co. Health Care Ctr. Open House|Trempealeau Co. Health Care Center Open House, W20298 State Rd 121, Whitehall, WI from 1pm-4pm. Program at 2pm, w/guest speakers Cong. Ron Kind, Sen. Rod Moen, & Rep. Barbara Gronemus. Refreshments/door prizes. Everyone welcome! Call 715-538-4312 for more info.
802|20020929|Most Beautiful Baby Contest|Most Beautiful Baby Contest at Valley View Mall, La Crosse, WI. Registration time: 12pm. Start time: 1:15pm. Age divisions for boy/girls: 0-7 months, 8-14 months, 15-23 months, 24-35 months, 3-4 years, & 5-6 years.
803|20020928|Book and Bake Sale|Book and Bake Sale, hosted by Viroqua Friends of the Library, from 9am-3pm, at WWTC Community Room, with a "Bag of Books Clearance" at 2pm. For info, call Cathy Lund at 608-637-7109.
804|20020928|Annual "Lefty" Krajewski 300 Foundation Golf Tournament|Annual (11th Annual) "Lefty" Krajewski 300 Foundation Golf Tournament, held at Pine Creek Golf Course in La Crescent, MN. Tee times available beginning at 7:30pm. Tournament is a three-person scramble. Entry fee: $90 per team. To register, call Pine Creek Golf Course at 507-895-2410.
805|20020927|Free PVD Screening|Free PVD Screening (Peripheral Vascular Disease) at Franciscan Skemp Healthcare in La Crosse, WI, in Marycrest Auditorium, from 8:30am-3:30pm. PVD causes leg pain, can be a sign of Potential Heart Attack of Stroke. One in four found to be at risk for disease. To register, call 608-785-0940, ext.2631 by Sept. 25th.
806|20020928|CBMC Fall Dinner & Concert|CBMC Fall Dinner & Concert, 7pm, at Viroqua High School Lunch Room, Black Hawk Drive. Dinner tickets: $6.50 each meal - pre-paid one wk in advance. Checks sent to: CBMC, S8110 A Prairie Rd, Viroqua, WI 54665, or call 608-675-3481 or 608-637-2644 for info. Gospel concert by Sandy Good & Verne Koenig following dinner. Free will offering taken for concert. Everyone welcome!
807|20020928|Gays Mills Apple Festival|Gays Mills Apple Festival, Sat.9/28 & Sun.9/29, Parade, Arts & Crafts Show, & much more! The event coincides with the heart of the harvest of some 1500 acres of apple trees along Hwy 171. For info, call 608-735-4643 evenings. Tourist info, call 735-4810.
808|20020929|"Discovery Orchestra" rehearsals|"Discovery Orchestra" of La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestra, will begin rehearsals from 1pm-2pm at UW-L Center for the Arts. Open to any young musician who has played their instrument for at least 1 year. For info, call 608-788-0159.
809|20020929|Youth Symphony Orchestra Auditions|Youth Symphony of La Crosse Area Orchestra Auditions, for the Philharmonic (intermediate) Orchestra and the Youth Symphony (advanced) Orchestra, at UW-L Center for the Arts. Call 608-788-0159 for more info/schedule an audition time.
810|20020926|Relationship Decisions Group program|Relationship Decisions Group program to offer education/support for women struggling w/making important decisions about relationships w/partners or spouse. Will meet Thursdays, 5:30pm-7:30pm, beginning Sept. 26th. Free program. To register/info, call: Safe Path at 608-791-7804, early as possible, group size limited.
811|20020928|Boy Scout Popcorn Sale|Boy Scout Popcorn Sale, of the Gateway Area Boy Scouts, begins Sat.9/28 thru Fri.10/18. Boys will be knocking on doors to raise money. Over 70% of proceeds of sale stays in local scouting program. For info/order popcorn, call Gateway Area Council Boy Scouts at 608-784-4040.
812|20020929|Gays Mills Apple Festival|Gays Mills Apple Festival, Sun.9/29 (& Sat.9/28), Parade, Arts & Crafts Show, & much more! The event coincides with the heart of the harvest of some 1500 acres of apple trees along Hwy 171. For info, call 608-735-4643 evenings. Tourist info, call 735-4810.
813|20021002|Children's Miracle Network Jewelry Fundraiser|Children's Miracle Network Jewelry Fundraiser at Gundersen Lutheran. "Jewelry is Fun" jewelry fair fundraiser Oct. 2nd to Oct. 4th. Located in Gund. Luth. Lobby from 11am-5pm Wed.10/2; 7am-3pm Thurs.10/3; and 7am-1pm Fri.10/4. For info, call Gund. Luth. Children's Miracle Network office at 608-775-5662 or 608-775-4424.
814|20021003|Children's Miracle Network Jewelry Fundraiser|Children's Miracle Network Jewelry Fundraiser at Gundersen Lutheran. "Jewelry is Fun" jewelry fair fundraiser Oct. 2nd to Oct. 4th. Located in Gund. Luth. Lobby from 11am-5pm Wed.10/2; 7am-3pm Thurs.10/3; and 7am-1pm Fri.10/4. For info, call Gund. Luth. Children's Miracle Network office at 608-775-5662 or 608-775-4424.
815|20021004|Children's Miracle Network Jewelry Fundraiser|Children's Miracle Network Jewelry Fundraiser at Gundersen Lutheran. "Jewelry is Fun" jewelry fair fundraiser Oct. 2nd to Oct. 4th. Located in Gund. Luth. Lobby from 11am-5pm Wed.10/2; 7am-3pm Thurs.10/3; and 7am-1pm Fri.10/4. For info, call Gund. Luth. Children's Miracle Network office at 608-775-5662 or 608-775-4424.
816|20021001|Georgian State Dance Company performance|Georgian State Dance Company, 100-members direct from the Republic of Georgia, to perform a colorful evening of esthetic and athletic dance, 7:30pm, in Luther College Center for Faith & Life, Decorah, IA. For tickets/info, call Luther Box Office at 563-387-1357, from 10:30am-3pm M-F.
817|20021005|Osseo 24th Annual Volkssport Club Walk|Osseo 24th Annual Volkssport Club Walk, Sat.10/5 and Sun.10/6, from 8:30am-2pm each day. 10km. Walk is free, however a certificate and medal can be purchased to help defray costs. This is a fall walk in a rural setting. Some hills, not suitable for strollers. AVA sanctioned. Starting point is the wayside, approx. 6 miles east of Osseo on Hwy 10 by Pine View Club. For info, contact: Bob Gamache, 13001 Thomas, Osseo, WI, Ph#715-597-2231.
818|20021006|Osseo 24th Annual Volkssport Club Walk|Osseo 24th Annual Volkssport Club Walk, Sat.10/5 and Sun.10/6, from 8:30am-2pm each day. 10km. Walk is free, however a certificate and medal can be purchased to help defray costs. This is a fall walk in a rural setting. Some hills, not suitable for strollers. AVA sanctioned. Starting point is the wayside, approx. 6 miles east of Osseo on Hwy 10 by Pine View Club. For info, contact: Bob Gamache, 13001 Thomas, Osseo, WI, Ph#715-597-2231.
819|20021009|Alcoholism Informational Seminar|Alcoholism Informational Seminar (FREE), L.E. Phillips Senior Center (lower level), 1616 Bellinger St., Eau Claire, WI. 1:30pm. Guest Speaker: Sylvan Kissoon, Former Honorary Secretary of Natl. Council On Alcoholism - Guyana, South America. Please RSVP to 715-839-4909.
820|20021004|Art in the Barn Craft Sale|Art in the Barn Craft Sale, Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5. & Sun.10/6. Hours: Fri.5pm-9pm, Sat.& Sun.9am-5pm. Follow signs North of Viroqua to Huntington Farm, Haugen Rd. Call Ron & Diane Hunter at 608-637-2936; or Delores at 608-634-3703.
821|20021005|Art in the Barn Craft Sale|Art in the Barn Craft Sale, Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5. & Sun.10/6. Hours: Fri.5pm-9pm, Sat.& Sun.9am-5pm. Follow signs North of Viroqua to Huntington Farm, Haugen Rd. Call Ron & Diane Hunter at 608-637-2936; or Delores at 608-634-3703.
822|20021006|Art in the Barn Craft Sale|Art in the Barn Craft Sale, Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5. & Sun.10/6. Hours: Fri.5pm-9pm, Sat.& Sun.9am-5pm. Follow signs North of Viroqua to Huntington Farm, Haugen Rd. Call Ron & Diane Hunter at 608-637-2936; or Delores at 608-634-3703.
823|20021102|Westby H.S. Music Dept. Benefit Dinner|Westby Annual H.S. Music Dept. Benefit Dinner. Italian Dinner/Entertainment beginning at 5:30pm. Complete meal of Lasagna, salad, bread, beverage, & dessert. Cost: $7; or $3 for children & under. Fundraiser for costumes and uniforms.
824|20021003|Bazaar/Auction|Bazaar/Auction, 7pm, at Upper Pigeon Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hwy 121, Hixton, WI. Quilts, baked goods, crafts, & more. Dick Eide - Auctioneer.
825|20021007|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes"|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes", held on Mondays, Oct. 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th. 7pm at UW-L Planetarium, 20 Cowley Hall, 1725 State St., La Crosse, WI. Cost: $2; $1 Area Students; Free for UW-L Students w/ID. For info, call Robert Allen, Director, at 608-785-8669.
826|20021014|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes"|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes", held on Mondays, Oct. 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th. 7pm at UW-L Planetarium, 20 Cowley Hall, 1725 State St., La Crosse, WI. Cost: $2; $1 Area Students; Free for UW-L Students w/ID. For info, call Robert Allen, Director, at 608-785-8669.
827|20021021|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes"|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes", held on Mondays, Oct. 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th. 7pm at UW-L Planetarium, 20 Cowley Hall, 1725 State St., La Crosse, WI. Cost: $2; $1 Area Students; Free for UW-L Students w/ID. For info, call Robert Allen, Director, at 608-785-8669.
828|20021028|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes"|UW-L Planetarium Program "Cosmic Catastrophes", held on Mondays, Oct. 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th. 7pm at UW-L Planetarium, 20 Cowley Hall, 1725 State St., La Crosse, WI. Cost: $2; $1 Area Students; Free for UW-L Students w/ID. For info, call Robert Allen, Director, at 608-785-8669.
829|20021006|"Foodstock", A Musical Fundraiser|"Foodstock", A Musical Fundraiser, put on by Mauston Community Sharing Food Pantry. Features variety of entertainment for all ages. Event also includes art auction & food tasting. Held at Mauston H.S. Auditorium, w/doors opening at 1pm. Cost: $15 per person. Tickets available at The Red Geranium, downtown Mauston. For more info, call 608-847-5978.
830|20021006|Annual Fall Dinner & Bazaar|Annual Fall Dinner & Bazaar at Sacred Heart Parish, Pine Creek, WI. Butter Browned Chicken & Sausage Dinner served from 11am-2pm. Prize Drawing at 4pm. Silent Auction ends at 3pm. Mass at 10am. Cost: $6.50 adults; $3.50 children 6-12; Free for preschool. Carryouts available.
831|20021004|Coulee Region Free Food Distribution Program|Coulee Region Free Food Distribution Program, offered to general public, from 10am-1pm, at site of Cathedral of Praise Church, 3340 South Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska, WI (located just past the Onalaska Gundersen Clinic north of the mall). Donation of $12 is requested to help cover cost of freight. Bring own bags/boxes. Different food selection is available each month. For info, call Dave & Connie Keating at 608-783-2909.
832|20021005|Galesville's 20th Annual Apple Affair|Galesville's 20th Annual Apple Affair, held on the historic downtown square. Omlet breakfast from 7am-11am. Many vendors & exhibits. 20-60 mile bike tours - register 7:30am-10am. 10-ft apple pie baked in town square in custom-built 12-ft oven, served at 12Noon. Continuous live music from 6:30am-5pm in heated 40'x100'tent, $1 admission. Free parking at High School w/shuttle bus running continuously from 7am-5pm. Apple Affair is a non-alcohol, non-profit promotion of area's apple produce. For info, call 608-582-2868.
833|20021005|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring BACH DANCING & DYNAMITE SOCIETY. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
834|20021102|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring THE BUFFALO GALS. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
835|20021123|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring MARITZA. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
836|20021130|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring THE WHADYA KNOW BAND. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
837|20021214|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring STRING TIES' CHRISTMAS. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
838|20021228|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring PRUDENCE JOHNSON. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
839|20030118|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring PAMELA PRESTON KELLY & TERENCE KELLY. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
840|20030124|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring GREG BROWN. 2 shows! 7:30pm & 10pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
841|20030208|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring ST. OLAF CHAMBER CELEBRATION. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
842|20030222|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring JOHN GORKA. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
843|20030228|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring HOT SAUCE & RADOSLAV LORKOVIC. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
844|20030315|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring TONY CASTANEDA LATIN JAZZ QUARTET. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
845|20030322|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring CHANCE. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
846|20030405|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring BEAUX ARTS TRIO. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
847|20030426|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring ELLIS PAUL. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
848|20030503|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring OPPOSABLE THUMBS. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
849|20030510|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring JAN EBERLE. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
850|20030517|Pump House Concert Celebration|Pump House Concert Celebration featuring CHERYL WHEELER. 8pm. For info, call 608-785-1434.
851|20021009|Harvest Dinner|Harvest Dinner at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Broadway at Lafayette, Winona, MN, from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Tickets: $7. For info, call 507-452-5681.
852|20021006|Norskedalen presents Hokah Forever by Aggie Tippery|Norskedalen presents Hokah Forever by Aggie Tippery, 2pm, at Norskedalen's Skumsrud Heritage Farm (located 1/2 miles west of Coon Valley, WI, on US Hwy 14/61). Aggie Tippery, columnist and author will speak at Norskedalen Thrune Center Auditorium near Coon Valley. Aggie's subject is "Preserving Family Memories". For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
853|20021012|Norskedalen Civil War Heritage Weekend|Norskedalen Civil War Heritage Weekend, Sat.10/12 from 9am-4:30pm & Sun.10/13 from 9am-4pm. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
854|20021013|Norskedalen Civil War Heritage Weekend|Norskedalen Civil War Heritage Weekend, Sat.10/12 from 9am-4:30pm & Sun.10/13 from 9am-4pm. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
855|20021009|Boy Scout Lodge #381 Fundraiser|Boy Scout Lodge #381 Fundraiser, held at North Country Steak Buffet. The lodge starts hosting at 5pm, and works until approx. 7:30pm. The lodge receives a percent of all profits for the evening and all tips they earn. Your support is appreciated by eating at North Country Steak Buffet between 5pm-7:30pm!
856|20021009|LaCrosse Tavern League Safe Ride Program Chicken Que|LaCrosse Tavern League Safe Ride Program Annual Chicken Que, from 11am-6:30pm or until gone, at the VFW of LaCrosse. Cost: $6. Carryout or delivery available. Tickets available by calling members or Dorothea Horschak at 788-3510. For delivery, call 785-1530 ASAP.
857|20021003|Senior Health & Safety Expo|Senior Health & Safety Expo (5th Annual), co-sponsored by Tomah Memorial Hospital and TRIAD of Monroe County. 9am-1pm. Located at Holiday Inn of Tomah. Program includes: workshops, health screenings, and exhibits. For info or transportation, contact Denise Prise at 372-8690 or LuAnn Fowler at 374-0209.
858|20021005|LACLA Fall Meeting|LACLA (La Crosse Area Church Library Association) Fall Meeting, at 9am, at Bethel Lutheran Church, 1931 Loomis St., La Crosse, WI. Marilyn Johnson, Program Coord. for Causeway, will give overview of programs offered. Also, program on "Starting, Energizing and Promoting Church Libraries" w/handouts. For info, call Louise Bruring at 608-782-0263.
859|20021005|Barn Warmin' and Dance|Barn Warmin' and Dance, sponsored by Holmen Area Historical Society. Dance begins at 5pm, w/music by Grand Picnic, located at Ray & Renee Aspenson barn, N6732 CTH M, Holmen. Barn experts presentation from 3pm-5pm at Aspenson barn. Advance tickets available at Skogen's IGA in Holmen, the Center for Commerce & Tourism in Onalaska, & the day of the event. Cost: $5 for the tours, barn seminars, & barn dance. For info, call Gretchen Skoloda at 608-526-3213. Website: www.holmenhistory.org.
860|20021002|UW-L Film "Toward Intimacy: Women With Disabilities"|UW-L Film "Toward Intimacy: Women With Disabilities", 7pm, at Graff Main Hall Auditorium, 1725 State St., UW-L. Cost: FREE. For info, call 608-785-8572.
861|20021003|UW-L One-Woman Show Performance|UW-L One-Woman Show Performance by Ruby Nelda Perez of "Dona Rosita's Jalapeno Kitchen", at 7:30pm, located at Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition, UW-L. Cost: $4 for UW-L Students; $6 for other students & UW-L employees; $8 for others. For info/tickets, call 608-785-8898.
862|20021002|UW-L Theatre Arts presents |UW-L Dept. of Theatre Arts Students presents "The Death of Zukasky", Wed.10/2 thru Sat.10/5 w/performances at 7:30pm. Located at Frederick Theatre, Morris Hall, UW-L, 16th & State Streets. Tickets available at door. Box office opens nightly at 6:30pm outside of Frederick Theatre. For info, call 608-785-8522.
863|20021003|UW-L Theatre Arts presents |UW-L Dept. of Theatre Arts Students presents "The Death of Zukasky", Wed.10/2 thru Sat.10/5 w/performances at 7:30pm. Located at Frederick Theatre, Morris Hall, UW-L, 16th & State Streets. Tickets available at door. Box office opens nightly at 6:30pm outside of Frederick Theatre. For info, call 608-785-8522.
864|20021004|UW-L Theatre Arts presents |UW-L Dept. of Theatre Arts Students presents "The Death of Zukasky", Wed.10/2 thru Sat.10/5 w/performances at 7:30pm. Located at Frederick Theatre, Morris Hall, UW-L, 16th & State Streets. Tickets available at door. Box office opens nightly at 6:30pm outside of Frederick Theatre. For info, call 608-785-8522.
865|20021005|UW-L Theatre Arts presents |UW-L Dept. of Theatre Arts Students presents "The Death of Zukasky", Wed.10/2 thru Sat.10/5 w/performances at 7:30pm. Located at Frederick Theatre, Morris Hall, UW-L, 16th & State Streets. Tickets available at door. Box office opens nightly at 6:30pm outside of Frederick Theatre. For info, call 608-785-8522.
866|20021003|2002 Oktoberfest Needlework Show|2002 Oktoberfest Needlework Show, Thurs.10/3 from 9am-9pm; Fri.10/4 from 9am-5pm; and Sat.10/5 from 9am-3pm. Located at La Crosse Main Library Auditorium, 800 Main St., La Crosse, WI. For info, call Caroline Heisler at 608-783-5991.
867|20021004|2002 Oktoberfest Needlework Show|2002 Oktoberfest Needlework Show, Thurs.10/3 from 9am-9pm; Fri.10/4 from 9am-5pm; and Sat.10/5 from 9am-3pm. Located at La Crosse Main Library Auditorium, 800 Main St., La Crosse, WI. For info, call Caroline Heisler at 608-783-5991.
868|20021005|2002 Oktoberfest Needlework Show|2002 Oktoberfest Needlework Show, Thurs.10/3 from 9am-9pm; Fri.10/4 from 9am-5pm; and Sat.10/5 from 9am-3pm. Located at La Crosse Main Library Auditorium, 800 Main St., La Crosse, WI. For info, call Caroline Heisler at 608-783-5991.
869|20021005|Solar Water and Space Heating Class|Solar Water and Space Heating Class. Learn how to use sun's energy to heat water for domestic use and for home heating; also learn overview of variety of systems. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd, Custer, WI. Cost: $75. Ph#715-592-6595. Email: mreainfo@wi-net.com. Website: www.the-mrea.org.
870|20021004|Wisconsin Tour of Solar Businesses|Wisconsin Tour of Solar Businesses, Fri.10/4, buildings open from 10am-4pm for FREE self-guided touring. See how Wisconsin businesses utilize renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable building. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd, Custer, WI. Cost: FREE. Ph#715-592-6595. Email: mreainfo@wi-net.com. Website: www.the-mrea.org.
871|20021005|Wisconsin Tour of Solar Homes|Wisconsin Tour of Solar Homes, Sat.10/5, buildings open from 10am-4pm for FREE self-guided touring. See how Wisconsin homes utilize renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable building. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd, Custer, WI. Cost: FREE. Ph#715-592-6595. Email: mreainfo@wi-net.com. Website: www.the-mrea.org.
872|20021018|Urban Photovoltaic Systems Workshop|Urban Photovoltaic Systems Workshop, Fri.10/18 and Sat.10/19. Location: St.Paul, MN. This workshop is for administrators, business owners and homeowners interested in making a PV system happen in an urban setting. Cost: $160. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd, Custer, WI. Ph#715-592-6595. Email: mreainfo@wi-net.com. Website: www.the-mrea.org.
873|20021021|RE for the Developing World|RE for the Developing World, Mon.10/21 thru Fri.10/25. Location: Custer, WI. Explore different applications for renewable energy technologies for different countries. Learn how to successfully accomplish sustainable development projects. Cost: $350. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd, Custer, WI. Ph#715-592-6595. Email: mreainfo@wi-net.com. Website: www.the-mrea.org.
874|20021102|Make Your Own Window Quilts|Make Your Own Window Quilts. Save money on your heating and cooling bills by improving the R-value of your windows with insulated window treatments. Location: Custer, WI. Cost: $30. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd, Custer, WI. Ph#715-592-6595. Email: mreainfo@wi-net.com. Website: www.the-mrea.org.
875|20021109|Masonry Heaters Introduction|Masonry Heaters Introduction. Masonry heaters burn wood cleanly and efficiently. The thermal mass of these heaters stores and radiates heat, providing a consistent source of warmth. Location: Custer, WI. Cost: $75. Midwest Renewable Energy Association, 7558 Deer Rd, Custer, WI. Ph#715-592-6595. Email: mreainfo@wi-net.com. Website: www.the-mrea.org.
876|20021005|UW-Richland Fall Alumni Day|UW-Richland Fall Alumni Day. For info, call John Poole at 608-647-8422, or email: jpoole@uwc.edu.
877|20021007|Meet the Candidates Brunch & Voter Registration Drive|Meet the Candidates Brunch & Voter Registration Drive, at All Star Lanes, 4735 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, WI. Registration, refreshments, and resource period from 9:30am-10am; then candidates will have a chance to talk from 10am-12Noon. Wisconsin citizens w/interest in aging, disability, and long-term care issues can question candidates running for state election in La Crosse, Jackson, Trempealeau, Crawford, Vernon, Monroe and Buffalo Counties. For info, call Cheryl or Jennifer at Independent Living Resources at 608-787-1111(voice), 608-787-1148(TTY), 888-474-5745(toll free voice), or 888-378-2198(toll free TTY). Advocacy@ilresources.org.
878|20021012|All-Church Bazaar|All-Church Bazaar at Asbury United Methodist Church, 1818 Redfield St., La Crosse, WI, from 9am-2pm. Books, jewelry, needlework, quilts, etc. Homemade lunch/desserts.
879|20021008|Luther College Distinguished Lecture|Luther College Distinguished Lecture. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, (author of 'Creating A Life: Professional Women and the Quest for Children'), will present a lecture, titled "Making Smart Choices in Life and Work". At 7:30pm, in Luther Center for Faith and Life. Open to public and free! For info, call 563-387-1865, or email: knobjo01@luther.edu.
880|20021008|Dealing Wth Dementia Family & Volunteer Caregiver's Workshop|Dealing With Dementia Family & Volunteer Caregiver's Workshop, from 1pm-3pm, at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 24531 6th St., Trempealeau, WI. RSVP by Oct.2nd. For info, call Alzheimer's Association - La Crosse Regional Office at 800-797-1656.
881|20020928|Holmen Rod & Gun Club "Sight-In Days"|Holmen Rod & Gun Club "Sight-In Days" for duck hunters. Open to the Public for this event. Cost: $5. (Memberships available for $20). Sharpen your eye for the up-coming waterfowl season on the Trap Range. For info, call 608-526-4687.
882|20021019|Holmen Rod & Gun Club "Sight-In Days"|Holmen Rod & Gun Club "Sight-In Days" for deer hunters. This event is open to the public. Cost: $5. (Memberships available for $20). Sight in your rifle for the up-coming deer season on this day. For info, call 608-526-4687.
883|20021013|Autumn Festival|Autumn Festival at Sacred Heart Parish, Cashton, WI. Dinner served from 11am-2pm. Other events include cake walk, fish pond, games, & crafts. Quilt and money raffle at 3pm. Carryouts available. For delivery within Village Limits, call Delores Leis thru Sat. at 654-5202; and Sun. at 654-5502. Note: Quad Parish Raffle Drawing at 2:30pm.
884|20021012|Annual Walk to Remember|Annual Walk to Remember, 1pm, in Pettibone Bandshell. Parents and families who have suffered a pregnancy loss or infant death are invited to attend. For questions or to RSVP, call 1-800-362-5454 or 608-785-0940,ext.2389; or 1-800-362-9567 or 608-782-7300,ext.3796; or 608-785-0940,ext.2947.
885|20021008|Onalaska Area Historical Society |Onalaska Area Historical Society Meeting, 7pm, at Onalaska Comm. Center. Presentation on milk bottle collections from the dairies of the Onalaska Area. Visitors welcome. For info, call Sheryl at 608-783-0440.
886|20021015|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society's Annual Video Festival|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society's Annual Video Festival, 7pm, in the UW-L Planetarium (20 Cowley Hall). Annual Video Festival to include: "Understanding The Universe", "Wonders Of The Universe", and "New Horizons". For info, call Robert Allen at 608-785-8669.
887|20021010|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods", w/performances on Thurs.10/10, Fri.10/11, and Sat.10/12 at 7:30pm; and Sun.10/13 at 1:30pm. Location: State Theatre, downtown Eau Claire, WI. Call 715-832-PLAY for tickets. For info, call 715-832-7529.
888|20021011|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods", w/performances on Thurs.10/10, Fri.10/11, and Sat.10/12 at 7:30pm; and Sun.10/13 at 1:30pm. Location: State Theatre, downtown Eau Claire, WI. Call 715-832-PLAY for tickets. For info, call 715-832-7529.
889|20021012|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods", w/performances on Thurs.10/10, Fri.10/11, and Sat.10/12 at 7:30pm; and Sun.10/13 at 1:30pm. Location: State Theatre, downtown Eau Claire, WI. Call 715-832-PLAY for tickets. For info, call 715-832-7529.
890|20021013|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "Into The Woods", w/performances on Thurs.10/10, Fri.10/11, and Sat.10/12 at 7:30pm; and Sun.10/13 at 1:30pm. Location: State Theatre, downtown Eau Claire, WI. Call 715-832-PLAY for tickets. For info, call 715-832-7529.
891|20021003|"Working Outside The Home While Enjoying Harmony" Class|"Working Outside The Home While Enjoying Harmony" Class, offered by Family Resources. Thursdays, Oct.3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th, from 6:30pm-8pm, at Family Resources, 122 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. 4-week discussion group, learning and sharing ways to decrease stress and increase harmony in our family lives. Topics include: Correctiveness, Rushing, How To, and Choosing Child Caregivers. Advanced Registration is required. This class is FREE and free child care is available. To register/info, call 784-8120.
892|20021009|Fall Rummage Sale|Fall Rummage Sale, Wed.10/9 from 11am-7pm; and Thurs.10/10 from 8am-12pm ($1/bag on Thurs.), at Holmen-St.Elizabeth Church, located at Banquets on the Square/Holmen Mall.
893|20021010|Fall Rummage Sale|Fall Rummage Sale, Wed.10/9 from 11am-7pm; and Thurs.10/10 from 8am-12pm ($1/bag on Thurs.), at Holmen-St.Elizabeth Church, located at Banquets on the Square/Holmen Mall.
894|20021011|SAL of Kellogg Annual Steak Fry|SAL of Kellogg Annual Steak Fry, from 5:30pm-8pm, at Kellogg Legion Hall. Prices: $8.50/Steak Dinner; $7/Pork Dinner.
895|20021006|Houston County 4-H Potluck Picnic|Houston County 4-H Potluck Picnic, for all 4-H members/alumni (past and present). 12:30pm, at Houston County Fairgrounds (4-H Food Stand). Bring a dish to pass and your own table service.
896|20021012|St. Mary School Quiltfest Display/Sale|St. Mary School Quiltfest Display/Sale, Sat.10/12 from 9am-9pm and Sun, 10/13 from 9am-4pm, located at 535 Congress St., Bloomington, WI. (located on US Hwy 35). Showing over 150 quilted items, w/over 100 full-size quilts. Lunch available. Cost: $3. For info, call Maryann at 608-994-2327, or Michelle at 608-994-2395.
897|20021013|St. Mary School Quiltfest Display/Sale|St. Mary School Quiltfest Display/Sale, Sat.10/12 from 9am-9pm and Sun, 10/13 from 9am-4pm, located at 535 Congress St., Bloomington, WI. (located on US Hwy 35). Showing over 150 quilted items, w/over 100 full-size quilts. Lunch available. Cost: $3. For info, call Maryann at 608-994-2327, or Michelle at 608-994-2395.
898|20021012|Boscobel Quilt & Craft Arama|Boscobel 23rd Annual Quilt & Craft Arama, Sat.10/12 and Sun.10/13 from 9am-4pm, located at the Boscobel High School, 300 Brindley St, Boscobel, WI. Quilt exhibit, competition and sale, crafts, raffle, and antiques show. For info on this and other events in Boscobel, call 608-375-2672. Email: boscocc@mwt.net. Website: www.boscobelwisconsin.com.
899|20021013|St. Bartholomew's Church Fall Festival|St. Bartholomew's Church Fall Festival, Doors open at 10am. in Church Hall on Gray St., Trempealeau, WI. The All-Weather Tent will have take-out tickets, Bake Sale, and Children's games. Dinner served in the Hall from 11am-2pm. Tickets: $6.50 Adults; $3.50 Ages 5-12; Free Under 5. Sunday Mass at 9am.
900|20021013|125th Church Anniversary & Elevator Dedication|125th Church Anniversary & Elevator Dedication, 10am Service w/Special Music. Luncheon following service w/time to reminisce. Located at McKinley United Methodist Church, 801 W Broadway, Winona, MN. Come one, come all! For info, call 507-452-3568.
901|20021009|Meatball Supper|Meatball Supper at Wilmington Lutheran Church, rural Caledonia, MN, serving begins at 5pm. Cost: $6.50 Adults; $3 Ages 6-12; Free Preschool age. All Carryouts $6.50. Everyone Welcome! For info, call Jan Lee Buxengard at 507-498-3461.
902|20021013|Boscobel Quilt & Craft Arama|Boscobel 23rd Annual Quilt & Craft Arama, Sat.10/12 and Sun.10/13 from 9am-4pm, located at the Boscobel High School, 300 Brindley St, Boscobel, WI. Quilt exhibit, competition and sale, crafts, raffle, and antiques show. For info on this and other events in Boscobel, call 608-375-2672. Email: boscocc@mwt.net. Website: www.boscobelwisconsin.com.
903|20021015|Evangelistic Meetings|Evangelistic Meetings will be held at Tues.10/15, Wed.10/16, and Thurs.10/17, at 7:30pm, at Bethesda Lutheran Brethran Church, W Park, Westby, WI. Guest speaker will be Rev. Willmore Gundersen. Sponsored by Christian Businessmen's Committee.
904|20021009|Sauerkraut Supper|Sauerkraut Supper at St. Peter's Church Middle Ridge. Serving from 4pm-9pm. Supper, bake sale, quilt raffle, and other prizes. Cost: $6 Adults; $3 Children. Carryouts available.
905|20021004|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
906|20021005|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
907|20021011|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
908|20021012|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
909|20021018|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
910|20021019|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
911|20021025|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
912|20021026|Lake Pepin Players presents "Dracula Improvised"|Lake Pepin Players and The Mississippi Valley's Live Professional Theatre presents "Dracula Improvised", performances are Fri.10/4, Sat.10/5, Fri.10/11, Sat.10/12, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, Fri.10/25, and Sat.10/26. All shows at 8pm. Located at Allen/Hovde Theatre, 417 2nd St, Pepin, WI. Tickets: $12 Adults; $8 Season Ticket holders; $10 Seniors & Teens ages 13-19; $5 Children. For reservations/info, call 715-442-3109 or 800-823-3577.
913|20021016|Evangelistic Meetings|Evangelistic Meetings will be held at Tues.10/15, Wed.10/16, and Thurs.10/17, at 7:30pm, at Bethesda Lutheran Brethran Church, W Park, Westby, WI. Guest speaker will be Rev. Willmore Gundersen. Sponsored by Christian Businessmen's Committee.
914|20021017|Evangelistic Meetings|Evangelistic Meetings will be held at Tues.10/15, Wed.10/16, and Thurs.10/17, at 7:30pm, at Bethesda Lutheran Brethran Church, W Park, Westby, WI. Guest speaker will be Rev. Willmore Gundersen. Sponsored by Christian Businessmen's Committee.
915|20021019|Bazaar & Bake Sale|Bazaar & Bake Sale (Annual), at United Methodist Church, 605 N Harvey St, Necedah, WI, from 9am-2pm. Crafts, Bakery, Cherry Tree, and Lunch.
916|20021015|Minnesota Dance Theatre's Rumblings|Minnesota Dance Theatre's Rumblings (artistic blues ballet), 7:30pm, at Viterbo University Fine Arts Center Main Theatre. For tickets/info, call 608-796-3100. Tickets: $23/$17.
917|20021016|National Disability Mentoring Day|National Disability Mentoring Day. Kick-off Breakfast from 9am-9:45am. Lunch and Sharing experiences from 1pm-2:30pm. Located at Independent Living Resources, 4439 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, WI.
918|20021017|Bake Sale & Hot Dog Sale|Bake Sale to benefit Children's Miracle Network and Hot Dog Sale to benefit Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers, at Co-op Credit Union, Black River Falls, Melrose, and Galesville.
919|20021017|Westby Norwegian Fall Fest|Westby 4th Annual Norwegian Fall Fest, Thurs.10/17, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20. Located in Downtown Westby. Activities include: Taste of Norway, Stone Soup and Used Book Sale, Photo Exhibit, Music on the Porch, Carving and Rosemaling Demonstrations, Farmers Markets, Concerts, Bazaars, and much more! For full schedule info, call 1-866-4-Westby (1-866-493-7829); or website: www.westbywi.com.
920|20021018|Westby Norwegian Fall Fest|Westby 4th Annual Norwegian Fall Fest, Thurs.10/17, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20. Located in Downtown Westby. Activities include: Taste of Norway, Stone Soup and Used Book Sale, Photo Exhibit, Music on the Porch, Carving and Rosemaling Demonstrations, Farmers Markets, Concerts, Bazaars, and much more! For full schedule info, call 1-866-4-Westby (1-866-493-7829); or website: www.westbywi.com.
921|20021019|Westby Norwegian Fall Fest|Westby 4th Annual Norwegian Fall Fest, Thurs.10/17, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20. Located in Downtown Westby. Activities include: Taste of Norway, Stone Soup and Used Book Sale, Photo Exhibit, Music on the Porch, Carving and Rosemaling Demonstrations, Farmers Markets, Concerts, Bazaars, and much more! For full schedule info, call 1-866-4-Westby (1-866-493-7829); or website: www.westbywi.com.
922|20021020|Westby Norwegian Fall Fest|Westby 4th Annual Norwegian Fall Fest, Thurs.10/17, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20. Located in Downtown Westby. Activities include: Taste of Norway, Stone Soup and Used Book Sale, Photo Exhibit, Music on the Porch, Carving and Rosemaling Demonstrations, Farmers Markets, Concerts, Bazaars, and much more! For full schedule info, call 1-866-4-Westby (1-866-493-7829); or website: www.westbywi.com.
923|20021019|Fall Art & Craft Sale|Fall Art & Craft Sale, at Elk Mound High School and Elk Mound Elementary School, University St, Elk Mound, WI. 9am-3pm. FREE ADMISSION. Lunch/childcare available. Over 140 Crafters from 57 cities.
924|20021019|Chicken Q Fundraiser|Chicken Q Fundraiser for the Onalaska High School Show Choirs. 11am-6pm. Located at Skogen's Center 90 parking lot, Onalaska. Tickets: $5.50/advance, $6 day of event. For advance tickets, call Tom or Karen Haville at 783-8062. For info, call Paul Gulsvig at 783-4561(wk#), or 783-8116(hm#).
925|20021020|Old Fashioned Chicken Dinner|Old Fashioned Chicken Dinner at St.Charles Borromeo Church, Chippewa Falls, WI. Serving from 11am-2pm, in the St.Charles School Gym. Tickets: $6.50 Adults, $3.50 Students 6-12 yrs, FREE 5yrs and younger. Carryouts available by calling 723-5827.
926|20021020|Swiss Steak Dinner & Fall Festival|Swiss Steak Dinner & Fall Festival (6th Annual), at St. Joseph's Church in Rushford, MN. Festival runs from 10am-3pm, w/dinner being served from 11am-1pm only. Festival begins w/Blue Grass Mass at 10am. Events include: Raffle, Country Store, Flea Market/White Elephant Sale, Bake & Craft Sale. Auction at 12:30pm, Raffle drawing at 3pm. Cost: $7 Adults, $3.50 Ages 5-12, Under age 5 eat free. Carry-outs and in-town delivery available. For info, call 507-864-2257.
927|20021019|Bethel Benefit Concert featuring "Guitar Wizard" Monte Montgomery|Bethel Benefit Concert featuring "Guitar Wizard" Monte Montgomery, (one of the top 10 guitarists in America). Opening Act is THE CHRIS BUCHEIT TRIO at 7:30pm; with MONTE MONTGOMERY beginning at 9pm. Location: Temple Theatre, 116 S Main St, Viroqua, WI. Concert benefits renovations at Bethel Non-profit Nursing Home in Viroqua. Tickets: $22.50 Reserved Seats, $15 General Admission. For tickets, call 1-866-468-3401, or website: www.ticketweb.com. For info, call 608-637-6358. Email: bethelinfo@bethelhome.org.
928|20021012|Rick Johnson Cancer Benefit & Poker Run|Rick Johnson Cancer Benefit & Poker Run, located at Nutbush City Limits. Poker run starts at 11am. Benefit starts at 2pm. Large cash prizes, plus thousands of $ worth of other prizes, including a silent auction and door prizes. $10 donation includes free beer, hog roast, DJ & band. Donations accepted anytime. For info, contact Fargo @ 783-0228 after 6pm.
929|20021016|VFW Roast Pork & Sauerkraut Supper|VFW Roast Pork & Sauerkraut Supper, serving from 4pm-7pm, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Tickets: $7. Carryouts available.
930|20021020|VFW Omelet Breakfast|VFW Omelet Breakfast, serving from 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
931|20021027|"Let's Talk" Communicative Sessions w/Burdett Wakeman|"Let's Talk" Communicative Sessions w/Burdett Wakeman, Discussion Leader, specializing in Communicative Arts. This is a free service and is a weekly series to allow people to ask any questions they may have on spiritual life. Time: 6:30pm, with 7:30pm dessert and fellowship time. Located at Southside Christian, 3400 Losey Blvd S, La Crosse, WI. For more info, call Burdett Wakeman @ 608-784-0693, or call the church at 608-782-7505. Email: bwakeman@juno.com. All are invited!
932|20021016|Coulee Audubon Society Meeting|Coulee Audobon Society Meeting, at 7pm, in the La Crosse Public Library, lower level. Fall colors, Trees, & Landscape design will be presented by Jay Fernholz, orborist and landscape architect. Discussion on how to keep shrubs and trees healthy and how to select them for different locations. Meeting is free & open to the public.
933|20021019|Valley Community Fall Sale|Valley Community Fall Sale, 9am-3pm, at the Valley Community Center located on County "P" in Vernon County. Crafts, baked goods, & lots of great rummage. Lunch room open and the "Valley Girls" are super good cooks.
934|20021026|Canton Fire Dept Annual Dance|Canton Fire Dept Annual Dance, 8pm til 12Midnight, with the TEQUILA ROSE BAND. $5 donation at the door. Beer and setup available. For info, call Jim Richardson at 563-387-3235.
935|20021027|St. John's Catholic Church Family Style Dinner|St. John's Catholic Church Family Style Dinner, serving from 11am-2pm, at St. John's Catholic Church, Cooks Valley. Cost: $6.50 Adults, $3.50 Children 6-12, Free to Preschool. Everyone invited. For info, call Candyce Prince at 568-5496(H) or 723-4088(W).
936|20021019|Lutefisk Dinner|Lutefisk Dinner, serving from 11am-1:30pm and 4:30pm-8pm, located at Utica Lutheran Church, Hwy 27, 3 miles N of Mt Sterling, WI. Handicapped accessible. Cost: $10 Adults, $4 Ages 6-12, Free to under age 6. For info, call Esther at 608-637-3265.
937|20021019|Holy Trinity Arts & Crafts Show & Sale|Holy Trinity Arts & Crafts Show & Sale, Sat.10/19 from 10am-3pm and Sun.10/20 from 9:30am-3pm, located at Protivin Community Center, Protivin, IA. Everyone welcome.
938|20021020|Holy Trinity Arts & Crafts Show & Sale|Holy Trinity Arts & Crafts Show & Sale, Sat.10/19 from 10am-3pm and Sun.10/20 from 9:30am-3pm, located at Protivin Community Center, Protivin, IA. Everyone welcome.
939|20021019|Harvest Bazaar & Bake Sale|Harvest Bazaar & Bake Sale, from 8:30am-2pm, located at Harry J. Olson Senior Citizen Center, 1607 North St, La Crosse, WI. Country Store, Crafts, Bake Shop, Knits, and Floral Arrangements. Everyone welcome.
940|20021102|Houston Craft Sale|Houston Craft Sale, 9am-2pm, Houston High School Gym. Sponsored by Houston FCCLA Chapter. Door prizes, lunch, Free admission. For info, call Erin Thompson, FCCLA Advisor, at 507-896-3161,ext.231.
941|20021019|Annual Logan Craft Show|Annual Logan Craft Show, 9am-4pm, at Logan High School, 1500 Ranger Drive, La Crosse, WI. Sponsored by The Logan Parent Organization. Cost: $1 admission fee w/free door prizes. Over 100 Vendors selling crafts, woodwork, home furnishings, and food items. Funds raised from this event go for scholarships for graduating seniors. For info, call Lynn West at 608-781-2863.
942|20021027|Neighbor For Neighbor Variety Show|Neighbor For Neighbor Variety Show, 2pm, located at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 310 W Elizabeth St, Tomah, WI. Door prizes. Cost: Donation, or Non-perishable Food, or both. Everyone welcome.
943|20021027|Fall Fest|Fall Fest, 11:30am-4pm, sponsored by Holy Cross Parish, Dakota, MN. Location: Dakota Elementary School. Raffle drawing at 4pm. Silent auction, food bingo, kids games. For info, call Peter Semann at 507-643-6264.
944|20021020|9th Annual Angel Fest|9th Annual Angel Fest, registration begins at 11am, with dinner served at 12Noon. Located at Radisson Hotel, 200 Harbor View Plaza, La Crosse, WI. Featured speaker will be Pastor Ted Dewald. Music by Jack & Ethel. Cost: $23 - includes dinner, door prizes, games, and fun. Reservations required - seating limited. Send reservations to: Angel Fest, 607 Oak Ave S, Onalaska, WI 54650. For info, call Angel Hotline at 608-783-6437.
945|20021019|Chicken-Q|Chicken-Q, sponsored by Brice Prairie Lions Club. Serving from 11am-6pm. Located at Kerry's Korner in Midway. Cost: $6. For info, call Joe Pitsch at 526-9782.
946|20021024|KIDS DAY OUT|KIDS DAY OUT, Thurs.10/24 and Fri.10/25, from 8am-4:30pm each day, for kids ages Kindergarten thru 6th grade. Parents not sure what to do w/your kids on these vacation days? Why not bring them to River of Life Assembly of God KIDS DAY OUT! Children's pastor and staff will provide day care for your children these 2 days, packed w/events such as field trips. Cost is $10 per child per day, lunch included. Space is limited to 70 kids, so call now to reserve your spot at 782-2780. This event is open to the public. Location: River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI (located behind Cub Foods).
947|20021025|KIDS DAY OUT|KIDS DAY OUT, Thurs.10/24 and Fri.10/25, from 8am-4:30pm each day, for kids ages Kindergarten thru 6th grade. Parents not sure what to do w/your kids on these vacation days? Why not bring them to River of Life Assembly of God KIDS DAY OUT! Children's pastor and staff will provide day care for your children these 2 days, packed w/events such as field trips. Cost is $10 per child per day, lunch included. Space is limited to 70 kids, so call now to reserve your spot at 782-2780. This event is open to the public. Location: River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI (located behind Cub Foods).
948|20021031|HARVEST PARTY|HARVEST PARTY, from 4:30pm-8:30pm. Fun and events for all ages include: Dunk Tank, Jumping Castle, Games, Candy, Prizes, and Food Concessions! ALL GAMES ARE FREE, except Dunk Tank, which is 5 balls/$1, or 1 ball/.25cents. Annual event held by River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI (behind Cub Foods). Come and join us for fun and dinner, concessions will be available for a nominal fee. For info, call 782-2780.
949|20021012|La Crosse YMCA Community Open House|La Crosse YMCA Community Open House, from 5pm-8pm, FREE to the public, located at La Crosse Area YMCA. Opportunities for all ages to have access to Lyfe Center, pool and whirlpool, Family Fun Center, Y Child Watch (while you exercise), open gym and more! Stop in for a tour, workout, and/or family night! For more info, call 782-9622.
950|20021027|La Crosse YMCA/Pepsi Halloween Party|La Crosse YMCA/Pepsi Halloween Party, from 4pm-6pm. Open to the public. Join us for costume contest, games, face painting, crafts, prizes, concessions, and more SPOOKTACULAR fun! For info, call 782-9622.
951|20021030|La Crosse YMCA Blood Drive|La Crosse YMCA Blood Drive, from 8am-1pm, at La Crosse Area Family YMCA. For appointment/info, call 782-9622, or stop by the Reception Desk.
952|20021022|Fall Rummage Sale|Fall Rummage Sale, Tues.10/22 from 12:30pm-5:30pm and Wed.10/23 from 10am-12Noon (1/2 price). Located at First Congregational Church, Corner of Losey Blvd & Main Sts, La Crosse, WI. For info, call 784-8137.
953|20021023|Fall Rummage Sale|Fall Rummage Sale, Tues.10/22 from 12:30pm-5:30pm and Wed.10/23 from 10am-12Noon (1/2 price). Located at First Congregational Church, Corner of Losey Blvd & Main Sts, La Crosse, WI. For info, call 784-8137.
954|20021027|Fall Festival|Fall Festival, serving at 11:30am* (*following Sunday Service), at St. Peter Lutheran Church. Free-will offering. All proceeds go to the food pantry. Carryouts available. For info, call Sandy Konichek at 326-8251.
955|20021015|La Crosse County Alliance for Mentally Ill Support Meeting|La Crosse County Alliance for Mentally Ill Support Meeting, 7:15pm, at First Congregational Church Comm Room, 2503 Main St, La Crosse, WI. This is a support and advocacy group for families and friends of the seriously mentally ill. Speaker: Marilyn Kelley, RN. Topic: The Role for the Psychiatric Nurse in Caring for the Seriously Mentally Ill.
956|20021019|All Season Bazaar|All Season Bazaar, 9am-2pm, w/luncheon served from 11am-1pm, at Wesley United Methodist Church, 721 King St, La Crosse, WI.
957|20021020|Annual Festival and Dinner|Annual Festival and Dinner, serving from 11am-2pm, at the Immaculate Conception Church,2246 Hwy 26, Lansing, IA. Carryouts available in back of church in chapel room. Cost: $6 Adults, $3 Children 5-10 yrs, Free to under 5 yrs. Plants, Country Store, Bake Sale, Games, Crafts, Raffle and Silent Auction.
958|20021014|La Crosse Library presents author of "Chasing God"|La Crosse Library presents author of "Chasing God", Shirley Cunningham, discussing her memoir dealing w/stages in her life including breast cancer. 7pm in the Children's Storyroom at the La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. This is a special program highlighting breast cancer month. For info, call Patt Boge at 789-7127.
959|20021102|Holiday Fair|Holiday Fair, 9am-12pm, at the French Creek Lutheran Church, County Rd T, Rural Ettrick, WI. Lunch, bake sale, country store, white elephant sale, arts and crafts, cards and napkins, and Luther League cookie walk. Also a quilt and crafts raffle. Tickets available at French Creek W-ELCA members and at the door. Handmade quilt and other crafts raffle drawing at 11:30am. Need not be present to win. For info, call Sheryl Henderson at 608-525-2602.
960|20021025|Hixon's Haunted House|Hixon's Haunted House, Fri.10/25 and Sat.10/26, from 6pm-9pm both days. Come take a hike, at night, in the dark, in the forest - if you dare! Admission is $5 per person, and reservations are required. All proceeds benefit the programs at Hixon Forest Nature Center, located at 2702 Quarry Rd, La Crosse, WI. Call 784-0303 to reserve your time and for more information.
961|20021026|Hixon's Haunted House|Hixon's Haunted House, Fri.10/25 and Sat.10/26, from 6pm-9pm both days. Come take a hike, at night, in the dark, in the forest - if you dare! Admission is $5 per person, and reservations are required. All proceeds benefit the programs at Hixon Forest Nature Center, located at 2702 Quarry Rd, La Crosse, WI. Call 784-0303 to reserve your time and for more information.
962|20021025|Annual Pancake Supper|Annual Pancake Supper, serving from 4:30pm-8pm, at the Catholic School in Independence, WI. Hosted by SS. Peter & Paul Catholic School Education Committee. Carryouts and in-town deliveries available. Cost: $5 Adults, $4 Ages 6-12, Free to ages 5&under. For info, call Joe Bragger at 715-985-2314.
963|20021026|"The Kings Countrymen" Gospel Concert|"The Kings Countrymen" Gospel Concert, playing and singing Bluegrass Gospel Music on the road for Jesus. 7:30pm, held at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 306 S Main, Westby, WI. Free-will offering for the concert, Everyone welcome! "The Kings Countrymen", from Mondovi, WI, have been singing since 1994 throughout Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, South Dakota, and Iowa.
964|20021108|Westby H.S. Drama/Music Dept. presents "Grease"|Westby H.S. Drama/Music Dept presents the musical "Grease", Fri.11/8 and Sat.11/9 at 7:30pm, and Sun.11/10 at 2pm. Tickets: $5 Adults, $4 for Senior Citizens. Tickets available in H.S. office on Oct.30th. For info, call 608-634-3101.
965|20021109|Westby H.S. Drama/Music Dept. presents "Grease"|Westby H.S. Drama/Music Dept presents the musical "Grease", Fri.11/8 and Sat.11/9 at 7:30pm, and Sun.11/10 at 2pm. Tickets: $5 Adults, $4 for Senior Citizens. Tickets available in H.S. office on Oct.30th. For info, call 608-634-3101.
966|20021110|Westby H.S. Drama/Music Dept. presents "Grease"|Westby H.S. Drama/Music Dept presents the musical "Grease", Fri.11/8 and Sat.11/9 at 7:30pm, and Sun.11/10 at 2pm. Tickets: $5 Adults, $4 for Senior Citizens. Tickets available in H.S. office on Oct.30th. For info, call 608-634-3101.
967|20021108|CRCS presents MARTY GOETZ, "Psalm Enchanted Evening"|CRCS (Coule Region Christian School) presents in concert, MARTY GOETZ, "Psalm Enchanted Evening". MARTY GOETZ will be at the La Crosse Center for the Annual Christian Education Banquet at 6:30pm. NO COST for the banquet, an opportunity will be given to participate in the tuition assistance fund. Due to limited seating, adults only please. RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOV.1st. Call for reservations/info, at 608-786-3004.
968|20021026|Child Safety Day|Child Safety Day, sponsored by Home Depot and Outback Steakhouse, held from 10am-2pm. Children will have a chance to talk w/local firefighters, decorate an Outback Steakhouse apron, and make a wooden fire truck crayon holder by participating in Home Depot's Kids Workshop. Outback supplying food for participating children. For registration/info, stop by Home Depot, 2927 Market Place, Onalaska, WI, or call 608-392-1400.
969|20021016|"Aids in Africa" Program|"Aids in Afica" program presented by Dr. Paul Quie, 10am, located at the Central Lutheran Church at Huff & Wabasha Streets, in Winona, MN. FREE and Open to the Public. Dr. Quie is a nationally respected expert in pediatric infectious diseases, international medical education, and improving the lives of refugees. He is currently in China. His talk will include other areas besides Africa, particularly the global relationship between infectious diseases, social disruption and poverty. For info, contact Marian Carroll at her email: carroll@luminet.net.
970|20021012|Fall Showcase of Homes|Fall Showcase of Homes, Sat.10/12, Sun.10/13, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20, presented by La Crosse Area Builders Association. Tickets: $5 in advance, $6 during. Tickets available at area banks. For info, call 608-781-5242. La Crosse Area Builders Association is a non-profit trade association representing La Crosse, Monroe, Jackson, Trempealeau and Vernon Counties.
971|20021013|Fall Showcase of Homes|Fall Showcase of Homes, Sat.10/12, Sun.10/13, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20, presented by La Crosse Area Builders Association. Tickets: $5 in advance, $6 during. Tickets available at area banks. For info, call 608-781-5242. La Crosse Area Builders Association is a non-profit trade association representing La Crosse, Monroe, Jackson, Trempealeau and Vernon Counties.
972|20021018|Fall Showcase of Homes|Fall Showcase of Homes, Sat.10/12, Sun.10/13, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20, presented by La Crosse Area Builders Association. Tickets: $5 in advance, $6 during. Tickets available at area banks. For info, call 608-781-5242. La Crosse Area Builders Association is a non-profit trade association representing La Crosse, Monroe, Jackson, Trempealeau and Vernon Counties.
973|20021019|Fall Showcase of Homes|Fall Showcase of Homes, Sat.10/12, Sun.10/13, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20, presented by La Crosse Area Builders Association. Tickets: $5 in advance, $6 during. Tickets available at area banks. For info, call 608-781-5242. La Crosse Area Builders Association is a non-profit trade association representing La Crosse, Monroe, Jackson, Trempealeau and Vernon Counties.
974|20021020|Fall Showcase of Homes|Fall Showcase of Homes, Sat.10/12, Sun.10/13, Fri.10/18, Sat.10/19, and Sun.10/20, presented by La Crosse Area Builders Association. Tickets: $5 in advance, $6 during. Tickets available at area banks. For info, call 608-781-5242. La Crosse Area Builders Association is a non-profit trade association representing La Crosse, Monroe, Jackson, Trempealeau and Vernon Counties.
975|20021013|Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner|Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner, serving from 11am-3pm, at Bruce Valley Church, located 6 miles S of Strum or 11 miles N of Whitehall or 8 miles N of Elk Creek on Co.Hwy.E/Co.Hwy.D. (30 miles S of Eau Claire, WI). Quilt raffle/bake sale. Proceeds used for further restoration. For info, call 1-715-695-2903.
976|20021012|Annual Lutefisk Dinner|Annual Lutefisk Dinner, serving from 2pm-8pm, w/tickets on sale at 1pm. Located at Halfway Creek Lutheran Church, 2 1/2 miles E of Holmen, WI on Hwy D. Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 children ages 12&under. For info, call 608-526-3701.
977|20021012|Roast Beef Dinner w/Trimmings|Roast Beef Dinner w/dressing and all trimmings, served Buffet Style, from 4pm-8pm, at St Peter Church in Hokah, MN. Tickets: $7.50 Adults, $4.50 children 6-12, FREE children 5&under. Tickets available at Hokah Co-op Oil, Hokah Hardware, and St Peter's School Office. Also featuring our Country Store/Farmer's Market sponsored by St Peter's School Board.
978|20021013|Fall Festival|Fall Festival, w/dinner served from 11am-2pm, mass at 10:30am - Diane McNallan w/St Joachim Singers. Children's games, raffle, bake sale, witch's brew, silent auction. Held at St Mary's Catholic Church in Minneiska, MN. For info, call Vicki Drenckhahn at 507-689-2466.
979|20021019|Fall Bazaar|Fall Bazaar, from 9am-2pm, at Lake Street United Methodist Church, 337 Lake St, Eau Claire, WI. Coffee/rolls served from 9am-10:30am and Lunch served from 11am-2pm. Quilt display by Lake Street Quilters, Christmas crafts, food, floral arrangements, face painting, and much more! For info, call Florence Shepherd at 715-839-0749.
980|20021013|Potato/Regular Pancake & Sausage Breakfast|Potato/Regular Pancake & Sausage Breakfast, serving from 8:30am-12:30pm, at St Mary's Catholic School in Greenwood, WI. Cost: $4 donation Adults, $2.50 donation Children K-8. Bake Sale also. Funds raised will be for new workbooks. Sponsored by Catholic Knights Branch 234 and St Mary's Home & School Association. For info, call Connie Bushman at 715-267-7287(H).
981|20021016|Harvest Supper/Bake Sale/Bazaar|Harvest Supper/Bake Sale/Bazaar, from 4:30pm-8pm, located at Pigeon Falls Evangelical Lutheran Church in Pigeon Falls, WI. Carryouts available. Cost: $7 Adults, reduced rates for children.
982|20021019|Raising Funds for Non-Profits Workshop|Raising Funds for Non-Profits Workshop, 9am-12Noon, at Health Sciences Center, La Crosse. This is a FREE Workshop on finding resources, writing proposals, evaluating projects, and more. Presented by The Community Literacy Coalition (All-Volunteer Group). To register, call 782-9710,ext.308, or 1-800-262-0420,ext.308 at the La Crosse Tribune.
983|20021026|Fall Harvest Craft and Bake Sale|Fall Harvest Craft and Bake Sale, 10am-2pm, at St Mary's Catholic Church in Greenwood, WI. Salad luncheon is available.
984|20021019|Prairie View PTO Fall Harvest|Prairie View PTO Fall Harvest (7th Annual), 10am-3pm, located in Retreat, WI. Bake sale, crafts, games, raffles, concessions. Lots of fun and supports Prairie View Elementary. Children must be accompanied by parent. $1 donation per child please. For info, call Tami Trussoni at 608-648-2367(H) or 608-796-2058(W).
985|20021017|White Elephant Fundraiser Auction|White Elephant Fundraiser Auction, 7pm, at Big Al's Pizzaria, 115 S 3rd St, La Crosse, WI. Local folks and businesses are donating items, proceeds benefit La Crosse Jaycees and Aspen Johnson (a one-yr old local boy w/a rare blood disease). Donations of items can be dropped off at Big Al's after 4pm on the 17th, or larger items can be picked up be calling in advance to 608-792-6455. Free beer served compliments of Pearl Street Brewery, and dinner available from Big Al's menu. For info, call Tina at 792-6455.
986|20021026|Bangor First Responders Annual Halloween Fundraiser Dance|Bangor First Responders Annual Halloween Fundraiser Dance, 8pm-12Midnight, at Bangor/Burns Fire Dept, Bangor, WI. Theme: "20 Years - United We Stand". Music by: MARQUE IV. Adult costume contest, children's costume parade, raffle drawing, door prizes, "chance" prizes, food/refreshments. Donation request: $2 Adults, $1 Students. For info, call Janice Willger, EMT, at 608-486-4491.
987|20021026|Western Wisconsin Fraternal Order of Police Fundraiser|Western Wisconsin Fraternal Order of Police Fundraiser, 7pm, at Sparta American Legion, Post 100. Comedy Review, D.J., great music, silent auction, door prizes. This year's fundraiser will be for the Natl Easter Seals Foundation and Monroe County D.A.R.E. Program. For info, call Thomas at 608-269-1651. Email: wwfop@hotmail.com.
988|20021026|Amateur Boxing Show|Amateur Boxing Show hosted by Caledonia Boxing Club, 7:30pm, located at the city Auditorium in Caledonia, MN. The show "FRIGHT NIGHT" will be in the spirit of Halloween this year. Young/old encouraged to attend. Food/beverages available. See some of the best boxing in the upper Midwest. For info, call Matt at 507-725-8350.
989|20021017|Potato Pancake Supper|Potato Pancake Supper, serving from 4pm-8pm, located at Trinity United Church of Christ, Hwy 14/61 in Mormon Coulee, just 3.5 miles from La Crosse city limits. Also bake sale/drawing for prizes. Cost: $6 Adults, $3 under 12yrs, FREE under 3yrs. For info, call 608-788-3632.
990|20021027|Harvestfest|Harvestfest, 9am-1:30pm, at St James Parish, 2502 11th St, Eau Claire, WI. Great food/booths. Coffee/rolls served from 9am-10:30am and Lunch served from 11am-1:30pm. Cost: $5 Adults, $2.50 Children under 10. For info, call Emma Barnett at 715-832-6739.
991|20021023|Sauerkraut and Roast Pork Supper|Sauerkraut and Roast Pork Supper (78th annual), serving from 4pm-6:30pm, in the church's basement fellowship hall of St John's United Church of Christ, 630 West Ave S, La Crosse, WI. Tickets: $7.50 Adults, $3.50 Children age 10 and under. Carryouts available for $7.50. Tickets can be purchased in advance at church office or at the door. For info, call 784-3314.
992|20021109|Lutefisk & Meatball Supper|Lutefisk & Meatball Supper, serving family style from 11am-2pm and 4pm-8pm, at Coon Valley Lutheran Church, Coon Valley, WI. ADVANCE TICKET SALES REQUESTED and available at Fortress Bank - Westby & Coon Valley, Coon Valley Luth Church & Seland's - Coon Valley. Tickets: $11 Adults, $5.50 grades 1-6, FREE for preschool. Catered by Men of Our Saviors (MOOS), Westby, WI. Bake sale featuring Norwegian Specialties - Coon Valley Luth Church Ladies. For info, call Elain DeBuhr at 608-452-3836.
993|20021019|Rushford Arts & Crafts Fair|Rushford Arts & Crafts Fair, 9am-3:30pm, at Rushford-Peterson H.S. Gymnasium. FREE ADMISSION. Handmade crafts of all kinds. Come to sell - come to buy. Lunch/refreshments available. Three $10 Door prizes, need not be present to win. Proceeds in support of community projects. Exhibitors must furnish own table(s). Electricity available, please request in advance. Sponsored by GFWC, Rushford Federated Women's Club. For info, call Dorothy at 507-864-2848, or Louann at 507-864-3337.
994|20021015|Franciscan Skemp hosts PHONE-A-THON on Perimenopause|Franciscan Skemp hosts PHONE-A-THON on Perimenopause, from 5pm-10:30pm. Callers can call and talk directly w/healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, midwives, & other medical experts) to answer their questions and concerns related to perimenopause. Callers may also request additional info about women and heart disease, exercise, nutrition, menopause, or assistance in selecting a physician. Confidentiality will be protected. Callers in the La Crosse area should dial 608-782-8899, and long-distance callers should dial toll-free 1-888-318-1366.
995|20021017|Scholastic Book Fair |Scholastic Book Fair "Lasso a Great Book", Thurs.10/17 and Tues.10/22 from 3:30pm-8pm, at Sand Lake Elementary School in the LMC, 3600 Sand Lake Rd, Holmen, WI. Open to public. For info, call 781-0974,ext.3154.
996|20021022|Scholastic Book Fair |Scholastic Book Fair "Lasso a Great Book", Thurs.10/17 and Tues.10/22 from 3:30pm-8pm, at Sand Lake Elementary School in the LMC, 3600 Sand Lake Rd, Holmen, WI. Open to public. For info, call 781-0974,ext.3154.
997|20021108|"Using the Arts in Worship" Seminar|"Using the Arts in Worship" Seminar, (2-day seminar), Fri.11/8 and Sat.11/9, at La Crosse Christian Church, 535 S 16th St, La Crosse, WI. Workshop titles: Dance, Principles and Construction of Banners and Flags, Silk Painting, Instrumental Expression, Leading Worship and Instrumental Improvisation. Cost for the 2-day seminar is $25/single, $40/family. Worship is free and open to the public on Friday and Saturday nights. Free-will offering will be received. For info, call 608-782-3888 or email: MaryRoraff@aol.com.
998|20021109|"Using the Arts in Worship" Seminar|"Using the Arts in Worship" Seminar, (2-day seminar), Fri.11/8 and Sat.11/9, at La Crosse Christian Church, 535 S 16th St, La Crosse, WI. Workshop titles: Dance, Principles and Construction of Banners and Flags, Silk Painting, Instrumental Expression, Leading Worship and Instrumental Improvisation. Cost for the 2-day seminar is $25/single, $40/family. Worship is free and open to the public on Friday and Saturday nights. Free-will offering will be received. For info, call 608-782-3888 or email: MaryRoraff@aol.com.
999|20021023|Harvest Supper|Harvest Supper, serving starts at 5pm, at St Luke's United Church of Christ, Eitzen, MN. Cost: $6.50 Adults, $3 Children 10&under, All carryouts $6.50. All Welcome!
1000|20021016|Community Dinner and Candidates' Forum|Community Dinner and Candidates' Forum (4th Annual), Doors open at 5:30pm, Dinner at 6pm, located at Hokah City Hall, Hokah, MN. Dinner is FREE, but requesting a donation of household cleaning supplies or toiletries. Hear a survivor's impressive story, enjoy Lasagna Dinner, and stay for the candidates' forum (Legislative Candidates, Houston County Commissioner Candidates, and Houston County Sheriff Candidates). Sponsored by Houston County Women's Resources. Please call 507-894-2676 to let them know you are coming, so they can prepare enough Lasagna for everyone!
1001|20021026|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, 8:30am-1pm, w/Bag sale starting at 12Noon. Located at Blessed Sacrament School, Corner of King St/Losey Blvd, La Crosse, WI. For info, call Joanne Nordeen at 784-1706.
1002|20021027|"Get Real" - Christianity w/Two Feet on the Ground Program|"Get Real" - Christianity with Two Feet on the Ground Programs (Spiritual Renewal Programs), Sun.10/27 to Wed.10/30, w/Morning sessions w/Mass at 9am, Evening sessions at 7pm. Speaker will be Father Hugh Burns, a noted Dominican Preacher, is returning to the Coulee Region. Learn more about the secret of survival - the grace of a loving and merciful God. All ages welcome. Located at Blessed Sacrament Church, Corner of King/Losey, La Crosse, WI. For info, call 782-2953.
1003|20021017|Combat Wounded Veterans Meeting/Potluck|Combat Wounded Veterans Meeting/Potluck. Meeting at 3pm, with Potluck at 5pm. Located at VFW Club Room at 6th/Market St, La Crosse, WI. Veterans that have been wounded and have been awarded the Purple Heart are cordially invited to attend w/their wives. For info, call Alvin Thompson at 785-4674.
1004|20021019|Disabled American Veterans Chicken-Q|Disabled American Veterans Chicken-Q, serving from 11am-7pm (or until sold out), at 1120 Logan St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. Home-made pies also available. Deliveries available, call 784-7110. For info, call Alvin Thompson at 785-4674.
1005|20021020|"A Look at Leprosy in the 21st Century" Program|"A Look at Leprosy in the 21st Century" Program by Ron Nowland and Elaine DeBuhr, at 2pm, located at Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, 3 miles N or Coon Valley, WI, on County Hwy PI. Pastor Ron Nowland and Elaine DeBuhr will present a varied program on the Bible's viewpoint, the medical viewpoint, and the modern "feelings" about Leprosy. A history of Leprosy will be discussed, including the disease being named "Hanson's Disease", which is after a Norwegian doctor who did extensive research. They have visited Norway's Leprosarium in Bergen and also a Leper Colony in Molokaii, Hawaii. For info, call 608-452-3424.
1006|20021115|Holmen H.S. Drama Dept. presents "The Snake In the Grass"|Holmen H.S. Drama Dept presents "The Snake In the Grass", Dinner Theater/Melodrama, Fri.11/15 and Sat.11/16. Dinner at 6:30pm, with Show at 7pm. Tickets: $12 Advance, $15 at the door. For info, call Audrey Alfson at 526-3372,ext.6215.
1007|20021116|Holmen H.S. Drama Dept presents "The Snake In the Grass"|Holmen H.S. Drama Dept presents "The Snake In the Grass", Dinner Theater/Melodrama, Fri.11/15 and Sat.11/16. Dinner at 6:30pm, with Show at 7pm. Tickets: $12 Advance, $15 at the door. For info, call Audrey Alfson at 526-3372,ext.6215.
1008|20021120|Coulee Region Audubon Society's Program|Coulee Region Audubon Society's Program, 7pm, will presented by two high school students who documented the changes in bird population and compared these to a survey that was done in 1942. Discussing what the changes were and what will they be in another 60 years. For info, contact Emily Campbell, email: cambau@triwest.net.
1009|20021025|Wisconsin Council of the Blind 'Eye on Independence' Seminar|Wisconsin Council of the Blind 'Eye on Independence' Seminar, from 9:30am-3pm, held at UW-L Cleary Alumni & Friends Center, 615 East Ave N, La Crosse, WI. Session topics include: Coping w/Blindness/Loss of Vision, Independent Living, Recreation, Assistive Devices, Macular Degeneration, Diabetes. Attendance is limited to 100 people. Breaks/lunch provided. Transportation expenses may be re-imbursed. To register, call 1-800-783-5213 to make a reservation. For info, call Rhonda Staats at 608-782-1534 or email: rhonda@fflax.net. Or call Kathleen Sebranek at 1-888-879-0017.
1010|20021031|Harvest Party with CANDY & FUN|Harvest Party with CANDY & FUN, 4:30pm-8:30pm, at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI (behind Cub Foods or look for the TeePee). Come join the fun with carnival games, jumping castle, dunk tank, pre-school room, train ride, Concessions (at an inexpensive price), and CANDY, CANDY, CANDY! Any child and parent(s) welcome! For info, call 608-782-2780.
1011|20021107|Gallery Walk Fall 2002|Gallery Walk Fall 2002, from 5pm-9pm, at participating studios and galleries w/ maps available at galleries, sponsors, and on the trolley. You can park at one gallery and ride the trolley between galleries. Participating galleries are: Studio Gallery 1311, Pump House Regional Arts Center, Edland Art Gallery, Mustard Creek Metal Works, Jennifer Collins Ash Studio Gallery (showing at Downtown Mario's), Satellite Gallery, Odin Gallery, By James Galleries, State Street Gallery, JMP Studio Gallery, University Gallery at UW-La Crosse, and Viterbo University Art Gallery. In addition to vibrant art offerings, business sponsors will be offering coupons/specials available only to Gallery Walk participants. Sponsors are: Family Radio, Parke O'Flaherty Ltd., Coldwell Banker Brenizer Realtors, Rowley's Office Equipment, Grinder's Deli, Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites/Ebeneezer's Wood Fired Pizza Grill, Piggy's on Front, Pearl St. Books and Fayze's.
1012|20021109|Coulee Region Humane Society Telethon|Coulee Region Humane Society Telethon, produced by UW-La Crosse students, airing from 7pm-9pm, on UPN Channel 23 and Charter Cable Channel 10. Guest speakers featured. Phone number to pledge during telecast is 608-785-8379. Money donated will be used for the society's general fund. For info, call Brad at 608-785-8572.
1013|20021102|Christmas Holiday Art & Craft Show|Christmas Holiday Art & Craft Show, from 9am-4pm, at Sparta Senior High School on North Black River Street and Hwy 27. Monroe County Historical Society's annual show has over 250 crafters from surrounding counties. All proceeds go towards furthering the preservation of Monroe County's history. For info, call Carolyn at 608-378-4388.
1014|20021102|Fall Bazaar & Bake Sale|Fall Bazaar & Bake Sale, 9am-2pm, at Bethel Lutheran Church, 1931 Loomis Street, La Crosse, WI. Event includes: Fall items, Christmas items, Gifts, Crafts, Knit & Stitch, Quilt & Afghan Raffle, Bar-B-Que, and Homemade Soup & Pie. For info, call Rita at 608-781-0129.
1015|20021101|Kendall Senior Citizen Holiday Fair|Kendall Senior Citizen Holiday Fair, Fri.11/1 from 8:30am-4pm and Sat.11/2 from 8:30am-3pm, located in the Community Hall. Free admission. Event includes: door prizes, bakery - produce, quilts, crafts, and food served.
1016|20021102|Kendall Senior Citizen Holiday Fair|Kendall Senior Citizen Holiday Fair, Fri.11/1 from 8:30am-4pm and Sat.11/2 from 8:30am-3pm, located in the Community Hall. Free admission. Event includes: door prizes, bakery - produce, quilts, crafts, and food served.
1017|20021102|Lutefisk Dinner & Supper|Lutefisk Dinner & Supper (70th Annual), serving from 11am-8pm or until all are served, located at First Lutheran Church, 419 South Urberg, Blair, WI. Cost: $10 Adults, $5 Ages 6-12, Free ages 5&under. Carryouts available for $10.50.
1018|20021102|Good Shepherd's "Souper" Fall Craft Bazaar|Good Shepherd's "Souper" Fall Craft Bazaar, 8:30am-3pm, located at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 504 S Main St, Viroqua, WI, in the Fellowship Hall in church basement. Featuring: Food, Crafts, & Baked goods.
1019|20021103|Roast Beef Dinner|Roast Beef Dinner (25th Annual), serving from 10:30am-1pm, at The Church of the Crucifixion in La Crescent, MN. Dinner, bake sale, and silent auction. Proceeds benefit educational programs of Crucifixion School. For info, call 507-895-4720.
1020|20021103|Arcadia Chamber of Commerce Christmas Holiday Fair|Arcadia Chamber of Commerce 8th Annual Christmas Holiday Fair, from 9am-3pm, at Arcadia High School Commons, 756 Raider Drive, Arcadia, WI (watch for signs). Over 50 exhibits. Arcadia Boy Scouts taking orders for trees/wreaths. Lunch available. Christmas Quilt Raffle drawing held at 3pm, need not be present to win. For info, call Lyn at 608-323-3366, ext.241.
1021|20021103|Mission Fest Dinner|Mission Fest Dinner, at 12Noon, at Westby-Coon Prairie Church, Westby, WI. Worship at 8:15am and 10:45am. Everyone welcome! Cost: $6 Adults, $3 Ages 5-12, and Free ages 4&under. Proceeds go to Missions. For info, call Esther Erlandson at 608-634-4327.
1022|20021103|Spring Grove School Music Boosters Turkey Dinner|Spring Grove School Music Boosters Turkey Dinner, serving from 11am-1:30pm, at the School Auditorium. Fundraiser is to enhance the school's band and vocal music program. Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Ages 5-12, Free for preschoolers. All carryouts are $7. For info, call Deb Lesnar at 507-498-3456.
1023|20021102|Lansing Lions Annual Fall Bazaar|Lansing Lions Annual Fall Bazaar, from 9am-3pm, located at Kerndt Brothers Community Center, Lansing, IA. Featuring Craft Items, Bake Sale, Door prizes throughout the day, & lunch served by Lions Club.
1024|20021107|Royall High School Blood Drive|Royall High School Blood Drive, from 10am-2pm, at Middle School Gym. Community Donors Welcome! Donors must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. Please eat within 4 hours before donating and bring your Social Security Number.
1025|20021106|Scheie Lutheran Church Fall Bazaar|Scheie Lutheran Church Fall Bazaar, with food table at 6:30pm and auction at 7:30pm, lunch following. Located Scheie Lutheran Church, 4 miles North/1 mile West of Mabel, MN.
1026|20021107|Harvest Supper|Harvest Supper, serving from 4pm-7pm, at Upper Pigeon Creek Lutheran Church, Hwy 121, 1 1/2 miles East of Northfield. Serving Roast Pork & all the trimmings. Cost: $7.50 w/ reduced price for children. Carry-outs available. Craft & Bake table also. Everyone Welcome!
1027|20021105|HorseSense for Special Riders Fundraiser|HorseSense for Special Riders Fundraiser, located at North Country Steak Buffet, 2526 Rose Street, Bridgeview Plaza, La Crosse, WI. Serving all day long! North Country Steak Buffet will donate a percentage of the entire day's sales on Tues.11/5. This fundraiser will allow riders with various disabilities to receive the benefits of therapeutic horseback riding. For info, call Renee Kendall at 608-317-6435.
1028|20021105|Tomah Women's Health Night|Tomah Women's Health Night "Enhancing Women's Health Through Partners in Health Promotion", from 4:30pm-8:30pm, at the Tomah Holiday Inn. Guest speakers: 5:30pm - Joan Kortbein, RD, CDE, - "Mealtime Mayhem". 7:30pm - Dr. Renee Lynch - "Society and Body Image". INTERACTIVE BOOTHS: body fat analysis, midwifery/women's health, natural hormone replacement alternatives, child care seat safety. FREE HEALTH SCREENINGS: Blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol. REFRESHMENTS & DOOR PRIZES (bring a friend(s) to qualify for the Grand Prize). FREE PROGRAM. For info, call 608-374-0211.
1029|20021112|Diabetes Expo|Diabetes Expo, from 3pm-6pm, at Holiday Inn of Tomah. Free blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol screenings. Presentations offered: "Beyond the Numbers...Learning to live with Diabetes" and "Delicious and Nutritious Cooking". Sponsored by Tomah Memorial Hospital/Holiday Inn of Tomah. For info, call 608-374-0209.
1030|20021109|Blessed Harvest Bazaar|Blessed Harvest Bazaar (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 19th Annual), from 9am-2pm, at St. Elizabeth Parish Center. Bake sale, lunch, crafts, auction, and raffles, etc. Run by the Children's Corner Youth Group. For info, call 608-526-2495.
1031|20021109|Annual Craft Show & Bake Sale|Annual Craft Show & Bake Sale, 9am-3pm, at Community Church, 204 Main St, Hokah, MN. Luncheon and Refreshments.
1032|20021107|Annual Kris Kringle Dinner & Silent Auction|Annual Kris Kringle Dinner & Silent Auction by the American Business Women's Association, Women in Touch Chapter. Auction begins at 5:30pm, dinner at 6:30pm, concludes at 8pm. Located at Moose Lodge on Ward Ave, La Crosse, WI. This is a fundraiser for the chapter's scholarship program, which are given to women who are continuing their education or going back to school. Tickets: $8 at door or at Rowley's Office Equipment in La Crosse. For info, call Judy Rowley at 784-7465.
1033|20021109|Campbell First Responders Chili Feed|Campbell First Responders Chili Feed, serving from 4pm-7pm, at the Campbell Community Center. Proceeds go to buy portable suction units. Advance tickets: $4.50 Adult, $3 Ages 6-11, Free Ages 5&under. Tickets at the Door: $5 Adults. For info, call 608-317-1129.
1034|20021114|"Take A Swing At Cancer" Fundraiser|"Take A Swing At Cancer" Fundraiser, from 12Noon-6pm, at Midwest Off-Road Center, 65 Copeland Ave, La Crosse, WI. There will 2 cars painted (1 as Green Bay Packers colors & 1 as Minnesota Vikings colors). For a donation to the American Cancer Society, a person will be able to take a sledgehammer and strike/smash the car of their choice. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. This event organized by Wisc Marketing/Managers Assoc (WMMA), a non-profit organization of students pursuing Marketing/Management Field. For info, call Matt Davis at 608-782-2257, or email: Kickingloose@aol.com.
1035|20021114|"The Can Jam" concert featuring HOOCH|"The Can Jam" concert featuring HOOCH, 8:30pm-11:30pm, at The Cellar located in Cartwright Center, UW-L Campus. Sponsored by UW-L Communications Studies 412 Class in association with the Salvation Army. Donations of canned goods or monetary contributions encouraged helping area families in need. DOOR PRIZES! For info, call Tracy Ginsbach at 608-304-1110 local call.
1036|20021123|Rockland Merrimakers Annual Fall Bazaar|Rockland Merrimakers Annual Fall Bazaar, 9am-2pm, at Bangor American Legion, Bangor, WI. Crafts, baked goods, etc. Lunch served from 11am-2pm.
1037|20021123|Hunter's Dinner|Hunter's Dinner (51st Annual) at St.Francis of Assisi Parish, Necedah, WI. Serving from 4pm-7pm. All you can eat Turkey Dinner. Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Ages 12&under, Free Preschool ages. Masses are 4:30pm and 7:30pm. Sponsored by the ladies of the St.Francis PCCW. For info, call Virginia Hodal at 608-565-2919.
1038|20021124|Holiday Craft Fair|Holiday Craft Fair (7th Annual), 7:30am-2:30pm, located at Trempealeau Co Health Care Center Annex, 23062 Whitehall Rd (Hwy 121 near Club Midway), Independence, WI. Featuring Arts & Crafts, Gift Baskets & Cheese, Lunch. Everyone Welcome! Sponsored by Trempealeau Co Health Care Center Annex. For info, call 715-985-2337.
1039|20021124|Hometown Holiday Fair "Silver Belles"|Hometown Holiday Fair (25th Annual)"Silver Belles", 9am-3:30pm, at Independence Public School, 23786 Indee Blvd on Hwy 93N, Independence, WI. 100 Booths of Arts & Crafts. Lunch served w/refrigerator desserts. Admission: $1 Adults, Free ages 12&under. Sponsored by Rainbow Community Club. For info, call Janet at 715-985-2255.
1040|20021108|Coulee Region Food Distribution Program|Coulee Region Food Distribution Program, from 10am-1pm, at the Cathedral of Praise Church, 3340 South Kinney Coulee Rd (just past the Onalaska Gundersen Clinic north of the mall),Onalaska, WI. Donation of $12 is requested to help cover cost of freight. Different food selection each month is available. For more info, call Dave & Connie Keating at 608-783-2909.
1041|20021117|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast, 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
1042|20021120|Meatball Supper|Meatball Supper, 4pm-7pm, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. Carryouts available.
1043|20021109|Bazaar & Bake Sale|Bazaar & Bake Sale, 9am-2:30pm, located at Sand Lake Wesleyan Church, N5761 Sand Lake Rd, Onalaska, WI (right next to Sand Lake Elem School). Featuring variety of holiday crafts, baked goods, take-and-bake apple pies and lefse. Lunch served during sale - eat in or take out. Proceeds go towards sponsoring our overseas missionaries and other church-related activities. For info, call 608-783-4770.
1044|20021109|Blair Christmas Shop "Snowflake Fantasy"|Blair Christmas Shop "Snowflake Fantasy" (16th Annual), 9am-3pm, sponsored by Blair Chamber of Commerce, located at Blair-Taylor Elementary School gymnasium. Children will be able to visit with Santa. Event features gifts, crafts, bake sales, food/refreshments, holiday music, drawings for prizes. Blair Lions Club accepts toy donations for Toys for Tots, and also sponsoring health screenings w/ county health nurse (pneumonia/flu shots available). For info, email: Lee Henschel at blairprs@triwest.net.
1045|20021109|Pickwick Vol. Fire Dept. Autumn Soup & Sandwich Lunch|Pickwick Volunteer Fire Dept 1st Annual Autumn Soup & Sandwich Lunch, serving from 11am-2pm by the members of the fire dept. Located at the fire hall in Pickwick, MN (approx. 8 miles S of Winona, & 2 miles off Hwy 61 on Winona Co Hwy 7). Cost: $5. All proceeds will go for badly needed SCBA's (Airpacks).
1046|20021109|Holiday Craft & Bake Sale|Holiday Craft & Bake Sale, 9am-4pm, at Forest Park Senior Apts, 1230 Badger St, La Crosse, WI. Sponsored by Busy Fingers Crafters. FREE Admission. For info, call 608-793-1392.
1047|20021109|Jazz Arts Big Band Concert|Jazz Arts Big Band Concert, 7pm, located at Houston High School Auditorium, 306 West Elm St, Houston, MN. Tickets: $5 Adults, $4 Seniors & students, available at the door. No reserved seating. For info, call 507-896-7777.
1048|20021109|Antique Appraisal Fair|Antique Appraisal Fair, 11am-3pm, at National Guard Armory, Hwy 54 West, BRF, WI. Proceeds benefit the Jackson Co Historical Society. Bake Sale, Door Prizes, Lunch available on site. For info, call Main Street Antiques, Etc. at 715-284-0337.
1049|20021109|Holiday Fair at Neillsville UCC |Holiday Fair at Neillsville UCC, 10am-3pm, at Neillsville United Church of Christ, 2nd & Park, Neillsville, WI. Christmas Gift Shop, Twice Around Shop, Country Store and Bake Shop. Lunch served from 11am-1pm. Nursery available. For info, call M.E. Sjolin at 715-743-5126(wk#) or 715-743-4200(Hm#).
1050|20021109|Altoona United Methodist Church Thrift Sale|Altoona United Methodist Church Thrift Sale, 9am-3pm, located at 428 First St W, Altoona, WI. For info, call Ann Sturz at 835-3444.
1051|20021109|Boy Scout Family-Style Meatball & Lefse Dinner|Boy Scout Troop 13 (22nd Annual) Family-Style Meatball & Lefse Dinner, 3pm-7pm, located at Our Savior's Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 6th Division St, La Crosse, WI. Carry-outs and delivery available. Tickets available at the door. Cost: $6 Adults, $4 Ages 10&under.
1052|20021109|Veteran's Day Annual Observance |Veteran's Day Annual Observance of the La Crosse Area. Programs starting at: 10am -- w/Non-denominational service at St Joseph's Cathedral on 6th/Main St, La Crosse, WI. 10:30am -- procession/parade to Riverside Park. 11am -- Wreath Laying ceremony/Firing Squad. 11:30am -- Camaraderie at Post 52 American Legion for a chili feed.
1053|20021109|Onalaska H.S. Vocal Music Fall Festival|Onalaska H.S. Vocal Music Fall Festival, featuring Hilltopper Show Choir and Express Show Choir, Men's Chorus, Women's Chorus, 6th-8th Grade Show Choirs, 7pm, at Onlaska H.S. field house (gymnasium). Doors open at 6pm. For info, call Paul Gulsvig 783-4561(school#) or 783-8116(hm#).
1054|20021116|Our Holiday Bazaar|Our Holiday Bazaar, 8am-2pm, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 4141 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, WI. Home-baked goods including lefse, Crafts, Quilts, and much more! For info, call 788-3480.
1055|20021115|New England Fish Boil|New England Fish Boil (All you can eat), serving from 4:30pm-7:30pm, at St Raymond Catholic Church, East Mallard Rd, off 53 between Brackett and Foster. Sponsored by Trinity Council Knights of Columbus. Cost: $7 Ages 12-Adult, $3.50 Ages 6-11, $1 Ages under 6. Carry-outs available. New Church is handicapped accessible. For info, call 878-4601 or 695-3496.
1056|20021116|Disabled American Vets Chicken-Q|Disabled American Vets Chicken-Q, 11am-7pm or until sold out, at 1120 Logan St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. Delivery available by calling 784-7110. Home-made pies available. For info, call Alvin Thompson at 785-4674.
1057|20021116|Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser for CROSSFIRE|Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser for CROSSFIRE, at the UW-La Crosse Eagle Recreational Center. For information, call Matt Sweeney at 784-3084. Proceeds will benefit CROSSFIRE!
1058|20021112|Chili and Chili Dog Supper|Chili and Chili Dog Supper, serving from 4pm-7pm, at Onlaska United Methodist Church, 212 - 4th Ave N, Onalaska, WI, in the Church Fellowship Hall. Hosted by the UMC Men's Club. Tickets available from any Men's Club member or by calling the church office at 783-3380, or available at the door. Cost: $4 Adults, $2 Children ages 11&under. For info, call 783-3380 or 783-3726.
1059|20021116|Cornerstone Christian Academy Fundraiser|Cornerstone Christian Academy Fundraiser featuring Mr William J Murray (foremost advocate of Christian education), 7pm, located in the Viroqua High School gym. Mr Murray is currently the Religious Freedom Coalition chairman in Washington DC, working to promote the restoration of Religious freedom in the United States. Cost: $10 per ticket. A freewill offering will be taken. For info/ticket locations, call Cornerstone Christian Academy at 608-634-4102.
1060|20021116|Christmas Around The Bend|Christmas Around The Bend, 9am-3pm, at North Bend Community Park, Hwy 54, 2 miles W of North Bend. Homemade crafts, baking. Famous homemade desserts w/lunch.
1061|20021113|Viroqua UMC Bazaar|Viroqua UMC Bazaar, 2pm-7pm, at Viroqua United Methodist Church, 221 S Center St, Viroqua, WI. Featuring crafts, gifts, books/stationary, coats/sweaters, Dutch Market, and bake sale. Food items served. Bring the Family...Come for Supper. For info, call Lynn Whitney at 608-637-7919.
1062|20021115|DeSoto School Choirs present "The Wizard of Oz"|DeSoto School Choirs (Middle & High School) present "The Wizard of Oz", Fri.11/15 and Sat.11/16. Showtime is 7:30pm, in the DeSoto High School Gym, DeSoto, WI. Cost: $4. For info, call 608-648-0143.
1063|20021116|DeSoto School Choirs present "The Wizard of Oz"|DeSoto School Choirs (Middle & High School) present "The Wizard of Oz", Fri.11/15 and Sat.11/16. Showtime is 7:30pm, in the DeSoto High School Gym, DeSoto, WI. Cost: $4. For info, call 608-648-0143.
1064|20021114|Decorah H.S. Variety Show "Heading to Hollywood"|Decorah High School presents a Variety Show "Heading to Hollywood", Thurs.11/14, Fri.11/15, Sat.11/16, at 7:30pm, in the Decorah High School auditorium, Decorah, IA. Tickets: $6 Adults, $3 Others. Reserve tickets via phone at 382-2808, or available at the door. For info, call Susan Cantine at 563-382-3643.
1065|20021115|Decorah H.S. Variety Show "Heading to Hollywood"|Decorah High School presents a Variety Show "Heading to Hollywood", Thurs.11/14, Fri.11/15, Sat.11/16, at 7:30pm, in the Decorah High School auditorium, Decorah, IA. Tickets: $6 Adults, $3 Others. Reserve tickets via phone at 382-2808, or available at the door. For info, call Susan Cantine at 563-382-3643.
1066|20021116|Decorah H.S. Variety Show "Heading to Hollywood"|Decorah High School presents a Variety Show "Heading to Hollywood", Thurs.11/14, Fri.11/15, Sat.11/16, at 7:30pm, in the Decorah High School auditorium, Decorah, IA. Tickets: $6 Adults, $3 Others. Reserve tickets via phone at 382-2808, or available at the door. For info, call Susan Cantine at 563-382-3643.
1067|20021116|St. James Church Holly Berry Fair|St James Church Holly Berry Fair, Sat.11/16 from 10am-7pm, and Sun.11/17 from 8am-12Noon, at St James Church, 1032 Caledonia St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring crafts, bakery, mystery gifts, plants, raffles, kid's raffle, used toys and Christmas items, and jewelry. Sponsored by St James PCCW.
1068|20021117|St. James Church Holly Berry Fair|St James Church Holly Berry Fair, Sat.11/16 from 10am-7pm, and Sun.11/17 from 8am-12Noon, at St James Church, 1032 Caledonia St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring crafts, bakery, mystery gifts, plants, raffles, kid's raffle, used toys and Christmas items, and jewelry. Sponsored by St James PCCW.
1069|20021116|Craft & Bake Sale|Craft & Bake Sale, 9am-3pm, at Sparta Eagles Club, Hwy 21 East, Sparta, WI. Lunch available, also hourly drawings.
1070|20021207|New Lisbon Lioness Craft Fair|New Lisbon Lioness Craft Fair, 8am-2:30pm, at New Lisbon High School. Featuring crafts, Santa's workshop, lunch stand, door prizes, kringle, cookies, and a raffle. Fun for all big or small!
1071|20021122|Spaghetti Supper & Bake Sale|Spaghetti Supper(All You Can Eat) & Bake Sale, 4pm-???, at United in Christ Lutheran Church, 1857 Cty Rd Z, Dellwood, WI. Cost: $5 Adults, $3 Children under 10. Everyone Welcome! Hunters: please come as you are! For info, call 339-7187.
1072|20021128|Community Thanksgiving Dinner|Community Thanksgiving Dinner, serving from 12Noon-2pm (or until all are served), at American Legion Hall, Hwy 12, West of Black River Falls, WI. Free to all who wish to attend! Dinners delivered to homebound by calling Linda at 284-4657.
1073|20021115|Brookwood H.S. presents "Donovan's Daughters"|Brookwood H.S. Drama Dept presents "Donovan's Daughters", Fri.11/15 and Sat.11/16 at 8pm each night, in the Brookwood Classic Gymnasium. Cost: $3 Adults, $2 Students.
1074|20021116|Brookwood H.S. presents "Donovan's Daughters"|Brookwood H.S. Drama Dept presents "Donovan's Daughters", Fri.11/15 and Sat.11/16 at 8pm each night, in the Brookwood Classic Gymnasium. Cost: $3 Adults, $2 Students.
1075|20021116|Rock Solid Youth Center presents in concert "PASSING THRU" and "PROJECT PANDEMIC" |Rock Solid Youth Center presents in concert "PASSING THRU" and "PROJECT PANDEMIC". Concert starts at 8pm. Located at Rock Solid Youth Center, 75 West 3rd St, Winona, MN. Tickets: $4/person. Tickets available at Rock Solid and Country Market in Winona, Shepherds Voice in Onalaska (608-781-3460), and Christian Book/Gift in Rochester (507-289-2590). Everyone welcome for a night of hard rock & fun! For info, call Greg Moser at Rock Solid Youth Center at 507-452-2125. Email: rsyc@hotmail.com.
1076|20021116|Winona Oratorio Chorus presents "KING DAVID"|Winona Oratorio Chorus presents "KING DAVID" composed by Arthur Honegger, 8pm, at Central Lutheran Church on the corner of Huff & Wabasha Streets in Winona, MN. Tickets: $8 Regular Admission, $5 Students/Seniors, $3 Children ages 12&under. Tickets available at Hardt's Music, Chorus members, and at the door. For info, call Monica Harrell at 507-452-1077.
1077|20030120|Gospel Extravaganza II: A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.|Gospel Extravaganza II: A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. (presented by Holy Ghost Filled Church/True Virtue Productions), 5pm-9pm, at The La Crosse Center, 300 Harborview Plaza, North Exhibition Hall, La Crosse, WI. Tickets: $5 General Admission, $2 College Students. Tickets are also Raffle tickets w/the Grand Prize $250 for each drawing. For info or tickets locations, call 608-779-4369. All Are Welcome!
1078|20021130|Christmas Open House |Christmas Open House "Snowman Jamboree", Sat.11/30, Sun.12/1 and Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, 1pm-8pm each day, hosted by the Juneau County Historical Society. Location: historic Boorman House, 211 N Union, Mauston, WI. Refreshments served/donations accepted, entertainment on all days. Family portraits taken at Boorman House. To arrange pictures, call Rhonda Chudy at 847-1710 and ask for details. For info, call Gail Carlson at 847-7911.
1079|20021201|Christmas Open House "Snowman Jamboree"|Christmas Open House "Snowman Jamboree", Sat.11/30, Sun.12/1, and Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, 1pm-8pm each day, hosted by the Juneau County Historical Society. Location: historic Boorman House, 211 N Union, Mauston, WI. Refreshments served/donations accepted, entertainment on all days. Family portraits taken at Boorman House. To arrange pictures, call Rhonda Chudy at 847-1710 and ask for details. For info, call Gail Carlson at 847-7911.
1080|20021207|Christmas Open House "Snowman Jamboree"|Christmas Open House "Snowman Jamboree", Sat.11/30, Sun.12/1, and Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, 1pm-8pm each day, hosted by the Juneau County Historical Society. Location: historic Boorman House, 211 N Union, Mauston, WI. Refreshments served/donations accepted, entertainment on all days. Family portraits taken at Boorman House. To arrange pictures, call Rhonda Chudy at 847-1710 and ask for details. For info, call Gail Carlson at 847-7911.
1081|20021208|Christmas Open House "Snowman Jamboree"|Christmas Open House "Snowman Jamboree", Sat.11/30, Sun.12/1, and Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, 1pm-8pm each day, hosted by the Juneau County Historical Society. Location: historic Boorman House, 211 N Union, Mauston, WI. Refreshments served/donations accepted, entertainment on all days. Family portraits taken at Boorman House. To arrange pictures, call Rhonda Chudy at 847-1710 and ask for details. For info, call Gail Carlson at 847-7911.
1082|20021123|Holiday & Craft Fair|Holiday & Craft Fair hosted by Saint Anne Extended Healthcare, 1347 West Broadway, Winona, MN. Event is from 9am-3pm. 25-plus exhibitors. Refreshments/door prizes. No admission fee. For info, call Marilyn Soland at 507-454-3621.
1083|20021123|Pump House presents MARITZA Concert|Pump House presents MARITZA Concert, 8pm, at Pump House Regional Arts Center, 119 King St, La Crosse, WI. MARITZA is a five-member band from Decorah, IA, and will perform Balkan Boogie, Romany Rhythms and Klezmer Kut-Ups. Cost: $17 General Admission, $15 Members. For tickets/reservations/info, call 608-785-1434.
1084|20021210|Onalaska Historical Society Christmas Potluck Supper|Onalaska Area Historical Society Christmas Potluck Supper, at 6:30pm, at the Onalaska Community Center. Program will be Onalaska H.S. Exchange Students telling about Christmas in their countries. Bring dish to pass, table service, and an item for Onalaska Food Pantry. For info, call Sheryl at 608-783-0440.
1085|20021114|"Up the Down Staircase" Lecture at Viterbo|"Up the Down Staircase" Lecture at Viterbo, 7:30pm. A lecture by Episcopal Bishop William Wantland and Fr Bernard McGarty, reviewing International Anglican (Episcopal) and Roman Catholic dialogue from 1981-02. Location: Viterbo Fine Arts Center, Main Theatre. FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For info, call 784-4473.
1086|20021207|Houston Co Historical Society Christmas Open House|Houston Co Historical Society's 5th Annual Christmas Open House, Sat.12/7 from 10am-4pm and Sun.12/8 from 11am-4pm, located at the Houston Co Historical Society, 104 History Lane (East Main St), Caledonia, MN. Featuring special displays in the Main Museum, the Flatten-Swenson Pioneer Home, Daley School, Mayville Town Hall, and Sheldon Presbyterian Church. Refreshments served. For info, call Shirley Johnson at 725-3884 or 896-2291(hm#).
1087|20021208|Houston Co Historical Society Christmas Open House|Houston Co Historical Society's 5th Annual Christmas Open House, Sat.12/7 from 10am-4pm and Sun.12/8 from 11am-4pm, located at the Houston Co Historical Society, 104 History Lane (East Main St), Caledonia, MN. Featuring special displays in the Main Museum, the Flatten-Swenson Pioneer Home, Daley School, Mayville Town Hall, and Sheldon Presbyterian Church. Refreshments served. For info, call Shirley Johnson at 725-3884 or 896-2291(hm#).
1088|20021128|La Crosse Community Thanksgiving Dinner|La Crosse Community Thanksgiving Dinner (21st Annual Festival For Sharing), Thanksgiving Worship Service at 10:30am, with Thanksgiving Dinner served continually from 11am-3pm. Located at the La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. Activities for children, entertainment, and fellowship. A ride to and from the center can be arranged by calling 608-782-1411 (limited home delivery to shut-ins, reservations for delivery must be made by Nov 25th).
1090|20021125|Culver's Natl 2nd Annual "Day of Giving"|Culver's 2nd Annual "Day of Giving", by Culver's on Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, and Culver's on Hwy 16, Onalaska. They will donate 10% of Monday's sales, along w/canisters placed at the counters, to The Wafer (West Avenue Food Emergency Recovery) and Onalaska Food Basket. All proceeds will help replenish the shelves for local food pantries. Come and support a great cause! For info, call either Culver's stores at 787-5050 or 781-6777, or The Wafer at 782-60033, ,or Onalaska Food Basket at 783-7722.
1091|20021123|Blessed Sacrament's Twelve Days of Christmas Fair|Blessed Sacrament's Twelve Days of Christmas Fair, 9am-3pm, at Blessed Sacrament School, Corner of King & Losey, La Crosse, WI. Featuring Bakery, cookbooks, handicrafts, children's make and take crafts, theme gift baskets, live music, homemade luncheon, etc. Open to the public. For info, call 782-2953.
1092|20021124|Norwegian Menu Meatball Supper|Norwegian Menu (24th Annual) Meatball Supper, serving family style from 12Noon to 6pm, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lanesboro, MN. Craft and Bake Shoppe open 11:30am. In-town deliveries available. For info, call Susan Holst at 507-467-2417.
1093|20021123|Sparta Am. Legion Craft Show|Sparta Am. Legion Craft Show (2nd Annual), from 9am-4pm, at Sparta Am. Legion Auxillary, 1116 Angelo Rd, Sparta, WI. All proceeds from the booth rentals will be donated to Children's Miracle Network & Sparta Special Olympics. For info, call Jeanne at 608-269-1390.
1094|20021122|Harmony's Holiday Season Celebration|Harmony's Holiday Season Celebration, Fri.11/22, Sat.11/23, & Sun.11/24. Many Harmony shops will be holding Candlelight Open Houses w/goodies and extended hours for shopping. Saturday 11/23 will feature Gift & Craft Show from 9am-4pm at the Community Center. Ethnic foods/coffee served at Visitor Center. Saturday evening presents "The Footnotes" concert/dance from Decorah at Comm.Center. Amish tours available/Niagra Cave open for tours. Holiday shopping continues on Sunday 11/24. For info, call Marilyn at 800-247-6466, Harmony, MN.
1095|20021123|Harmony's Holiday Season Celebration|Harmony's Holiday Season Celebration, Fri.11/22, Sat.11/23, & Sun.11/24. Many Harmony shops will be holding Candlelight Open Houses w/goodies and extended hours for shopping. Saturday 11/23 will feature Gift & Craft Show from 9am-4pm at the Community Center. Ethnic foods/coffee served at Visitor Center. Saturday evening presents "The Footnotes" concert/dance from Decorah at Comm.Center. Amish tours available/Niagra Cave open for tours. Holiday shopping continues on Sunday 11/24. For info, call Marilyn at 800-247-6466, Harmony, MN.
1096|20021124|Harmony's Holiday Season Celebration|Harmony's Holiday Season Celebration, Fri.11/22, Sat.11/23, & Sun.11/24. Many Harmony shops will be holding Candlelight Open Houses w/goodies and extended hours for shopping. Saturday 11/23 will feature Gift & Craft Show from 9am-4pm at the Community Center. Ethnic foods/coffee served at Visitor Center. Saturday evening presents "The Footnotes" concert/dance from Decorah at Comm.Center. Amish tours available/Niagra Cave open for tours. Holiday shopping continues on Sunday 11/24. For info, call Marilyn at 800-247-6466, Harmony, MN.
1097|20021128|Hope Gospel Mission's "Great Thanksgiving Banquet"|Hope Gospel Mission's "Great Thanksgiving Banquet", serving 12Noon-2pm, at Hope Gospel Mission, 8 S Farwell St, Eau Claire, WI. Founded in 1998, Hope Gospel Mission is dedicated to serving Chippewa Valley's homeless men. For info, call Gary at 552-5566.
1098|20021129|Osseo's Old Fashioned Christmas|Osseo's Old Fashioned Christmas. Visit w/Santa from 5pm-6pm at Bank of Mondovi, Osseo Branch. Lighted Christmas Parade at 7pm, followed by lighting of Osseo's Christmas Villa in Central Park. Featuring Music, real reindeer, ice skating rink, animated decorations, shopping & food. Visit w/Santa in Central Park immediately following the parade. Fun for the whole family! For info, call Jack at 715-597-3168,ext.350(wk#) or 715-597-2207(city ofc#)
1099|20021130|Hans Mayer Annual Happy Little Elves Children's Concert|Hans Mayer 5th Annual Happy Little Elves Children's Concert, 11am, at "The Hiawatha Room" at the Freight House, 107 Vine St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5 (Children 12 months & under free). Portion of the proceeds go to Coulee Region Humane Society. Tickets available at Children's Museum of La Crosse or call 781-2652. Hans Mayer's website: www.hansmayer.com.
1100|20021207|Holiday Cookie Walk|Holiday Cookie Walk at the Onalaska United Methodist Church, 9am-12Noon or as long as supplies last. Decorative homemade cookies may be selected for $6 per pound. Rosettes, krumkaka, & sandbakels will be sold by the plate. For info, call 781-4152.
1101|20021207|Annual Bazaar|Annual Bazaar, 10:30am-1:30pm, at First Presbyterian Church of Bangor, WI. Baked goods, crafts, candy, Country Store. Two quilts & Afghan will be raffled. Tickets available for $1 donation or 6 for $5, from any PWO member or at the Bazaar. Lunch will be served!
1102|20021207|North Prairie Norwegian Christmas Fest|North Prairie 13th Annual Norwegian Christmas Fest, 1:30pm, at North Prairie Lutheran Church, (Hwy 30) rural Lanesboro, MN. Program consists of Norwegian songs & violin music, lunch, and baked goods, cards, & other items for sale too.
1103|20021205|Vernon Memorial Hospital Crafter's Holiday|Vernon Memorial Hospital Crafter's Holiday (12th Annual), from 9am-4pm, at Vernon Memorial Hospital, Viroqua, WI. Bake sale, handmade crafts, & holiday cheer. Lunch available in cafeteria. Crafters located in hospital lobby, the basement level community rooms, lower level hallway, and lower level conference rooms. Admission is free. Visitors are asked to enter through the main lobby of the hospital. For info, call 608-637-4202.
1104|20021207|The Nativity Pageant|The Nativity Pageant (31st Annual), 7:30pm, located at Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix of Peace Shrine, Hwy 21, one-half mile East of Necedah, WI. "History's Greatest Moment" re-lived for children and adults. Featuring large cast, live animals, colorful costumes, best of music and lighting. FREE ADMISSION. Pageant is outdoors on a 5-acre field w/ villages of Nazareth & Bethlehem. Please dress warmly! For info, call 608-565-7800.
1105|20021208|Norwegian Lutefisk/Meatball Buffet & Christmas Gift Shoppe|Norwegian Lutefisk/Meatball Buffet & Christmas Gift Shoppe, serving on the hour starting at 11am-5pm. Seating limited to 150 each hour. Located at Christ Lutheran Church, Preston, MN. For info/tickets, call 507-765-2161 or 507-765-3656.
1106|20021203|Stand Down/Assistance Fair for Veterans|Stand Down/Assistance Fair for Veterans, 8:30am-4pm, at American Legion Post, 711 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. This is a collaborative effort between local VA & other govt/comm agencies to provide services to homeless veterans. This event is open to men/women who have served in the armed forces who might have questions on services. For info, call Stefhanie Schulz at 608-372-1286 or Jim Gausmann at 608-785-9719.
1107|20021207|Hixon House Holidazzle|Hixon House Holidazzle, Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, & Sun.12/15, from 1pm-6pm each day (with extended hours til 8pm on Fri.12/13). Located at Historic Hixon House, 429 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring a dazzling showcase of holiday decorations w/priceless collection of Hixon family furniture/heirlooms (completely different from any previous Hixon House Christmas events). Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Children under 10. Coffee/cider/pie served in the kitchen for $3. For info or on group tours, call 608-782-1980.
1108|20021208|Hixon House Holidazzle|Hixon House Holidazzle, Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, & Sun.12/15, from 1pm-6pm each day (with extended hours til 8pm on Fri.12/13). Located at Historic Hixon House, 429 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring a dazzling showcase of holiday decorations w/priceless collection of Hixon family furniture/heirlooms (completely different from any previous Hixon House Christmas events). Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Children under 10. Coffee/cider/pie served in the kitchen for $3. For info or on group tours, call 608-782-1980.
1109|20021212|Hixon House Holidazzle|Hixon House Holidazzle, Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, & Sun.12/15, from 1pm-6pm each day (with extended hours til 8pm on Fri.12/13). Located at Historic Hixon House, 429 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring a dazzling showcase of holiday decorations w/priceless collection of Hixon family furniture/heirlooms (completely different from any previous Hixon House Christmas events). Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Children under 10. Coffee/cider/pie served in the kitchen for $3. For info or on group tours, call 608-782-1980.
1110|20021213|Hixon House Holidazzle|Hixon House Holidazzle, Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, & Sun.12/15, from 1pm-6pm each day (with extended hours til 8pm on Fri.12/13). Located at Historic Hixon House, 429 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring a dazzling showcase of holiday decorations w/priceless collection of Hixon family furniture/heirlooms (completely different from any previous Hixon House Christmas events). Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Children under 10. Coffee/cider/pie served in the kitchen for $3. For info or on group tours, call 608-782-1980.
1111|20021214|Hixon House Holidazzle|Hixon House Holidazzle, Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, & Sun.12/15, from 1pm-6pm each day (with extended hours til 8pm on Fri.12/13). Located at Historic Hixon House, 429 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring a dazzling showcase of holiday decorations w/priceless collection of Hixon family furniture/heirlooms (completely different from any previous Hixon House Christmas events). Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Children under 10. Coffee/cider/pie served in the kitchen for $3. For info or on group tours, call 608-782-1980.
1112|20021215|Hixon House Holidazzle|Hixon House Holidazzle, Sat.12/7, Sun.12/8, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, & Sun.12/15, from 1pm-6pm each day (with extended hours til 8pm on Fri.12/13). Located at Historic Hixon House, 429 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring a dazzling showcase of holiday decorations w/priceless collection of Hixon family furniture/heirlooms (completely different from any previous Hixon House Christmas events). Cost: $7 Adults, $3 Children under 10. Coffee/cider/pie served in the kitchen for $3. For info or on group tours, call 608-782-1980.
1113|20021201|Candy Cane Christmas Tour of Homes|Candy Cane Christmas Tour of Homes, 1pm-6pm, tour beginning at WWTC, Main St, Viroqua, WI, where you can purchase your ticket for $5. Refreshments available at WWTC before, during & after tour. Visit 6 beautifully decorated homes. All proceeds used to help provide handicap accessibility to the Vernon County Historical Museum. For info, call June at 608-634-4488.
1114|20021207|Winter Craft Show|Winter Craft Show, 8:30am-2:30pm, at the Coon Valley Village Hall. Sponsored by St Mary's Catholic Church. Activities include raffle, door prizes, & lunch being served. For info, call Jean at 608-634-6294.
1115|20021207|Christmas Traditions Home Tour|Christmas Traditions Home Tour (2nd Annual), 10am-4:30pm, sponsored by Neillsville United Church of Christ. Five homes w/styles varying from Victorian, to ranch, to farm home. Cost: $6. Tickets available at the homes on day of tour. Refreshments served at church on corner of 2nd & Park Streets all during the day. Look for brochures/posters in area businesses. For info, call Deon Spangler at 715-743-2250.
1116|20021207|Annual Christmas Bazaar/Bake Sale|Annual Christmas Bazaar/Bake Sale, 8am-11am with raffle drawing at 11:15am, at Mulder Health Care Facility, 713 N Leonard, West Salem, WI. For info, call Joyce Schultz at 608-786-1600.
1117|20021206|KID'S NIGHT OUT|KID'S NIGHT OUT, from 6:30-9:30pm, at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County Rd PH, Onalaska, WI (located just behind Cub Foods). KID'S NIGHT OUT is a safe, fun environment for your children to come and play games, watch movies, have a snack, & make crafts. You can do some Christmas shopping or have a date with your spouse while they have fun! Cost: $4. To sign up, or for questions, call River of Life office at 782-2780. KID'S NIGHT OUT is open to anyone Nursery through 6th Grade.
1118|20021207|Breakfast With Santa|Breakfast With Santa, 7am-11am, at Julius C Wilke Steamboat Grand Salon, Winona, MN. Cost: $5/each. Breakfast includes Pancakes & Sausage, Milk or Coffee. Tickets available at The Quality Inn of Winona or from any Board Member.
1119|20021205|Rollingstone PTA Silent Auction|Rollingstone PTA (6th Annual) Silent Auction, 6:30pm-8pm. There will also be cookie sales, grab bags, and principle for a day. Main raffle drawing at 8pm. Free "movie night" for the kids during the auction, so bring their blankets to relax during the movie (pajamas optional). Refreshments served. Santa will be available starting at 6pm. For info, call Bev Seppa at 457-9213(wk) or 689-2053(hm).
1120|20021130|Ridgeway Comm School Holiday Craft Fair/Rummage Sale|Ridgeway Comm School Holiday Craft Fair/Rummage Sale, 9am-3pm (Santa visits from 11:30am-1pm), at Ridgeway Comm School, located 3 miles East of Witoka, MN on Winona Co Rd 12. Sponsored by Pleasant Busy Bees 4-H Club. School PTA sponsoring Rummage, Bake & Book Sale during event. For info, call 507-454-9566.
1121|20021130|Cashton VFW Aux Craft/Bake Sale|Cashton VFW Aux Craft/Bake Sale, 9am-3pm, at Cashton Comm Hall, Main St, Cashton, WI. Lunch being served. For info, call 608-654-5304.
1122|20021207|Christmas Craft Fair|Christmas Craft Fair, 9am-3pm, at Fest Building, Spring Grove, MN. Lunch served.
1123|20021214|Cookie Walk & Mini-Bazaar/Bake Sale|Cookie Walk & Mini-Bazaar/Bake Sale, 9am-1pm, at Bethel Lutheran Church, 1931 Loomis St, La Crosse, WI. Cookies by the pound $5.50/lb. Bake Sale, Christmas Items, Crafts & Gifts. For info, call 608-781-1029.
1124|20021214|Christmas Cookie Walk|Christmas Cookie Walk (12th Annual), 8am-12Noon, at North Presbyterian Church, 2600 N George & North Salem Rd, La Crosse, WI (behind Kwik Trip & Shopko N). For info, call Ruth at 783-4258 or Barb at 783-7551.
1125|20021214|Cookie Walk & Bazaar|Cookie Walk & Bazaar (11th Annual), 8am-11am, at Olivet Lutheran Church, 2100 Bainbridge St (just off I-90 on French Island near Days Inn). Crafts and free coffee available. For info, call Luanne Sorenson at 781-3570(hm) or 775-5475(wk).
1126|20021206|Coulee Region Free Food Distribution |Coulee Region Free Food Distribution, 10am-12:30pm, at Cathedral of Praise Church Foyer, 340 S Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska, WI (past Gundersen Lutheran Clinic North of the Mall). Donation: $12 is requested for the cost of freight to bring the food here). BRING YOUR OWN BAGS OR BOXES! Volunteers are needed Thurs.12/5, from 5pm-9pm, and Fri.12/6, from 9am-3pm. Provided by Creator's Touch Ministries, Inc.
1127|20021203|Viterbo Women's Basketball/Residence Life FOOD DRIVE|Viterbo Women's Basketball/Residence Life (4th Annual) FOOD DRIVE, 7pm, at the game against Winona State University. Bring a non-perishable food item and be admitted for only $1. Food collection benefits the PLACE OF GRACE food pantry. For info, call 608-796-3811.
1128|20021201|Granton Area First Responders Tailgate Party Fundraiser|Granton Area First Responders Tailgate Party Fundraiser, 11am, at Sportsman's Club in Granton. Green Bay Packers VS Chicago Bears. Cost: $5 Adults, $4 Children, Free to Preschoolers. Raffles and drawings. 6 TV's for your viewing pleasure!
1129|20021206|Pleasant Valley Church presents "The Christmas Post"|Pleasant Valley Church presents "The Christmas Post", Fri.12/6 at 7pm, Sat.12/7 at 2:30pm & 7pm, and Sun.12/8 at 2:30pm & 7pm, with a pre-theater dinner held prior to Sat.12/7 evening performances. Production will be held at the Winona Middle School. This is a broadway style musical of two Norman Rockwell "Saturday Evening Post" covers from the 40's. Ticket cost: $4 for theater, and $18 for dinner/theater pkg. Tickets available at Abundant Life Bookstore in Winona, Country Market Market in Winona Mall, and the Pleasant Valley Church, 1363 Homer Rd, Winona. Pleasant Valley Box Office open from 11am-5pm weekdays.
1130|20021207|Pleasant Valley Church presents "The Christmas Post"|Pleasant Valley Church presents "The Christmas Post", Fri.12/6 at 7pm, Sat.12/7 at 2:30pm & 7pm, and Sun.12/8 at 2:30pm & 7pm, with a pre-theater dinner held prior to Sat.12/7 evening performances. Production will be held at the Winona Middle School. This is a broadway style musical of two Norman Rockwell "Saturday Evening Post" covers from the 40's. Ticket cost: $4 for theater, and $18 for dinner/theater pkg. Tickets available at Abundant Life Bookstore in Winona, Country Market Market in Winona Mall, and the Pleasant Valley Church, 1363 Homer Rd, Winona. Pleasant Valley Box Office open from 11am-5pm weekdays.
1131|20021208|Pleasant Valley Church presents "The Christmas Post"|Pleasant Valley Church presents "The Christmas Post", Fri.12/6 at 7pm, Sat.12/7 at 2:30pm & 7pm, and Sun.12/8 at 2:30pm & 7pm, with a pre-theater dinner held prior to Sat.12/7 evening performances. Production will be held at the Winona Middle School. This is a broadway style musical of two Norman Rockwell "Saturday Evening Post" covers from the 40's. Ticket cost: $4 for theater, and $18 for dinner/theater pkg. Tickets available at Abundant Life Bookstore in Winona, Country Market Market in Winona Mall, and the Pleasant Valley Church, 1363 Homer Rd, Winona. Pleasant Valley Box Office open from 11am-5pm weekdays.
1132|20021214|Coulee Region Audubon Society 'Christmas Bird Count'|Coulee Region Audubon Society 'Christmas Bird Count'. Don't miss this chance to help record number and type of birds in our area. No experience necessary. Call Rick Kinzie at 608-734-3136, or email: huey@mwt.net, to sign up and to find out about the post-bird-count potluck dinner. Fee: $5 per counter to help pay for publication of the results. Come and join for a fun day and important activity.
1133|20021214|Christmas Cookie Walk/Craft Bazaar|Christmas Cookie Walk/Craft Bazaar (8th Annual), from 9am-2pm, at La Crescent United Methodist Church, 520 N Elm St, La Crescent, MN. Featuring hundreds of Christmas cookies, Christmas crafts/gifts, silent auction, luncheon served 10:30am-1pm, and cinnamon rolls/coffee served before lunch.
1134|20021207|St Peter Soup/Sandwich Dinner & Bake Sale|St Peter Annual Soup/Sandwich Dinner & Bake Sale, from 11am-1:30pm, at St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, 201 S Michigan St, Prairie du Chien, WI. Featuring great homemade soups, sandwiches, & desserts. For info, call Vickie at 608-326-8670.
1135|20021208|Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony|Candlelight Remembrance Ceremony, sponsored by Kickapoo Valley Compassionate Friends, gathering at 6:30pm, with ceremony at 7pm, at Peace Lutheran Church in Readstown, WI. The 2002 Worldwide Candle Lighting is held every year at 7pm in every time zone, creating a 24-hour wave of light that encircles the globe. Light a candle for all children who have died. If you wish to bring a picture of your child/children/sibling, we will have a Memory Table in the Narthex for their display. For info, call Pastor Margaret Eiben Hoversten at 608-624-5413, or Karen McAllister at 608-634-2286, or Sylvia Wee at 608-624-3292.
1136|20021208|Holy Trinity Holiday Home Tour & Bazaar/Cookie Walk|Holy Trinity Holiday Home Tour & Bazaar/Cookie Walk, with home tour held from 1pm-6pm, and bazaar/cookie walk held from 8am-7pm. Location: Holy Trinity Church Hall, 1333 S 13th St, La Crosse, WI. Advance tickets: $8. Day of Tour: $10. For info, call 608-782-2028.
1137|20021214|Christmas Wonderland Parade of Lights|Christmas Wonderland Parade of Lights (7th Annual), sponsored by Associated Bank of Rushford, at 7pm. Have a night of family fun beginning with a Parade of Lights, visits with Santa, hot chocolate & cider, cookies and caroling. Donations encouraged to the Food Shelf. Drop off site at the depot following the parade. For info, call Associated Bank, Rushford, MN at 507-864-7744.
1138|20021215|La Crosse Boychoir Holiday Concert|La Crosse Boychoir Holiday Concert, with guest artist Harry Spence Elem School Choir, at 3pm, at Viterbo University Fine Arts Center Main Theatre, La Crosse, WI. Tickets: $14. For info, call Brian Laschenski at 608-796-3787.
1139|20021214|Christmas Memories Tour of Homes|Christmas Memories Tour of Homes, sponsored by the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, Greenwood, WI, from 12Noon-8pm. Tickets: $6. For info, call Pat at 267-6973(wk) or 267-6355(hm); or Diane at 267-7221; or Carrole Block at 267-6307.
1140|20021212|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Sun.12/15, starting at 7:30pm nightly.
Tickets: $6 Adults, $4 Seniors/Children under 12. Tickets available at: Shepherd's Voice 608-781-3460, Christian Book/Gift 507-289-2590, Rock Solid Youth Ctr 507-452-2125, or Country Market and Midtown Foods. For info, call Greg Moser at 507-452-2125, or email: rsyc@hotmail.com.
1141|20021213|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Sun.12/15, starting at 7:30pm nightly.
Tickets: $6 Adults, $4 Seniors/Children under 12. Tickets available at: Shepherd's Voice 608-781-3460, Christian Book/Gift 507-289-2590, Rock Solid Youth Ctr 507-452-2125, or Country Market and Midtown Foods. For info, call Greg Moser at 507-452-2125, or email: rsyc@hotmail.com.
1142|20021214|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Sun.12/15, starting at 7:30pm nightly.
Tickets: $6 Adults, $4 Seniors/Children under 12. Tickets available at: Shepherd's Voice 608-781-3460, Christian Book/Gift 507-289-2590, Rock Solid Youth Ctr 507-452-2125, or Country Market and Midtown Foods. For info, call Greg Moser at 507-452-2125, or email: rsyc@hotmail.com.
1143|20021215|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Sun.12/15, starting at 7:30pm nightly.
Tickets: $6 Adults, $4 Seniors/Children under 12. Tickets available at: Shepherd's Voice 608-781-3460, Christian Book/Gift 507-289-2590, Rock Solid Youth Ctr 507-452-2125, or Country Market and Midtown Foods. For info, call Greg Moser at 507-452-2125, or email: rsyc@hotmail.com
1144|20021214|Kids Workshop at Home Depot|Kids Workshop at Home Depot, 9am-11am, at Home Depot, 2927 Market Place, Onalaska, WI. Children may pick one choice from a variety of craft items to make. Great for Christmas giving. You can call or stop at the store to register ahead of time; or register the day of the event. Event is FREE and fun for all ages. For info, call Karen or Jennifer at 608-392-1400.
1145|20021215|Commonweal Theatre Co presents "The 1940's Radio Hour"|Commonweal Theatre Co presents "The 1940's Radio Hour" in an American Sign Language interpreted performance, 2pm, at St Mane Theatre, 206 Parkway Ave N, Lanesboro, MN. Patrons needing interpreter services will receive 50% off the reg ticket price. Cost: $15 Adults, $14 Seniors(55&over), $7 for students. For info/tickets, call 507-467-2525 or 800-657-7025. Email: tickets@commonwealtheatre.org. Website: www.commonwealtheatre.org.
1146|20021217|Holiday Hors'd'oeurves Class w/ Chef Janet|Holiday Hors'd'oeurves Class w/ Chef Janet, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, in the La Crescent-Hokah High School classroom #72. Sponsored by La Crescent-Hokah Community Education. Chef Janet Weir, from Weir's the Chef, will be the instructor. The class fee is $25. Registration is required. For info, call 507-895-5150; Fax# 507-895-6814; or stop by 703 S 11th St, La Crescent, MN.
1147|20021220|Accelerated Genetics County Division Mtg|Accelerated Genetics County Division Meeting for member in La Crosse, Jackson, and Trempealeau Counties, 11:30am, at the Melrose American Legion, Melrose, WI. Meeting will begin w/registration followed by a noon meal. Year-end financial report and election of delegates to represent the county. Personnel to give sire report & provide update on company events/programs. For info, call Charlene McCauley at 608-356-8357.
1148|20021210|Babysitters Training|Babysitters Training, Tues.12/10, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, from 6pm-9pm nightly, at the American Red Cross Scenic Bluffs Chapter, 2927 Losey Blvd S, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $25. Register in person w/payment at the Scenic Bluffs Chapter. Limit 15 participants. For info, call 608-788-1000.
1149|20021212|Babysitters Training|Babysitters Training, Tues.12/10, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, from 6pm-9pm nightly, at the American Red Cross Scenic Bluffs Chapter, 2927 Losey Blvd S, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $25. Register in person w/payment at the Scenic Bluffs Chapter. Limit 15 participants. For info, call 608-788-1000.
1150|20021213|Babysitters Training|Babysitters Training, Tues.12/10, Thurs.12/12, Fri.12/13, from 6pm-9pm nightly, at the American Red Cross Scenic Bluffs Chapter, 2927 Losey Blvd S, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $25. Register in person w/payment at the Scenic Bluffs Chapter. Limit 15 participants. For info, call 608-788-1000.
1151|20021214|"Christmas for Kids" Children's Christmas Activity|"Christmas for Kids" Children's Christmas Activity, 9am-1pm, at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 414 Main St, La Crescent, MN. Age-appropriate activities for children ages 3-12 years. Games, crafts, songs, activities, Bible stories, and a lunch are provided FREE OF CHARGE. This is an annual event that is fun for children when their parents may be busy with Christmas plans. For info, call 507-895-4775.
1152|20021207|Norskedalen "Old-Fashioned Christmas"|Norskedalen "Old-Fashioned Christmas", Sat.12/7 & Sun.12/8, from 10am-4pm both days, at Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, 3 miles N of Coon Valley, WI, on Co Hwy PI. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1153|20021215|Norskedalen "Victorian Christmas Ornaments" |Norskedalen "Victorian Christmas Ornaments", 2pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, 3 miles N of Coon Valley, WI, on Co Hwy PI. Roger & Shirley Johnson have collected antique Christmas ornaments for over 30 years. They will share the history of these unique antiques, some of which date back to the 1800's. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1154|20021230|KID'S DAY OUT|KID'S DAY OUT, from 8am-4:30pm, for all children ages Kindergarten thru 6th grade, at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI (located behind Cub Foods). Cost: $13 for pre-registration before 12/22, or register at the door for $15 per child. The cost of the event will cover a full day of activities with lunch and snacks provided. Registration is limited to 75 children. For info or to register, call River of Life Church office at 608-782-2780. We have a day full of fun events planned, so come and join us!
1155|20021215|Christmas Cantata "Sing and Shout for Joy!"|Christmas Cantata "Sing and Shout for Joy!", at 9am, will be performed at Sand Lake Wesleyan Church, N5761 Sand Lake Rd, Onalaska, WI. For info, call 608-783-4770.
1156|20021208|Norskedalen "Old-Fashioned Christmas"|Norskedalen "Old-Fashioned Christmas", Sat.12/7 & Sun.12/8, from 10am-4pm both days, at Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, 3 miles N of Coon Valley, WI, on Co Hwy PI. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1157|20021218|"O Christmas Tree" children's performance|"O Christmas Tree" children's performance, at 7pm, at Sand Lake Wesleyan Church, N5761 Sand Lake Rd, Onalaska, WI. Refreshments and fellowship to follow the program. For info, call 608-783-4770.
1158|20021224|Christmas Eve Service at River of Life|Christmas Eve Service, at 6pm, at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County PH, Onalaska, WI (located behind Cub Foods). For info, call 608-782-2780. Come and celebrate with us the birth of our Savior!
1159|20021224|Christmas Eve Service |Christmas Eve Service, at 6pm, at Sand Lake Wesleyan Church, N5761 Sand Lake Rd, Onalaska, WI. For info, call 608-783-4770. All are welcome!
1160|20021225|Christmas Breakfast|Christmas Breakfast presented by Hope Gospel Mission, 8am-10am, at Hope Gospel Mission, 8 S Farwell St, Eau Claire, WI. For info, call Cindy Fraley at 552-5566 or 855-9102.
1161|20021219|Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group Memorial Service|Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group will have a candlelight memorial service and tree trimming ceremony, at 7pm, at Franciscan Skemp Healthcare. Participants will meet in the Marycrest Auditorium to get a candle & program. The Service will be held in the Franciscan Skemp Chapel w/ an informal reception to follow in the auditorium. Event is sponsored by Gundersen Lutheran and Franciscan Skemp Healthcare. The event is for bereaved families experiencing the death of a baby thru miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, newborn, or early infant death. Bring an ornament for the tree, or one will be provided. For info, call Bonnie Gensch @ 782-7300,ext.54270; Theresa Hagen or Sue Wise @ 785-0940,ext.2389; or Phillip Nielsen @ 785-0940,ext.9410.
1162|20021220|Free Pictures with Santa|Free Pictures with Santa, 9am-11am and 2pm-4pm, at Onalaska City Hall, 415 Main St, Onalaska, WI. Ages Infant - 10 years old.
1163|20021214|Hixon Forest Holiday Fun for 1st - 3rd Graders|Hixon Forest Holiday Fun for 1st - 3rd Graders, 9am-11:30am, at Hixon Forest Nature Center, La Crosse, WI. PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BY DEC.13th! Holiday craft making, a hike, other goodies, while your parents take time to do errands. Fee: $6 per child for members of Hixon Forest Nature Center and $8 per child for non-members. For info, call Vicki at 784-0303. Email: hfnc@bigfoot.com.
1164|20021214|Cookie - Candy Walk|Cookie - Candy Walk, from 9am-12Noon, at First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI. Homemade Christmas cookies and candy for sale. For info, call Priscilla Baumgarten at 608-372-4543.
1165|20021214|Christmas Cookie Walk|Christmas Cookie Walk, 9am, at Good Shepherd Lutheran (Fellowship Hall, lower level), S Main St, Viroqua, WI. Hosted by Women of the ELCA. Variety of Christmas treats including cookies, candies, lefse and flatbread, sandbakkelse, frosted cutouts, rosettes, fudge, and much more. Coffee and cookies available for fellowship during the sale. Proceeds will help support missionaries Lowell and Junko Gretebeck in Japan. For info, call Fran Dieter at 608-637-3071.
1166|20021222|Norskedalen presents "Christmas at "Grefsheim Gaard, Norway"|Norskedalen presents "Christmas at Grefsheim, Norway" with Lee Grippen, 2pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, 3 miles N of Coon Valley, WI, on County Hwy PI. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1167|20021213|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer"|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer", Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Fri.12/20, Sat.12/21 performances at 7pm, with a matinee on Sun.12/22 at 1pm, located at Temple Theatre in downtown Viroqua, WI. For info/tickets, call 608-637-7828; or download an order form at: www.pleasantridgewaldorf.org.
1168|20021214|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer"|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer", Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Fri.12/20, Sat.12/21 performances at 7pm, with a matinee on Sun.12/22 at 1pm, located at Temple Theatre in downtown Viroqua, WI. For info/tickets, call 608-637-7828; or download an order form at: www.pleasantridgewaldorf.org.
1169|20021220|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer"|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer", Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Fri.12/20, Sat.12/21 performances at 7pm, with a matinee on Sun.12/22 at 1pm, located at Temple Theatre in downtown Viroqua, WI. For info/tickets, call 608-637-7828; or download an order form at: www.pleasantridgewaldorf.org.
1170|20021221|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer"|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer", Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Fri.12/20, Sat.12/21 performances at 7pm, with a matinee on Sun.12/22 at 1pm, located at Temple Theatre in downtown Viroqua, WI. For info/tickets, call 608-637-7828; or download an order form at: www.pleasantridgewaldorf.org.
1171|20021222|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer"|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School of Viroqua presents musical "Ebenezer", Fri.12/13, Sat.12/14, Fri.12/20, Sat.12/21 performances at 7pm, with a matinee on Sun.12/22 at 1pm, located at Temple Theatre in downtown Viroqua, WI. For info/tickets, call 608-637-7828; or download an order form at: www.pleasantridgewaldorf.org.
1172|20021214|OHS 2002 Sleigh Ride Choir Concert|OHS 2002 Sleigh Ride Choir Concert, 7:30pm, at Claude C Deck Performing Arts Center, Onalaska High School, Onalaska, WI. Reception featuring holiday treats and beverages will be served in the commons following the performance. For info, call Paul Gulsvig at 783-4561(school#) or 783-8116(hm#); or Dawn Jaehnke at 781-6917.
1173|20021215|OHS Winter Choral Concert|OHS Winter Choral Concert, featuring all OHS Vocal Groups, at 1pm, at Claude C Deck Performing Arts Center, Onalaska High School, Onalaska, WI. Admission: FREE. For info, call Paul Gulsvig at 608-783-4561(school#) or 608-783-8116(hm#); or Dawn Jaehnke at 608-781-6917.
1175|20030108|Fond du Lac Farm Show|Fond du Lac Farm Show (14th Annual), Wed.1/8 & Thurs.1/9, from 9am-3:30pm, at Fond du Lac Fairgrounds. Hundreds of farm manufacturing companies and dealers exhibiting. The Farm Show is produced by North Country Enterprises and is FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1176|20030109|Fond du Lac Farm Show|Fond du Lac Farm Show (14th Annual), Wed.1/8 & Thurs.1/9, from 9am-3:30pm, at Fond du Lac Fairgrounds. Hundreds of farm manufacturing companies and dealers exhibiting. The Farm Show is produced by North Country Enterprises and is FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1177|20030122|Midwest Farm Show|Midwest Farm Show (25th Annual), Wed.1/22 & Thurs.1/23, from 9am-3:30pm, at the La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. The Midwest Farm Show (considered one of the bigger farm shows) has hundreds of farm manufacturing and dealers exhibiting. The Midwest Farm show, produced by North Country Enterprises, is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1178|20030123|Midwest Farm Show|Midwest Farm Show (25th Annual), Wed.1/22 & Thurs.1/23, from 9am-3:30pm, at the La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. The Midwest Farm Show (considered one of the bigger farm shows) has hundreds of farm manufacturing and dealers exhibiting. The Midwest Farm show, produced by North Country Enterprises, is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1179|20030128|Barron County Farm Show|Barron County Farm Show (12th Annual), Tues.1/28 & Wed.1/29, from 9am-3:30pm, at Rice Lake, WI. Hundreds of farm manufacturing and dealers exhibiting. The Barron County Farm show, produced by North Country Enterprises, is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1180|20030129|Barron County Farm Show|Barron County Farm Show (12th Annual), Tues.1/28 & Wed.1/29, from 9am-3:30pm, at Rice Lake, WI. Hundreds of farm manufacturing and dealers exhibiting. The Barron County Farm show, produced by North Country Enterprises, is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1181|20030304|Eau Claire Farm Show|Eau Claire Farm Show (40th Annual), Tues.3/4 & Wed.3/5, from 9am-3:30pm, at the Eau Claire Sports Center, Eau Claire, WI. The Eau Claire Farm Show (considered the "granddaddy" of the farm shows) has hundreds of farm manufacturing and dealers exhibiting. The Eau Claire Farm Show, produced by North Country Enterprises, is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1182|20030305|Eau Claire Farm Show|Eau Claire Farm Show (40th Annual), Tues.3/4 & Wed.3/5, from 9am-3:30pm, at the Eau Claire Sports Center, Eau Claire, WI. The Eau Claire Farm Show (considered the "granddaddy" of the farm shows) has hundreds of farm manufacturing and dealers exhibiting. The Eau Claire Farm Show, produced by North Country Enterprises, is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and includes health clinics and entertainment. For info, call Bill Henry at 715-738-2451; or Bob Henry at 715-723-2775.
1183|20030103|Coulee Region FREE FOOD Distribution|Coulee Region FREE FOOD Distribution, 10am-12:30pm, at Cathedral of Praise Church Foyer, 3340 S Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska, WI (past Gundersen Lutheran Clinic north of the mall). Food selection different each month. Bring your own bags and boxes. Donation: $12 is requested to cover associated costs of the program. Provided through Creator's Touch Ministries, Inc. (Volunteers needed Thurs.1/2, from 4pm-9pm; and Fri.1/3, from 9am-2pm). For info, call Dave & Connie Keating at 608-783-2909. Email: Creatortouch@aol.com.
1184|20021231|New Year's Eve Gala|New Year's Eve Gala, Doors open at 6:30pm, Dinner served from 7pm-9pm, Dancing/Listening Pleasure from 9pm-1am, located at Historic Opera House (now handicap accessible), Independence, WI. Music by Conrad Johns Orchestra. Cost: Dinner/Dancing Tickets $40/per person; Dancing Only Tickets $30/per person. Limited number of tickets available, so purchase in advance. For info/tickets, call 715-985-3316(days) or 715-985-3406(evenings).
1185|20021231|Monday Night Singles' New Year's Eve Dance|Monday Night Singles' New Year's Eve Dance, Doors open at 8pm, Dance Music provided by DJ from 8:30pm-12:30am. Located at Concordia Hall Ballroom, 1129 La Crosse St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $10/per person, includes hot/cold hors d'oeuvre. Open to all singles, divorced, widowed, never married, 21 or older, for a chance to meet the "Right Person" in a smoke-free environment. For info, call Gerald A. Bonsack at 781-1582(hm) or 787-6757(wk). Website: www.execpc.com/~gbonsack/mns.htm
1186|20030114|Onalaska Area Historical Society Annual Meeting|Onalaska Area Historical Society Annual Meeting, 7pm, at Onalaska Community Center. For info, call Sheryl Horman at 783-0440.
1187|20030201|La Crosse American Heart Walk|La Crosse American Heart Walk, Registration @ 8am,Walk @ 9am, in the Valley View Mall, La Crosse, WI. One or three-mile walk thru the Mall featuring entertainment, health fair activities, prizes, and more. Individuals or Teams. For info, call 608-784-4020, fax 608-782-8553, or email: christine.gratz@heart.org.
1188|20030116|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1189|20030117|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1190|20030118|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1191|20030119|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1192|20030123|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1193|20030124|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1194|20030125|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1195|20030126|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "You Can't Take It With You", Thurs.1/16, Fri.1/17, Sat.1/18 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/19 at 1:30pm; and Thurs.1/23, Fri.1/24, Sat.1/25 at 7:30pm, Sun.1/26 at 1:30pm. Located at Kjer Theatre, UWEC Campus (next to Zorn Arena), Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $13 Adults, $12 Seniors, & $7 Students. For info/tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529).
1196|20030118|La Crosse Logan Alumni Holiday Party|La Crosse Logan Alumni Holiday Party (Annual), 6pm-11pm, at the City Brewery Hospitality Center. All the Logan Family & Friends invited! Tickets: $7 per person (advance) and $8 per person (at the door). Food, refreshments, auctions, raffles, dancing, music, and more. Ticket Outlets: Logan H.S., Sloopy's Alma Mater, Ken's Barber Shop, Sam's - Northside Rules, Kraft's Barber Shop, All Alumni Board Members, Coulee Region Business Center. For info, call Ronald Johnson at 608-582-4356.
1197|20030110|Onalaska Show Choir Classic|Onalaska Show Choir Classic, Fri.1/10 from 6pm-10:30pm Show Choirs and Fri.1/10 from 1:30pm-10pm Concert Choirs; and Sat.1/11 from 8am-11pm Show Choirs. Show Choirs will be held at Onalaska High School Field House; and Concert Choirs will be held at First Lutheran Church, 410 Main Street. Show consists of 27 Show Choirs & 7 Concert Choirs from 6 States, 2000+ Students performing and competing. All Onalaska performances are exhibition only. For info/tickets, call Paul Gulsvig at 783-4561(wk#) or 783-8116(hm#); or call Dawn Jaehnke at 781-6917.
1198|20030111|Onalaska Show Choir Classic|Onalaska Show Choir Classic, Fri.1/10 from 6pm-10:30pm Show Choirs and Fri.1/10 from 1:30pm-10pm Concert Choirs; and Sat.1/11 from 8am-11pm Show Choirs. Show Choirs will be held at Onalaska High School Field House; and Concert Choirs will be held at First Lutheran Church, 410 Main Street. Show consists of 27 Show Choirs & 7 Concert Choirs from 6 States, 2000+ Students performing and competing. All Onalaska performances are exhibition only. For info/tickets, call Paul Gulsvig at 783-4561(wk#) or 783-8116(hm#); or call Dawn Jaehnke at 781-6917.
1199|20030111|Monroe County's H.S. Students 2nd Annual Mardi Gras - New Year Party|Monroe County's H.S. Students 2nd Annual Mardi Gras - New Year Party, 7:30pm-11:30pm, at Sparta American Legion, Sparta, WI. Sponsored by Monroe County Youth Council & the Boys & Girls Club of Sparta. Cost: FREE Countywide Event. Dancing, $ Machine, prizes, DJ, food, games, fun, free transportation. For info, call 608-269-CLUB(2582).
1200|20030109|WisDOT Public Informational Meeting|WisDOT Public Informational Meeting, 4:30pm-7:30pm, at the Elk Mound Middle School, 302 University St, Elk Mound, WI. Discussion will be on plans to designate approximately 9 miles of WIS 29, between I-94/Chippewa County T, as a freeway. Meeting is an opportunity to review and comment on the preliminary system alternatives. Short presentations will be made at 4:30pm and 5:30pm. For info, call Jeffry Abboud at 715-855-7661; or Brent Pickard at 715-836-4623. Email: brent.pickard@dot.state.wi.us.
1201|20030128|Coulee Region Sierra Club Presentation/Meeting|Coulee Region Sierra Club Presentation/Meeting, 7pm, at 3 Rivers Ho Chunk Building, 724 Main St, La Crosse, WI. General Public welcome to attend. For info, contact Monette Schleifer at monette1@webtv.net.
1202|20030206|Home Agenda/School Agenda: A Necessary Partnership Presentation|Home Agenda/School Agenda: A Necessary Partnership Presentation, presented by Dr Ada Alden a Certified Family Life Educator, sponsored by Logan Middle School, 6:30pm-8:30pm, at Logan Middle School Auditorium, 1450 Avon St, La Crosse, WI. Event is FREE and open to public. FREE childcare provided. Join Dr Ada Alden as she discusses strategies for sending your child to school prepared to learn, tips for building strong school/home relationship, and how to make the most of parent/teacher conferences. For info, call 608-789-8460.
1203|20030214|80th Annual Snowflake Ski Jump|80th Annual Snowflake Ski Jump in beautiful Timber Coulee in Westby, WI. Fri.2/14, Sat.2/15, & Sun.2/16, with opening ceremonies Sat./Sun. at 11am. Cost: Buttons - $10 for all 3 days in advance; or $15 for all 3 days at the gate; Kids under 12 FREE! Featuring 5-10 Foreign/American teams, 3-4 of which are Olympic teams. Food/drink available on grounds. Tailgating is permitted. Directions: Hwy 27 N out of Westby towards Cashton, take left on County P, follow signs. For info, call Snowflake Ski Club at 608-634-3211. Website: www.snowflakeskiclub.com.
1204|20030215|80th Annual Snowflake Ski Jump|80th Annual Snowflake Ski Jump in beautiful Timber Coulee in Westby, WI. Fri.2/14, Sat.2/15, & Sun.2/16, with opening ceremonies Sat./Sun. at 11am. Cost: Buttons - $10 for all 3 days in advance; or $15 for all 3 days at the gate; Kids under 12 FREE! Featuring 5-10 Foreign/American teams, 3-4 of which are Olympic teams. Food/drink available on grounds. Tailgating is permitted. Directions: Hwy 27 N out of Westby towards Cashton, take left on County P, follow signs. For info, call Snowflake Ski Club at 608-634-3211. Website: www.snowflakeskiclub.com.
1205|20030216|80th Annual Snowflake Ski Jump|80th Annual Snowflake Ski Jump in beautiful Timber Coulee in Westby, WI. Fri.2/14, Sat.2/15, & Sun.2/16, with opening ceremonies Sat./Sun. at 11am. Cost: Buttons - $10 for all 3 days in advance; or $15 for all 3 days at the gate; Kids under 12 FREE! Featuring 5-10 Foreign/American teams, 3-4 of which are Olympic teams. Food/drink available on grounds. Tailgating is permitted. Directions: Hwy 27 N out of Westby towards Cashton, take left on County P, follow signs. For info, call Snowflake Ski Club at 608-634-3211. Website: www.snowflakeskiclub.com.
1206|20030129|Parenting Children w/ADHD or Related Behavior Problems Program|Parenting Children w/ADHD or Related Behavior Problems Program, Wed.1/29, Wed.2/5, Wed.2/12, & Wed.2/19, from 6-8pm each Wed., at Gundersen Lutheran Behavioral Health - Onalaska, 123 16th Ave S, Onalaska, WI. Harvey A. Weinberg, PhD, a child psychologist w/Gundersen Lutheran Behavioral Health, will conduct the sessions. Enrollment Fee: $15 per family (parents only). Enrollment limited, MUST REGISTER BY JAN.24th. For info or to register, call 608-775-4480 or 800-362-9567,ext.54480.
1207|20030201|14th Annual Lutefisk Supper|14th Annual Lutefisk Supper, serving Family Style from 11am-2pm and 4pm-8pm, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 306 S Main St, Westby, WI.
1208|20030118|La Crosse Public Library One-Day Sale|La Crosse Public Library One-Day Sale, 9am-4pm w/$5 a bag from 3pm-4pm, at La Crosse Public Library, Main & 8th St, La Crosse, WI. Basement level accessible by stairs/elevator. Books for adults and children, magazines, video and audio tapes, records, Collector's Corner. Bring the kids, bring a friend, come and browse! For info, call Carlene Roberts at 788-0868; or Glenn Seager at 788-6727.
1209|20030207|La Crosse County Voiture #830 hosts 82nd Grande Petite Promenade|La Crosse County Voiture #830 40et8 hosts 82nd Grande Petite Promenade, Fri.2/7, Sat.2/8, and Sun.2/9. All Promenade and Grande business will be conducted at the Onalaska American Legion Post. All Cabane (Auxilliary) business will be conducted at the Onalaska Community Center which is located near the Onalaska American Legion Post. (The Comfort Inn Motel is the Headquarters Motel). For info, call Dale Peterson - Chairman, at 608-786-0331.
1210|20030208|La Crosse County Voiture #830 hosts 82nd Grande Petite Promenade|La Crosse County Voiture #830 40et8 hosts 82nd Grande Petite Promenade, Fri.2/7, Sat.2/8, and Sun.2/9. All Promenade and Grande business will be conducted at the Onalaska American Legion Post. All Cabane (Auxilliary) business will be conducted at the Onalaska Community Center which is located near the Onalaska American Legion Post. (The Comfort Inn Motel is the Headquarters Motel). For info, call Dale Peterson - Chairman, at 608-786-0331.
1211|20030209|La Crosse County Voiture #830 hosts 82nd Grande Petite Promenade|La Crosse County Voiture #830 40et8 hosts 82nd Grande Petite Promenade, Fri.2/7, Sat.2/8, and Sun.2/9. All Promenade and Grande business will be conducted at the Onalaska American Legion Post. All Cabane (Auxilliary) business will be conducted at the Onalaska Community Center which is located near the Onalaska American Legion Post. (The Comfort Inn Motel is the Headquarters Motel). For info, call Dale Peterson - Chairman, at 608-786-0331.
1212|20030207|Marriage Safari |Marriage Safari, Fri.2/7 from 7pm-10pm and Sat.2/8 from 8:30am-12Noon, hosted by & located at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 Cty Rd PH, Onalaska, WI (located behind Cub Foods). Dr Tim Ruden, Director of Life Solutions, will be presenting the safari. Cost: $50 - if registered by Jan.26th; or $65 - if registered after Jan.26th. Come explore your marriage styles of Friendship, Trust, Intimacy, & Communication. Discover new ways to keep the marriage love and excitement alive! The safari is positive, personal, & powerful! To register or for more info, contact Pam at River of Life @ 608-782-2780.
1213|20030208|Marriage Safari|Marriage Safari, Fri.2/7 from 7pm-10pm and Sat.2/8 from 8:30am-12Noon, hosted by & located at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 Cty Rd PH, Onalaska, WI (located behind Cub Foods). Dr Tim Ruden, Director of Life Solutions, will be presenting the safari. Cost: $50 - if registered by Jan.26th; or $65 - if registered after Jan.26th. Come explore your marriage styles of Friendship, Trust, Intimacy, & Communication. Discover new ways to keep the marriage love and excitement alive! The safari is positive, personal, & powerful! To register or for more info, contact Pam at River of Life @ 608-782-2780.
1214|20030120|Central High School Parent Information Meeting|Central High School Parent Information Meeting, 7pm, at Central H.S. LMC. This meeting, sponsored by the Central Administrative Team, is being held to have parents visit with administration to share thoughts, concerns, and joys in regard to Central High School. There is no planned agenda. For info, call Helen Perlich at 608-789-7900.
1215|20030120|Minneapolis Gospel Choir Performance|Minneapolis Gospel Choir Performance, 12:15pm-1:15pm, at WWTC, Kumm Center cafeteria, La Crosse, WI, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day. The concert is FREE and open to the public. For info, call Travis Froehlich at 608-785-9890.
1216|20030123|"A Good Night's Sleep Begins in the Morning"|"A Good Night's Sleep Begins in the Morning", sponsored by LaCrescent-Hokah Early Childhood Family Education and Dist 300 Foundation, features renowned speaker/author Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the LaCrescent High School Fine Arts Auditorium, LaCrescent, MN. Cost: $2 if pre-ristering; and $3 at the door. Childcare is offered at ECFE Center (children can wear pajamas and enjoy fun, relaxing evening activities guaranteed to make bedtime a breeze!). Join Mary Sheedy Kurcinka to learn about the latest sleep research and practical strategies for helping families to be well rested. For info/register, call Community Education at 507-895-5150.
1217|20030201|Politically Incorrect Comedy Troupe "The Capitol Steps" Performance|The Politically Incorrect Comedy Troupe "The Capitol Steps" Performance, 7:30pm, in the Viterbo University Fine Arts Center Main Theatre, La Crosse, WI. Claiming to be "the only group in America that attempts to be funnier than the Congress" these Congressional-staffers-turned-comedians put a hilarious spin on the political scandels, controversies, and missteps of Washington's top dogs and other world leaders. Cost of Tickets: $24/18. For more info, contact the Viterbo University Box Office at 608-796-3100.
1218|20030214|La Crosse Predators vs Winnipeg Monarchs Hockey Game|La Crosse Predators vs Winnipeg Monarchs Hockey Game, 8pm, at La Crescent Community Arena, La Crescent, MN. Tickets: $5. Tickets available at Clafton Skate, Main St, Onalaska; and La Crescent Community Arena, Managers Office.
1219|20030207|La Crosse YMCA's Father-Daughter Sweetheart Dance|La Crosse YMCA's Father-Daughter Sweetheart Dance, from 7pm-9pm to Music in Motion, at La Crosse Area Family YMCA, 1140 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6 in advance; $7.50 at the door. Soft drinks, snacks, and door prizes provided. To register, call 782-9622; or stop by the YMCA front desk.
1220|20030210|New Horizon's Volunteer/Intern Training|New Horizon's Volunteer/Intern Training, Mon.2/10, Tues.2/11, Wed.2/12, Thurs.2/13, from 6pm-9pm each evening, at St Paul's Lutheran Church (entrance off of Division St), 420 West Ave, La Crosse, WI. New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center provides safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic violence so that they can make decisions about their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental, and empowering atmosphere. Training packets provided. For info or to reserve a seat for the training, call Sharon at 608-791-2607.
1221|20030215|La Crosse YMCA "Heart Throb Run/Walk"|La Crosse YMCA's Winter Running Series "Heart Throb Run/Walk" (a 5-mile, 5k run, or 5k walk through beautiful downtown La Crosse), begins at 9am, at the La Crosse YMCA, 1140 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Entry forms available at local Subways or the Family YMCA. For more info, call 782-9622.
1222|20030120|"Kick the Habit" Program for Teens|"Kick the Habit" Program to help teens stop smoking, from 7:30-8:30pm, at Rock Solid Youth Center, 75 West Third St, Winona, MN. This program, supported by Mayo Clinic, will explain to teens the risk of smoking and using tobacco. They will help teens with smoking problems and offer treatment programs for those interested. This is FREE for everyone 6th-12th Grades who want to quit smoking and all are welcome to attend. For info, call 507-452-2125; or email: rsyc@hotmail.com.
1223|20030222|Jars of Clay/Caedmon's Call Concert|Jars of Clay/Caedmon's Call (w/special guest Randall Goodgame) Concert, 7:30pm, at University of Wisconsin/Zorn Auditorium, Eau Claire, WI. Tickets: $17.50/Group(10+), $19.50/Advance, $22/at the door, $26.50/Gold Circle. Ticket Outlets: University of Wisc Eau Claire Box Office. Charge by phone: 1-800-949-UWEC(8932) or 715-836-3727. Order Online: www.uwec.edu/Tickets. For local info, call 715-836-3727.
1224|20030209|St Bridget's Catholic Church Annual Card Party|St Bridget's Catholic Church Annual Card Party, 1pm, at St Bridget's Catholic Church (located in basement), 22650 Washington St, Ettrick, WI. Will be playing Whist, Euchre, & 500. Cash prizes plus door prizes and card game prizes. Lunch will be served.
1225|20030130|UW-L sponsors Dr Martin Luther King Jr Celebration|UW-L sponsors Dr Martin Luther King Jr Celebration, focusing on the theme, "A Day of Reflection: Remember...Celebrate...Act." A full day of Activities, beginning w/8:30am-Registration. All activities held in Cartwright Center. For info, call Office of Multicultural Student Services at 785-8225; or visit the website: www.uwlax.edu/MLK.
1226|20030208|Babysitting Clinic|Babysitting Clinic co-sponsored by Holmen YMCA and Gundersen Lutheran Training Ctr, from 8:30am-12:30pm, at the Holmen YMCA, 504 N Holmen Dr, Holmen, WI. Topics include: baby care, personal safety, nutrition, handling tantrums and tears, etc. Participants will receive valuable informational materials and a certificate for completing the course. Must be at least 11yrs old. Cost: $16 for YMCA members and $19 for community participants. For registration info, call Holmen YMCA at 526-9176.
1227|20030208|Annual Soup Dinner|Annual Soup Dinner, serving 11:30am-1:30pm, at Retreat Church Hall, Retreat, WI. Various kinds of soup, salads, and desserts. Cost: $5-Adults; $2-Children 12&under; FREE-preschool age.
1228|20030223|Chili Luncheon|Chili Luncheon, serving from 11am-1pm, at Necedah United Methodist Church, 605 N Harvey St, Necedah, WI. Cost: $3.50-Adults, $2-Children under 10.
1229|20030315|Local & Regional Artists Group Show|Local & Regional Artists Group Show, with Opening Reception from 6pm-9pm, at Odin Gallery, 507 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Show runs until mid-April. For info, call 784-1161, or odingallery.com.
1230|20030426|24th Annual Cotter School Auction|24th Annual Cotter High/Jr High School Auction, w/Mass at 4:30pm, Silent Auction begins at 5pm w/Live Auction begins at 7:30pm, located at St T's Tennis & Sports, 360 Vila St, Winona, MN. Admission: $8, includes hors d' oeuvres and a free drink.
1231|20030301|Chili Supper & Bingo|Chili Supper & Bingo, serving from 4pm-8pm, at Holy Cross Parish, Dakota, MN. All the chili you care to eat and cash prizes for bingo games and door prizes. Cost: $5-Adults; $2.50-Children 6-12; FREE-Children 5 & under.
1232|20030216|Scheie Luth. Church 2nd Annual Pork Loin Dinner|Scheie Lutheran Church 2nd Annual Pork Loin Dinner, serving from 10:30am-1pm, at Mabel American Legion, Mabel, MN. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $7.50-Adults, $3.50-Children 6-12. A bake sale and cook book sale will also take place. Delivery available for those within the city limits of Mabel, by calling Ellen Aasum at 493-5673 by Feb.15th.
1233|20030301|Monroe Co. Historical Society's Arts-Crafts Show/Sale|Monroe County Historical Society's 56th Arts-Crafts Show & Sale, 9am-4pm, at Sparta Senior High School, 506 N Black River St, Sparta, WI. 200 Booths, FREE ADMISSION, Food Served, Everyone Welcome! Wonderful hand-crafted items for Easter, the yard, and garden ornaments - Think Spring! For info, call Joan Cook, Show Coordinator, at 608-269-3233.
1234|20030228|Juice & Jammies |Juice & Jammies (Play & Learn in your PJ's), 6pm-7:30pm, at Children's Museum of La Crosse, 207 5th Ave S, La Crosse, WI. Stories, snacks, activities, and more for ages 1-4 with FREE adult companion. Plus, you'll have the Children's Museum all to yourselves! Pre-registration requested. Cost: $3 per child for Museum members/$5 per child for non-members. For info, call Christina Knudsen at 608-784-2652.
1235|20030319|"Against All Odds" featuring Walter D. Smith|"Against All Odds" presented by RAA, featuring motivational speaker & body builder Walter D Smith, 7pm, at La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. Admission: $5. Tickets available at La Crosse Center and Coulee Council on Addictions. For more info, call 608-784-4177.
1236|20030313|Community First Aid & Safety Course|Community First Aid & Safety Course conducted by Scenic Bluffs Chapter of the American Red Cross, 8am-4:30pm, in the basement of the Erlandson Building located at E7410 County Road B, Viroqua, WI. Course will be offered at discounted price of $36 per participant (normally $61) to become certified in Adult, Child, and Infant CPR, Automatic External Defibrillator, and First Aid. To register for this course, call Arvin at 1-800-837-6313.
1237|20030322|DeSoto Cottonwood Park Committee Spring Fundraiser|DeSoto Cottonwood Park Committee Spring Fund Raiser, 4pm-?, at the DeSoto Community Center, DeSoto, WI. Fundraiser will include an Auction, Pie Auction, Door Prizes, and Entertainment. Live music from 8pm-12Midnite, by Tim and the Floppy Cowboys (www.floppycowboys.com). Tickets: $20/per couple, and $2 for children under 12, and will include food and door prizes. Gun raffle tickets will be sold that evening. Proceeds go to "New Park Equipment".
1238|20030302|Winona-Kogota Students to host Ultimate Omelette Breakfast/Silent Auction|Winona-Kogota Students (Teenage Friendship Association) to host Ultimate Omelette Breakfast/Silent Auction, 9am-1pm, at the Winona Middle School, Winona, MN. This event will raise funds for 15 Winona Middle School 8th graders traveling to Winona's sister city of Kogota, Japan this April. Tickets: $5-adults, $3-children 10&under. Tickets available at Country Market and Midtown Foods. For info, call 507-494-1000.
1239|20030223|"Christopher Samples' Safe Return" Fundraiser|"Christopher Samples' Safe Return" Fundraiser ("I Love You a Bushel and a Peck" program to support the safe return of Christopher Samples), 7pm (w/Silent Auction at 6:30pm), at Lund Covenant Church, Lund, WI. (Christopher was abducted by his father Mark Samples on May 31, 2002, from Pepin, WI.) Music program presented by "Sister's in Christ" and Kris & Lisa Risch. Music, silent auction, & speakers. This fundraiser is to raise funds for offering a reward or to hire a Private Investigator to help bring Christopher home. Suggested donation of $10. For more info, call Kelly Johnson at 715-442-2323. If unable to attend, donations can be sent to: Christopher's Safe Return Fund, c/o Bank of Alma, PO Box 246, Pepin, WI, 54759.
1240|20030223|Rock Dam Rod & Gun Club Annual Ice Fishing Contest|Rock Dam Rod & Gun Club 12th Annual Ice Fishing Contest, 12pm-3pm, at Rock Dam Lake, 20 miles South of Thorp, WI. Food served on Lake & at Clubhouse.
1241|20030223|Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction|Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction, serving from 11am-1:30pm, (w/Silent Auction winners announced at 2pm), at the American Legion in Mabel, MN. Cost: $5 per plate. All proceeds go towards area youth from area Lutheran Churches who are going to Atlanta, GA, this summer for Natl ELCA Youth Gathering.
1242|20030311|Free Heartsaver (Pediatrics) CPR Classes|Free Heartsaver (Pediatrics) CPR Classes, presented by La Crosse Fire Dept & La Crosse Eagles, will be held Tues.3/11 & Tues.3/18, in the Aerie Clubroom, 228 5th Ave S, La Crosse, WI. Please sign up at the Eagles, or call 608-782-7514.
1243|20030215|Cataract First Responders "Valentine's Dance" Fundraiser|Cataract First Responders "Valentine's Dance" Fundraiser, 8pm-12Midnight, at Moonlight Pavallion, Cataract, WI. Music by "Kansas City Southern". Cover Charge: $2.50. Raffle Tickets for: Mathews Bow, Ashley Furniture Recliner, Spa Suite. Bring your sweetheart and dance the night away with us!!!
1244|20030309|Pancake Breakfast|Pancake Breakfast, hosted by Knights of Columbus, 8am-12Noon, at Community Center, New Albin, IA.
1245|20030222|LaCrosse Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Team Open House|LaCrosse Fire Dept Regional Response Hazardous Materials Team Open House, Open to the Public from 3pm-5pm, at the LaCrosse Center, 300 Harborview Plaza, LaCrosse, WI. Come and see the equipment that is available in case of a Hazardous Materials release or in the event of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) emergency in your area. Also meet the people who will be working any incidents outside of the City of LaCrosse. For info, call LaCrosse Fire Dept at 608-789-7260.
1246|20030222|"Love for All the Animals" Benefit|"Love for All the Animals" Benefit, Sat.2/22 & Sun.2/23. VARIETY SHOW on Sat.2/22, at 8pm, at Players Bar, Herald Geary--Emcee, $2 Cover charge, special raffle by Players, Donations accepted. LIVE AUCTIONS on Sun.2/23, at 3pm, at Nutbush City Limits, WIZM/Z-93's Sam Strong & Michael Hanson--Auctioneers, Credit Cards accepted. Celebration Dinner donated by Nutbush City Limits immediately following the auction. For info, call Judi Alf at 788-9411; or Coulee Region Humane Society at 781-4014. Come for great fun, food, entertainment, and an auction! Proceeds from these events benefit both CRHS (Coulee Region Humane Society) & LARRA (LaCrosse Avian Rescue, Rehab & Adoption, Inc).
1247|20030223|"Love for All the Animals" Benefit|"Love for All the Animals" Benefit, Sat.2/22 & Sun.2/23. VARIETY SHOW on Sat.2/22, at 8pm, at Players Bar, Herald Geary--Emcee, $2 Cover charge, special raffle by Players, Donations accepted. LIVE AUCTIONS on Sun.2/23, at 3pm, at Nutbush City Limits, WIZM/Z-93's Sam Strong & Michael Hanson--Auctioneers, Credit Cards accepted. Celebration Dinner donated by Nutbush City Limits immediately following the auction. For info, call Judi Alf at 788-9411; or Coulee Region Humane Society at 781-4014. Come for great fun, food, entertainment, and an auction! Proceeds from these events benefit both CRHS (Coulee Region Humane Society) & LARRA (LaCrosse Avian Rescue, Rehab & Adoption, Inc).
1248|20030311|Coulee Region Christian School's Spring Open House|Coulee Region Christian School's Spring Open House, from 6:30-8pm, at Coulee Region Christian School, 230 West Garland St, West Salem, WI. There will be refreshments and a short presentation following the tour. For info, call 786-3004.
1249|20030223|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital, 3pm, at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 410 Main St, Onalaska, WI. Reception following the concert. Donation of $5 suggested, but not required. Donations will be used to fund scholarships to organ summer camps/educational projects. For info, call Louise Temte at 779-5857.
1250|20030309|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital, 3pm, at Christ Episcopal Church, Ninth & Main Sts, La Crosse, WI. Reception following the concert. Donation of $5 suggested, but not required. Donations will be used to fund scholarships to organ summer camps/educational projects. For info, call Louise Temte at 779-5857.
1251|20030323|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital, 3pm, at Mary of the Angels Chapel, St Rose Convent, 912 Market St (but please use the Winnebago Street entrance). Reception following the concert. Donation of $5 suggested, but not required. Donations will be used to fund scholarships to organ summer camps/educational projects. For info, call Louise Temte at 779-5857.
1252|20030406|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital|Riverland Chapter's Organ Concert Recital, 2pm, at Coon Valley Lutheran Church, Coon Valley, WI. Reception following the concert. Donation of $5 suggested, but not required. Donations will be used to fund scholarships to organ summer camps/educational projects. For info, call Louise Temte at 779-5857.
1253|20030303|Tavern League of Wisc. "Professional Food Handlers Certification Course"|Tavern League of Wisc "Professional Food Handlers Certification Course". INITIAL COURSE will be from 9am-4pm (w/8:30am check-in), at Mirage Sports Bar, 4329 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, WI. RECERTIFICATION COURSE will be from 9am-12Noon (w/8:30am check-in), at Mirage Sports Bar, 4329 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, WI. This course meets all state requirements for certification. Call your local health agent if you are not sure that HFS 196.19 applies to you. To register, call Cindy Roehl at Tavern League of Wisconsin at 1-800-445-9221.
1254|20030322|Annual Kindergarten Karnival|Annual Kindergarten Karnival of the Eagle Bluff School and Onalaska Kindergarten Center, from 11am-2pm, at Eagle Bluff School, 200 Eagle Court, Onalaska, WI. Featuring entertainment, food, bake sale, crafts, face painting, raffle, silent auction, and more. For info, call 608-783-2453.
1255|20030312|Osteoarthritis and YOU! Workshop|Osteoarthritis and YOU! Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1256|20030326|Learning Good Sleep Hygiene Workshop|Learning Good Sleep Hygiene Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1257|20030409|Coping with Stress Workshop|Coping with Stress Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1258|20030426|Treating Heartburn Workshop|Treating Heartburn Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1259|20030505|Body Profiles Health Fair|Body Profiles Health Fair, Mon.5/5 thru Sat.5/10, all day, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1260|20030506|Body Profiles Health Fair|Body Profiles Health Fair, Mon.5/5 thru Sat.5/10, all day, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1261|20030507|Body Profiles Health Fair|Body Profiles Health Fair, Mon.5/5 thru Sat.5/10, all day, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1262|20030508|Body Profiles Health Fair|Body Profiles Health Fair, Mon.5/5 thru Sat.5/10, all day, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1263|20030509|Body Profiles Health Fair|Body Profiles Health Fair, Mon.5/5 thru Sat.5/10, all day, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1264|20030510|Body Profiles Health Fair|Body Profiles Health Fair, Mon.5/5 thru Sat.5/10, all day, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1265|20030514|Senior Exercise Hour Workshop|Senior Exercise Hour Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1266|20030528|Preventing Falls at Home Workshop|Preventing Falls at Home Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1267|20030602|"Summer Tips" Health Fair|"Summer Tips" Health Fair, all day, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1268|20030611|Sun Protection Products Workshop|Sun Protection Products Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1269|20030625|How to "Beat the Heat" Workshop|How to "Beat the Heat" Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1270|20030709|Living with Asthma Workshop|Living with Asthma Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1271|20030723|Smoking Cessation Workshop|Smoking Cessation Workshop, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, 510 Cass St, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE health and wellness program. For info, call 608-784-9922. Times and date are subject to change, call for details.
1272|20030326|"Shades of Spring" Luncheon|"Shades of Spring" 16th Annual Joint Luncheon, Social @ 11am, Style Show @ 11:30am, Lunch @ 12PM, & Guest Speaker Gale Kreibich @ 1pm, at Radisson Hotel Ballroom, La Crosse, WI. Tickets: $13. Tickets available at Village Degen Berglund, Feminine Fancies, Franciscan Skemp Volunteer Office, & Gundersen Lutheran Gift Shop. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR! *Please bring a non-perishable item to be donated to a local food pantry. Fashion Show by Feminine Fancies. Sponsored by Franciscan Skemp Auxiliary Partners of Gundersen Lutheran.
1273|20030322|Chili & Pie Supper|Chili & Pie Supper, 4pm-6:30pm, at Order of the Eastern Star, Masonic Center, 4th & Main St, Onalaska, WI. Cost: $4.50 Adults. Sponsored by Onalaska Chapter #249.
1274|20030315|"Steadfast in Changing Times" Presentation|"Steadfast in Changing Times" presentation by speaker Jannie Wilcoxson, 9am-3pm, at Bethany Evangelical Free Church, 3936 County Hwy B, La Crosse, WI. Call by March 12th to register. For info, call 608-781-2466. Cost: $20 (lunch included). Jannie is a teacher, author, speaker with a gift for bringing the Bible to life! She speaks annually at the Precept Ministries Natl Women's Convention.
1275|20030327|Mission Rummage Sale|Mission Rummage Sale, Thurs.3/27 from 1pm-7pm, Fri.3/28 from 9am-5pm, & Sat.3/29 from 8am-12Noon (1/2 price on Sat.), at Faith Lutheran Church, Hwy 14 East, St Charles, MN.
1276|20030328|Mission Rummage Sale|Mission Rummage Sale, Thurs.3/27 from 1pm-7pm, Fri.3/28 from 9am-5pm, & Sat.3/29 from 8am-12Noon (1/2 price on Sat.), at Faith Lutheran Church, Hwy 14 East, St Charles, MN.
1277|20030329|Mission Rummage Sale|Mission Rummage Sale, Thurs.3/27 from 1pm-7pm, Fri.3/28 from 9am-5pm, & Sat.3/29 from 8am-12Noon (1/2 price on Sat.), at Faith Lutheran Church, Hwy 14 East, St Charles, MN.
1278|20030412|Model Railroad Show|Model Railroad Show hosted by the Happy Grandparents Model Railroaders, Sat.4/12 from 9am-5pm, and Sun.4/13 from 10am-4pm, at Menomonie High School Fieldhouse, 1715 5th St, Menomonie, WI. Admission: $4 Adults; $2 for children 3-14; FREE to children under 3; & $7 for families (2 adults and 2 children). For info, call the Happy Grandparents at 715-235-0456. There will be over 25 operating layouts from Z to Standard gauge attending the show from WI, MN, & Ontario Canada. Also vendors, displays, exhibits, & some RC cars displayed.
1279|20030413|Model Railroad Show|Model Railroad Show hosted by the Happy Grandparents Model Railroaders, Sat.4/12 from 9am-5pm, and Sun.4/13 from 10am-4pm, at Menomonie High School Fieldhouse, 1715 5th St, Menomonie, WI. Admission: $4 Adults; $2 for children 3-14; FREE to children under 3; & $7 for families (2 adults and 2 children). For info, call the Happy Grandparents at 715-235-0456. There will be over 25 operating layouts from Z to Standard gauge attending the show from WI, MN, & Ontario Canada. Also vendors, displays, exhibits, & some RC cars displayed.
1280|20030317|St. Patricks Day Buffet|St Patricks Day Buffet, 5pm-8:30pm, at Clancy's Supper Club, Lansing, IA. Cost: $8 Adults; $4 Children under 12; $7 Seniors. Carryouts available. Free home delivery available by calling 563-538-4104. In memory of Anne Seeley, a Clancy's waitress for 39 years, Clancy's will donate $2 a plate to the Lansing Lions Club to benefit youth and community activities.
1281|20030321|Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner|Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner, serving from 4:30pm-7:30pm, at St Raymond Catholic Church, East Mallard Rd off Hwy 53 between Brackett & Foster. 3-pc Cod Dinner $7; 2-pc Cod Dinner $6; Ages 6-11 $3.50; & Ages 5&under FREE. Carryouts available. Handicapped accessible. For info, call Ron at 715-878-4601.
1282|20030329|Family Fun Fair|Family Fun Fair, from 9:30am-1pm, at the new Caledonia Area Elementary Gym, Caledonia, MN. FREE to all families. Entertainment by Hans Meyer. For info, call Kathy at 507-725-2614.
1283|20030323|Barre Co-Ed Lions Pancake Breakfast|Barre Co-Ed Lions Pancake Breakfast, serving from 7am-1pm, at Fox Hollow Banquet Hall in Barre Mills, WI. Cost: $5 Adults; $3 Children under 11. Tickets sold ahead by Barre Lions members or sold at the door. All proceeds are designated for a community fire hydrant to be installed near the pond at Fox Hollow Golf course in Barre Mills; and will benefit the entire community by providing water to the fire dept. For info, call Denise (Dino) Wege at 608-786-0590.
1284|20030313|Annual Mission Supper|Annual Mission Supper of turkey and all the trimmings, serving from 4:30pm-7pm or until food is gone, at the St Rose of Lima Church Hall, Lewiston, MN. Cost: $7 Adults; $3 Children 6-12; FREE Children 5&under.
1285|20030316|St. Pat's Carnival|St Pat's Carnival, 10am-2pm, at St Mary's School Gym, Tomah, WI. Lots of games, food, raffle, and fun for everyone! For info, call Wendy at 608-374-2087; or Mary at 608-372-3266.
1286|20030321|Peder Eide Concert & Spaghetti Dinner|Peder Eide Concert & Spaghetti Dinner at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Tomah, WI. Concert by Peder Eide, a contemporary Christian musician, will perform at 7pm. The concert if preceded by a spaghetti dinner from 5pm-6:30pm. FREE Admission to concert. FREE-WILL OFFERING will be taken, with all proceeds benefiting New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center in Sparta. Peder has 7 recording projects to his name. His styles of music includes contemporary, progressive rock, praise and worship, and acoustic rock/praise. For info, call Gloria Dei at 608-372-4758.
1287|20030315|Chicken-Q|Chicken-Q, sponsored by Disabled American Veterans, from 11am-7pm (or sold out), at 1120 Logan Street, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. Delivery available by calling 608-784-7110. Home-made pies will also be available.
1288|20030315|Soup & Pie Luncheon|Soup & Pie Luncheon, from 11am-1pm, at Upper Region Creek Lutheran Church, Hwy 121 - East of Northfield.
1289|20030316|All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Feed|All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Feed, serving from 11am-5pm, at R&R Sports Bar & Grill, 6 miles East of Osseo on Hwy 10. Lots of drawings! Sponsored by Craig S Olson, VFW Post 8514 Ladies Auxiliary. For info, call Darlene Claffin at 715-597-2587(hm#); or 715-597-3017(wk#).
1290|20030313|Potato Pancake Supper|Potato Pancake Supper, serving from 4pm-8pm, at Trinity United Church of Christ, W4888 Harvest Lane, La Crosse, WI (located off Hwy 14-61 in Mormon Coulee, just 3.5 miles from La Crosse city limits). Cost: $6 Adults; $3 under 12yrs; FREE under 3yrs. There will also be a Bake Sale and Drawing for prizes. For info, call 608-788-3632.
1291|20030405|Early Childhood Seminar|Early Childhood Seminar, 8am-12:30pm, at 2006 Weston St, La Crosse, WI. Parents and teachers of young children are welcome to attend this free Seminar put on by Mary Mother of the Church Family Life and Red Balloon Child Care Centers, Inc. Topics covered, include: health, early brain growth and development, guidance and values, and activities for young children. Parent/teacher discussion panel to follow. Refreshments will be available. *bar codes for CEU training available. RSVP to Kathy Skiles at 784-9406(wk#) or email Redballoon1@hotmail.com. Indicate your interest w/name and number of persons attending, and if you are a teacher or parent.
1292|20030327|"Sweet Sound of Success" Concert|"Sweet Sound of Success" Concert to benefit the 'Strides To Success' Program. The evening will begin at 6pm with a "Sweet Tastes Reception" featuring delicacies by Nancy Beach. The concert will begin at 7pm and will feature musical performances by the Winona State University Jazz Band & other local talent. Concert will be held at Winona Middle School Auditorium, Winona, MN. Tickets are available at Country Market and Winona Middle School. $5 minimum donation per ticket is suggested. 'Strides To Success' is an after-school program serving youth in grades 5-8. For info, call 507-494-1125.
1293|20030406|Charcoal Chicken Dinner|Charcoal Chicken Dinner, serving from 11am-2pm, (w/Mass at 10am) at Sacred Heart Parish, N20555 County Rd G, Pine Creek/Dodge, WI. Cost: $6 Adults; $3.25 Children; FREE Preschool. Bake Sale & Raffle.
1294|20030327|"Concert Under the Stars"|"Concert Under the Stars" (9th Annual) presented by Independence Public Schools Instrumental Music Dept, at 7pm, in the Independence Public School Cafetorium, 23786 Indee Boulevard, Independence, WI. This year's concert theme is "A Night in New York". The Independence Booster Club will be selling refreshments, including New York style cheesecake. Concert is FREE & open to the public. For info, call Pamela Lehmeier at 715-985-3172.
1295|20030326|Miss La Crosse/Oktoberfest Pageant Informational Meeting|Miss La Crosse/Oktoberfest Pageant Informational Meeting, for young women between the ages of 17-24 interested in becoming Miss La Crosse/Oktoberfest, 7pm, at the Oktoberfest Office (corner of 2nd and La Crosse Sts), La Crosse, WI. An explanation of the competition, responsibilities, and opportunities will be given. It is a great opportunity for any young woman. Need money for college? Over $10,000 available locally for contestants! For info, call 785-8575(days) and 787-0691(evenings).
1296|20030328|American Cancer Society West Salem Relay For Life|American Cancer Society West Salem Relay For Life, Fri.3/28 and Sat.3/29, at the West Salem Elementary School. Events include: Fri.3/28, at 7:30pm - Opening Ceremony & Cancer Survivors Lap and at 10pm - Luminary Ceremony; plus walking/running, entertainment, music, raffles & other activities all night long into Sat.3/29. Raffle drawings begin at 8:30am on Sat.3/29, during closing ceremonies. Must be present to win. For info, call 783-5000, #3. For info on cancer, call 1-800-ACS-2345, or website: www.cancer.org.
1297|20030315|"Wee Bit O' Fun" St. Patrick's Day Celebration|"Wee Bit O' Fun" St Patrick's Day Celebration, 1pm-4pm (with 2:30pm concert by Coulee Celtic Band), at the Children's Museum, 207 5th Ave S, La Crosse, WI. All "We Bit O' Fun" activities, including the concert, are FREE with Museum admission. Activities include: join a gold nugget hunt, make a rainbow craft, try a shamrock shake, and a sing and dance along with the Coulee Celtic Band. For info, call 608-784-2652.
1298|20030315|Norskedalen Benefit Rummage Sale|Norskedalen Benefit Rummage Sale, 8am-3pm, at the Coon Valley Village Hall, Coon Valley, WI. Sale will include a lunch, bake sale, and lefse sale. All proceeds go to support Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center. For info, call 608-452-3157.
1299|20030504|The MS Walk 2003|The MS Walk 2003, hosted by The Natl Multiple Sclerosis Society and presenting sponsor Associated Bank, will begin at 10am, at the La Crosse Center North Hall, La Crosse, WI. The walk offers 3.1 or 7.5 mile routes; and is fully supported with scenic accessible routes, rest stops w/food and beverages, and first aid. A catered lunch and finish line entertainment is provided. There is no registration fee, but pledges are required. To register or volunteer, call 262-547-8999 or 800-242-3358; or register online at www.wisms.org.
1300|20030315|Odin Gallery 3rd Annual Ides of March Group Show|Odin Gallery 3rd Annual Ides of March Group Show, w/Opening Reception from 6pm-10pm, at the Odin Gallery, 507 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Show will run throughout April. Featuring Artists from the Coulee Region. Live music by Ryan & Chris from "Down for Whateva".
1301|20030401|Sparta Cancer Support Group|Sparta Cancer Support Group, 7-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group that will meet the first Tuesday of each month for family members who have a loved one dealing with cancer. For info, call Patty at 608-272-3277.
1302|20030405|Waukon Lions 14th Annual Variety Show|Waukon Lions 14th Annual Variety Show, doors open @ 6:30pm, show starts @ 7:30pm, at Waukon Senior High School Auditorium, Waukon, IA. Cost: $6 Adults; $3 Ages 12&under. Tickets available at Waukon State Bank, F&M Savings Bank, Citizens State Bank, Hartig Drug Store, Elliott Jewelers, or any Waukon Lions Club Member.
1303|20030510|Monroe County Farm Safety Day Camp|Monroe County Farm Safety Day Camp, from 9am-11:30am, at Sparta Memorial Park, Sparta, WI. Participants will learn about the potential dangers on the farm, such as: Fire, PTO, Lawn Mower, Health, Animal, ATV and Power Tools. Demonstrations/hands-on activities are planned. For info, call Gail Raddatz at 608-269-8274.
1304|20030406|25th Annual Lewiston's Fools Five Road Race & Social Gathering|25th Annual Lewiston's Fools Five Road Race & Social Gathering. Register at the Lewiston-Altura High School by 11am the day of the race. There is a 5-mile and a 1-mile race. Walkers and wheelchairs are invited to participate in both races. Two champion runners - Alberto Salazar and Dick Beardsley - who ran neck and neck in the 1982 Boston Marathon will be on hand and will speak at the Social Gathering at 2:30pm following the Race. Register also at www.foolsfive.com. Runners are urged, but not required, to raise pledges which are donated toward cancer research.
1305|20030404|Silent and Live Auction|Silent and Live Auction, at the Lewiston Community Center. The Silent Auction will be open for bidding from 5pm-8pm and the Live Auction begins at 6pm. This event is held in conjunction with the 25th Annual Fools Five Road Race to be held on April 6th. Proceeds support local Cancer Support Group as well as a large donation for cancer research. To donate items for the auction or for information, please contact Bruce or Kathy Schott at 507-523-2623.
1306|20030319|Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group|Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group, from 7pm-8:30pm, at Gundersen Lutheran's John & Nettie Mooney Health Resource Center, 1st Floor Clinic, La Crosse, WI. The support group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from January thru November. Please register by calling 608-775-3878 or 800-362-9567,ext.53878, by 4:30pm on the Friday before the session you plan to attend. For more info, call Gundersen Lutheran Bereavement Services at 608-775-4747 or 800-362-9567,ext.54747.
1307|20030321|"Stone Soup" A Children's Play|"Stone Soup" A Children's Play, by Karen Boettcher-Tate, Fri.3/21 and Sat.3/22, at 7pm, located at St Martin's Lutheran School, 253 Liberty St, Winona, MN. Cost: $2 Adults; $1 Students; FREE Children under 5. For info, call 507-452-6928.
1308|20030322|"Stone Soup" A Children's Play|"Stone Soup" A Children's Play, by Karen Boettcher-Tate, Fri.3/21 and Sat.3/22, at 7pm, located at St Martin's Lutheran School, 253 Liberty St, Winona, MN. Cost: $2 Adults; $1 Students; FREE Children under 5. For info, call 507-452-6928.
1309|20030412|Community Easter Party & Egg Hunt|Community Easter Party & Egg Hunt, 1pm, at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Hwy 16, West Salem, WI. Games, Crafts, Refreshments & Egg Hunt. Everyone Welcome!
1310|20030325|WWTC Student Nurses Association Blood Drive|WWTC Student Nurses Association Blood Drive, 10am-3pm, at the Kumm Building at WWTC in La Crosse, WI. Snacks and refreshments will be provided to those who donate. For info, call Michelle Decker at 608-784-7449.
1311|20030317|Severe Weather & Storm Spotting Training Class|Severe Weather & Storm Spotting Training Class, at 7pm, in the Erlandson Office Building - Basement Conference Room, E7410 County BB, Viroqua, WI. Todd Shea, a Natl Weather Service Warning Meteorologist will instruct this two-hour session in preparation for the spring-summer storm season. This class is offered to local emergency service responders, including police officers, fire fighters, and emergency medical technicians. Any county resident who has interest or concerns for the storms that affect southwestern Wisconsin during the spring and summer are encouraged to attend this informative session. For info, call the Vernon County Emergency Management Office at 608-637-5267.
1312|20030318|"I'm Still Here: The Truth About Schizophrenia" Program|"I'm Still Here: The Truth About Schizophrenia" Program (A video), sponsored by The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of La Crosse County, at 7:15pm, located at the First Congregational Church Community Room, 2503 Main St, La Crosse, WI. This is a support and advocacy group for families and friends of the seriously mentally ill.
1313|20030315|La Crosse Public Library Book Sale|La Crosse Public Library Book Sale, from 9am-4pm, in the basement of the Main Branch on Main & 8th Streets in La Crosse, WI. This is a fundraiser for the La Crosse Public Library. Affordable prices w/the final hour being $5/bag for all you can fit in a grocery bag. The Collector's Corner will also be open for the sale. For info, call Carlene Roberts at 788-0868, or if you are interested in membership in the Friends of the Library.
1314|20030412|Family Fun Fair|Family Fun Fair, sponsored by the PTA of Irving Pertzsch Elementary School in Onalaska, from 11am-3pm, located at Irving Pertzsch Elem School, 524 Main St, Onalaska, WI. This family-orientated event will feature bingo, a cash raffle drawing, and a silent auction; as well as a variety of carnival-like games. Proceeds will be used for classroom educational materials and other items from the teachers' wish list at the school. For info, call Kimberly Williams at 608-783-4423.
1315|20030403|La Crosse Tavern League Safe Ride Program's Chicken Que|La Crosse Tavern League Safe Ride Program's Annual Chicken Que, chicken dinners available from 11am-6:30pm or until gone, at VFW Post #1530, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6, (carryout/delivery available). Tickets available at most member locations or by calling Dorothea Horschak at 788-3510. FOR DELIVERY, call 785-1530 ASAP. Dinner is prepared by Pogy's Catering.
1316|20030330|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert, 4pm, at Central High School, La Crosse, WI. Performing will be the Discovery, the Philharmonic, and the Youth Symphony Orchestras. Tickets available at the door. Cost: $7 Adult; $5 Sr Citizen; $5 Student. For info, call 608-788-0159.
1317|20030322|Hixon Forest Live Birds of Prey Program|Hixon Forest Live Birds of Prey Program, 1pm, at Hixon Forest Nature Center, La Crosse, WI. NO CHARGE, donations accepted. Pre-registration is not necessary, but would be appreciated. For info, call 608-784-0303. Bring the whole family to join Sue and Merv Broten and find out more about Coulee Wildlife Rehabilitation. They will share some of their wonderful stories and introduce you to some of their birds of prey!
1318|20030317|Computer Classes at the Library|Computer Classes at the Library. The La Crosse Public Library is offering classes on using the Library Catalog, on Mon.3/17 at 6:30pm and Sat.3/29 at 10am. Both classes will be held in the Library Auditorium. No registration is necessary. For info, call 608-789-7122.
1319|20030329|Computer Class at the Library|Computer Class at the Library. The La Crosse Public Library is offering class on using the Library Catalog, on Sat.3/29 at 10am. The class will be held in the Library Auditorium. No registration is necessary. For info, call 608-789-7122.
1320|20030425|Rock Solid Youth Center Concert|Rock Solid Youth Center Concert, featuring SKILLET, with special guest POVERTY, 8pm, at McGown Gym at Winona State University, Winona, MN. Tickets: $10/advance and $12/door. Tickets available at: Rock Solid and Country Market in Winona (507-452-7935); Shepherd's Voice in Onalaska (608-781-3460); and Christian Book & Gift in Rochester (507-289-2590). For info, call Rock Solid Youth Center, 75 West Third St, Winona, MN, at 507-452-2125; or email: rsyc@hotmail.com.
1321|20030405|Famous Meatball Supper|Famous Meatball Supper, serving from 4pm-7pm, at St Luke's United Methodist Church, 1022 Caledonia St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $7 Adults; $3.25 Youth(ages 6-12); $1 Children(under 6). Tickets available by calling the church at 608-782-6421. Carryouts also available!
1322|20030502|Wellness Expo 2003 "Celebrating Midlife & Beyond"|Wellness Expo 2003 "Celebrating Midlife & Beyond", hosted by La Crosse County TRIAD, from 8:30am-2:30pm, at First Evangelical Free Church (one blk N of Omni Ctr), 1950 Hwy 35, Onalaska, WI. Cost: $3 donation. Admission includes refreshments. Health Checks offered: Audiology (hearing), Vision, Blood Pressure, Podiatry (feet), Bone Density, Nutrition Analysis, Gundersen Lutheran Functional Fitness Classes. Presentations from experts on the topics of: Aging, Vision, Grief, Memory Loss, Depression, Safety (Identity Theft and Fire Safety). Featuring 50 Vendors from the Coulee Region. For info, call Coulee Region RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program); or La Crosse County TRIAD at 608-785-0500 or 1-888-822-1295.
1323|20030413|Potato Pancake Supper|Potato Pancake Supper, serving from 9:30am-1pm, at Arpin American Legion Hall. ALL YOU CAN EAT! Cost: $5 Adults; $2 Children 6-12; FREE Preschool. Also Bake Sale! Sponsored by American Legion & Auxiliary Post 475 - Arpin.
1324|20030321|23rd Annual Home & Builders Show|23rd Annual Home & Builders Show, Fri.3/21 from 5pm-9pm, Sat.3/22 from 9am-7pm, & Sun.3/23, from 12Noon-5pm, at the La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $3 Adult; FREE to children ages 12&under when accompanied by an adult. The show is sponsored annually by the La Crosse Builders Exchange. For info, call Jackson Expo Group at 712-336-0040.
1325|20030322|23rd Annual Home & Builders Show|23rd Annual Home & Builders Show, Fri.3/21 from 5pm-9pm, Sat.3/22 from 9am-7pm, & Sun.3/23, from 12Noon-5pm, at the La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $3 Adult; FREE to children ages 12&under when accompanied by an adult. The show is sponsored annually by the La Crosse Builders Exchange. For info, call Jackson Expo Group at 712-336-0040.
1326|20030323|23rd Annual Home & Builders Show|23rd Annual Home & Builders Show, Fri.3/21 from 5pm-9pm, Sat.3/22 from 9am-7pm, & Sun.3/23, from 12Noon-5pm, at the La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $3 Adult; FREE to children ages 12&under when accompanied by an adult. The show is sponsored annually by the La Crosse Builders Exchange. For info, call Jackson Expo Group at 712-336-0040.
1327|20030322|Auguste Tadie Benefit Dance|Auguste Tadie Benefit Dance, hosted by Saint Mary's University. The theme "The Love Boat" is the 3rd annual Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance, held this year in honor of Auguste Tadie. Auguste is the infant son of Joe and Lisa Tadie of Winona, who has a rare heart condition. Public is invited to the dance, from 8:30pm-12Midnight, in the dining hall of the Saint Mary's University Toner Student Center, Winona, MN. Live music provided by the Johnny Holm Band. Tickets available at the door. Cost: $15/person or $25/couple. For info, call Jason Richter at 507-457-1648.
1328|20030322|Houston County Historical Society's Used Book Sale|Houston County Historical Society's 8th Annual Used Book Sale, Sat.3/22 from 8am-2pm, Sun.3/23 from 1pm-4pm (w/Sun.3/23 - $5/bag sale with priced books reduced), at 404 East Main (former Caledonia Presbyterian Church), Caledonia, MN. Sale includes used books, magazines, and records. Funds raised will be used for the benefit of the archives and artifacts.
1329|20030323|Houston County Historical Society's Used Book Sale|Houston County Historical Society's 8th Annual Used Book Sale, Sat.3/22 from 8am-2pm, Sun.3/23 from 1pm-4pm (w/Sun.3/23 - $5/bag sale with priced books reduced), at 404 East Main (former Caledonia Presbyterian Church), Caledonia, MN. Sale includes used books, magazines, and records. Funds raised will be used for the benefit of the archives and artifacts.
1330|20030405|Jacob Schroeder Benefit|Jacob Schroeder Benefit, sponsored by the Friends of Jacob Schroeder, from 3pm-11pm, at Banquets on the Square, 500 Holmen Drive, Holmen, WI. Featuring food, games, entertainment, and a silent auction. This benefit will help offset the medical costs that have incurred for Jacob, who has multiple medical conditions. Donations may be sent to: The Jacob Schroeder Benefit, PO Box 282, Holmen, WI 54636. For info, to donate items to the silent auction, or to help in any other way, call Stephanie Verbsky at 608-526-2692 or Sheri Eimermann at 608-526-9067. Please visit Jacob's website at www.caringbridge.org/wi/jacobdavid, so you can learn more about him there.
1331|20030412|Winona Oratorio Chorus presents "Carmina Burana"|Winona Oratorio Chorus presents "Carmina Burana", (written by Carl Orff & based on a manuscript discovered in a Bavarian monastery), will be performed at 7:30pm, in Somsen Auditorium on the corner of Main and Sanborn Streets of Winona State University, Winona, MN. Cost: $8 Adults; $5 Students/Seniors; $3 Children 12&under. Tickets are available at Hardt's Music, Winona Oratorio Chorus members and at the door. For info, call Monica at 507-452-1077.
1332|20030320|Early Childhood Screening|Early Childhood Screening, Thurs.3/20 and Fri.3/21, at Prince of Peace Church in La Crescent, MN. We will be screening children who were born between March 1, 1999, and June 30, 1999, and will attend Kindergarten the fall of 2004. Invitations have been sent. If you have a child who would qualify for this screening and did not receive an invitation, or have a child who will enter Kindergarten in the fall of 2004 that has not yet been screened, call Deb Best at 507-895-5102.
1333|20030321|Early Childhood Screening|Early Childhood Screening, Thurs.3/20 and Fri.3/21, at Prince of Peace Church in La Crescent, MN. We will be screening children who were born between March 1, 1999, and June 30, 1999, and will attend Kindergarten the fall of 2004. Invitations have been sent. If you have a child who would qualify for this screening and did not receive an invitation, or have a child who will enter Kindergarten in the fall of 2004 that has not yet been screened, call Deb Best at 507-895-5102.
1334|20030407|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1335|20030505|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1336|20030602|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1337|20030707|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1338|20030804|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1339|20030908|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH (but held this date due to Labor Day holiday), from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1340|20031006|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1341|20031103|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1342|20031201|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents|Free Toiletries & Supplies To Assist Winona County Residents. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Winona is assisting the Winona Volunteer Services in meeting the needs of the people in Winona County. They are offering these products to anyone in need. They ask that you bring your WVS Supplemental Food Shelf Card. THIS SERVICE IS OFFERED THE 1ST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, from 11:00am-5pm, at the Winona Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 627 West 7th St, Winona, MN. Items available include: shampoos, bar soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, etc. For info, call 507-454-1802; or email: JJSBTT@MSN.COM.
1343|20030406|Rock Dam Rod & Gun Club Smelt Feed|Rock Dam Rod & Gun Club Smelt Feed, serving starts at 11am, at the Clubhouse at Rock Dam, WI (located 20 miles S of Thorp, WI).
1344|20030331|Spaghetti Dinner|Spaghetti Dinner, serving from 4:30pm-7:30pm, at Masonic Center, 118 8th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5 Adults; $3 Children under 12. Sponsored by the Shrine Auxiliary. Tickets sold in advance or at the door. For info, call Ruth Malin at 507-895-2570; or Anne Becker at 608-526-3976. This is a fundraiser for the Shrine Children's Hospital.
1345|20030322|Craig Kurasz Benefit|Craig Kurasz Benefit, sponsored by friends & family, starting at 3pm-??, at Dale's North Mound Tavern, Willard, WI. Dinner served from 5pm-7pm. Cost: $10 Adult; $5 Children under 12; and FREE Children under 5. Great Raffles Prizes! Door Prizes given away - 10 every hour! Tickets available from various businesses. For info, call 715-743-2954 or 715-743-3616; or email: rosiekm13@hotmail.com. Donations may be left at the Associated Bank in Neillsville. Proceeds will be used for Craig to purchase a home and business. (Craig is a double amputee due to an auto accident four years ago).
1346|20030324|American Red Cross Blood Drive|American Red Cross Blood Drive, from 2pm-7pm, at Valley View Athletic Club, 3939 County B, La Crosse, WI. For info, call 608-781-4614.
1347|20030402|Spend An "Evening with Thea"|Spend An "Evening with Thea", with author/famed artist Michael O'Neill McGrath honoring the late Thea Bowman, FSPA in talk during the third annual "Flavor of Soul" commemmoration, at 7pm, at Viterbo University Fine Arts Center Main Theatre. Featuring: slide show, Choir, book and art signing session. A free-will offering will be accepted at the door and applied to a Thea Bowman Scholarship fund at Viterbo University. For info, call Beth Erickson at 608-796-3042.
1348|20030322|Holmen High School Show Choir presents "Gathering of the Stars"|Holmen High School Show Choir presents "Gathering of the Stars", doors open at 8am, w/finals to begin at 7pm, at Holmen High School, located one block east of Hwy 53 on McHugh Rd, Holmen, WI. Cost: $8 Preliminaries, $8 Finals, $14 Both, Ages 6-12 are 1/2 price, Ages 5&under FREE. Food/refreshments available all day. Show choirs from throughout the tri-state region will meet to perform and compete for the Grand Champion Trophy. For info, call Holmen High School at 608-526-3372. Sponsored by "Midwest Express" show choir boosters of Holmen, WI.
1349|20030328|Greenwood HS Drama Club presents "Charley's Aunt"|Greenwood High School Drama Club presents "Charley's Aunt", a full-length play by Brandon Thomas, Fri.3/28 & Sat.3/29 at 7:30pm and Sun.3/30 at 1:30pm, in the Greenwood HS Cafetorium, 306 West Central Ave, Greenwood, WI. Tickets available at the door. Cost: $6 Adults; $4 Students ages 6-12; FREE Preschoolers.
1350|20030329|Greenwood HS Drama Club presents "Charley's Aunt"|Greenwood High School Drama Club presents "Charley's Aunt", a full-length play by Brandon Thomas, Fri.3/28 & Sat.3/29 at 7:30pm and Sun.3/30 at 1:30pm, in the Greenwood HS Cafetorium, 306 West Central Ave, Greenwood, WI. Tickets available at the door. Cost: $6 Adults; $4 Students ages 6-12; FREE Preschoolers.
1351|20030330|Greenwood HS Drama Club presents "Charley's Aunt"|Greenwood High School Drama Club presents "Charley's Aunt", a full-length play by Brandon Thomas, Fri.3/28 & Sat.3/29 at 7:30pm and Sun.3/30 at 1:30pm, in the Greenwood HS Cafetorium, 306 West Central Ave, Greenwood, WI. Tickets available at the door. Cost: $6 Adults; $4 Students ages 6-12; FREE Preschoolers.
1352|20030322|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "A Night To Remember"|Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild presents "A Night To Remember", 7:30pm, at State Theatre. Cost: $10/Seat; $25/Family(includes 4 tickets, with $5/each additional child). For tickets, call 715-832-PLAY(7529). For info, call Ann Sessions at 715-832-7529. This event showcases the best songs from nearly two dozen big musicals presented between 1990 and 2002, with special appearances by the "Annie and Oliver!" orphans.
1353|20030517|Camden Playground 10th Anniversary Celebration|Camden Playground 10th Anniversary Celebration. Arts and Crafts Sale from 8am-5pm, Entertainment from 1pm-4pm, Open to the public w/food and refreshments. Held rain or shine. Located at Camden Playground, off I-90 on Racine St in Palmer Park, Janesville, WI. Crafters are needed and welcomed for this event. For info, or to reserve a space, call Sherry Kuetz at 608-876-6537; or Sara Knutson at 608-868-2369.
1354|20030412|Onalaska United Methodist Church New Worship Service|Onalaska United Methodist Church New Worship Service, the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of each month at 5:30pm (during the summer); and then every Saturday evening (starting in the fall) at 5:30pm, at Onalaska United Methodist Church, 212 4th Ave N, Onalaska, WI. This service will be a multi-sensory service focused on delivering the Lord's message through integrating multimedia, drama, and music. For info, call 608-783-3380.
1355|20030331|Couleecap Mentoring Program Volunteer Recruiting/Training Session|Couleecap Mentoring Program Volunteer Recruiting/Training Session, from 5pm-7:30pm, at the Northside Policing Center, 713 St James Street, La Crosse, WI. Our goal is to match at-risk students in the 4th-8th grades w/volunteer mentors. Mentors can be individuals of high school age or older who are willing to devote 2 or more hrs each week for at least one year to an at-risk child in our area. Anyone interested in training or more info, call 608-796-A-PAL(2725); or email: mentoring@couleecap.org.
1356|20030405|"Chaos On Wheels" Bicycle Stunt Shows|"Chaos On Wheels" Bicycle Stunt Shows, w/ performances Saturday only at 12Noon, 3pm, & 5pm, at the La Crosse Center - South Hall, La Crosse, WI. "Chaos On Wheels" mixes their high-flying stunts w/messages about safety gear, staying away from drugs/alcohol, & how to live a positive life. FREE & Open to the Public. For info, call Shawn at 608-783-1857. website: www.chaosonwheels.com. Sponsored by Bikes Limited, Sierra Mist, & Fuji Bikes. (Also Bikes Limited is having a Bikes Spectacular at the La Crosse Center on Fri.4/4 & Sat.4/5 from 10am-8pm, and Sun.4/6 from 10am-5pm.)
1357|20030418|Smelt Fry|Smelt Fry (All You Can Eat), sponsored by the Stoddard American Legion Post and Unit 315, from 3pm-9pm, at the Stoddard American Legion Post. Carryouts available. Ticket Cost: $7.50 Adults; $3.50 Children 12&under. This is the Legion's only fundraiser. Please stop by and see our new dance floor. For info, call Judy King at 608-787-2555.
1358|20030405|Catfish & Broasted Chicken Dinner|Catfish & Broasted Chicken Dinner Meal with live Bluegrass Bands, sponsored by the Rushford American Legion Club, serving from 5:30pm-8pm, at the Rushford American Legion Club, Rushford, MN. Cost: $7 Adults. For info, call Howard Otis at 507-864-2887 or 608-864-8109.
1359|20030412|Annual Spring Fling Craft Sale|Annual Spring Fling Craft Sale, 9am-3pm, at American Legion Hall, New Lisbon, WI. FREE Admission. Food & Much More!
1360|20030408|Onalaska Historical Society Meeting|Onalaska Historical Society Meeting, at 7pm, at the Onalaska Community Center, Onalaska, WI.
1361|20030412|Chicken-Que|Chicken-Que, serving from 10:30am-1pm, at Mt Calvary Lutheran Church, Trempealeau, WI. Cost: $5.50 for 1/2 chicken. For info, call Bonnie Kelleher at 608-534-6672.
1362|20030412|"Building Successful Adoptive Families" Adoption Conference|"Building Successful Adoptive Families" Adoption Conference, from 9am-4:30pm, at Ramada Inn Conference Center, 1202 W Clairemont Ave, Eau Claire, WI. Featuring national keynote adoption speaker Jayne Schooler. This is for adoptive parents, foster parents, and professionals. For info, call Catholic Charities at 715-832-6644. This is a presentation by Western Wisconsin Advocates for Adoption.
1363|20030329|Holmen YMCA Dance|Holmen YMCA Dance, from 7:30pm-11:30pm, at Banquets on the Square, in Holmen, WI. This is a dance to benefit the Holmen YMCA youth programs. Live Music provided by DOUBLE TAKE. Raffles, silent auction items available. Ticket Cost: $10/ea or $15/couple, and include snacks and a chance to win a weekend getaway pkg at the Isle of Capri Casino & Hotel. Tickets available at the YMCA and area businesses. For info, call 608-526-9176.
1364|20030322|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, 8am-12Noon, at Harry J Olson Senior Center, 1607 North St, La Crosse, WI.
1365|20030425|The Hershey Family Gospel Concert|The Hershey Family Gospel Concert, at 7:30pm, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 306 S Main St, Westby, WI. FREE-WILL Offering. Sponsored by the Christian Business Men's Committee.
1366|20030405|Annual Spring Salad Luncheon|Annual Spring Salad Luncheon, serving from 10:30am-1pm, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 110 West Begley St, Greenwood, WI. Cost: $5 Adults; $3 Youth(5-12); FREE Children 6&under. Featuring Hot and Cold Salads, herb bread, pies $1 extra. Baked goods and cards for sale also. Tickets available at the door. Sponsored by Our Savior's Lutheran Church Women.
1367|20030428|Workers Memorial Day Ceremony|Workers Memorial Day Ceremony, sponsored by La Crosse Area AFL-CIO Council, to honor the workers who have been killed or injured on the job. The ceremony service starts at 5:45pm, at the Workers Memorial in the Labors Grove at Green Island Park, La Crosse, WI. FREE and Open to the Public. Light lunch served following ceremony, while supplies last. For info, call 608-788-6575.
1368|20030426|La Crosse/Dubna Friendship Assn Fundraiser Rummage Sale|La Crosse/Dubna Friendship Assn Fundraiser Rummage Sale, held at Franciscan Skemp Garage, 11th & Ferry St, La Crosse, WI. We love early callers who are interested in donating items or just shopping. For info, or to donate items, call Bill Trussoni at 608-789-3618 or 608-689-2393 to arrange pickup. Email: trussoni@mwt.net. The funds raised will be used to pay the expenses for our Russian student guests. Rummage sale set-up will be on the 24th(pm) & the 25th.
1369|20030328|Firearms Safety Training & Advanced Hunter Education|Firearms Safety Training & Advanced Hunter Education, Fri.3/28 at 4pm through Sun.3/30 at 3pm, at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, 1991 Brightsdale Rd, Lanesboro, MN. For info, call 507-467-2437, or 888-800-9558. website: www.eagle-bluff.org.
1370|20030329|Firearms Safety Training & Advanced Hunter Education|Firearms Safety Training & Advanced Hunter Education, Fri.3/28 at 4pm through Sun.3/30 at 3pm, at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, 1991 Brightsdale Rd, Lanesboro, MN. For info, call 507-467-2437, or 888-800-9558. website: www.eagle-bluff.org.
1371|20030330|Firearms Safety Training & Advanced Hunter Education|Firearms Safety Training & Advanced Hunter Education, Fri.3/28 at 4pm through Sun.3/30 at 3pm, at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, 1991 Brightsdale Rd, Lanesboro, MN. For info, call 507-467-2437, or 888-800-9558. website: www.eagle-bluff.org.
1372|20030329|MN Bowhunter Education Program|MN Bowhunter Education Program, 8am-6:30pm, at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, 1991 Brightsdale Rd, Lanesboro, MN. For info, call 507-467-2437 or 888-800-9558. Website: www.eagle-bluff.org.
1373|20030328|Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner|Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner, serving from 4:30pm-7:30pm, at St Raymond Catholic Church, East Mallard Road off Hwy 53 between Brackett and Foster. Carryouts available. New church is handicapped accessible. For info, call Ron at 715-878-4601.
1374|20030412|Easter Egg Hunt|Easter Egg Hunt, from 10am-12Noon, at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County Rd PH, Onalaska, WI (located just behind Cub Foods). Registration will be from 10am-10:30am, with giveaways and egg hunt to follow shortly thereafter. Come for a fun-filled morning of face painting, balloon animals, miniature train rides, and giveaway prizes of bikes, radios, and Easter baskets! There are 5,000 candy-filled eggs just waiting for you to find! For info, call 608-782-2780.
1375|20030423|Trempealeau Comm. Heritage Society presents Fred Beseler|Trempealeau Community Heritage Society presents "Trempealeau Under Trial: The Civil War", presenter and re-enactor, Fred Beseler, at 7pm, in the Trempealeau Elem School LUNCH ROOM, Pine & 4th St, Trempealeau, WI. Fred Beseler will display his re-enactor uniform, equipment, musket, and vintage photographs to illustrate the extensive commitment of Wisconsin soldiers to the Civil War. Program is open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For info, call Marie Kraehenbuehl at 608-534-7726, or email: mmkwi@msn.com.
1376|20030416|Red Cross Blood Drive|Red Cross Blood Drive, from 10am-2pm, hosted by the Royall High School. It will be located in the Royall Middle School Gym. For info, call Mary Johnson at the Royall High School in Elroy, WI @ 608-462-2602.
1377|20030412|Spring Craft Show, Bake Sale, Soup/Sandwich Lunch|Spring Craft Show, Bake Sale, Soup/Sandwich Lunch, from 9am-3pm, at Kerndt Bros Bank Community Center, Corner of 4th/Main St, Lansing, IA. Sponsored by United Methodist Sunday School. To reserve a table or for info, call Karen Galema at 563-538-4641.
1378|20030412|"Between the Bluff Beer Festival" Benefit for MDA|"Between the Bluff Beer Festival" Benefit for Muscular Dystrophy Association, from 2pm-6pm, at the La Crosse City Brewery, 1111 South 3rd St, La Crosse, WI. Music, beer sampling, food, raffles, silent auction. Tickets: $10/advance, $15/door. All proceeds are donated to Muscular Dystrophy Association, and funds will stay in Southwestern Wisconsin to assist families living w/MD, aid in research, and send local children to camp. For info, call Joan at 608-785-4820.
1379|20030412|Spaghetti Supper|Spaghetti Supper, serving from 4:30pm-8pm, at Knights of Columbus Hall in Tomah, WI. Tickets available in advance or at the door. Proceeds go to tuition for Tomah High School Student Ambassadors going to England, Ireland, and Wales this summer. Raffles/silent auctions.
1380|20030412|Fluff & Puff Pillow Cleaning|Fluff & Puff Pillow Cleaning, from 8am-12Noon, at Hokah Fire Hall, Hokah, MN. On-the-spot cleaning. Sponsored by Community Church of Hokah Ladies.
1381|20030413|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast, serving from 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
1382|20030517|10th Annual Freshman Renaissance Fair|10th Annual Freshman Renaissance Fair, from 11am-3pm, at Tomah Recreational Park (Monroe County Fairgrounds), Tomah, WI. This is hosted by the Freshman World History Class. All students will be dressing up as characters from the Medieval/Renaissance period, with artisans, dancers, singers, and authentic food. For info, contact Greg Dull at gjdull@hotmail.com.
1383|20030412|Spring Festival|Spring Festival, from 9am-1pm, at North Presbyterian Church, 1327 Salem Road, La Crosse, WI. Come for lunch, soup, sandwiches, pie...$1.50/each. beverages 50 cents. Bake Sale. For info, call LaDonna Letourneau at 781-1101.
1384|20030426|Spring Rummage Sale|Spring Rummage Sale, 8am-2pm, at First Congregational Church, Corner of Losey Blvd & Main Sts, La Crosse, WI. For info, call 608-784-8137.
1385|20030426|Fish Fry|Fish Fry, serving from 4pm-8pm, at Genoa American Legion, Post 246 Clubrooms, Genoa, WI. Featuring Beck's Famous Catfish. For info, call Don Curti at 608-689-2444.
1386|20030413|Chicken-Q & Bake Sale Fundraiser|Chicken-Q (by Pogy's) & Bake Sale Fundraiser, serving from 12Noon-2pm in our Mattes Center, with carryouts available from 9:45am-2pm. Located at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 4141 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, WI (just across the street from Shopko). Tickets are $6/each (limited walk-ins). For info, call 608-788-0450. Proceeds go to assist cost of Sr High Youth Group Mission Trip to Florida.
1387|20030416|Christian Concert featuring Michael Schroeder|Christian Concert featuring Michael Schroeder at 7pm, w/pre-concert performance by Don Sebranek (local artist), and RIVER OF LIFE worship team beginning at 6:15pm. Located at Presbyterian Church, 624 W Franklin St, West Salem, WI. For FREE tickets, call 608-786-0910. Seating is limited, so call early. There are no reserved seats. Come for a great evening of music!
1388|20030412|Onalaska Jaycees Annual Easter Egg Hunt|Onalaska Jaycees Annual Easter Egg Hunt, 10am, w/games beginning at 8am, at Omni Center Sledding Hill. For ages 0-11. Featuring cake walk, games, picture w/Easter Bunny for $2. Bring your Easter Basket!
1389|20030412|Annual Salad Luncheon|Annual Salad Luncheon, hosted by Bangor & Area Historical Society, serving from 11am-1pm, at the Baptist Church. Cost is $5. Also, a craft show will be held from 10:30am-3pm. No charge for craft show.
1390|20030413|Clearwater Farm Spring Fling|Clearwater Farm Spring Fling, 2pm-4pm, at Greens Coulee Road, Onalaska, WI. Cost: $1 Admission (free w/membership card). Featuring Egg Hunt, natural egg dying, baby farm animals, sheep shearing and wool spinning demonstrations, choir singing, origami for kids, see what's new at Clearwater Farm Foundation's Farmers and Fleas Market. For info, call 608-783-5103. Website: www.clearwaterfarm.org.
1391|20030502|Spring Book Sale/Arts & Crafts Sale|Spring Book Sale/Arts & Crafts Sale, sponsored by Friends of the Library, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, for Friends of the Library only. Memberships may be purchased that evening at 6pm for $5/adult or $15/family. Located at Basement of the Main La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Accessible by stairs/elevator. For info, call Carlene Roberts at 788-0868, or Glen Seager at 788-6727.
1392|20030503|Spring Book Sale/Arts & Crafts Sale|Spring Book Sale/Arts & Crafts Sale, sponsored by Friends of the Library, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC on Sat.5/3 from 10am-4pm; and Sun.5/4 from 1pm-4pm, at Basement of the Main La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Accessible by stairs/elevator. For info, call Carlene Roberts at 788-0868, or Glen Seager at 788-6727.
1393|20030504|Spring Book Sale/Arts & Crafts Sale|Spring Book Sale/Arts & Crafts Sale, sponsored by Friends of the Library, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC on Sat.5/3 from 10am-4pm; and Sun.5/4 from 1pm-4pm, at Basement of the Main La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Accessible by stairs/elevator. For info, call Carlene Roberts at 788-0868, or Glen Seager at 788-6727.
1394|20030510|Home Expo|Home Expo, to benefit the Fountain City Playground Fund, from 9am-2pm, at the Fountain City Auditorium. Featuring Home Consultants, Bake Sale, Plant Sale, Children's Games, Lunch, and Chinese Raffle. For info, call Sandra Schmitt at 507-457-5067.
1395|20030503|Team Iron Man Fun Night|Team Iron Man Fun Night, at 5pm, at Seven Bridges, Onalaska, WI. Featuring Silent Auction, Raffles, and more. Help local youth wrestlers compete at world championship wrestling tournament. For info, call Jennifer at 608-317-3289.
1396|20030425|"A Nite at the Races" Fundraiser|"A Nite at the Races" Fundraiser, sponsored by The Boys & Girls Club of Jackson County, w/doors opening at 6:30pm, and wagering begins at 7pm, at Pioneer Brewery Company, 320 Pierce St, Black River Falls, WI. Featuring: Trying your luck on the horse races, entertainment, door prizes, food and beverages! All proceeds go directly to Boys/Girls Club of Jackson County. For info, call Lori Chown at 715-284-4005.
1397|20030503|Gospel Extravaganza Concert|Gospel Extravaganza Concert, presented cooperatively by Black Student Unity and Voices In Praise gospel choir of UW-L. Doors open at 2:30pm, w/concert at 3pm, at Valhalla Cartwright Center, UWL, 1725 State St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $2 Adults; $1 College Students; FREE for Children. Also featuring several gospel choirs from the region and Awakenings praise dance team from UW-L. Sign language interpretation provided. For info, call Christa Schrader at 789-2053.
1398|20030516|Benefit for Jodi Heinz (Trempealeau)|Benefit for Jodi Heinz (Trempealeau), from 4pm-10pm, w/Live auction at 7pm, at Centerville Curling Club. For info, email Katie at luvwimble@aol.com.
1399|20030504|1st Annual La Crescent-Hokah Senior Citizen Prom/Social|1st Annual La Crescent-Hokah Senior Citizen Prom/Social, from 1pm-3:30pm, at La Crescent High School Cafeteria. Cost: FREE, but participants need to register. To register/info, call Kara Spalding at 507-895-5154. Featuring an afternoon filled w/socializing, music, snacks, and more. Transportation may be available. Formal attire is not required.
1400|20030426|Children's Museum of Eau Claire Premier Benefit Sale|Children's Museum of Eau Claire Premier Benefit Sale, Sat.4/26 from 9am-4pm and Sun.4/27 from 10am-3pm, at the Museum, 220 South Barstow, Downtown Eau Claire, WI. Tickets: $2, purchase at the door. Admission is first-come, first-serve basis. For info, call 715-832-KIDS(5437). Website: www.cmec.cc. Sale features American Girl merchandise.
1401|20030417|Bethel Baptist Church's 24th Annual Passion Play|Bethel Baptist Church's 24th Annual Passion Play, Thurs.4/17 and Fri.4/18, at Bethel Baptist Church, rural Camp Douglas, WI (2 miles N of Mill Bluff State Park on 1st St, N9492 1st St). Each performance is at 7:30pm. Cost: NO CHARGE, free-will offering will be taken. Interpreted for the deaf. For info, call 608-427-3580.
1402|20030418|Bethel Baptist Church's 24th Annual Passion Play|Bethel Baptist Church's 24th Annual Passion Play, Thurs.4/17 and Fri.4/18, at Bethel Baptist Church, rural Camp Douglas, WI (2 miles N of Mill Bluff State Park on 1st St, N9492 1st St). Each performance is at 7:30pm. Cost: NO CHARGE, free-will offering will be taken. Interpreted for the deaf. For info, call 608-427-3580.
1403|20030419|Easter Egg Hunt|Easter Egg Hunt (Annual North La Crosse Lions Club), registration at 9am, w/event at 10am, at Copeland Park Shelter at the North End, La Crosse, WI. Prizes and candy for all age groups. Separate Hunts for 3 age groups (1-3 yr olds),(4-7 yr olds), & (7-10 yr olds). For info, call Terry Hammond at 781-9419.
1404|20030503|Rummage/Bake Sale/Luncheon|Rummage/Bake Sale/Luncheon, from 6:30am-1pm, at 106 Main Street in Rockland, WI. Hosted by Rockland United Methodist Church.
1405|20030430|Sandwich-Salad-Sundae Meal|Sandwich-Salad-Sundae Meal, hosted by United Methodist Church of Norwalk/Salem, serving from 4pm-7pm, at United Methodist Church of Norwalk/Salem, Main Street, Norwalk, WI. Handicapped accessible. Public is invited. For info, call 435-6626.
1406|20030419|Steak Fry Fundraiser for Holmen High School World Tour|Steak Fry Fundraiser for Holmen High School World Tour, from 5pm-9pm, at the Holmen American Legion. Cost: $8. World Tour is an all-night post-graduation party available to all graduating Holmen seniors. For info, call Teri Johnson at 526-9435.
1407|20030502|Independence Firemen's Dance|Independence Firemen's Dance, w/music by "TROUBLESHOOTER", from 9pm-1am, at Independence Fire Station.
1408|20030503|"Left Behind, the Movie" Showing|"Left Behind, the Movie" Showing Sat.5/3, at 6pm, (w/the follow up sequel "Tribulation Force, the Movie" Showing on Sat.5/10, at 6pm). Both Showings will be held at the La Crescent United Methodist Church, La Crescent, MN. These movies are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Popcorn and refreshments will be provided. To reserve your FREE tickets, call 507-895-PRAY; or email: info@twincross.com
1409|20030510|"Tribulation Force, the Movie" Showing|"Tribulation Force, the Movie" Showing at 6pm (the follow up sequel of the movie "Left Behind, the Movie, was shown on Sat.5/3) The Showing will be held at the La Crescent United Methodist Church, La Crescent, MN. These movies are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Popcorn and refreshments will be provided. To reserve your FREE tickets, call 507-895-PRAY; or email: info@twincross.com
1410|20030426|Blessed Sacrament's Spring Rummage Sale|Blessed Sacrament's Spring Rummage Sale, from 8:30am-1pm, at Blessed Sacrament School, Corner of King & Losey, La Crosse, WI. Bag Sale starts at 12Noon.
1411|20030427|Blessed Sacrament Chicken-Q|Blessed Sacrament Chicken-Q, from 11am-4:30pm or sold out, at Blessed Sacrament School Cafeteria, Corner of King & Losey Blvd, La Crosse, WI. Dine in or carry out. $5.50 for delicious chicken dinner.
1412|20030427|Feast of the Divine Mercy|Feast of the Divine Mercy, from 12:30pm-3:30pm, at Blessed Sacrament Church, 130 Losey Blvd So, La Crosse, WI. At 12:30pm - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, veneration, examination of conscience; at 1:30pm - Living Rosary; at 2:30pm - reading from Diary of Sister Faustina, "The Eucharist, The Prescence of Mercy"; at 3pm - Divine Mercy Devotions. Confession is available all afternoon.
1413|20030420|Easter Sunday Service/Breakfast/Egg Hunt|Easter Sunday Service/Breakfast/Egg Hunt, w/breakfast at 8am-8:30am, worship service at 9am, egg hunt at 10:10am, and worship service at 10:30am, at Sand Lake Wesleyan Church, N5761 Sand Lake Rd, Onalaska, WI. This is our first Easter in our new sanctuary. Please join us! For info, call 783-4770.
1414|20030427|Coulee Region Gospel Choir Concert|Coulee Region Gospel Choir Concert, performing at the 9am Service, at the Sand Lake Wesleyan Church, N5761 Sand Lake Rd, Onalaska, WI. The Gospel Choir will be singing "Safe Thus Far" under the direction of Ruth Granum. The 10:30am Service will be a combination of testimonies and special music from a variety of people and singing groups who are a part of the church. For info, call 783-4770.
1415|20030506|Coulee Region Christian School Spring Open House|Coulee Region Christian School Spring Open House, from 6:30pm-8pm, at Coulee Region Christian School, 230 West Garland St, West Salem, WI. This is an Open House for the 2003-2004 School Year. There will be refreshments and a short presentation following a tour. For info, call 786-3004.
1416|20030503|Leon Garden Club Plant Sale|Leon Garden Club Plant Sale, from 8am-12Noon, at Leon Town Hall, Hwy 27 S of Sparta, WI. For info, call Kay at 608-269-5342.
1417|20030503|Annual Sidewalk-Rummage Sale|Annual Sidewalk-Rummage Sale, from 8am-3pm, at Old Towne North, 1200 Block of Caledonia, La Crosse, WI.
1418|20030503|Beyond Becoming an Outdoors Woman "Fly Fishing Day"|Beyond Becoming an Outdoors Woman "Fly Fishing Day" (for women 18 years and up), from 7am-5pm, at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, 1991 Brightsdale Rd, Lanesboro, MN. Participants must purchase the required fishing license and trout stamp before May 3rd. Pre-registration required. Call 507-467-2437 or 888-800-9558 for more info.
1419|20030423|Hillsboro Blood Drive|Hillsboro Blood Drive, from 12Noon-4pm, at First Congregational Church, Hillsboro, WI.
1420|20030426|Hillsboro Firemen's 16th Annual Country Fest|Hillsboro Firemen's 16th Annual Country Fest, from 3pm-12Midnight, at Hillsboro Firemen's Community Center, Hillsboro, WI. Featuring bands: JUST PLAIN COUNTRY from 3pm-6pm, ERIC NOFSINGER & MOST WANTED from 6pm-9pm, & THUNDER ROAD from 9pm-12Midnight. Tickets: $5/each, and includes a chance to win $300 in door prizes. Need not be present to win. For info, call Bette Anderson at 608-489-4172.
1421|20030424|Volunteer Mentor Training|Volunteer Mentor Training, provided by Couleecap, from 5pm-7:30pm, at South Side Neighborhood Center, 1300 South 6th St, La Crosse, WI. To register, please call 796-A PAL (796-2725) or email: mentoring@couleecap.org. Training is open to anyone of high school age or older. Volunteer to mentor a child in need.
1422|20030503|Style Show & Salad Bar Luncheon|Style Show & Salad Bar Luncheon, w/Luncheon at 12Noon and Style Show at 1pm, at Community Church, 204 Main St, Hokah, MN. Door prizes, fashions by Wal-Mart. Tickets: $5.50 Adults; $2.50 Children.
1423|20030504|Harpers Ferry Rescue Squad Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser|Harpers Ferry Rescue Squad (All-You-Can-Eat) Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser, serving from 7am-12Noon, at Harpers Ferry Fire Station, Harpers Ferry, IA. This is a Harpers Ferry Rescue Squad fundraiser. For info, call Becky Benzing at 563-586-2168(evenings) or 608-326-8989,ext.270(days).
1424|20030510|Motorcycle Ride to benefit Hope Gospel Mission|Motorcycle Ride to benefit Hope Gospel Mission, a 90-mile ride that begins in Eleva, Northland Custom Cycles (4 miles S of Eau Claire on Hwy 93), Registration from 2pm-3pm, $10 donation per motorcycle, w/ride ending at Hope Gospel Mission with a chili dinner from 5:30pm-7pm, presented by Ezekiel Riders, A Chapter of CMA (Christian Motorcycle Assn). State Senator Dave Zien and Eau Claire County Sheriff Ron Cramer will be joining the ride. Over 250 riders are expected to show up for this event. For info, call 552-5566, or Terry Bauer at 833-0933. Hope Gospel Mission is located at 8 S Farwell St, Eau Claire, WI. Ph#715-552-5566.
1425|20030607|6th Annual Sparta Butterfest Quilt Show|6th Annual Sparta Butterfest Quilt Show, Sat.6/7 from 10am-5pm (w/demonstration on Quilting Basics held at 2pm) and Sun.6/8 from 12Noon-4pm, located at Maplewood School, 900 E Montgomery St, Sparta, WI (which is to the left of the festgrounds). Admission is FREE. Doorprizes will be drawn at close of the show. For info, call Sherry at 608-269-4826.
1426|20030608|6th Annual Sparta Butterfest Quilt Show|6th Annual Sparta Butterfest Quilt Show, Sat.6/7 from 10am-5pm (w/demonstration on Quilting Basics held at 2pm) and Sun.6/8 from 12Noon-4pm, located at Maplewood School, 900 E Montgomery St, Sparta, WI (which is to the left of the festgrounds). Admission is FREE. Doorprizes will be drawn at close of the show. For info, call Sherry at 608-269-4826.
1427|20030510|Villa Louis Opens for the 2003 Season|Villa Louis Opens for the 2003 Season on Sat.,May 10th, at 9am, through October 31st. Villa Louis will be open seven days a week from 9am-5pm. Tours begin at 10am and continue throughout the day with the last tour at 4pm. For the very fist time, visitors will see the entire first floor of the mansion restored to the Victorian grandeur that the Dousman family enjoyed. The sitting room, guest bedroom, butlers bedroom and kitchen are now complete! For more info, contact Villa Louis, PO Box 65, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821, ph#608-326-2721; or visit website: http://wisconsinhistory.org/villa/.
1428|20030503|Spring-Fling Bazaar & Bake Sale|Spring-Fling Bazaar & Bake Sale, from 9am-2pm, at United in Christ Lutheran Church, 1857 County Rd Z, Dellwood, WI. Featuring: Spring Crafts, Baked Goods, Luncheon, & White Elephant Table.
1429|20030422|PTO Today's College Funding Night|PTO Today's College Funding Night, sponsored by American Express Financial Advisors, at 6:30pm, located at Eagle Bluff School--Multimedia Center, 200 Eagle Bluff Court, Onalaska, WI. Cost: FREE. Childcare will be provided. Confused? Worried about how to pay for your child's college education? Join other parents as we address how to understand and maximize financial aid. You will also be given info on various college funding sources including loans, grants, scholarships, custodial accounts (UGMA/UTMA), Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (Education IRA's) and 529 Plans. For info, call Tom Brewer, Financial Advisor w/American Express Financial, at 608-783-2639.
1430|20030425|Environmental Awareness Day - "Wings & Things"|Environmental Awareness Day - "Wings & Things", from 8:45am-3:15pm, at Evergreen Elementary, 510 Long Coulee Road, Holmen, WI. For info, call 608-526-9080.
1431|20030419|Chicken-Q|Chicken-Q, sponsored by the Disable American Veterans, from 11am-7pm or until sold out, at 1120 Logan St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. Home-made pies will also be available. Delivery available by calling 784-7110. For info, call Alvin Thompson at 785-4674.
1432|20030429|Benefits Outreach Program for Seniors/Medicare Beneficiaries|Benefits Outreach Program for Seniors/Medicare Beneficiaries, either from 8:30am-10:30am at the Community Center, Houston, MN; or from 1pm-3pm at the American Legion, La Crescent, MN. Are you struggling with medical and drug bills? Come to the Benefits Outreach and find out if you qualify for programs that save you money. For info or need transportation, call the Senior LinkAge Line at 800-333-2433; or Janita Larson, Semcac Caregiver Advocate at 507-864-7741.
1433|20030501|Benefits Outreach Program for Seniors/Medicare Beneficiaries|Benefits Outreach Program for Seniors/Medicare Beneficiaries, either from 9am-11am at the United Methodist Church, Caledonia, MN; or from 1pm-3pm at the Trinity Lutheran Church, Spring Grove, MN. Are you struggling with medical and drug bills? Come to the Benefits Outreach and find out if you qualify for programs that save you money. For info or need transportation, call the Senior LinkAge Line at 800-333-2433; or Janita Larson, Semcac Caregiver Advocate at 507-864-7741.
1434|20030427|American Cancer Society Annual Run/Walk|American Cancer Society Annual Run/Walk (5k Run/Walk, 10k Run), w/Run/Walk at 12Noon & Kid's Run at 11:15am. Located at 2700 Midwest Drive, Onalaska, WI. Register Sat.4/26 from 10am-3pm at WWTC (Academic Resource Bldg); or Sun.4/27 from 9am-12Noon at Midwest Security; or call 608-783-5000 for form to be mailed to you. Cost: $15/Pre-registration or $20/Registration Day. Honorary Chairperson is Paul Plinske of La Crosse. Sponsors: Midwest Security Insurance Co, Channel 8, CC106, and La Crosse Graphics. Please call the ACS office at 608-783-5000 for more info.
1435|20030502|Coulee Region Food Distribution FREE FOOD|Coulee Region Food Distribution FREE FOOD, provided by Creator's Touch Ministries Inc, from 10am-12:30pm, at Cathedral of Praise Church Foyer, 3340 S Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska, WI (past Gundersen Lutheran Clinic north of the mall). Donation: $12 is requested to cover associated costs of the program. Please bring some of your own bags/boxes. For info, call Dave & Connie Keating at 608-783-2909. (Volunteers needed Thurs.5/1 from 5pm-9pm and from Fri.5/2 from 8:30am-2pm).
1436|20030424|"Barns In Wisconsin" Educational Series|"Barns In Wisconsin" Educational Series by speaker Geoffrey M Gyrisco, at 7pm, at La Crosse Public Library - Main Branch, La Crosse, WI. Sponsored by Preservation Alliance of La Crosse. This has been officially proclaimed the "Year of the Barn" in Wisconsin. This event is FREE and Open to the Public. For info, call Eric Wheeler at 785-7383 or the PAL office at 784-1976.
1437|20030425|21st Annual Three Rivers Intertribal Powwow|21st Annual La Crosse Three Rivers Intertribal Powwow, from 7pm-11pm, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center - Gunning Addition. The powwow will include drums and dancers from across the Midwest. Native American Crafts and vendors available, along w/food & drinks. This is a family event where all people can come and participate. Opportunity for public to participate w/dancers on the dance floor. Cost: $2 Adults; $1 Students/Children, FREE Children under 3 & adults over 65. Cost includes a meal at 5pm. For info, call Guy Wolf at 785-8838.
1438|20030426|Attic Treasures & Tasty Pleasures|Attic Treasures & Tasty Pleasures, 10am-2pm, at St Paul's Episcopal Church, Broadway at Lafayette St, Winona, MN. Featuring: Collectible items, specialty foods, coffee & desserts. For info, call Mary at 507-452-5681.
1439|20030426|17th Annual Gala Celebration & Dance|17th Annual Gala Celebration & Dance, celebrating 25 years of service of the Women's Resource Center of Winona, from 6:30pm-12:30am, w/Blues Music by RENEE AUSTIN, at the Black Horse Bar & Restaurant, Hwy 61, Winona, MN. Open to adults 18 & over. Creative dress applauded. For info, call Holly at 507-452-4440.
1440|20030430|"An Experience in Nepal" Slide Presentation|"An Experience in Nepal" Slide Presentation with Lori Furlano - Program Coordinator of Healthy Families of the Family & Children's Center in La Crosse, WI. Slide presentation, at 7pm, will be held at Congregational United Church of Christ, 201 N Water St, Sparta, WI. Lori will be sharing her personal experience in Nepal w/a team of health-care professionals. A free-will donation will be collected for Lori's special charities in Nepal. For info, call 608-269-5100.
1441|20030426|Family Fun Dance|Family Fun Dance with Click'n & Grin'n Cloggers & Special Guests, (Kid's Dance from 4:30-5:30pm & Fun Dance from 6pm-10pm), at Concordia Ballroom, 1129 La Crosse St, La Crosse, WI. Activities throughout the evening include music, dance instruction, open dancing, two-step, waltz and line dance, food & prizes! Cost: $12 Family Special, includes admission to all activities. Food available after 5pm. For info, call 608-786-0185.
1442|20030427|Fairchild Lions Annual Spring Fishing Contest|Fairchild Lions Annual Spring Fishing Contest, Fishing from 12Noon-3pm (w/Charcoal Chicken starting at 11am), at the Fairchild Pond. Bait sold at Contest. Cash Fishing Prizes. Raffles all thru Contest. Come join the Lions for some fun, food, and prizes!
1443|20030510|"Midnite Carnival" Post-Prom Party|"Midnite Carnival" Post-Prom Party for the Juniors and Seniors of Logan, Central, Aquinas, & Onalaska High Schools, from 12Midnight-4am, at the Valley View Mall, La Crosse, WI. Featuring Food, Prizes, Games, & the Band "REMEDY" (from Chicago). Cost: $5 for all of this! Tickets available at your high school. For info, call Tracy Mullaney at 788-9664.
1444|20030509|Chicken-Q|Chicken-Q, sponsored by the Grand Central Station Showchoir, serving from 3pm-7pm, at the Central High School, La Crosse, WI.
1445|20030510|8th Annual Working Artist's Show|8th Annual Working Artist's Show, from 10am-5pm, at DeSoto Community Center, DeSoto, WI. Sponsored by DeSoto Lions Club. A Classic Car Show will be held in the park, along with a Chicken-Q Dinner, Silent Auction, and Entertainment. Watch the artists working on their products! Final drawing Spring Fever Raffle of $1,000.
1446|20030503|Viroqua Friends of the Library Book & Bake Sale|Viroqua Friends of the Library Book & Bake Sale, from 9am-3pm (w/bag sale clearance at 2pm), at the WWTC Campus is Viroqua, WI.
1447|20030504|"A Dreaded Disease Returns w/ A Vengeance" by Dr. Sigurd B Gundersen, Jr.|"A Dreaded Disease Returns w/ A Vengeance" by Dr Sigurd B Gundersen, Jr, at 2pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, N455 O Ophus Rd, Coon Valley, WI (located 3 miles N of Coon Valley on County Rd PI). Dr Gundersen (retired Gundersen-Lutheran Clinic surgeon and Norskedalen Volunteer) informs us "Tuberculosis has killed more people than all the wars put together." It was previously thought to be eradicated. It again has reared its ugly head and is now resistant to many modern drugs. Come and listen and share your stories about tuberculosis. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1448|20030427|M1 Garand snap-in and live-fire exercise|M1 Garand snap-in and live-fire exercise, at 1pm, at the rifle range of the Chaseburg Rod & Gun Club, Chaseburg, WI. (This is an excellent primer for the Memorial Day Shoot which will be held Sun.5/25 at 1pm.) M1 Garand rifles and ammo will be available at range. For info, call Ed Schaefer at 608-782-3326.
1449|20030525|Memorial Day Shoot|Memorial Day Shoot, at 1pm, at the rifle range of the Chaseburg Rod & Gun Club, Chaseburg, WI. M1 Garand rifles and ammo will be available at range. For info, call Ed Schaefer at 608-782-3326.
1450|20030503|Annual Used Book Sale|Annual Used Book Sale, from 8am-2:30pm, at First Congregational Church, Corner of Losey Blvd & Main Sts, La Crosse, WI. Proceeds will benefit a Youth Missions Project. For info, call 608-784-8137.
1451|20030503|Grandma's Attice Rummage and Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage and Resale, Sat.5/3 and Sat.5/17, from 9:30am-3pm, at Dell-Old Schoolhouse on County P between Westby & La Farge. Sponsored by the Dell UM Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1452|20030517|Grandma's Attic Rummage and Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage and Resale, from 9:30am-3pm, at Dell-Old Schoolhouse on County P between Westby & La Farge. Sponsored by the Dell UM Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1453|20030427|Caledonia Area Elementary Open House & Dedication Ceremony|Caledonia Area Elementary Open House & Dedication Ceremony, from 1pm-4pm (w/Dedication Ceremony at 2pm), at 511 West Main St, Caledonia, MN. The School Board and Administration of Independent School District #299 invites you and your family to attend. For info, call 507-725-5205.
1454|20030426|Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pick-up|Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pick-up, sponsored by the Coulee Region Audubon Society. Meet at 9am at the Dresbach Information Center on I-90. Wear sturdy shoes and gloves. Orange safety vests and garbage bags will be provided. Pick-up usually takes about 2 hours. Come and see what you can find - perhaps even money and who knows what else! For info, call 608-534-5548.
1455|20030520|Annual Plant Sale / Bake Sale / White Elephant Sale|Annual Plant Sale / Bake Sale / White Elephant Sale, sponsored by the Hill & Valley Garden Club, from 7am-12Noon, at 2152 South 23rd St, La Crosse, WI.
1456|20030427|Spring Omelet Breakfast|Spring Omelet Breakfast, sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 64, serving from 7:30am-12:30pm, at St Patrick's Church Hall.
1457|20030524|3rd Annual Louella Blackdeer Fun Run/Walk|3rd Annual Louella Blackdeer Fun Run/Walk (5K & 10K Race), at 9am, located 5 Miles East of Black River Falls (take I-94 Exit 116, head East on Hwy 54 to Brockway Rd). Fee: $10. Register at website: Active.com. For info, call Lani at 715-743-6211, or Sheena at 715-743-2440. Email: blackdeer@tds.net. Featuring music, prizes, powwow, t-shirts, refreshments. This non-profit event/run is for enjoyment and to increase awareness about the perils of Drunk Driving.
1458|20030504|Black River Area Comm. Band Annual "Spring Fling"|Black River Area Community Band Annual "Spring Fling", featuring Dinner/Concert/Dancing, from 5pm-7pm, at Hensel's Skyline in Black River Falls, WI. Dinner available beginning at 6pm intermission. Tickets: $15. For info, call 715-284-5850.
1459|20030503|Buy/Sell/Trade Show of Beer Can Collectors|Buy/Sell/Trade Show of Beer Can Collectors, from 9am-1pm, at the City Beer Stubbe (Brewery Gift Shoppe & Restaurant) at 1111 South 3rd St, La Crosse, WI. This show is open to the public. Free admission. If you want to see some great pieces of brewery advertising, or if you want to sell some of those old cans or other brewery items that you used to collect, or if you want to add a piece to your collection, then this is the time to do it. For info, call Kelly Evenson at 608-788-6508; or Lowell Peterson at 507-895-8276; or Willie Novak at 630-964-2723.
1460|20030503|Bethany Heights Flower Fundraiser|Bethany Heights Flower Fundraiser, between 10am-12Noon, at Bethany Heights, Juniper Lane, Holmen, WI. Featuring: Hanging baskets of impatiens, geraniums, tuberous begonias and wax begonias, patio pots of geraniums. Baskets and pots are $15/each or two for $29. For info, call Anne Becker at 608-526-3976; or Darlene Olson at 608-526-6636.
1461|20030503|Boating Safety Class|Boating Safety Class, Sat.5/3 and Sat.5/10, from 8am-12Noon, at the Law Enforcement Center, 1000 N Adams St, Lancaster, WI. Registration Fee: $10. Sponsored by Grant County Sheriff's Dept, in cooperation with Dept of Natural Resources. The course covers the boating regulations, safe operation of the vessel, waterway regulations, navigation rules, and other safety tips. To register, call the Grant County Sheriff's Dept at 608-723-2157; if you have any questions, ask for Capt Bob Bloyer.
1462|20030504|Concert of Music for Chamber Groups & Organs|Concert of Music for Chamber Groups & Organs, at 4pm, at First Presbyterian Church, 233 West Ave S, La Crosse, WI. This is a FREE concert. Reception following the concert to meet, greet, and congratulate the performers. Over 25 musicians will perform in many chamber combinations such as duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, as well as a large violin ensemble and a string orchestra. For info, call Louise Temte at 608-784-4248; or Busya Lugovier at 608-796-3765.
1463|20030518|Great Minnesota Morel Festival|Great Minnesota Morel Festival, hosted by The Red Wing Visitors and Convention Bureau, w/8am - breakfast, 10am-12:30pm - mushroom hunt contest. Also other great sites and attractions until 2:30pm; and then at 2:30pm - Hobgoblin Music home of Stone End Harps will host activities such as live folk music, seminars, exhibits, cooking demonstrations, etc. Contest winners will be announced and prizes given at 4pm. For info, call 651-385-5934 or 800-498-3444; or visit website: www.redwing.org.
1464|20030711|Stoddard Centennial Celebration|Stoddard Centennial Celebration, Fri.7/11 & Sat.7/12 & Sun.7/13, at the Village Park in Stoddard, WI. Featuring many numerous events, including a Parade on Sun.7/13 at 12Noon and History of Stoddard Photo Gallery at Stoddard Legion. For info, call Debbie Kendhammer at 608-457-2136.
1467|20030614|Silent Auction & Bake Sale Benefit for Logan Clason|Silent Auction & Bake Sale Benefit for Logan Clason, from 1pm-7pm (with Silent Auction from 2pm-6pm), at the American Legion, Soldiers Grove, WI. Food will also be served. Logan was born Jan 21, 2003 with a very rare life-threatening chromosome disorder called Mosaic Trisomy 9. Donations for the Logan Clason Mosaic Trisomy 9 Fund can be dropped off at various locations; or Otto & Ellen Clason's residence (Logan's grandparents), 403 West Charles St, Readstown, WI, Ph# 608-629-5990; or please call for pick up. Donations greatly appreciated! Donations must be received by Fri.6/13.
1468|20030508|L.E. Phillips Career Development Center Spring Open House|LE Phillips Career Development Center Spring Open House, from 8:30am-3pm, w/Refreshments, tour of the facility and door prizes. For info, call 715-834-2771.
1469|20030517|Friends of the Campbell Library Annual Book Sale/Bake Sale|Friends of the Campbell Library Annual Book Sale/Bake Sale, from 7am-11am, at the Campbell Town Hall, in conjunction with the French Island Community Day. Book donations accepted and books can be dropped off at the French Island Quillin's or the Campbell Town Hall Library, 2219 Bainbridge St, on French Island. For info or pick-up arrangements of books, call 608-783-0052.
1470|20030426|Lara (Spencer) Hines Medical Expenses Benefit|Lara (Spencer) Hines Medical Expenses Benefit, from 1pm-11pm, at Banquets on the Square, Holmen, WI. This event will feature fun, fundraising, food, silent auction, raffles, gift baskets, children's games, face painting, clowns, and dancing. Music provided by HOLMEN HIGH STUDENTS, MEMBERS OF COULEE GOSPEL CHOIR, AND DOUG MAHLUM. Tall Tale Telling by PETE ECKERT & KEN KOPP. Proceeds/donations go to help defray medical costs for an on-going medical condition. For info or to donate, call Joan Hauser at 608-526-3033. Donations can be mailed to: Lara (Spencer) Hines Benefit, 305 E Roberts St, Holmen, WI 54636.
1471|20030510|Valley Community Center Spring Sale|Valley Community Center Spring Sale, from 9am-3pm, at the Valley Community Center, located on Cty P in Vernon County. Featuring Rummage Room, Crafts, & Food.
1472|20030511|Mother's Day May-Fest|Mother's Day May-Fest, at 6pm, at First Lutheran Church, 410 Main St, Onalaska, WI. Featuring live music by the FIRST LUTHERAN SENIOR CHOIR under the direction of Paul Gulvsig, FIRST LUTHERAN SUNDAY SCHOOL SINGERS, FIRST LUTHERAN CONTEMBPORARY COMBO, and special guests. Ice cream and other desserts will be served. A free-will offering will be taken, with proceeds benefiting First Lutheran Pre-School. For info, call First Lutheran Church at 608-783-2236; or Gloria Spong at 608-385-2676.
1473|20030512|National Women's Check-Up Day|National Women's Check-Up Day. Primary Care Clinics are encouraging women across the nation to make an appointment with your healthcare provider. Health check-ups and screening allow women to have the long, happy, and healthy life they deserve. To learn more about the Franciscan Skemp Healthcare or to schedule an appointment at a clinic convenient to you, call 800-362-5454.
1474|20030517|Naomi & Celeste Wikstrom Memorial Fund Benefit|Naomi & Celeste Wikstrom Memorial Fund Benefit, with festivities from 2pm-7pm (with Spaghetti Dinner being served from 4:30-6:30pm), at the Moose Club, 1932 Ward Ave, La Crosse, WI. Music will also be provided. Many door prizes will be given away. Admission: $10/per person, and includes a meal, beer, soda, and entry in the drawing for door prizes. Raffle tickets also being sold. An account, titled "Naomi & Celeste Wikstrom Memorial Fund", has been set up at the Governmental Employee's Credit Union, 225 La Crosse St, La Crosse, WI 54601. Donations can be mailed or dropped off at this location. Sponsored by ATU Local 519. For info, call Dale Anderson at 608-788-8708. (Please DO NOT CALL the MTU office.)
1475|20030503|Homespun Craft & Bake Sale|Homespun Craft & Bake Sale, from 9am-3pm, at the LE Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger St, Eau Claire, WI. Senior crafters will be selling handcrafted, one-of-a-kind items for your home, garden and gift giving. Also a bake sale. Members and general public encouraged to attend. For more info on donating items or about the event, call the Senior Center at 715-839-4909.
1476|20030505|West Salem Middle School Mayfair 2003: "Empty Bowls Project"|West Salem Middle School Mayfair 2003: "Empty Bowls Project", from 4pm-7pm, at the West Salem Middle School (Cafeteria), 450 North Mark St, West Salem, WI. Students, teachers, and community members have been making wonderful bowls to be sold at a soup-supper in the Middle School Cafeteria. The profits will be donated to the West Salem Food Pantry. Student work will be showcased and live entertainment will be provided. For info, call Gwen Treu at 608-786-2090.
1477|20030511|The Thrill of Finding Relatives in Norway" Progarm|"The Thrill of Finding Relatives in Norway" Program by Ken & Gurine Eggen, at 2pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, N455 O Ophus Rd, Coon Valley, WI (located 3 miles North of Coon Valley on County Hwy PI). Join Ken and Gurine Eggen of La Crescent, MN as they share their good fortune of turning up lots of interesting relatives as they traveled to Norway. How did they do it? Is it worth the effort? How much information do you really need to do this research? Welcome to Norskedalen! For info, call 608-452-3157. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1478|20030521|Survivors of Homicide Victims Support Group|Survivors of Homicide Victims Support Group - "Homicide Grief: How is it Different?", from 4pm-6pm, at Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center's Behavioral Health Dept, Group Room B, on the Hospital's 4th Floor-South. This is a free and confidential support group. (This support group will be starting to meet on the third Wednesday of each month, from May 21st thru Oct 15th.) For info, call 608-775-5557 or 800-362-9567,ext.55557.
1479|20030426|36th Annual Camper Clinic/Recreational Vehicle Testing|36th Annual Camper Clinic/Recreational Vehicle Testing, from 8am-4pm, in the parking lot next to the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Fine Arts Building, 200 Water St, Eau Claire, WI. Pickup campers, trailers, camping buses and vans will be tested for carbon monoxide production and for explosive gas leaks. Owners are to have their heating units operational so they can be turned on for a test. The clinic is sponsored by City/County Health Dept and University Environmental & Public Health Club. For info, call 715-839-1674.
1480|20030503|1st Annual Spring Fling for Coon Valley Fire & Rescue|1st Annual Spring Fling for Coon Valley Fire & Rescue, at 8pm, at Coon Valley Village Hall, 103 Roosevelt St, Coon Valley, WI. Cost: $5 Adults; FREE Kids under 12. Refreshments available. Music provided by OTITIS MEDIA. Proceeds will go to acquiring extrication tools and emergency medical supplies. For info, call Daryl R Brye, Assistant Chief, at 608-452-3206.
1481|20030514|Salad Luncheon|Salad Luncheon, serving from 11am-1pm, at Viroqua United Methodist Church, 221 S Center St, Viroqua, WI. Tickets: $5 Adults; $2.50 Children under 12. For info, call Lynn Whitney at 608-637-7919.
1482|20030503|Franklin Elementary School Carnival/Chicken-Q|Franklin Elementary School CARNIVAL, from 11am-2pm, at Franklin Elementary School, 1611 Kane St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $2 for unlimited children's games and "bounce house". Featuring: crafts, silent auction, face painting, bake sale, raffles, raffle for airline tickets and Packer Football. ALSO, CHICKEN-Q, serving from 10am-3pm, for a cost of $6.50/dinner. For info, call Franklin PTO at 789-7970.
1483|20030512|Collectable Depression Glass Exhibit|Collectable Depression Glass Exhibit, at 6:30pm, at the Onalaska Library, Onalaska, WI. Nationally recognized expert, and author, Doris Yeske, will be introducing you to the fascinating world of collectable Depression Glass. She will exhibit samples, answer questions, discuss and delight you with her knowledge on the subject. Each person attending will be allowed to bring ONE PIECE of depression glass that they might wish to know the approximate value. Refreshments available. Sponsored by "Friends of the Onalaska Library".
1484|20030516|CRCS 8th Annual "2003 Golf Scramble"|CRCS (Coulee Region Christian School) 8th Annual "2003 Golf Scramble", starting at 12:30pm, at Forest Hills Public Golf Course, 600 N Losey Blvd, La Crosse, WI. Registration is $75 and to be in by May 8th. The Golf Scramble benefits the school. For info or to register, call CRCS at 608-786-3004.
1485|20030506|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a new support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1486|20030516|FREE Hearing Screenings|FREE Hearing Screenings, from 8am-3pm, at Gundersen Lutheran Audiology Dept - 5th Floor, 1836 South Ave, La Crosse, WI. Appointments are not necessary. The procedure is a screening, not a diagnostic test; and those who have potential hearing problems and need to be referred for further evaluation. Vouchers for alternative testing times are available for those who cannot attend the May 16th screenings. For a voucher or more info, call the Gundersen Lutheran Audiology Dept at 608-782-7300, or 800-362-9567,ext.52201.
1487|20030603|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1488|20030701|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1489|20030805|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1490|20030902|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1491|20031007|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1492|20031104|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1493|20031202|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group|Sparta Area Cancer Support Group, from 7pm-8pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 612 N Water St, Sparta, WI. This is a support group in the Sparta area and is for family members dealing with a loved one who has cancer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. If you just need someone to listen, we are there to help. For info, call Patty Danielson at 608-272-3277.
1494|20030504|Spring Choral Concert|Spring Choral Concert presented by the Viterbo Music Dept, at 2pm, in the Maria Angelorum Chapel. This event features the Viterbo University Women's Chorale, Concert Choir, and the 9th Street Singers. It if FREE and Open to the Public. Guests should enter through the chapel door on Winnebago Street. For info, call Dan Johnson-Wilmot at 608-796-3761.
1495|20030502|Viterbo Students Dance The Night Away|Viterbo Students Dance The Night Away, Fri.5/2 and Sat.5/3 and Sun.5/4, with each nightly concert beginning at 7:30pm, located in the La Croix Black Box Theatre. Featuring fully produced jazz, tap, ballet, modern, and hip-hop dance with the help of student dancers, choreographers, and designers. The audience will enjoy music ranging from Janet Jackson and Simon and Garfunkel to Country Classics. Tickets: $9. For info, call the Viterbo University Box Office at 608-796-3100.
1496|20030503|Viterbo Students Dance The Night Away|Viterbo Students Dance The Night Away, Fri.5/2 and Sat.5/3 and Sun.5/4, with each nightly concert beginning at 7:30pm, located in the La Croix Black Box Theatre. Featuring fully produced jazz, tap, ballet, modern, and hip-hop dance with the help of student dancers, choreographers, and designers. The audience will enjoy music ranging from Janet Jackson and Simon and Garfunkel to Country Classics. Tickets: $9. For info, call the Viterbo University Box Office at 608-796-3100.
1497|20030504|Viterbo Students Dance The Night Away|Viterbo Students Dance The Night Away, Fri.5/2 and Sat.5/3 and Sun.5/4, with each nightly concert beginning at 7:30pm, located in the La Croix Black Box Theatre. Featuring fully produced jazz, tap, ballet, modern, and hip-hop dance with the help of student dancers, choreographers, and designers. The audience will enjoy music ranging from Janet Jackson and Simon and Garfunkel to Country Classics. Tickets: $9. For info, call the Viterbo University Box Office at 608-796-3100.
1498|20030508|Evergreen Elementary School Spring Fling|Evergreen Elementary School Spring Fling, from 5pm-7pm, at Evergreen Elementary School, Long Coulee Rd, Holmen, WI. Featuring Live Auction (w/great items to bid on!), kids carnival games, food and fun for the whole family.
1499|20030509|Many Rivers Dances of Universal Peace|Many Rivers Dances of Universal Peace, from 7pm-9:30pm, at Unity Christ Church, 1808 Folsom St, Eau Claire, WI. Dances of Universal Peace are both international and open to everyone. These circle dances, which use phrases from religions throughout the world, are moving meditations as well as unifying of people. For info, call Maggie Peck at 715-271-2468.
1500|20030520|Red Cross Bloodmobile|Red Cross Bloodmobile, from 1pm-7pm, at Osseo-Fairchild High School Community Gym (Old Gym). For appointment, call 597-2294. Free day care available.
1501|20030529|La Crosse Area Neighborhood Watch Groups Chicken-Q Fundraiser|La Crosse Area Neighborhood Watch Groups Chicken-Q Fundraiser (featuring Pogy's Catering), serving from 11am-7pm, at Sam's Bar, 2116 George St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6 per plate. There will be sit-down areas w/tent and tables. Beverages available from Sam's Bar. For tickets/info, call Scott at 608-789-8035. For carryouts on day of event, call 781-2060 after 9am. Carryouts begin at 11am. This is a Community Approach To Crime Prevention.
1502|20030502|Mentoring Awareness Picnic|Mentoring Awareness Picnic, from 4pm-8pm, at Myric Park Main Shelter, La Crosse, WI. Fun activities (egg relay, water balloon toss, three-legged race, and more) and concessions available for community members to meet kids involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters and other local mentoring organizations, and see the positive impact a mentor can have on a child's life. This event will also provide community members with more information about volunteering opportunities within various programs. For info, call Amanda Sauer at 782-8092.
1503|20030501|Mexican Fiesta!|Mexican Fiesta!, from 4:30pm-6:30pm, at Faith Lutheran Church, 733 Woodward Avenue, Chippewa Falls, WI. Proceeds will be used for mission work/building homes for the needy in Mexico. For info, call 715-723-7754.
1504|20030510|National Astronomy Day|National Astronomy Day, from 10am-3pm, at Riverside Park, La Crosse, WI. There will be telescopes with solar filters on them for viewing the Sun (if clear). There will also be star charts and sky calendars to hand out. For info, call La Crosse Area Astronomical Society's President Robert Allen at 608-785-8669.
1505|20030510|Milo's Famous Chicken Dinner|Milo's Famous Chicken Dinner, serving from 4:30pm-7pm, at corner of Garfield and 1st St W, Altoona. Sponsored by Altoona United Methodist Women. For tickets/info, call 835-3444.
1506|20030513|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society's Annual Banquet|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society's Annual Banquet, w/Social Hour at 6pm, followed by Dinner at 7pm, at Digger's Restaurant, La Crosse, WI. For info, call Robert Allen at 608-785-8669.
1507|20030510|Holmen Showchoir Fundraiser Cookout|Holmen Showchoir Fundraiser Cookout, hosted by King Furniture, serving from 10am-4pm, held in the parking lot of King Furniture, 519 Commerce St, Holmen, WI. All donations will go to the Holmen Showchoir.
1508|20030518|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast, serving from 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
1509|20030607|Viroqua Gem-Mineral & Jewelry Show 2003|Viroqua Gem-Mineral & Jewelry Show 2003, Sat.6/7 from 10am-5pm and Sun.6/8 from 10am-4pm, at Viroqua High School Gym, Viroqua, WI. For info, call Gary Krause at 608-637-2574 or 800-657-4826.
1510|20030608|Viroqua Gem-Mineral & Jewelry Show 2003|Viroqua Gem-Mineral & Jewelry Show 2003, Sat.6/7 from 10am-5pm and Sun.6/8 from 10am-4pm, at Viroqua High School Gym, Viroqua, WI. For info, call Gary Krause at 608-637-2574 or 800-657-4826.
1511|20030513|Volunteer Mentoring Training|Volunteer Mentoring Training provided by Couleecap Mentoring Program, from 5pm-7:30pm, at South Side Neighborhood Center, 1300 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. To register, call 796-A PAL (796-2725), or email: mentoring@couleecap.org.
1512|20030513|La Crescent Christian Childcare Center Open House|La Crescent Christian Childcare Center Open House, from 6pm-8pm, at 201 N Elm St, La Crescent, MN. (This is the same childcare center that hosted the KidsCare fingerprinting event last summer). If you are searching for summer and fall childcare and preschool, come and tour and learn more about the school and meet the staff! For info, call Rachel Perry, Director, at 507-895-2374.
1513|20030514|Severe Weather Evaluation and Storm Spotting Training Class|Severe Weather Evaluation and Storm Spotting Training Class, 7pm, at the Viroqua Fire Department - Training Room, 702 East Broadway St, Viroqua, WI. This is a two-hour session in preparation for the Spring-Summer storm season. For info, call Vernon County Emergency Management Office at 608-637-5267.
1514|20030515|Scheie Lutheran Church's Annual Friends & Family Night|Scheie Lutheran Church's Annual Friends & Family Night, at 7:30pm, at the Scheie Lutheran Church, rural Mabel, MN. Featuring entertainment by "SOMETIMES EIGHT". Lunch will be served after. All are invited to come for fun and fellowship!
1515|20030517|Dahl Motors/Pepsi 3 On 3 Basketball Tournament|Dahl Motors/Pepsi 3 On 3 Basketball Tournament, games held in La Crosse YMCA parking lot. Get your teams together and register at the La Crosse YMCA. For info, call 782-9622.
1516|20030712|Stoddard Centennial Celebration|Stoddard Centennial Celebration, Fri.7/11 & Sat.7/12 & Sun.7/13, at the Village Park in Stoddard, WI. Featuring many numerous events, including a Parade on Sun.7/13 at 12Noon and History of Stoddard Photo Gallery at Stoddard Legion. For info, call Debbie Kendhammer at 608-457-2136.
1517|20030713|Stoddard Centennial Celebration|Stoddard Centennial Celebration, Fri.7/11 & Sat.7/12 & Sun.7/13, at the Village Park in Stoddard, WI. Featuring many numerous events, including a Parade on Sun.7/13 at 12Noon and History of Stoddard Photo Gallery at Stoddard Legion. For info, call Debbie Kendhammer at 608-457-2136.
1518|20030618|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social, from 4pm-7pm, at Saint James the Greater Parish, 2502 Eleventh St, Eau Claire, WI. Sponsored by Parish Council of Catholic Women. For info, call Catherine Berry at 831-6166.
1519|20030606|Arts & Crafts Show & Flea Market|Arts & Crafts Show & Flea Market, Fri.6/6, Sat.6/7, and Sun.6/8, at Sparta Memorial Park (On the Green). Featuring yard decorations and interesting other crafts. Sponsored by Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bike Museum. Part of the Butterfest Celebration in Sparta, WI. For info, call 1-800-354-2453.
1520|20030607|Arts & Crafts Show & Flea Market|Arts & Crafts Show & Flea Market, Fri.6/6, Sat.6/7, and Sun.6/8, at Sparta Memorial Park (On the Green). Featuring yard decorations and interesting other crafts. Sponsored by Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bike Museum. Part of the Butterfest Celebration in Sparta, WI. For info, call 1-800-354-2453.
1521|20030608|Arts & Crafts Show & Flea Market|Arts & Crafts Show & Flea Market, Fri.6/6, Sat.6/7, and Sun.6/8, at Sparta Memorial Park (On the Green). Featuring yard decorations and interesting other crafts. Sponsored by Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bike Museum. Part of the Butterfest Celebration in Sparta, WI. For info, call 1-800-354-2453.
1522|20030524|Fish Fry|Fish Fry, serving from 4pm-8pm, at Genoa American Legion Post #246 Club Room, Genoa, WI. Featuring Beck's Famous Catfish. For info, call Don Curti at 608-689-2444.
1523|20030517|Books For Africa|Books For Africa, collecting now thru June 1st, to stock the library in Mozambique. The need is for textbooks of all disciplines and encyclopedia sets, dictionaries and children's books. Books can be dropped off at the Viterbo Fine Arts Center or at the English Lutheran Church. For info, contact Paul Sannerud at pdsannerud@viterbo.edu.
1524|20030523|Books For Africa|Books For Africa, collecting now thru June 1st, to stock the library in Mozambique. The need is for textbooks of all disciplines and encyclopedia sets, dictionaries and children's books. Books can be dropped off at the Viterbo Fine Arts Center or at the English Lutheran Church. For info, contact Paul Sannerud at pdsannerud@viterbo.edu.
1525|20030524|Books For Africa|Books For Africa, collecting now thru June 1st, to stock the library in Mozambique. The need is for textbooks of all disciplines and encyclopedia sets, dictionaries and children's books. Books can be dropped off at the Viterbo Fine Arts Center or at the English Lutheran Church. For info, contact Paul Sannerud at pdsannerud@viterbo.edu.
1526|20030530|Books For Africa|Books For Africa, collecting now thru June 1st, to stock the library in Mozambique. The need is for textbooks of all disciplines and encyclopedia sets, dictionaries and children's books. Books can be dropped off at the Viterbo Fine Arts Center or at the English Lutheran Church. For info, contact Paul Sannerud at pdsannerud@viterbo.edu.
1527|20030531|Books For Africa|Books For Africa, collecting now thru June 1st, to stock the library in Mozambique. The need is for textbooks of all disciplines and encyclopedia sets, dictionaries and children's books. Books can be dropped off at the Viterbo Fine Arts Center or at the English Lutheran Church. For info, contact Paul Sannerud at pdsannerud@viterbo.edu.
1528|20030530|Dairy Days Bake Off|Dairy Days Bake Off, at 1pm, at West Salem Community Center, West Salem, WI. Entries must be at the Center by 12:45pm. Extra entry forms & rules can be picked up at First Natl Bank in Holmen, Bangor, Mindoro, West Salem, & St Joseph Ridge. Entertainment by APPLE ANNIES. Door prizes and lunch. Sponsored by La Crosse HCE.
1529|20030527|New Horizons Summer 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training|New Horizons Summer 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training, Tues.5/27 & Wed.5/28, from 5pm-9pm each evening, at St Paul's Lutheran Church (entrance off of Division St), 420 West Ave, La Crosse, WI. New Horizons provides safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic violence so that they can make decisions about their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental and empowering atmosphere. Training packets provided. For info, call Sharon at 791-2607 to reserve a seat.
1530|20030528|New Horizons Summer 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training|New Horizons Summer 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training, Tues.5/27 & Wed.5/28, from 5pm-9pm each evening, at St Paul's Lutheran Church (entrance off of Division St), 420 West Ave, La Crosse, WI. New Horizons provides safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic violence so that they can make decisions about their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental and empowering atmosphere. Training packets provided. For info, call Sharon at 791-2607 to reserve a seat.
1531|20030523|SIMPLE GRACE in Concert|SIMPLE GRACE in Concert, at 7:30pm, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 306 Main St, Westby, WI. FREE WILL offering. Everyone Welcome! SIMPLE GRACE features the full-time ministry of the Jim Hitch family from rural Martell, Nebraska. Jim & Kathy and their 8 children offer a variety of Christian music, including selections from bluegrass, traditional, gospel, country, folk, and original pieces. Their performances include guitars, fiddles, banjo, mandolin, piano, flute, harmonicas, dobro, and other instruments.
1532|20030517|La Crosse Civil Air Patrol Open House|La Crosse Civil Air Patrol Open House, from 8:30am-12:30pm, at the La Crosse Municipal Airport, 2906 Fanta Reed Rd (just east of the air traffic control tower), La Crosse, WI. The activities will include give-aways, refreshments, headquarter tours, static displays, and opportunities to view Civil Air Patrol aircraft and ground transportation. Interested individuals will find that the Civil Air Patrol cadet program membership is open to young people from ages 12 to 18, while the senior membership program is for adults 18 and older. For info pertaining to the La Crosse Composite Squadron, call 787-1730 or 895-2670. Website: www.lacrossecap.org.
1533|20030601|R-B Riders Saddle Club Horse Show|R-B Riders Saddle Club Horse Show, classes begin at 8:30am rain or shine, located at the club grounds at "Fleming Field" near Rockland, WI, on County Hwy "J", off of Hwy 16. For info, call 608-269-2853.
1534|20030524|Houston County Veterans Organizations Memorial Program|Houston County Veterans Organizations Memorial Program, at 10:30am, at the Houston County Veterans Memorial on the Court House Lawn, in Caledonia, MN. This is a tribute to Veterans who have served our Country over the many years. For info, call Jim Oldenburg at 608-788-8259.
1535|20030601|"Switzerland and the World's Greatest Train Ride"|"Switzerland and the World's Greatest Train Ride" by Al & Verda Guberud, at 2pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, N455 O Ophus Rd, Coon Valley, WI (3 miles north of Coon Valley on County Hwy PI). Experience the thrill and excitement of some of the world's greatest train rides. For info, call 608-452-3424. website: www.norskedalen.org.
1536|20030608|Chicken-Q Fundraiser for Pickwick Volunteer Fire Dept.|Chicken-Q Fundraiser for Pickwick Volunteer Fire Dept, at Pickwick Fire Dept, Pickwick, MN (located 2 miles off Hwy 61 on Winona County Road 7), serving from 11am until gone. Brats/hotdogs and refreshments also available. Events include: Silent Auction @ 11am-3pm; Bingo @ 1pm; Fire Dept Water Fights @ 2pm; Tom the Magic Man @ 2pm; Gun Raffle drawing @ 3pm; Raffle (including 36" tv and other prizes) drawing @ 5pm. Music provided by John Bernadot & Beau Inman. Moonwalk, Kids games, Ball tournament, Bake sale & other events all day long. All proceeds go to the Pickwick Volunteer Fire Dept. For info, call Joe Wolfe at 507-643-6701.
1537|20030531|Older Workers Celebration Open House|Older Workers Celebration Open House, from 9:30am-4pm, at Gifted Hands, 1200 Caledonia St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring Door prizes, Bake Sale, Craft demonstrations, Free coffee/cookies.
1538|20030530|First Aid Training Course|First Aid Training Course, from 9am-12Noon, at Franciscan Skemp Healthcare, 6th Floor Project Room, in the Professional Arts Building (located on the corner of 10th & Market St). Megan Smith - Training Center instructor at Franciscan Skemp - will teach the class. Cost: $30. Call Karla at 608-791-0940,ext.2879 to register. Registration is limited to 10 people. The course will cover general principles of first aid.
1539|20030525|Onalaska Sunfish Day's Pancake & French Toast Breakfast|Onalaska Sunfish Day's Pancake & French Toast Breakfast, sponsored by Onalaska Area Boy Scouts, serving from 7am-11am, at Onalaska American Legion Club Rooms, 731 Sandlake Road, Onalaska, WI (North of Center 90). For info, call Cindy Sjolander at 783-4911.
1540|20030613|Boys & Girls Club of Jackson County Open House|Boys & Girls Club of Jackson County Open House, from 11am-7pm, at the NEW LOCATION of 125 Fillmore St, Black River Falls, WI. Featuring: Games, Prizes, a Brat sale, & tours. For info, call 715-284-4005.
1541|20030614|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth, 8am-12Noon, at the La Crosse airport parking lot east of the tower. Youth ages 8 through 17 are welcome, but must have a parent/guardian along for assistance with paperwork. If the weather does not cooperate, we will attempt to give rides the next afternoon, Sunday evening, at 5pm.
1542|20030712|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth, 8am-10am, at the La Crosse airport parking lot east of the tower. Youth ages 8 through 17 are welcome, but must have a parent/guardian along for assistance with paperwork. If the weather does not cooperate, we will attempt to give rides the next afternoon, Sunday evening, at 5pm.
1543|20030809|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth, 8am-10am, at the La Crosse airport parking lot east of the tower. Youth ages 8 through 17 are welcome, but must have a parent/guardian along for assistance with paperwork. If the weather does not cooperate, we will attempt to give rides the next afternoon, Sunday evening, at 5pm.
1544|20030913|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth, 9am-11am, at the La Crosse airport parking lot east of the tower. Youth ages 8 through 17 are welcome, but must have a parent/guardian along for assistance with paperwork. If the weather does not cooperate, we will attempt to give rides the next afternoon, Sunday evening, at 5pm.
1545|20031011|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Yout|Intl Young Eagles Day w/FREE Plane Rides to Youth, 10am-12Noon, at the La Crosse airport parking lot east of the tower. Youth ages 8 through 17 are welcome, but must have a parent/guardian along for assistance with paperwork. If the weather does not cooperate, we will attempt to give rides the next afternoon, Sunday evening, at 5pm.
1546|20030607|25th Annual Vernon County Dairy Breakfast|25th Annual Vernon County Dairy Breakfast, served from 7am-11am, at the Cary & Joy Moser farm located at 264 Coon Prairie Ave, Westby, WI. For info, call Dale Pertzborn at 634-3787.
1547|20030608|June Dairy Breakfast|June Dairy Breakfast, sponsored by the Neillsville Area Chamber of Commerce, serving from 7am-12Noon, hosted by Tim & Stacie Heck, N4590 Cty Hwy G (4 miles West of Neillsville on Hwy 10 to Hwy G - 2 miles North on G), Neillsville, WI. For info, call 715-743-6444.
1548|20030613|Eau Claire County Humane Association Thrift Sale|Eau Claire County Humane Association Thrift Sale, Fri.6/13 from 9am-5pm and Sat.6/14 from 8am-2pm, at the Masonic Temple, 616 Graham Avenue (next to YMCA) in downtown Eau Claire. All proceeds go the Eau Claire County Humane Association. For info, call Lauren Evans at 715-839-4747,ext.25. Website: www.eccha.org.
1549|20030614|Eau Claire County Humane Association Thrift Sale|Eau Claire County Humane Association Thrift Sale, Fri.6/13 from 9am-5pm and Sat.6/14 from 8am-2pm, at the Masonic Temple, 616 Graham Avenue (next to YMCA) in downtown Eau Claire. All proceeds go the Eau Claire County Humane Association. For info, call Lauren Evans at 715-839-4747,ext.25. Website: www.eccha.org.
1550|20030614|23rd Annual Trempealeau County "On the Farm Dairy Breakfast"|23rd Annual Trempealeau County "On the Farm Dairy Breakfast", serving from 6am-11am, at Mark & Jennifer Martinson Family Farm, located 2 miles west of Osseo or 6 miles east of Strum on US Hwy 10. Farm is at the intersection of US Hwy's 10 & 53. Events include live music by the RHYTHM PLAYBOYS, county recipe contest, mini-petting zoo, wagon rides, crowning of the new county Dairy Ambassador, ag business displays, County Health Dept will be taking blood pressure, doing free water testing and giving tetanus shots. Event is open to the public! For info, call Kay Wiemer at 608-323-3325.
1551|20030621|Norskedalen's 20th Annual Mid-Summer Fest|Norskedalen's 20th Annual Mid-Summer Fest, Sat.6/21 and Sun.6/22, from 10am-4pm, at Norskedalen, located 3 miles north of Coon Valley, WI on CTH PI. Featuring: Music, Entertainment, and Demonstrations galore. Also don't miss the 8th Annual Lloyd Thrune Woodcarving Show & Competition at the Thrune Visitors' Center. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1552|20030622|Norskedalen's 20th Annual Mid-Summer Fest|Norskedalen's 20th Annual Mid-Summer Fest, Sat.6/21 and Sun.6/22, from 10am-4pm, at Norskedalen, located 3 miles north of Coon Valley, WI on CTH PI. Featuring: Music, Entertainment, and Demonstrations galore. Also don't miss the 8th Annual Lloyd Thrune Woodcarving Show & Competition at the Thrune Visitors' Center. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1553|20030601|Hosta & Companion Plants Auction|Hosta & Companion Plants Auction, at 1pm, at the Lion's Club Pavilion at Wakanda Park (rain or shine). The auction is sponsored by the Northern Wisconsin Hosta Society. For info, call 715-835-8197 or 715-235-7912.
1554|20030601|2nd Annual La Crosse Night Train Golf Scramble|2nd Annual La Crosse Night Train Golf Scramble, at Forest Hills Golf Course. 1st Prize is 2004 season tickets for eight. Also, prizes for 2nd and 3rd places. Participants can call 608-782-1212 to register their team or for more information.
1555|20030526|Memorial Day Dinner|Memorial Day Dinner, serving from 11:30am-1:30pm, at Dell United Methodist Church, County P & E Bloomingdale Rd, Dell, WI. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1556|20030602|St Francis School of Nursing Annual Alumnae Picnic|St Francis School of Nursing Annual Alumnae Picnic, from 4pm-8pm (serving at 6pm), at Myrick Park - Main Shelter, La Crosse, WI. Bring a dish to pass and your own place setting. For a ride, call Marion Pavela at 782-1316, or Marge Wuensch at 782-7383.
1557|20030525|Chad Erickson Memorial|Chad Erickson Memorial, 5K & 10K Run/Walk/Bike/Rollerblade Challenge in conjunction with Onalaska Sunfish Days. Fundraiser for the La Crosse Area Special Olympics, w/ Registration at 8:30am and Challenge at 9:30am, at Onalaska Omni Center, 255 Riders Club Road, Onalaska, WI. Features: t-shirts, food, beverages, & prizes.
1559|20030619|West Salem Summer Musical: "Cinderella"|West Salem Summer Musical: Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Cinderella", w/performances on Thurs.6/19, Fri.6/20, Sat.6/21 at 7:30pm and Sun.6/22 at 2:30pm. Presented by the West Salem Middle and High School Drama & Music Departments. Performances located at West Salem Middle School Gymnasium, 450 North Mark St, West Salem, WI. Tickets: $5 Adults; $4 Students; $12 Run of the show (good for 4 viewings). Tickets available at the door for each performance. For info, call Rhonda Andres or Amy Hanson at 608-786-2090.
1560|20030620|West Salem Summer Musical: "Cinderella"|West Salem Summer Musical: Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Cinderella", w/performances on Thurs.6/19, Fri.6/20, Sat.6/21 at 7:30pm and Sun.6/22 at 2:30pm. Presented by the West Salem Middle and High School Drama & Music Departments. Performances located at West Salem Middle School Gymnasium, 450 North Mark St, West Salem, WI. Tickets: $5 Adults; $4 Students; $12 Run of the show (good for 4 viewings). Tickets available at the door for each performance. For info, call Rhonda Andres or Amy Hanson at 608-786-2090.
1561|20030621|West Salem Summer Musical: "Cinderella"|West Salem Summer Musical: Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Cinderella", w/performances on Thurs.6/19, Fri.6/20, Sat.6/21 at 7:30pm and Sun.6/22 at 2:30pm. Presented by the West Salem Middle and High School Drama & Music Departments. Performances located at West Salem Middle School Gymnasium, 450 North Mark St, West Salem, WI. Tickets: $5 Adults; $4 Students; $12 Run of the show (good for 4 viewings). Tickets available at the door for each performance. For info, call Rhonda Andres or Amy Hanson at 608-786-2090.
1562|20030622|West Salem Summer Musical: "Cinderella"|West Salem Summer Musical: Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Cinderella", w/performances on Thurs.6/19, Fri.6/20, Sat.6/21 at 7:30pm and Sun.6/22 at 2:30pm. Presented by the West Salem Middle and High School Drama & Music Departments. Performances located at West Salem Middle School Gymnasium, 450 North Mark St, West Salem, WI. Tickets: $5 Adults; $4 Students; $12 Run of the show (good for 4 viewings). Tickets available at the door for each performance. For info, call Rhonda Andres or Amy Hanson at 608-786-2090.
1563|20030615|Strawberry Festival|Strawberry Festival, serving from 11am-3pm, at Henrytown Lutheran Church, Rural Route, Canton, MN. Tent available for outside dining! Entertainment by LEE HALL. Bring your own lawn chair and enjoy Lee's music. Matching Funds AAL Branch 4931.
1564|20030614|Rushford-Peterson Parent/Student Group Auction|Rushford-Peterson Parent/Student Group Auction, at 3pm, at the R-P Middle School, Peterson, MN. All proceeds go towards maintenance and repairs of the school buildings. Many new & used donated and consigned items. A silent auction will be held at the same time consisting of theme baskets. For info, call Lori Peterson at 507-864-2722.
1565|20030725|Women In The Outdoors Event|Women In The Outdoors Event, hosted by the Black River Country Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation. Event held on Fri.7/25 and Sat.7/26. Located in the Black River Falls area. This year's event will be offering an optional "Family Twist". With a woman registering, the children (ages 12-17) and/or husband may participate as well. Featured events on Friday PM: prairie restoration, outdoor pottery, or map & compass w/telemetry; Featured events on Sat AM: kayak/canoe, shooting events (gun/archery), or fishing - skills/tie flys/make jigs; Sat PM: scuba/snorkel, learn about pheasant hunt/dog training and turkey hunt/calling techniques, fishing at a cranberry flowage, or carving a walking stick. For info/register materials, call Von Liebzeit at 715-238-7419. Email: vonshome@tds.net. The DEADLINE date for registering is Fri.7/18.
1566|20030726|Women In The Outdoors Event|Women In The Outdoors Event, hosted by the Black River Country Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation. Event held on Fri.7/25 and Sat.7/26. Located in the Black River Falls area. This year's event will be offering an optional "Family Twist". With a woman registering, the children (ages 12-17) and/or husband may participate as well. Featured events on Friday PM: prairie restoration, outdoor pottery, or map & compass w/telemetry; Featured events on Sat AM: kayak/canoe, shooting events (gun/archery), or fishing - skills/tie flys/make jigs; Sat PM: scuba/snorkel, learn about pheasant hunt/dog training and turkey hunt/calling techniques, fishing at a cranberry flowage, or carving a walking stick. For info/register materials, call Von Liebzeit at 715-238-7419. Email: vonshome@tds.net. The DEADLINE date for registering is Fri.7/18.
1567|20030614|32nd Annual Coulee Antique Engines, Inc. Show|32nd Annual Coulee Antique Engines Inc Show, Sat.6/14 and Sun.6/15, from 8am-4pm, at Vernon County Fairgrounds, Hwys 14&61, Viroqua, WI. Featuring many events such as: Lumber Sewing, Steam Engines from 1800's/1900's, Corn Shredding, Threshing, Antique Autos, Model Toys, Ford Tractors, and a PARADE STARTING AT 2:00 PM, etc. Food on grounds/Excellent Camping & RV Hookup. For info, call Gene Degenhart at 608-823-7353; or James Zieglar at 608-654-5495. PLEASE NOTE: This is the last year at this location...Moving in 2004 to "New" Club Grounds on Hwy 27. "Come See the Past Come to Life"!
1568|20030615|32nd Annual Coulee Antique Engines, Inc. Show|32nd Annual Coulee Antique Engines Inc Show, Sat.6/14 and Sun.6/15, from 8am-4pm, at Vernon County Fairgrounds, Hwys 14&61, Viroqua, WI. Featuring many events such as: Lumber Sewing, Steam Engines from 1800's/1900's, Corn Shredding, Threshing, Antique Autos, Model Toys, Ford Tractors, and a PARADE STARTING AT 2:00 PM, etc. Food on grounds/Excellent Camping & RV Hookup. For info, call Gene Degenhart at 608-823-7353; or James Zieglar at 608-654-5495. PLEASE NOTE: This is the last year at this location...Moving in 2004 to "New" Club Grounds on Hwy 27. "Come See the Past Come to Life"!
1569|20030617|FREE Workshop on Effective Estate Planning|FREE Workshop on Effective Estate Planning, sponsored by Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation, called "You've Earned It, Now Preserve It", held from 5:30-7:30pm, at the Rasmus Center at Gundersen Lutheran. Registration/complimentary refreshments begin at 5pm. For info/register, call 608-775-6600 or 800-362-9567,ext.56600, by Fri.6/13.
1570|20030613|Boys/Girls Club of Tomah Area Annual Golf Outing|Boys/Girls Club of Tomah Area Annual Golf Outing, at the Hiawatha Golf and Club. Teams may sign up the day of or call 608-374-4386. Live Auction and dinner, $25 per person. For more info, call Roxanne Fuller at 608-374-4386.
1571|20030614|Lewiston "Uptown Stroll"|Lewiston "Uptown Stroll", Lewiston Heartland Days 140th Celebration, from 10am-7pm, in Lewiston, MN. Featuring many events (many events held in the street outside Lewiston Comm Center - Rice Street), including monitored kids Activities from 10am-12pm (crafts), "Oldies" DJ Entertainment from 12pm-4pm, Wine Tasting from 5pm-7pm (must be at least 21yrs old), Classic Car Cruise at 7pm, and UNION STATION from 8:30pm-12:30am at Lewiston Comm Center. In case of inclement weather, move to the Lewiston Altura High School.
1572|20030619|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social, sponsored by the women of 1st Presbyterian Church, West Ave South, La Crosse, WI. Event will be from 12:30pm-3:30pm, in the Coach House. All proceeds are for local and world-wide mission. All are welcome!
1573|20030616|"Road to Recovery" Program|"Road to Recovery" Program to recruit volunteers to help cancer patients in the La Crosse Area by providing transportation to/from their treatments. This training will be conducted at the Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, from 5:30pm-7pm. A dinner will be provided for those who volunteer to become "Road to Recovery" drivers. For info, call Lori Francis in the American Cancer Society office at 877-423-9125. CAUSEWAY and American Cancer Society are collaborating together to recruit volunteers and coordinate the program in the area. To be a volunteer driver, individuals must have a valid driver's license, vehicle, insurance, and a safe driving record.
1574|20030624|Couleecap Volunteer Mentoring Training Session|Couleecap Volunteer Mentoring Training Session, from 5pm-7:30pm, at the Southside Neighborhood Center, 1300 South 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Couleecap is looking for caring individuals who would like to make a difference in the life of a child by becoming a mentor. For info/register, call 796-A-PAL (796-2725).
1575|20030619|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents Andrew Lloyd Webber's New Production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", Thurs.6/19 thru Mon.6/23, starting at 7:30pm nightly, at the Rock Solid Youth Center. Tickets: $9 Adults; $6 Seniors/Children under 12. Save $1 w/your Steamboat Days Button. Tickets available at Rock Solid, Country Market, and Midtown Foods in Winona, MN. RSYC is located at 75 West Third St, Winona. For info, call 507-452-2125. Email: rsyc@hotmail.com. Website: www.rocksolidyouthcenter.com.
1576|20030620|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents Andrew Lloyd Webber's New Production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", Thurs.6/19 thru Mon.6/23, starting at 7:30pm nightly, at the Rock Solid Youth Center. Tickets: $9 Adults; $6 Seniors/Children under 12. Save $1 w/your Steamboat Days Button. Tickets available at Rock Solid, Country Market, and Midtown Foods in Winona, MN. RSYC is located at 75 West Third St, Winona. For info, call 507-452-2125. Email: rsyc@hotmail.com. Website: www.rocksolidyouthcenter.com.
1577|20030621|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents Andrew Lloyd Webber's New Production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", Thurs.6/19 thru Mon.6/23, starting at 7:30pm nightly, at the Rock Solid Youth Center. Tickets: $9 Adults; $6 Seniors/Children under 12. Save $1 w/your Steamboat Days Button. Tickets available at Rock Solid, Country Market, and Midtown Foods in Winona, MN. RSYC is located at 75 West Third St, Winona. For info, call 507-452-2125. Email: rsyc@hotmail.com. Website: www.rocksolidyouthcenter.com.
1578|20030622|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents Andrew Lloyd Webber's New Production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", Thurs.6/19 thru Mon.6/23, starting at 7:30pm nightly, at the Rock Solid Youth Center. Tickets: $9 Adults; $6 Seniors/Children under 12. Save $1 w/your Steamboat Days Button. Tickets available at Rock Solid, Country Market, and Midtown Foods in Winona, MN. RSYC is located at 75 West Third St, Winona. For info, call 507-452-2125. Email: rsyc@hotmail.com. Website: www.rocksolidyouthcenter.com.
1579|20030623|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"|Rock Solid Youth Center presents Andrew Lloyd Webber's New Production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", Thurs.6/19 thru Mon.6/23, starting at 7:30pm nightly, at the Rock Solid Youth Center. Tickets: $9 Adults; $6 Seniors/Children under 12. Save $1 w/your Steamboat Days Button. Tickets available at Rock Solid, Country Market, and Midtown Foods in Winona, MN. RSYC is located at 75 West Third St, Winona. For info, call 507-452-2125. Email: rsyc@hotmail.com. Website: www.rocksolidyouthcenter.com.
1580|20030620|Vernon County Humane Society's Dance Marathon|Vernon County Humane Society's Dance Marathon, beginning at 6pm on Fri.6/20 and concluding at 12Noon on Sat.6/21, at the Viroqua Elementary School, Viroqua, WI. This is a fundraiser to support construction of Vernon County's new animal shelter. Entertainment will include DJ's, dance instructors and live bands. Refreshments available throughout marathon. Registration forms available at many businesses. For cost/entry info, call Anne Zastrow at 608-637-7827; or email: zooies@frontiernet.net. Website: www.vchumane.org.
1581|20030618|Ice Cream Social|Ice Cream Social, from 4pm-8:30pm, at St Joseph Catholic Church, Elk Mound, WI. Youth Group Car Wash during Ice Cream Social hours. Donations accepted.
1582|20030706|Ben Ottum Day Benefit|Ben Ottum Day Benefit, from 12Noon-2:30pm, at Copeland Park, La Crosse, WI. Friends of the Ben Ottum Family of La Crosse are having a benefit to raise money to help with costs of Ben's treatment for Leukemia. The benefit will be held in conjunction w/ the La Crosse Loggers game against the Wisconsin Woodchucks. They are selling tickets to the game (Loggers are donating a percentage of ticket sales to the benefit). The game starts at 4:05pm. Prior to the game, there will be food and drink sold, as well as a raffle drawing and a silent auction. Ben was diagnosed w/ Leukemia in December 2002 and is traveling daily to Mayo in Rochester for treatments. If you have items to donate, would like to purchase a raffle ticket, or need more info, call Becky Guinn at 785-2463 or Kelly Barton at 782-4558 or Pat Strupp at 769-9944.
1583|20030703|"Kids From Wisconsin" Performance|"Kids From Wisconsin" Performance, at 7:30pm, at Westby High School, Westby, WI. Tickets available at the door. (Three members of the "Kids" are from the area).
1584|20030717|Ye Olde Opera House presents "The Sound of Music"|Ye Olde Opera House (25th Annual Outdoor Show) presents "The Sound of Music", Thurs.7/17 thru Sun.7/20, at 8:30pm nightly, at Ye Olde Opera House, 1/4 mile East of Spring Grove, MN. Eat Austrian Meals a la carte on the Green nightly after 6:30pm. Show tickets are $8 Reserved; $7 General Admission; and $4 for Children 12&under. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5819.
1585|20030718|Ye Olde Opera House presents "The Sound of Music"|Ye Olde Opera House (25th Annual Outdoor Show) presents "The Sound of Music", Thurs.7/17 thru Sun.7/20, at 8:30pm nightly, at Ye Olde Opera House, 1/4 mile East of Spring Grove, MN. Eat Austrian Meals a la carte on the Green nightly after 6:30pm. Show tickets are $8 Reserved; $7 General Admission; and $4 for Children 12&under. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5819.
1586|20030719|Ye Olde Opera House presents "The Sound of Music"|Ye Olde Opera House (25th Annual Outdoor Show) presents "The Sound of Music", Thurs.7/17 thru Sun.7/20, at 8:30pm nightly, at Ye Olde Opera House, 1/4 mile East of Spring Grove, MN. Eat Austrian Meals a la carte on the Green nightly after 6:30pm. Show tickets are $8 Reserved; $7 General Admission; and $4 for Children 12&under. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5819.
1587|20030720|Ye Olde Opera House presents "The Sound of Music"|Ye Olde Opera House (25th Annual Outdoor Show) presents "The Sound of Music", Thurs.7/17 thru Sun.7/20, at 8:30pm nightly, at Ye Olde Opera House, 1/4 mile East of Spring Grove, MN. Eat Austrian Meals a la carte on the Green nightly after 6:30pm. Show tickets are $8 Reserved; $7 General Admission; and $4 for Children 12&under. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5819.
1588|20030620|Southside Christian Women's Ministry Tea|Southside Christian Women's Ministry Tea, at 6:30pm, at Southside Christian, 3400 Losey Boulevard South, La Crosse, WI (across from Quillin's Foodfest). We are having a tea to introduce our Women's Christian Ministry to women of the community. We hope you'll join us! For info, call 608-788-8251.
1589|20030629|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social, serving from 1pm-4pm, at Juneau County Historical Society - Boorman House, 211 North Union Street, Mauston, WI. Featuring entertainment.
1590|20030620|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society Meeting|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society Meeting, at 7pm, in the UW-La Crosse Planetarium (20 Cowley Hall). It will feature a talk by Robert Allen on "June Evening Skies". AT 8:00 PM, if the weather is clear, we will leave the Cowley Hall parking lot for a telescope observing session at the State Experimental Forest on County II near Bangor. Sat.6/21 will be the rain/cloud date for observing. The talk is on Fri.6/20, regardless of the weather. For info, call Robert Allen at 608-785-8669.
1591|20030621|Chicken-Q|Chicken-Q, hosted by the Disabled American Veterans, serving from 11am-7pm or until sold out, at 1120 Logan St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. Home-made pies also available. Delivery available by calling 784-7110.
1592|20030621|Christopher Davis Cancer Benefit|Christopher Davis Cancer Benefit, from 12Noon-??, at Teddy Bear's Tavern, 1107 St Andrew, La Crosse, WI. $5 donation gets Free Food, Beer, Door Prizes, and Fun. Also a Silent Auction. Monetary donations can be mailed to: Christopher Davis Benefit, c/o Trane Federal Credit Union, PO Box 443, La Crosse, WI 54602. For info, call Todd Davis at 608-781-8537; or Jill Davis at 608-779-4516. Christopher is 19 yrs old and has an inoperable Glioblasoma Multiforme grade 4 cancerous brain stem tumor. Due to expenses of a clinical study called CCI-779 at Mayo Clinic, his insurance will not pay for clinical testing. This benefit will allow him to continue his treatment and to support him through this process. Please come help and celebrate life by joining us at this event!
1593|20030625|Family Resources Workshop "Pets Are People"|Family Resources Workshop "Pets Are People" for Parents, Child Care Professionals, Teachers. From 6:30pm-8pm, at Family Resources, 122 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Come hear Dr Tom Thompson talk about the significant role pets play in families, how to introduce a pet into a new family, favorite family breeds, best time to get a pet, and more. ADVANCED REGISTRATION is required. This class is FREE and there is FREE CHILD CARE AVAIlABLE. For info/register, call 608-784-8125.
1594|20030626|Trempealeau Community Heritage Society Meeting|Trempealeau Community Heritage Society Meeting, at 1:30pm, in the Community Room of the Trempealeau Municipal Building, 24455 3rd St, Village of Trempealeau.
1595|20030622|2nd Annual Franciscan Skemp Biggest Baby Shower EVER!|2nd Annual Franciscan Skemp Biggest Baby Shower EVER!, from 2pm-4pm, in the Franciscan Skemp parking ramp (rain location - Maycrest Auditorium). This event will be the biggest shower you've ever attended, complete w/ crazy games, delicious treats, huge prizes, and educational materials, and much more! Local businesses will be showing off the latest in baby goodies and gadgets. Everyone is invited! For more info, call 608-791-9717. (Co-sponsored by Magic 105).
1596|20030621|20th Annual Norskedalen Midsummer Fest|20th Annual Norskedalen Midsummer Fest featuring the 8th Annual Lloyd Thrune Woodcarving Show & Competition, Sat.6/21 and Sun.6/22, from 10am-4pm, at Norskedalen, located 3 miles North of Coon Valley, WI on CTH PI. Featuring: entertainment all day both days, children's activities/games, pioneer craft/baking demonstrations, wildlife preservations/nature hikes, horse-drawn wagon rides, home-made ice cream, food, raffle on Sunday at 3pm, and MUCH MORE!!! For more info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1597|20030622|20th Annual Norskedalen Midsummer Fest|20th Annual Norskedalen Midsummer Fest featuring the 8th Annual Lloyd Thrune Woodcarving Show & Competition, Sat.6/21 and Sun.6/22, from 10am-4pm, at Norskedalen, located 3 miles North of Coon Valley, WI on CTH PI. Featuring: entertainment all day both days, children's activities/games, pioneer craft/baking demonstrations, wildlife preservations/nature hikes, horse-drawn wagon rides, home-made ice cream, food, raffle on Sunday at 3pm, and MUCH MORE!!! For more info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1598|20030822|3rd Annual Children's Museum of La Crosse's Summer Scramble Golf Tournament|3rd Annual Children's Museum of La Crosse's Summer Scramble Golf Tournament, w/ 11am shotgun start (18-hole, 4-person scramble, best ball), 4pm-5pm Cocktail Hour, & 5pm Prime Rib Dinner & Awards Presentation. $1,000 hole-in-one prize, plus team awards, individual hole prizes & more! All participants eligible to win door prizes! Located at Maple Grove Country Club, W4142 CTH B, West Salem, WI. For info, call 608-784-2652. E-mail: MuseumLaX@aol.com. Website: www.childmuseumlax.org.
1599|20030621|14th Annual Strawberry Fest MODEL RAILROAD SHOW|14th Annual Strawberry Fest MODEL RAILROAD SHOW, in conjunction w/ Waupaca Chamber of Commerce's Strawberry Festival, Sat.6/21 from 10am-5pm & Sun.6/22 from 10am-4pm, at the Hendrickson Center, 2 blks East of Main St (at the corners of Badger, State, & School Streets), Waupaca, WI. Central Wisconsin's Largest FREE Model Railroad Show! Door prizes both days. Kid's events, raffles, miniature train rides, demonstrations, and much more! For info on the train show, call Dennis Cook at 715-824-2045 or email: cookster@wi-net.com
1600|20030622|14th Annual Strawberry Fest MODEL RAILROAD SHOW|14th Annual Strawberry Fest MODEL RAILROAD SHOW, in conjunction w/ Waupaca Chamber of Commerce's Strawberry Festival, Sat.6/21 from 10am-5pm & Sun.6/22 from 10am-4pm, at the Hendrickson Center, 2 blks East of Main St (at the corners of Badger, State, & School Streets), Waupaca, WI. Central Wisconsin's Largest FREE Model Railroad Show! Door prizes both days. Kid's events, raffles, miniature train rides, demonstrations, and much more! For info on the train show, call Dennis Cook at 715-824-2045 or email: cookster@wi-net.com
1601|20030712|1st Annual Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Festival|1st Annual Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Festival, (Fri.7/11) & Sat.7/12 & Sun.7/13, all events held at the Wild West grounds near the fairgrounds in Viroqua, WI. Activities begin on FRIDAY EVENING, 7/11, w/ a bonfire and jam session at 7pm. Sat.7/12 events include workshops at 10am, open stage at 11am, and the show beginning at 1pm (show from 1pm-6pm and 7pm-11pm). Weekend will conclude at 12Noon (show from 10am-12Noon) on Sun.7/13. This year's show will consist of seven groups including the Foiland, Hershey and Strickland families; the Grateful Stones, Good Friends, Pickin' Up Speed and John & Barb Tesser. This gospel style music will be accompanied by traditional instruments. Tickets available in advance or at the door. Children 12&under FREE. Seating is picnic style, so bring your lawn chair or blanket. There will be food on the grounds/camping available on site or at nearby fairgrounds. In keeping w/ healthy family entertainment, No drug/alcohol use tolerated on the grounds. For info/reservations, call David Peterson at 608-637-3820; or Ingrid at 608-637-2575. This is a great family event!!!
1602|20030711|1st Annual Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Festival|1st Annual Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Festival, (Fri.7/11) & Sat.7/12 & Sun.7/13, all events held at the Wild West grounds near the fairgrounds in Viroqua, WI. Activities begin on FRIDAY EVENING, 7/11, w/ a bonfire and jam session at 7pm. Sat.7/12 events include workshops at 10am, open stage at 11am, and the show beginning at 1pm (show from 1pm-6pm and 7pm-11pm). Weekend will conclude at 12Noon (show from 10am-12Noon) on Sun.7/13. This year's show will consist of seven groups including the Foiland, Hershey and Strickland families; the Grateful Stones, Good Friends, Pickin' Up Speed and John & Barb Tesser. This gospel style music will be accompanied by traditional instruments. Tickets available in advance or at the door. Children 12&under FREE. Seating is picnic style, so bring your lawn chair or blanket. There will be food on the grounds/camping available on site or at nearby fairgrounds. In keeping w/ healthy family entertainment, No drug/alcohol use tolerated on the grounds. For info/reservations, call David Peterson at 608-637-3820; or Ingrid at 608-637-2575. This is a great family event!!!
1603|20030713|1st Annual Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Festival|1st Annual Viroqua Bluegrass & Gospel Festival, (Fri.7/11) & Sat.7/12 & Sun.7/13, all events held at the Wild West grounds near the fairgrounds in Viroqua, WI. Activities begin on FRIDAY EVENING, 7/11, w/ a bonfire and jam session at 7pm. Sat.7/12 events include workshops at 10am, open stage at 11am, and the show beginning at 1pm (show from 1pm-6pm and 7pm-11pm). Weekend will conclude at 12Noon (show from 10am-12Noon) on Sun.7/13. This year's show will consist of seven groups including the Foiland, Hershey and Strickland families; the Grateful Stones, Good Friends, Pickin' Up Speed and John & Barb Tesser. This gospel style music will be accompanied by traditional instruments. Tickets available in advance or at the door. Children 12&under FREE. Seating is picnic style, so bring your lawn chair or blanket. There will be food on the grounds/camping available on site or at nearby fairgrounds. In keeping w/ healthy family entertainment, No drug/alcohol use tolerated on the grounds. For info/reservations, call David Peterson at 608-637-3820; or Ingrid at 608-637-2575. This is a great family event!!!
1604|20030626|Home & Community Options, Inc. presents "The Secret Garden" Musical|Home & Community Options Inc presents "The Secret Garden" Musical, (their 6th Annual Fundraising Event), Thurs.6/26, Fri.6/27, Sat.6/28, Mon.6/30, Tues.7/1 w/performances at 7:30pm, and Sun.6/29 w/matinee performance at 3pm, located at St Mary's University of Minnesota, The Page Theatre, Winona, MN. For info/tickets, call 507-457-1715. (Home & Community Options, Inc, is a non-profit organization providing services to those w/ developmental disabilities in Winona County.)
1605|20030627|Home & Community Options, Inc. presents "The Secret Garden" Musical|Home & Community Options Inc presents "The Secret Garden" Musical, (their 6th Annual Fundraising Event), Thurs.6/26, Fri.6/27, Sat.6/28, Mon.6/30, Tues.7/1 w/performances at 7:30pm, and Sun.6/29 w/matinee performance at 3pm, located at St Mary's University of Minnesota, The Page Theatre, Winona, MN. For info/tickets, call 507-457-1715. (Home & Community Options, Inc, is a non-profit organization providing services to those w/ developmental disabilities in Winona County.)
1606|20030628|Home & Community Options, Inc. presents "The Secret Garden" Musical|Home & Community Options Inc presents "The Secret Garden" Musical, (their 6th Annual Fundraising Event), Thurs.6/26, Fri.6/27, Sat.6/28, Mon.6/30, Tues.7/1 w/performances at 7:30pm, and Sun.6/29 w/matinee performance at 3pm, located at St Mary's University of Minnesota, The Page Theatre, Winona, MN. For info/tickets, call 507-457-1715. (Home & Community Options, Inc, is a non-profit organization providing services to those w/ developmental disabilities in Winona County.)
1607|20030629|Home & Community Options, Inc. presents "The Secret Garden" Musical|Home & Community Options Inc presents "The Secret Garden" Musical, (their 6th Annual Fundraising Event), Thurs.6/26, Fri.6/27, Sat.6/28, Mon.6/30, Tues.7/1 w/performances at 7:30pm, and Sun.6/29 w/matinee performance at 3pm, located at St Mary's University of Minnesota, The Page Theatre, Winona, MN. For info/tickets, call 507-457-1715. (Home & Community Options, Inc, is a non-profit organization providing services to those w/ developmental disabilities in Winona County.)
1608|20030630|Home & Community Options, Inc. presents "The Secret Garden" Musical|Home & Community Options Inc presents "The Secret Garden" Musical, (their 6th Annual Fundraising Event), Thurs.6/26, Fri.6/27, Sat.6/28, Mon.6/30, Tues.7/1 w/performances at 7:30pm, and Sun.6/29 w/matinee performance at 3pm, located at St Mary's University of Minnesota, The Page Theatre, Winona, MN. For info/tickets, call 507-457-1715. (Home & Community Options, Inc, is a non-profit organization providing services to those w/ developmental disabilities in Winona County.)
1609|20030701|Home & Community Options, Inc. presents "The Secret Garden" Musical|Home & Community Options Inc presents "The Secret Garden" Musical, (their 6th Annual Fundraising Event), Thurs.6/26, Fri.6/27, Sat.6/28, Mon.6/30, Tues.7/1 w/performances at 7:30pm, and Sun.6/29 w/matinee performance at 3pm, located at St Mary's University of Minnesota, The Page Theatre, Winona, MN. For info/tickets, call 507-457-1715. (Home & Community Options, Inc, is a non-profit organization providing services to those w/ developmental disabilities in Winona County.)
1610|20030621|2nd Annual Breast Cancer Survivor Cruise|2nd Annual Breast Cancer Survivor Cruise, sponsored by The Pink Ribbon Mastectomy Boutique, from 11am-2pm, on the Julia Belle Swain Steamboat, located where the boat docks at Riverside Park in downtown La Crosse. Featuring playwright/actor Nancy Heerens-Knudson in the play "Busted", a one-woman production about the terror and hilarity of surviving breast cancer. Space is limited to 130, so call The Pink Ribbon to reserve a spot for only $29.99 per person. The 3-hour cruise includes humorous speaker, buffet luncheon, musical entertainment, mastectomy lingerie and swimsuit fashion show, and free chair massages. For info/reservations, call Beth, Lois, or Patty at 784-2101 or 800-947-0586.
1611|20030622|"Pitchin' For Andy" Benefit for Andy Lapel|"Pitchin' For Andy" Benefit for Andy Lapel, from 11:30am-9pm, at New Albin Community Center and Ball Field, New Albin, IA. Andy Lapel of Lansing, Iowa, is facing a long and complicated recovery from bacterial meningitis. Activities at the Community Center include: Silent Auction, live at 2pm, food, euchre tournament at 1pm, bake sale. Activities at Shooky Fink Ball Field include: Food, Coaches Dunk Tank, police & sheriff departments will host an event using their radar guns to measure the speed of baseball pitches, home-run derby, and baseball games. Contributions can be mailed to: New Albin Savings Bank, PO Box 8, New Albin, IA 52160. For info/questions, call Pat at 788-7439. Your support and help is appreciated!
1612|20030719|Carp Fest 2003|Carp Fest 2003 hosted by the Hatfield Sportsman's Club & the Arbutus Lake Association, from 8am-4pm, at Lake Arbutus Sports Bar, Riviera Ave, Hatfield. Entry Fee: $5 (automatic entry to raffle). The LA Sports Bar will handle all beer and soda sales. Prizes include: $100/longest carp; $100/most carp; $75/second most carp; and $50/third most carp. For info, contact Ron Hanson at Hanson@lakearbutus.com. Website: www.lakearbutus.com.
1613|20030712|8th Annual Garden Path Tour|8th Annual Garden Path Tour - A Benefit for the Women's Resource Center of Winona, from 9am-3pm (rain or shine), in Winona and surrounding communities. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Women's Resource Center, 77 East 5th St, Winona, MN, or at the garden sites the day of the tour. Refreshments will be served throughout the day at the WRC, in addition to registering for door prizes and to view our slideshow. Master Gardeners will be at various sites to point out unusual or interesting plants and to answer questions, etc. For info, call Holly Hollett at 507-452-4440. The WRC is a non-profit organization serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
1614|20030708|West Salem Area Blood Drive|West Salem Area Blood Drive, from 1pm-6pm, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 359 N Leonard St, West Salem, WI. For an appointment, call 786-0684.
1615|20030712|Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre "My Fair Lady" Bus Trip|Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre "My Fair Lady" Bus Trip, sponsored by La Crescent-Hokah Community Education. The bus will leave La Crescent High School at 9:15am and return approximately 6:15pm. Registration fee: $50 and includes theatre admission, lunch, and coach bus transportation. To register, contact Community Education at 507-895-5150.
1616|20030711|Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Carousel"|Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Carousel" presented by Onalaska High School, on Fri.7/11 and Sat.7/12, at 7:30pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets may be purchased at the door or call 783-4561 for information.
1617|20030712|Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Carousel"|Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Carousel" presented by Onalaska High School, on Fri.7/11 and Sat.7/12, at 7:30pm, in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets may be purchased at the door or call 783-4561 for information.
1618|20030625|HorseSense for Special Riders Day Fundraiser|HorseSense for Special Riders Day Fundraiser, all day, at North Country Steak Buffet, 2526 Rose St Bridgeview Plaza, La Crosse, WI. This is for everyone who wants to enjoy a great meal while raising money for HorseSense, who helps riders receive benefits of therapeutic horseback riding. North Country Steak Buffet will donate a percentage of the entire day's sales to HorseSense. For info, call Renee Kendall at 608-788-1270.
1619|20030704|Annual Pie & Ice Cream Social|Annual Pie & Ice Cream Social, from 6pm-8pm, at First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI. Homemade Pie & Ice Cream & Beverage - All for $2.50. Ice Cream Cones - .25 cents. Money made will go to support Missions. Everyone Welcome! For info, call 608-372-4543.
1620|20030622|2nd Annual "Health For Body And Soul Sunday"|2nd Annual "Health For Body And Soul Sunday", will run after the 9:30am Service - From 10am-12Noon, at the First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI. Some exhibitors include: Hospice, FSH Medical Center, Morrow Home, Public Health Nurse, Senior Services at Rolling Hills, Noah's Ark, Tomah Memorial Hospital, and many others. Everyone is welcome! Many Door Prizes given away, including grand prize of an overnight at a bed & breakfast, and healthy snacks will be served! For info, call 608-372-4543.
1621|20030629|12th Annual Benefit Horse Show|12th Annual Benefit Horse Show hosted by Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School, beginning at 8:30am and includes a hunter and jumper competition, at the Vernon County Fairgrounds, Viroqua, WI. The show is WWHSA approved. This year in addition to class competition there will be pony rides, face painting, and a special stick pony class for the young at heart. Food available. Admission: FREE. For those who would like to compete in the show, call Trish Dougherty at 608-796-3487; or email: pjdougherty@mail.viterbo.edu. For info, call Kelly Whited-Ford at 608-637-7828; or email: kell ywf@pleasantridgewaldorf.org.
1622|20030709|Family Resources Workshop presents "Diapers Forever?"|Family Resources Workshop presents "Diapers Forever?", from 6:30pm-8pm, at Family Resources, 122 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! The class is FREE and FREE Child Care available. For info/register, call Family Resources at 608-784-8125. Come and learn the signs of toilet learning readiness, what to do next and how to avoid power struggles with your child in this workshop presented by Fran Swift - Parent Educator. This is a great workshop for Parents, Child Care Professionals, & Teachers!
1623|20030706|Chaseburg Rod & Gun Club holds "Independence Day" M-1 Garand Rifle Match|Chaseburg Rod & Gun Club holds "Independence Day" M-1 Garand Rifle Match, at 1pm, located at their rifle range at the Chaseburg Rod & Gun Club, Chaseburg, WI. M-1 Garand rifles will be available to use for those who don't own one and ammo will be available at range. We encourage families and all who are interested in this historic rifle to join us for this event, even if you just want to watch. For info, call Ed Schaefer at 608-782-3326.
1624|20030704|Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Social|Old-Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Social, serving from 1pm-7pm, on the lawn of the Historic Sherry-Butt House, 795 N Main St, Viroqua, WI. Strawberry Shortcake, lemonade, and a tour of this gracious home are included in the price. Event is sponsored by the Vernon County Historical Society. All proceeds go to the continued restoration of the property as well as the handicapped accessible entrance at the Vernon County Museum. Come and join us before the fireworks! For info, call Marcia Andrew at 608-637-2998.
1625|20030629|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast, serving from 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
1626|20030623|13th Annual Alzheimer's Association Golf Open "Masters for Memories"|13th Annual Alzheimer's Association Golf Open "Masters for Memories", w/Check-In and Silent Auction beginning at 11am and the Shotgun Start set for 12pm, located at Cedar Creek Country Club, Onalaska, WI. After your day on the course, be sure to join us for a sit-down dinner which includes Chef Carved Prime Rib and Chicken Marsala. Registration Fee for Golfing: $90, which includes 18 Holes of Golf, cart, prizes, several hole events, a putting contest and an awards dinner. Ray Hutson Chevrolet & Eversole Motors have teamed up to provide you a chance to win a 2003 vehicle. Harley Davidson is giving you a chance to win a 2003 Harley Davidson 100th Anniversary Sportster along with 3 vacation packages. A third hole-in-one event is sponsored by Edwards Jones Investments and gives you a chance to win $10,000 cash! Brochures available at La Crosse Regional Office, 115 5th Ave S, Suite 421, La Crosse, WI. For info, call Alzheimer's Association at 608-784-5011 or 800-797-1656.
1627|20030628|La Crescent Chamber of Commerce's 4th Annual Golf Outing|La Crescent Chamber of Commerce's 4th Annual Golf Outing, Tee Times from 11am-1pm, at Pine Creek Golf Course. 4-Person Best Ball. Cost: $25/per person, includes 9 Holes of Golf, lunch & beverage. GREENS FEES MUST BE PAID BY JUNE 23rd. Make checks payable to: La Crescent Chamber of Commerce and mail to Jim Wally, 415 N 4th St, La Crescent, MN 55947. Include the name of each team member w/your registration. Win great prizes! $25/per Hole to sponsor a Hole. For info, call Jim Wally at 507-895-2688; or call Pine Creek at 507-895-2410 for Tee Times.
1628|20030927|Badger Mining Corporation's "Adventure 2003" |Badger Mining Corporation's "Adventure 2003", from 9am-3pm, located at the Taylor, WI site (just off Hwy 95 turning onto County Highway P). Badger Mining Corp (A leading supplier of industrial silica sand) is offering a day of fun, learning and exciting activities for Taylor and surrounding communities. This family event will give visitors a view of not only sand mining, but also the environmental and safety responsibilities that are critical to the success of the business and important to the community, and will include a ten-minute train ride from Taylor directly into Badger Mining's plant where they will tour the company's 127 square mile open pit mine operation. There will be many activities for the whole family which include: "Take the Controls", "Dig for Dollars", "Screen for Treasure", "Fore!", "Be a Lab Techie", "Adopt a rock - make a Pet Rock", "Bottle Your Creativity", and "Mark your Mark", etc. All proceeds will be donated to Jackson County Outreach and Taylor Park & Recreation. For info, call Todd Huggins at 920-361-2388. Email: thuggins@badgerminingcorp.com. Website: www.badgerminingcorp.com.
1629|20030711|Kicking Bear Camp for Kids|Kicking Bear Camp for Kids (Ray Howell's Kicking Bear One-on-One Campout and Shoot), Fri.7/11 from 5pm-?? + supper (camp-out for those who wish) and Sat.7/12 from 7am-3pm + breakfast + lunch, at Arrows in the Square, Holmen, WI (located 1 mile North on County V, 2 1/2 miles East on Casberg Coulee Rd). FREE - no cost to participate. Ray Howell & others will present safety/shooting instructions and there will be a 3-D course, cookouts, camping, fireside stories, videos, prizes and more. For info, call Ray Howell at 507-894-4624 or www.rayhowell.com; OR call Mark Wannemuehler at 608-526-2609 or mnwjjjj@aol.com.
1630|20030712|Kicking Bear Camp for Kids|Kicking Bear Camp for Kids (Ray Howell's Kicking Bear One-on-One Campout and Shoot), Fri.7/11 from 5pm-?? + supper (camp-out for those who wish) and Sat.7/12 from 7am-3pm + breakfast + lunch, at Arrows in the Square, Holmen, WI (located 1 mile North on County V, 2 1/2 miles East on Casberg Coulee Rd). FREE - no cost to participate. Ray Howell & others will present safety/shooting instructions and there will be a 3-D course, cookouts, camping, fireside stories, videos, prizes and more. For info, call Ray Howell at 507-894-4624 or www.rayhowell.com; OR call Mark Wannemuehler at 608-526-2609 or mnwjjjj@aol.com.
1631|20030628|Donation Archery Shoot for Ray Howell's Kicking Bear Kids Camp|Donation Archery Shoot for Ray Howell's Kicking Bear Kids Camp, Sat.6/28 & Sun.6/29 from 8am-4pm both days, at Arrows in the Square, Holmen, WI (located 1 mile North on County V, then 2 1/2 miles East on Casburg Coulee). Featuring 25 targets, a hotdog and pop for a donation. For info, call Ray Howell at 507-894-4624; or Mark Wannemuehler at 608-526-2609.
1632|20030629|Donation Archery Shoot for Ray Howell's Kicking Bear Kids Camp|Donation Archery Shoot for Ray Howell's Kicking Bear Kids Camp, Sat.6/28 & Sun.6/29 from 8am-4pm both days, at Arrows in the Square, Holmen, WI (located 1 mile North on County V, then 2 1/2 miles East on Casburg Coulee). Featuring 25 targets, a hotdog and pop for a donation. For info, call Ray Howell at 507-894-4624; or Mark Wannemuehler at 608-526-2609.
1633|20030702|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops, 1st Wednesday of every month thru August. Featuring 3 Clinics: 1)How to Install Paver/Brick Patio from 6:30pm-7:30pm. 2)How to Do Faux Finish Painting from 7pm-8pm. 3)How to Install Outdoor Lighting from 7:30pm-8:30pm. Located at Home Depot, Onalaska, WI. For info, call Corey Dressel at 608-392-1400.
1634|20030806|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops, 1st Wednesday of every month thru August. Featuring 3 Clinics: 1)How to Install Paver/Brick Patio from 6:30pm-7:30pm. 2)How to Do Faux Finish Painting from 7pm-8pm. 3)How to Install Outdoor Lighting from 7:30pm-8:30pm. Located at Home Depot, Onalaska, WI. For info, call Corey Dressel at 608-392-1400.
1635|20030716|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops, 3rd Wednesday of every month thru August. Featuring 3 Clinics: 1)How to Use Power Tools from 6:30pm-7:30pm. 2)How to Do Faux Finish Painting from 7pm-8pm. 3)How to Install Ceramic Tile from 7:30pm-8:30pm. Located at Home Depot, Onalaska, WI. For info, call Corey Dressel at 608-392-1400.
1636|20030820|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops|Home Depot presents Do-It-Yourself Workshops, 3rd Wednesday of every month thru August. Featuring 3 Clinics: 1)How to Use Power Tools from 6:30pm-7:30pm. 2)How to Do Faux Finish Painting from 7pm-8pm. 3)How to Install Ceramic Tile from 7:30pm-8:30pm. Located at Home Depot, Onalaska, WI. For info, call Corey Dressel at 608-392-1400.
1637|20030714|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School, Mon.7/14 thru Fri.7/17 from 6:30pm-8:15pm, with a program/picnic on Fri.7/18 from 6:30pm-??. For ages 3-10 years. Located at Christ Covenant Church, a PCA church, 3630 CTH "B", La Crosse, WI. For info/register, call 608-782-7833.
1638|20030715|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School, Mon.7/14 thru Fri.7/17 from 6:30pm-8:15pm, with a program/picnic on Fri.7/18 from 6:30pm-??. For ages 3-10 years. Located at Christ Covenant Church, a PCA church, 3630 CTH "B", La Crosse, WI. For info/register, call 608-782-7833.
1639|20030716|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School, Mon.7/14 thru Fri.7/17 from 6:30pm-8:15pm, with a program/picnic on Fri.7/18 from 6:30pm-??. For ages 3-10 years. Located at Christ Covenant Church, a PCA church, 3630 CTH "B", La Crosse, WI. For info/register, call 608-782-7833.
1640|20030717|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School, Mon.7/14 thru Fri.7/17 from 6:30pm-8:15pm, with a program/picnic on Fri.7/18 from 6:30pm-??. For ages 3-10 years. Located at Christ Covenant Church, a PCA church, 3630 CTH "B", La Crosse, WI. For info/register, call 608-782-7833.
1641|20030718|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School Program/Picnic|SONHARVEST FAIR Vacation Bible School, Mon.7/14 thru Fri.7/17 from 6:30pm-8:15pm, with a program/picnic on Fri.7/18 from 6:30pm-??. For ages 3-10 years. Located at Christ Covenant Church, a PCA church, 3630 CTH "B", La Crosse, WI. For info/register, call 608-782-7833.
1642|20030629|36th Annual Fly-In Drive-In Breakfast|36th Annual Fly-In Drive-In Breakfast, serving from 7am-12Noon, at Houston County Airport, located 2 miles South of Caledonia, MN on Hwy #44-76. Public invited. All You Can Eat!
1643|20030701|La Crescent Area Community Summer Band Concert|La Crescent Area Community Summer Band Concert presents "A Concert in the Park", at 7:30pm, at Veteran's Park in La Crescent, MN. Featuring: a program of traditional marches, Broadway show tunes, and contemporary music. Event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For info, call 507-895-5150.
1644|20030704|Coulee Region Food Distribution Program FREE FOOD|Coulee Region Food Distribution Program FREE FOOD, from 10am-12:30pm, at the site of Cathedral of Praise Church, 3340 South Kinney Coulee Road (just past the Onalaska Gundersen Clinic north of the mall), Onalaska, WI. A donation of $12 is requested to help cover miscellaneous food program expenses. Please bring some of your own bags and boxes. Each month a different selection of food is available. (Volunteers are needed Thursday from 5pm-9pm for unloading and setup and also on Friday from 8:30am-2pm.) For info, call Dave and Connie Keating at 608-783-2909. Email: Creatortouch@aol.com.
1645|20030719|13th Annual Rail Fair 2003|13th Annual Rail Fair 2003, from 10am-5pm, at Copeland Park, La Crosse, WI. This event celebrates La Crosse's railroad heritage while raising funds to maintain and restore La Crosse Short Line railroad display in Copeland Park. The Railroad Display will be open for guided tours and for a small donation, the big steam engine whistle can be blown. There will be an opportunity to buy, sell and trade model, toy and antique trains, books, magazines, railroad memorabilia, original art, hobby supplies, and much more. Numerous displays & exhibits available, including a working railroad telegraph system. Food/refreshments available. Admission: $3 and Children under 12 Free when accompanied by an adult. The 4000 Foundation, Limited is a non-profit foundation established in 1989. For info, call Mark Lamke at 608-784-0036; or Phil Hamre at 608-582-4761 or 608-780-2543(cell#). Website: www.lacrosseshortlinerr.org.
1646|20030705|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale, Sat.7/5 and Sat.7/19 and Sat.8/2 and Sat.8/16, from 9:30am-3pm, in old schoolhouse at Dell County Hwy P between Westby and La Farge, WI. Hosted by the Dell United Methodist Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1647|20030719|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale, Sat.7/5 and Sat.7/19 and Sat.8/2 and Sat.8/16, from 9:30am-3pm, in old schoolhouse at Dell County Hwy P between Westby and La Farge, WI. Hosted by the Dell United Methodist Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1648|20030802|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale, Sat.7/5 and Sat.7/19 and Sat.8/2 and Sat.8/16, from 9:30am-3pm, in old schoolhouse at Dell County Hwy P between Westby and La Farge, WI. Hosted by the Dell United Methodist Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1649|20030816|Grandma's Attice Rummage & Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale, Sat.7/5 and Sat.7/19 and Sat.8/2 and Sat.8/16, from 9:30am-3pm, in old schoolhouse at Dell County Hwy P between Westby and La Farge, WI. Hosted by the Dell United Methodist Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1650|20030704|Gymkhana|Gymkhana, sponsored by Houston County 4-H Horse Project, beginning at 6:30pm, held at the 4-H Horse Arena at the Houston County Fairgrounds, Caledonia, MN. Events include: Barrel Racing, Pole Weaving, Jumping Figure 8, Key Race, and other surprise games. Cost: $7 per horse per rider for the entire evening. Food stand will be open and all proceeds will go to benefit the 4-H Horse Project. Event is open to the public and we welcome riders of every age, as well as spectators. For info, call Barb Bennett at 507-895-4871.
1651|20030713|R-B Riders Saddle Club Horse Show|R-B Riders Saddle Club Horse Show, (the second of its two annual shows), classes begin at 8:30am rain or shine, located at the club grounds at "Fleming Field" near Rockland, WI on County Hwy J, off of Hwy 16. More than 65 classes will be judged including speed events, halter classes and English and Western Performance Classes. Age divisions include Tiny Tot, Youth, Junior, Senior, Senior-Senior, and Open. Class winners will receive ribbons and/or trophies as well as paybacks for classes with eight or more exhibitors. For info, call Pat Jenkins at 608-269-2853. Email: pjenkinsqh@centurytel.net.
1652|20030712|20th Annual Catfish 50/25/15 Bike Race and Tour|20th Annual Catfish 50/25/15 Bike Race and Tour, 7:30am, starting by Trempealeau Hotel, Trempealeau, WI. Registration can be completed on-line at www.trempealeau.net/catfish, or by calling 608-534-7422 or the day of the race/tour at 7:30am. Cost: $25/advance, $35/day of registration. All participants will receive a souvenir t-shirt, the after-race buffet, and a raffle chance. Helper vehicles, water stops, traffic control and lead vehicles will be provided for safety and enjoyment. Trophies awarded. The Trempealeau Elementary - Parent Teacher Communication Committee (PTCC) sponsors this race for the benefit of students at Trempealeau Elementary School. For info, call Gretchen Benjamin at 608-785-9982(days) or 608-534-7422(evenings).
1653|20030715|Onalaska City Hall Blood Drive|Onalaska City Hall Blood Drive, from 10:30am-3:30pm, at the Onalaska City Hall, Onalaska, WI. There will be a lot of cool, refreshing snacks such as ice cream sundaes and treats donated by local businesses. The goal of this drive is 40 donations. If you would like to make an appt to donate or for more info, call 608-781-9530,ext.208.
1654|20030716|Salad Luncheon|Salad Luncheon, from 11am-2pm, at United in Christ Lutheran Church, 1857 County Road Z, Dellwood, WI. Cost: $4.50/Adults; Children under 10 - FREE.
1655|20030725|"Heart to Heart" Rally with Larry and Gloria Lundstrom|"Heart to Heart" Rally with Larry and Gloria Lundstrom, at 7:30pm, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 306 S Main St, Westby, WI. In an age "when families are being shaken and torn apart", this special rally comes as a breath of fresh air. They are a "real couple" who will be addressing issues on the home and relationships. Their unique style and down-to-earth presentation of the Gospel, combined with music, humor, and ministry has made them a "family favorite" from coast to coast. Admission is FREE - Free will offering will be taken. Sponsored by the Christian Business' Mens Committee and are Co-Sponsoring Merchants.
1656|20030719|Garden Walk 2003|Garden Walk 2003 presented by The Garden of Eden Club, from 12:30pm-4pm, at Sunset Gardens Greenhouse and Floral, 19795 S 11th St, Galesville, WI. Tickets: $5/person. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and aromas on an afternoon stroll through five beautifully landscaped area gardens. children attending must purchase a ticket and be accompanied by an adult at all times. Ticket price includes refreshments. In case of rain, the Garden Walk will be held July 26th.
1657|20030727|Korean War Memorial Service|Korean War Memorial Service, at 3:30pm, at Riverside Park Band Shell, La Crosse, WI. The service will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice and will honor those veterans who lost their lives in this war from the counties of Trempealeau, Jackson, Monroe, Vernon, and La Crosse, and the adjacent area in Minnesota. Sponsored by the Korean War Veterans Association, Chapter 275. Featured speaker: Congressman Ron Kind. Memorial service conducted by Chaplain (Col) Robert S Mortenson Jr - Installation Chaplain Fort McCoy. In case of rain, an indoor location will be arranged. For info, call Duane Sanborn at 608-788-0637.
1658|20030731|Trempealeau Community Heritage Society Annual Meeting|Trempealeau Community Heritage Society Annual Meeting, located in the Community Room of the Municipal Building, 24455 3rd St, Village of Trempealeau. Current business is Trempealeau plans for the Great Excursion 2004. Public is invited. For info, contact Marie Kraehenbuehl (Publicity Chair) at mmkwi@msn.com.
1659|20030802|Celebration of Summer Family Fun Night|Celebration of Summer Family Fun Night, events held from 4pm-11pm, at McDonell Central High School. Events: Mass at 4pm followed by Food, Beverages, Kids Games in the Gym 5pm-8pm, Bingo 6pm-9pm, Silent Auction, Beef Raffle, Cake Walk; and a Dance from 7pm-11pm with music by Ron & Kim Pronschinske. Sweepstakes tickets for $3,000 in cash prizes will be available for $1/each. Raffle drawing will be held at 10pm. Event hosted by St Charles Borromeo Parish, Chippewa Falls, WI. For info, call Betty Hedrington at 715-723-4134(home) or 715-723-4088(parish office).
1660|20030712|Chicken-Q/Rummage Sale/Car Wash |Chicken-Q/Rummage Sale/Car Wash, from 10:30am-5pm, at River of Life Assembly of God Church, 1214 County Rd PH, Onalaska, WI (located behind Cub Foods). Chicken-Q tickets are $6/advance and $6.50/at the door. Everyone Welcome! For info, call 608-782-2780.
1661|20030726|New Horizons 2nd Annual Craft Show|New Horizons 2nd Annual Craft Show, from 9am-3pm, at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, corner of 6th/Division, La Crosse, WI. Sponsored by New Horizons and Our Savior's Lutheran Church.
1662|20030727|Ice Cream Social/Silent Auction Benefit for Ashley Williams|Ice Cream Social/Silent Auction Benefit for Ashley Williams (2-year-old daughter of Mark & Brandy(Woxland) Williams, from 4pm-8pm, at Mabel Steam Engine Grounds (rain location is Mabel Legion Club), Mabel, MN. This benefit will help with medical expenses due to lawn mower accident. Menu includes: Hot Beef Sandwiches, Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Pies & Sundaes. Free-will donations. Supplemental funds by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
1663|20030713|Loggers Baseball/La Crosse Mounted Police Fundraiser|Loggers Baseball/La Crosse Mounted Police Fundraiser, 4pm-?, at Copeland Park, La Crosse, WI. The La Crosse Mounted Police will be present prior to and during Sunday's game for pictures and petting. You can also get one of their "baseball horse cards" when you talk with the officers. Sponsored by the La Crosse Loggers Baseball Team. They are donating some of the proceeds from ticket sales for feeding, training, and equipping this popular police unit. Come on out and show your support for our "hometown teams".
1664|20030802|Coulee Region Cat Club Cat Show|Coulee Region Cat Club Cat Show, Sat.8/2 & Sun.8/3, from 9am-4pm each day (with special cat costume competition at 1pm on Sat.8/2), at Omni Center, Onalaska, WI. Cost: $4 Adults; $3 Seniors/Children under 10yrs; $12 Family Limit. For info, call Steve Almos at 783-4624. Website: snkalmos@msn.com.
1665|20030803|Coulee Region Cat Club Cat Show|Coulee Region Cat Club Cat Show, Sat.8/2 & Sun.8/3, from 9am-4pm each day (with special cat costume competition at 1pm on Sat.8/2), at Omni Center, Onalaska, WI. Cost: $4 Adults; $3 Seniors/Children under 10yrs; $12 Family Limit. For info, call Steve Almos at 783-4624. Website: snkalmos@msn.com.
1666|20030720|Chicken-Q|Chicken-Q, from 11am-3pm, at Tomah First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI. 1/4 & 1/2 Chicken with all the fixings (hot dog basket also available)! Also featuring: Raffle tickets for sale, great prizes, dunk tank, and games for the kids. For info, call 608-372-4543.
1667|20030731|Natl Wildlife and Fish Refuge "Refuge Fest"|Natl Wildlife and Fish Refuge "Refuge Fest" (celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Natl Wildlife Refuge System), from 12Noon-5pm, at Riverside Park, La Crosse, WI. Formal program at 12Noon will celebrate "The Power of One" and include a distinguished speaker in the field of conservation. Also featuring: Storytelling by Ken Salwey, "The Last River Rat", a live bald eagle presentation, a postal cancellation station, and a giant aquarium filled w/native fish. The steamboat American Queen is also scheduled to dock that afternoon. For info, call the La Crosse District Office at 608-783-8405.
1668|20030727|Red Ribbon Family Fund Inc's Annual Picnic on the River|Red Ribbon Family Fund Inc's Annual Picnic on the River, 12Noon-8pm, at Copeland Park Northside Oktoberfest Grounds, Corner of Rose/Clinton St, La Crosse, WI. Tickets cover food, beverages, & entertainment. For info/tickets, call 782-5105; 784-2353; or 788-9073.
1669|20030726|Hixon House Family Ice Cream Social|Hixon House Family Ice Cream Social, from 1pm-4pm, at Hixon House garden, 429 N 7th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring: Al Townsend Quartet playing all afternoon and dancers from Julie's School of Dance performing during intermission. Also featuring: cakewalk, fish pond, watermelon seed-spitting contest, face-painting, and more! Cost includes free tour of the historic Hixon House. For info, call LCHS at 782-1980.
1670|20030727|29th Annual Stanley Lions Watermelon Festival|29th Annual Stanley Lions Watermelon Festival, from 8am-4pm, at Chapman Park, Stanley, WI. Featuring: crafts show and flea market(free for sellers/buyers), car show, bingo, cake walk, chicken dinner, children's games, food stand, licensed raffle, and Babe Ruth baseball tournament. For info, call 644-5376; 644-5880; or 644-2700.
1671|20030726|45th Annual Art Fair on the Green|45th Annual Art Fair on the Green, Sat.7/26 from 10am-5pm & Sun.7/27 from 10am-4pm, at UW-La Crosse Campus lawns, 16th/State St, La Crosse, WI. Professional artists from around the country will be displaying variety of artwork, available for purchase. All proceeds go toward scholarships for local students from area high schools, colleges, & universities. For info, call Pat Staupe at 788-7439.
1672|20030727|45th Annual Art Fair on the Green|45th Annual Art Fair on the Green, Sat.7/26 from 10am-5pm & Sun.7/27 from 10am-4pm, at UW-La Crosse Campus lawns, 16th/State St, La Crosse, WI. Professional artists from around the country will be displaying variety of artwork, available for purchase. All proceeds go toward scholarships for local students from area high schools, colleges, & universities. For info, call Pat Staupe at 788-7439.
1673|20030720|24th Annual Mediterranean Festival Fundraiser|24th Annual Mediterranean Festival Fundraiser, serving from 11am-7pm, at Southside Oktoberfest Grounds, on the banks of the Mississippi River, La Crosse, WI. Dinner ticket cost: $10. FREE ADMISSION AND FREE PARKING. Sponsored by the parish of St Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church. Activities include: Fine Mediterranean cuisine, Bake Sale, Live Music/Entertainment, Silent Auction, and Children's Entertainment. For info/tickets, call 784-8224; 784-6664; 781-7699; or 782-8641.
1674|20030810|Golf Fundraiser for Monroe County's New Animal Shelter|Golf Fundraiser for Monroe County's New Animal Shelter, Shotgun start at 1pm, at Holiday Lodge Golf Course, Wyeville. All donations accepted! All proceeds go to build a NEW Animal Shelter for Monroe County! For info, call 608-372-9314.
1675|20030723|St Joseph Ridge Parish Summer Picnic|St Joseph Ridge Parish Summer Picnic, Charcoal chicken (by Pogy's) - $6.50, serving starts at 4pm, at St Joseph Ridge Ball Park. For info, call Diane Elsen at 788-4110.
1676|20030724|Eau Claire County Family Resource Center hosts "Premiere Night" Fundraiser|Eau Claire County Family Resource Center hosts "Premiere Night" Fundraiser, w/ a Western Dinner at 5pm, at the US Bank Building, 131 S Barstow St, followed by the classic western play "Annie Get Your Gun" w/ showtime of 7:30pm, at the Regional Arts Center for the Eau Claire Children's Theater production. Funds raised will be used to support FRC's menu of family strengthening and support services. In addition to dinner, guests will be bidding on prizes at silent auction (including a seven-day vacation in Hawaii). Tickets for both dinner & play are $30/adults and $20/students. For info/reserve tickets, call 715-833-1735. Website: www.familyresourcecenterforeauclaire.org.
1677|20030802|5th Annual Blackhawk Park Fishing Tournament|5th Annual Blackhawk Park Fishing Tournament for youngsters 15 and younger, held at the park located 3 miles North of De Soto, WI on State Hwy 35. Register at shelter 3, beginning at 8:30am. Fishing will take place from 9am-2pm. Agenda also includes an educational program, lunch, raffle and fish tasting. This event is FREE AND OPEN TO ALL YOUNGSTERS. For more info, call Blackhawk Park at 608-648-3314. Sponsored by the US Army Corps of Engineering St Paul District, website: www.mvp.usace.army.mil.
1678|20030806|Franciscan Skemp Healthcare's 3rd Annual Breastfeeding Fair|Franciscan Skemp Healthcare's 3rd Annual Breastfeeding Fair (titled "Breastfeeding: It does a baby good"), from 1pm-4pm, in Franciscan Skemp Medical Center, Marycrest Auditorium, 700 West Ave South, La Crosse, WI. Panel Discussion held from 2pm-3pm, on the topic of "Breastfeeding in a busy world". Featuring: Displays, booths, prizes, and refreshments. Displays include: Franciscan Skemp services to women/children; La Crosse Breastfeeding Council; La Leche League; La Crosse County WIC Program; Hollister; and Medela. Event is FREE OF CHARGE and OPEN TO ALL. For info, call 791-4172.
1679|20030803|Chaseburg Legion/Auxiliary Chicken-Q|Chaseburg Legion/Auxiliary Chicken-Q, serving from 11am-??, at Chaseburg Legion Park, Chaseburg, WI. Cost: $6.50/dinner. For info, call Amy King at 608-452-3410.
1680|20030803|Clearwater Farm Ice Cream Social|Clearwater Farm Ice Cream Social, serving from 2pm-4pm, at Greens' Coulee Road at the Red Barns in Onalaska, WI. Featuring: Homemade and churn-your-own ice cream, Kid's Market, games, visit the animals. Admission: $1 (Clearwater Farm members FREE). Proceeds help preserve the 1850's farm for community education and entertainment. For info, call Karen Sibenaller at 608-783-5813. Website: www.clearwaterfarm.org.
1681|20030727|A Norwegian Brunch by Luren Singers|A Norwegian Brunch by Luren Singers, serving from 10am-1pm, at Decorah Lutheran Church, 309 Winnebago St, Decorah, IA. Prices: $10 Adults; $4 Children ages 6-12; FREE for Children ages 5 and under. For info, call Eloise Hoff at 507-765-3656. Building is air-conditioned and handicap accessible w/elevator.
1682|20030801|"Easy Listening on the Lawn" Live Music Concert|"Easy Listening on the Lawn" Live Music Concert, (held rain or shine), at 8pm, at St Mary's Ridge located between Cashton and Norwalk on County U. Bring a lawn-chair, admission is a free-will offering. Refreshments available. This is a unique LIVE music concert featuring contemporary songs recorded by artists such as: Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand, Roberta Flack, Toni Braxton, Natalie Cole, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Andrea Boccelli. For info, call Ann Klinkner at 608-654-7971.
1683|20030728|La Crosse Seventh-day Adventist Church Vacation Bible School|La Crosse Seventh-day Adventist Church Vacation Bible School. This year's theme is SCUBA (Super Cool Undersea Bible Adventure). Held from Mon.7/28 thru Fri.8/1, from 10:30am-11:30am, located at Myrick Park on La Crosse St in the 3 Rivers Theater, La Crosse, WI. Featuring: music, teamwork, building games, Bible learning activities, and crafts for kids of all ages, along w/tasty treats. Come and enjoy a fun-filled adventure!
1684|20030718|Camp Douglas Days|Camp Douglas Days, Fri.7/18 from 6pm-8:30pm, Sat.7/19 from 8am-??, & Sun.7/20 from 8am-5pm, at Main Street Camp Douglas, WI. Featuring: Bands, pageant, food, basketball tournament, bike rodeo, volleyball tournament, kiddie parade, bingo, dart tournament, horse-shoe tournament, doll auction, raffle drawings, military displays, sawdust pile, art show, moonwalk super slide, petting zoo, etc. Fun for all ages!
1685|20030719|Camp Douglas Days|Camp Douglas Days, Fri.7/18 from 6pm-8:30pm, Sat.7/19 from 8am-??, & Sun.7/20 from 8am-5pm, at Main Street Camp Douglas, WI. Featuring: Bands, pageant, food, basketball tournament, bike rodeo, volleyball tournament, kiddie parade, bingo, dart tournament, horse-shoe tournament, doll auction, raffle drawings, military displays, sawdust pile, art show, moonwalk super slide, petting zoo, etc. Fun for all ages!
1686|20030720|Camp Douglas Days|Camp Douglas Days, Fri.7/18 from 6pm-8:30pm, Sat.7/19 from 8am-??, & Sun.7/20 from 8am-5pm, at Main Street Camp Douglas, WI. Featuring: Bands, pageant, food, basketball tournament, bike rodeo, volleyball tournament, kiddie parade, bingo, dart tournament, horse-shoe tournament, doll auction, raffle drawings, military displays, sawdust pile, art show, moonwalk super slide, petting zoo, etc. Fun for all ages!
1687|20030726|Sparta Eagles 35th Annual Field Days|Sparta Eagles 35th Annual Field Days (Sparta Eagles Aerie #2833), Sat.7/26 & Sun.7/27, featuring: breakfast both days, bingo, penny pile, food, softball, horseshoe, music, trap shooting both days, etc.
1688|20030727|Sparta Eagles 35th Annual Field Days|Sparta Eagles 35th Annual Field Days (Sparta Eagles Aerie #2833), Sat.7/26 & Sun.7/27, featuring: breakfast both days, bingo, penny pile, food, softball, horseshoe, music, trap shooting both days, etc.
1689|20030801|Coulee Region FREE FOOD Distribution|Coulee Region FREE FOOD Distribution, from 10am-12Noon, at Cathedral of Praise Church Foyer, 3340 S Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska (past Gundersen Lutheran Clinic north of the mall). Donation: $12 is requested to cover associated costs of the program. BRING YOUR OWN BAGS AND BOXES. For info, call 608-783-2909. Sponsored by Creator's Touch Ministries, Inc. (Volunteers are needed Thurs.7/31 from 5pm-9pm, and Fri.8/1 from 8:30am-1pm). Email: Creatortouch@aol.com.
1690|20030727|Mormon Coulee Lion's Club Auction|Mormon Coulee Lion's Club Auction, opening at 10am w/ Auction starting at 12Noon Sharp, located at Mormon Coulee Park, 3 miles East on Hwy 14/61, La Crosse, WI. Food and refreshments available. For info, call Dan Hammes at 788-9525.
1691|20030814|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social, serving from 6pm-8pm, at Pigeon Falls Health Care Center, 13197 Church St, PO Box 310, Pigeon Falls, WI. Sponsored by the Citizen's Advisory Board. Music by Ryan Herman. Raffle tickets for many items. For info, call 715-983-2293.
1692|20030803|Legion Auxiliary Post 202 Chicken-Q|Legion Auxiliary Post 202 Chicken-Q, serving from 11am-until gone, Legion Park on County Rd K, Chaseburg, WI. Cost: $6.50/dinner.
1693|20030816|2nd Annual "Iron Spirit" Triathlon|"Iron Spirit" Triathlon will include biking, swimming, and running, and has different divisions of competition depending on ability level. The event will begin at the Valley View Racquet and Fitness Club swimming pool, continue of the Great River State Trail for the biking and running portions of the race and finish in the Valley View parking lot where there will be refreshments and fun prizes. Proceeds will benefit The Salvation Army's Programs for the homeless and needy. Logos of sponsors can be printed on the backs of T-shirts. For more info, call Rachel Dischinger at 782-6126,ext.230; or call 651-491-2962.
1694|20030808|Miss Holmen Sizzlin' Summer|Miss Holmen Sizzlin' Summer, at 7:30pm, at Holmen High School Auditorium, Holmen, WI. Starring: Miss Holmen 2002 - Susan Karlman. Emcee: Jennifer (former Miss Wisconsin) & William Komassa. Also, Miss Wisconsin 2003 - Tina Sauerhammer. Tickets: $12 and can be purchased in advance or at the door. For info, call Donna Nesler at 608-526-3159.
1695|20030809|Driftless Area Gem & Mineral Club, Inc.'s Annual Show|Driftless Area Gem & Mineral Club Inc's Annual Show, Sat.8/9 from 10am-5pm (w/potluck at 6pm) & Sun.8/10 from 10am-4pm (w/pancake breakfast from 7:30am-10:30am), located at Masonic Center, 520 E Saratoga St, Tomah, WI. FREE ADMISSION. Featuring: Minerals, jewelry, rocks, displays, door-prizes, silent auction, with food and drink available. For info, call Robert Crook at 608-372-6947(days) or 608-372-4461(evenings).
1696|20030810|Driftless Area Gem & Mineral Club Inc.'s Annual Show|Driftless Area Gem & Mineral Club Inc's Annual Show, Sat.8/9 from 10am-5pm (w/potluck at 6pm) & Sun.8/10 from 10am-4pm (w/pancake breakfast from 7:30am-10:30am), located at Masonic Center, 520 E Saratoga St, Tomah, WI. FREE ADMISSION. Featuring: Minerals, jewelry, rocks, displays, door-prizes, silent auction, with food and drink available. For info, call Robert Crook at 608-372-6947(days) or 608-372-4461(evenings).
1697|20030801|Wilton Wood Turtle Days|Wilton Wood Turtle Days, Fri.8/1, Sat.8/2, & Sun.8/3, at Wilton, WI. Featuring: Arts/Crafts Fair, 5K Run/Walk, Music, Variety show, Volleyball/Softball tournaments, Parade, Firemen's Waterfight, Pony rides, Food/Refreshments, and much much more! All are welcome!
1698|20030802|Wilton Wood Turtle Days|Wilton Wood Turtle Days, Fri.8/1, Sat.8/2, & Sun.8/3, at Wilton, WI. Featuring: Arts/Crafts Fair, 5K Run/Walk, Music, Variety show, Volleyball/Softball tournaments, Parade, Firemen's Waterfight, Pony rides, Food/Refreshments, and much much more! All are welcome!
1699|20030803|Wilton Wood Turtle Days|Wilton Wood Turtle Days, Fri.8/1, Sat.8/2, & Sun.8/3, at Wilton, WI. Featuring: Arts/Crafts Fair, 5K Run/Walk, Music, Variety show, Volleyball/Softball tournaments, Parade, Firemen's Waterfight, Pony rides, Food/Refreshments, and much much more! All are welcome!
1700|20030812|Hillsboro Blood Drive for American Red Cross|Hillsboro Blood Drive for American Red Cross, from 12Noon-4pm, at First Congregational Church, Hillsboro, WI.
1701|20030727|17th Annual Roast Beef Dinner|17th Annual Roast Beef Dinner, serving from 11am-2pm (with Sunday Mass at 10am), at Sacred Heart Parish, Pine Creek, WI (located 6 miles off Hwy 35 on County Rd G). Also in conjuction w/ the dinner is an ATV TRAIL RIDE, riders meeting at 9:30am, Trail Ride starts at 10am, at the David Kramer farm, Schmickle Valley Rd. Cost: $10/per vehicle if pre-registered, $15/day of the ride. For info/pre-registration for ATV ride, call 608-539-5391 or 608-539-3612.
1702|20030807|Osseo Medical Center Auxiliary's Annual Ice Cream Social|Osseo Medical Center Auxiliary's Annual Ice Cream Social, serving from 6pm-8pm, in the Resident Dining Room. Everyone is welcome!
1703|20030805|Monroe County's National Night Out|Monroe County's National Night Out, from 3pm-8pm, at Winnebago Park, Tomah, WI. RAIN OR SHINE. Featuring: Crime & Drug Prevention Awareness, Community Police Partnerships, Refreshments, Child Safety Seat Inspections, Jaws of Life Demo, Child Identification & Finger Printing, Automated External Defibrillator Demo, Fire Safety, Police K-9 Unit. This is a FREE, Fun-filled, safety-packed night! All are welcome to attend as we celebrate the 20th Annual National Night Out! For info, call LuAnn Fowler at 608-374-0209; or email: lfowler@tomahhospital.org.
1704|20030809|Tomah Jaycees "Take A Kid Fishing Day"|Tomah Jaycees "Take A Kid Fishing Day", registration begins at 7am, with Fishing from 8am-11am, at Winnebago Park, Tomah, WI. For Kids Ages 2-13yrs. Bring your own rod and reel. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Winners in each age group, plus door prizes and grab bags too! For info, call Willie Brown at 608-374-3592. Come have some fun fishing and win some great prizes!
1705|20030801|Houston County's American Cancer Society Relay for Life|Houston County's American Cancer Society Relay for Life, with the relay running from 6pm on Fri.8/1 until 8am on Sat.8/2. Teams of 8-15 People can walk, stroll, or run around the La Crescent High School Track on South 14th St. Money raised is used for cancer research, education and volunteer services for cancer patients of Houston County. For info, to form a team, or to donate a luminaria, call 507-895-2800.
1706|20030722|YMCA's "Introduction to Adventure Racing" Seminars|YMCA's of Chippewa Falls & Eau Claire host "Introduction to Adventure Racing" Seminars, Tues.7/22 & Thurs.7/24 at 6:30pm. These FREE Seminars will provide a general overview of what adventure racing is and how to get started in the sport that combines running/trekking, orienteering, paddling, and biking into one non-stop event. Featuring: 30-minute presentation, followed by a question and answer period. For info, call Lance Basting at 715-839-6575; or email: basting@att.net.
1707|20030724|YMCA's "Introduction to Adventure Racing" Seminars|YMCA's of Chippewa Falls & Eau Claire host "Introduction to Adventure Racing" Seminars, Tues.7/22 & Thurs.7/24 at 6:30pm. These FREE Seminars will provide a general overview of what adventure racing is and how to get started in the sport that combines running/trekking, orienteering, paddling, and biking into one non-stop event. Featuring: 30-minute presentation, followed by a question and answer period. For info, call Lance Basting at 715-839-6575; or email: basting@att.net.
1708|20030718|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew"|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew" by Wild Bill Shakespeare, Fri.7/18 & Sat.7/19, and Fri.7/25 & Sat.7/26, at 7:30pm each evening, located at Holmen High School Fine Arts Center, McHugh Rd, Holmen, WI. Cost: $8 Adults; $6 Ages 18&under & Seniors. For info, call 608-526-9242 for reservations.
1709|20030719|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew"|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew" by Wild Bill Shakespeare, Fri.7/18 & Sat.7/19, and Fri.7/25 & Sat.7/26, at 7:30pm each evening, located at Holmen High School Fine Arts Center, McHugh Rd, Holmen, WI. Cost: $8 Adults; $6 Ages 18&under & Seniors. For info, call 608-526-9242 for reservations.
1710|20030725|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew"|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew" by Wild Bill Shakespeare, Fri.7/18 & Sat.7/19, and Fri.7/25 & Sat.7/26, at 7:30pm each evening, located at Holmen High School Fine Arts Center, McHugh Rd, Holmen, WI. Cost: $8 Adults; $6 Ages 18&under & Seniors. For info, call 608-526-9242 for reservations.
1711|20030726|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew"|Holmen Community Theatre presents "The Taming of the Shrew" by Wild Bill Shakespeare, Fri.7/18 & Sat.7/19, and Fri.7/25 & Sat.7/26, at 7:30pm each evening, located at Holmen High School Fine Arts Center, McHugh Rd, Holmen, WI. Cost: $8 Adults; $6 Ages 18&under & Seniors. For info, call 608-526-9242 for reservations.
1712|20030809|Garden of Eden Club Annual Flower Show|Garden of Eden Club Annual Flower Show, at the Galesville Community Room, Galesville Public Library, Galesville, WI. Competition is open to the general public and to Garden of Eden Club members. Entry booklets w/contest rules available at Galesville Public Library and Sunset Gardens. Entries may be brought on Fri.8/8 from 6pm-8pm, or Sat.8/9 from 7am-9am. Absolutely no entries will be accepted after 9:00am Saturday, day of the show!!! Flower show is open for public viewing, after the judging, from 12:30pm-4pm. There is also a plant and garden sale planned from 9am-3pm.
1713|20030809|30th Annual Melrose American Legion Post 439 Corn Broil|30th Annual Melrose American Legion Post 439 Corn Broil, Sat.8/9 from 12Noon-12Midnight and Sun.8/10 from 11am-6pm, at Melrose Rod and Gun Club Grounds, located 4 miles South of Melrose on Hwy 108. Fun & Games for all -- Penny Hunt both days @ 3pm and Free Horse Wagon Rides. Free charcoal sweet corn (all you can eat!). Charcoal Chicken and Sandwiches served. Raffle Prize tickets for sale. Dance to live music! Big Round Robin Horseshoe Tournament on Sunday. For info, call Winston Zeman at 608-488-3252.
1714|20030810|30th Annual Melrose American Legion Post 439 Corn Broil|30th Annual Melrose American Legion Post 439 Corn Broil, Sat.8/9 from 12Noon-12Midnight and Sun.8/10 from 11am-6pm, at Melrose Rod and Gun Club Grounds, located 4 miles South of Melrose on Hwy 108. Fun & Games for all -- Penny Hunt both days @ 3pm and Free Horse Wagon Rides. Free charcoal sweet corn (all you can eat!). Charcoal Chicken and Sandwiches served. Raffle Prize tickets for sale. Dance to live music! Big Round Robin Horseshoe Tournament on Sunday. For info, call Winston Zeman at 608-488-3252.
1715|20030802|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "WIDE OPEN" Band|Rock Solid Youth Center presents "WIDE OPEN" Band, from 8pm-10pm, at Rock Solid Youth Center, 75 West Third St, Winona, MN. This is a FREE CONCERT. All ages are welcome! This concert is also a kick-off night for our Saturday Community Worship Night. There is a limited number of seats available, first-come, first-serve basis. Doors open at 7pm. For info, call 507-452-2125. Website: rocksolidyouthcenter.com.
1716|20030801|HorseSense for Special Riders Rummage Sale|HorseSense for Special Riders Rummage Sale, Fri.8/1 & Sat.8/2 from 8am-4pm (both days), at 2602 Shelby Road, La Crosse, WI. This is a fundraiser and all proceeds from the sale will benefit HorseSense for Special Riders, allowing riders with various disabilities to receive the benefits of therapeutic horseback riding. For info, call Renee Kendall at 608-788-1270. (Rummage Sale will feature many items for sale, including furniture, collectables, outdoor toys, small appliances, trunk, bicycles and more.)
1717|20030726|Halfway Creek Lutheran Church 14th Annual Pancake Breakfast|Halfway Creek Lutheran Church 14th Annual Pancake Breakfast, serving from 6am-10am, at Halfway Creek Lutheran Church, located 2 and 1/2 miles East of Holmen, WI on County Hwy W. A Baked Goods and Produce Sale will also be held in conjunction with the breakfast. For info, call Pat at 608-526-3701; or email: pat@halfwaycreek.org.
1718|20030728|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions, for their 2003 Dinner Theater performance of "The Shame of Waukon". Auditions will be held Mon.7/28, Wed.7/30, Tues.8/5, & Thurs.8/7, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the Waukon Opera House adjacent to Wild Willies on Allamakee Street, Waukon, IA. The performance dates, under the direction of Peggy Stock, will be October 17th & 18th, 2003. Interested adults and high school age students may audition. Several "extras" are also needed for musical entertainment between acts and the finale. Anyone interested in being part of the technical crew or stage crew should also attend one of the auditions. For info, call Peggy Stock at 563-568-2773.
1719|20030730|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions, for their 2003 Dinner Theater performance of "The Shame of Waukon". Auditions will be held Mon.7/28, Wed.7/30, Tues.8/5, & Thurs.8/7, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the Waukon Opera House adjacent to Wild Willies on Allamakee Street, Waukon, IA. The performance dates, under the direction of Peggy Stock, will be October 17th & 18th, 2003. Interested adults and high school age students may audition. Several "extras" are also needed for musical entertainment between acts and the finale. Anyone interested in being part of the technical crew or stage crew should also attend one of the auditions. For info, call Peggy Stock at 563-568-2773.
1720|20030805|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions, for their 2003 Dinner Theater performance of "The Shame of Waukon". Auditions will be held Mon.7/28, Wed.7/30, Tues.8/5, & Thurs.8/7, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the Waukon Opera House adjacent to Wild Willies on Allamakee Street, Waukon, IA. The performance dates, under the direction of Peggy Stock, will be October 17th & 18th, 2003. Interested adults and high school age students may audition. Several "extras" are also needed for musical entertainment between acts and the finale. Anyone interested in being part of the technical crew or stage crew should also attend one of the auditions. For info, call Peggy Stock at 563-568-2773.
1721|20030807|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions|Allamakee Community Players To Hold Auditions, for their 2003 Dinner Theater performance of "The Shame of Waukon". Auditions will be held Mon.7/28, Wed.7/30, Tues.8/5, & Thurs.8/7, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the Waukon Opera House adjacent to Wild Willies on Allamakee Street, Waukon, IA. The performance dates, under the direction of Peggy Stock, will be October 17th & 18th, 2003. Interested adults and high school age students may audition. Several "extras" are also needed for musical entertainment between acts and the finale. Anyone interested in being part of the technical crew or stage crew should also attend one of the auditions. For info, call Peggy Stock at 563-568-2773.
1722|20030727|Herbfest at the historic Bunnell House|Herbfest at the historic Bunnell House, sponsored by the Winona County Historical Society, from 1pm-4pm, in Homer, MN. Winona County Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer your gardening questions. What a great way to spend a summer afternoon! Featuring: Exploring natural plant dyes, culinary and medicinal herbs, classic herb garden design, floral arrangements, crafts, garlic braids, sample herbal recipes, win door prizes, and much more! For info, call Vicki Englich - Museum Educator - at 507-454-2723; or by email: educator@hbci.com.
1723|20030802|HorseSense for Special Riders Rummage Sale|HorseSense for Special Riders Rummage Sale, Fri.8/1 & Sat.8/2 from 8am-4pm (both days), at 2602 Shelby Road, La Crosse, WI. This is a fundraiser and all proceeds from the sale will benefit HorseSense for Special Riders, allowing riders with various disabilities to receive the benefits of therapeutic horseback riding. For info, call Renee Kendall at 608-788-1270. (Rummage Sale will feature many items for sale, including furniture, collectables, outdoor toys, small appliances, trunk, bicycles and more.)
1724|20030810|Hospice Touch of Tomah Memorial Hospital Annual Summer Fun Day|Hospice Touch of Tomah Memorial Hospital Annual Summer Fun Day, from 11am-4pm, at Winnebago Park. Featuring: Chicken-Q w/all fixin's, pie & ice cream, crafts , Bingo, and games for the kids. Come and join the celebration! For info, call Hospice Touch at 608-374-0250.
1725|20030803|Wilmington Lutheran Church Annual Ice Cream Social|Wilmington Lutheran Church Annual Ice Cream Social, serving from 5pm-??, at Wilmington Lutheran Church, rural Caledonia, MN. Everyone is welcome to this event, which is served by the W-ELCA and supported by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For info, call Jan Lee Buxengard at 507-498-3461.
1726|20030808|Parish Festival|Parish Festival, hosted by the parishoners of Saints Peter & Paul Parish, located in Independence on Hwy 93 halfway between La Crosse and Eau Claire, WI. On Fri.8/8, the music of "Doc and the Interns" begins at 8:30pm, with food/refreshments available til 12Midnight. On Sat.8/9, celebrate Mass with polka music at 4:30pm, or on Sun.8/10 at 10am. After Sunday Mass, spend the afternoon and treat yourself to a meatball and roasted chicken dinner w/all trimmings; enjoy the many games, large auction, kid's entertainment, and refreshments; try your luck at raffles; and listen/dance to the "Rhythm Play Boys" polka band from 5pm-9pm. For info, call 715-985-2227.
1727|20030809|Parish Festival|Parish Festival, hosted by the parishoners of Saints Peter & Paul Parish, located in Independence on Hwy 93 halfway between La Crosse and Eau Claire, WI. On Fri.8/8, the music of "Doc and the Interns" begins at 8:30pm, with food/refreshments available til 12Midnight. On Sat.8/9, celebrate Mass with polka music at 4:30pm, or on Sun.8/10 at 10am. After Sunday Mass, spend the afternoon and treat yourself to a meatball and roasted chicken dinner w/all trimmings; enjoy the many games, large auction, kid's entertainment, and refreshments; try your luck at raffles; and listen/dance to the "Rhythm Play Boys" polka band from 5pm-9pm. For info, call 715-985-2227.
1728|20030810|Parish Festival|Parish Festival, hosted by the parishoners of Saints Peter & Paul Parish, located in Independence on Hwy 93 halfway between La Crosse and Eau Claire, WI. On Fri.8/8, the music of "Doc and the Interns" begins at 8:30pm, with food/refreshments available til 12Midnight. On Sat.8/9, celebrate Mass with polka music at 4:30pm, or on Sun.8/10 at 10am. After Sunday Mass, spend the afternoon and treat yourself to a meatball and roasted chicken dinner w/all trimmings; enjoy the many games, large auction, kid's entertainment, and refreshments; try your luck at raffles; and listen/dance to the "Rhythm Play Boys" polka band from 5pm-9pm. For info, call 715-985-2227.
1729|20030729|La Crescent Area Community Summer Band 2nd "Concert in the Park"|La Crescent Area Community Summer Band 2nd "Concert in the Park", under the direction of Band Director Ron Wilke, at 7:30pm, at Veteran's Park, La Crescent, MN. Featuring a program of traditional marches, Broadway show tunes, and contemporary music. The event is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For info, call Lora Pechacek or Barb Bennett at Community Education Office at 507-895-5150.
1730|20030809|Monroe County Century Challenge Bike Race|Monroe County Century Challenge Bike Race, Registration from 8am-9:45am and Races begin at 10am. The 45-mile Citizens and WiSport sanctioned race starts and finishes at Sparta Memorial Park. Entry fee: $25. Cash prizes - individual and team. For team rules/info, call Paul Oswald at 800-947-3564 or 608-269-6781; or Mike Arenz at 608-269-4877.
1731|20030802|10th Annual World Youth Day Anniversary Pilgrimage & Music Fest|10th Annual World Youth Day Anniversary Pilgrimage and Music Fest, Sat.8/2 from 12Noon until Sun.8/3 at 10:30am, located on Scenic St Mary's Ridge (between Cashton and Norwalk), Cashton, WI. This year's pilgrimage will begin at Gerry and Ann Klinkner farm. It's a 4-mile walk to St Mary's Ridge. After they have completed the walk, there will be a supper and the youth group called RADIX from Nebraska. Special guest speaker will be Fr Joe Hirsch, and various other speakers. For info, call Pat Brueggen at 608-654-5616. Email: Cbrueggen@centurytel.net. Website: www.geocities.com/godscountrymusicfest.
1732|20030812|Onalaska Area Historical Society Meeting|Onalaska Area Historical Society Meeting, at 7pm, at the Onalaska Community Center, Onalaska, WI. The speaker will be a representative from the Julia Belle Swain, giving information for a possible Fall Paddle Wheel Excursion. For info, call Sheryl Horman at 608-783-0440.
1733|20030906|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale, Sat.9/6 and Sat.9/20, from 9:30am-3pm, in old schoolhouse at Dell County Hwy P between Westby and La Farge, WI. Hosted by the Dell United Methodist Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1734|20030920|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale|Grandma's Attic Rummage & Resale, Sat.9/6 and Sat.9/20, from 9:30am-3pm, in old schoolhouse at Dell County Hwy P between Westby and La Farge, WI. Hosted by the Dell United Methodist Church. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1735|20030728|American Red Cross Holmen Blood Drive|American Red Cross Holmen Blood Drive, from 2pm-6pm, at American Legion Hall, 419 W First Ave, Holmen, WI. All are encourage to attend and donate blood!
1736|20030809|Bangor Lions Club Bangor Fun Daze 2003|Bangor Lions Club Bangor Fun Daze 2003, Sat.8/9 from 7am-12Midnite and Sun.8/10 from 9am-6pm, located in the Bangor Park, Bangor, WI. Events on Sat.8/9 include: Pancake Breakfast, Fun Run/Walk (call 486-4298), 4-H Softball Tourney, Craft Show, Bingo, Canoe Poker Run, Live Music, Little Miss Bangor Dancers, Lion of the Year, Mens one pitch softball tourney, food/beverage, DJ - Risky Business. Events on Sun.8/10 include: Parade, One Pitch Softball, Peddle Puller Tractor Pull, Bingo, Duck Races, Craft Show, Kids Games, Music by "Dr Rumley's Snuff Band" following parade, Little Miss Bangor Dancers, Food/Beverages, Button Winners. Everyone Welcome! For info, call Brian Berg at 608-486-4049(hm#) or 608-486-2741(wk#).
1737|20030810|Bangor Lions Club Bangor Fun Daze 2003|Bangor Lions Club Bangor Fun Daze 2003, Sat.8/9 from 7am-12Midnite and Sun.8/10 from 9am-6pm, located in the Bangor Park, Bangor, WI. Events on Sat.8/9 include: Pancake Breakfast, Fun Run/Walk (call 486-4298), 4-H Softball Tourney, Craft Show, Bingo, Canoe Poker Run, Live Music, Little Miss Bangor Dancers, Lion of the Year, Mens one pitch softball tourney, food/beverage, DJ - Risky Business. Events on Sun.8/10 include: Parade, One Pitch Softball, Peddle Puller Tractor Pull, Bingo, Duck Races, Craft Show, Kids Games, Music by "Dr Rumley's Snuff Band" following parade, Little Miss Bangor Dancers, Food/Beverages, Button Winners. Everyone Welcome! For info, call Brian Berg at 608-486-4049(hm#) or 608-486-2741(wk#).
1738|20030809|St. James the Greater Summerfest|St James the Greater Summerfest, Sat.8/9 and Sun.8/10, at 2502 11th Street, Eau Claire, WI. Events include: Kids Games & Races, Entertainment, Silent Auction, Sports Raffle, Packer Tickets Raffle, Bingo, Beer Garden, Free Auto & Truck Show, Cake Walk, Pot of Gold, Country Store, Free Blood Pressure Check, Food/Beverages, Saturday Family Night, and Summerfest Chicken Dinner. There is something for everyone at Summerfest! For info, call 715-835-5887.
1739|20030816|Horse Care Seminar & Fun Day|Horse Care Seminar & Fun Day, from 9am-??. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Foundation Quarter Horse Club. Featured Seminar Topic - Hoofcare. Local certified farrier, Joe Brummeyer will be on hand to trim, shoe and advise on hoof care topics throughout the day. He is accepting 10 horses w/ hoof care needs the day of the event. (Horses must be signed up ahead of time, plus other requirements - see below for contact info). Other Scheduled events include: Pony Rides for the Kids, Fastrack Probiotic Product Raffle, Horse Tack Rummage Sale, Area Tack Vendors, Concession Stand, DJ, and join us for a trail ride following seminar at 5pm! ADMISSION: FREE! Directions: From Thorp (at Hwy 29) 10 miles South on County Hwy M, West 1 7/8 miles on County Hwy MM to What's Left Ranch. Watch for signs! For info/consign horses for hoof care/reserve vendor space, call Cynthia Johnson at 715-432-2860. Email: RMRANCH@rollingmeadowsranch.net. BRING YOUR OWN LAWNCHAIR! (5% commission on all sales will be donated to the WFQHC).
1740|20030807|Parent/Child Care Provider Video Program|Parent/Child Care Provider Video Program, from 6:30pm-8pm, at Sparta Area Family Education Center, Room 204 in the Sparta Area Administration and Educational Building, 201 East Franklin St, Sparta, WI. Featuring: "The Whole Child: A Caregiver's Guide to the First Five Years" video program presentation. Registration is required. For info/registration, call 608-269-3151,ext.3058.
1741|20030823|La Crosse Jaycees 2nd Annual Kickball Tournament|La Crosse Jaycees 2nd Annual Kickball Tournament, at 9am, at Erickson Park/Field. (Limited to first 12 teams to register.) Cost: $50 per team. Proceeds to benefit La Crosse Park & Recreation Youth Enrichment Association. For info, call Nancy Adams at 608-787-8698. Come and help the La Crosse Jaycees help support the community!
1742|20030810|Norskedalen presentation of "Our Couple in Cuba"|Norskedalen presentation of "Our Couple in Cuba" by Jim Anderson, at 2pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, N455 O Ophus Rd, Coon Valley, WI (located 3 miles North of Coon Valley, WI on County Hwy PI). Featuring: slides and discussion with Jim and Ruth Anderson, who visited Cuba in 2002 for eight days as part of an educational and cultural activities program sanctioned by the US Treasury Department. Come and enjoy a trip few will ever make and ask questions about the country of Fidel Castro. For info, call 608-452-3157. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1743|20030810|St. James the Greater Summerfest|St James the Greater Summerfest, Sat.8/9 and Sun.8/10, at 2502 11th Street, Eau Claire, WI. Events include: Kids Games & Races, Entertainment, Silent Auction, Sports Raffle, Packer Tickets Raffle, Bingo, Beer Garden, Free Auto & Truck Show, Cake Walk, Pot of Gold, Country Store, Free Blood Pressure Check, Food/Beverages, Saturday Family Night, and Summerfest Chicken Dinner. There is something for everyone at Summerfest! For info, call 715-835-5887.
1744|20030824|Tomah VAMC 17th Annual Platoon Run Car & Motorcycle Show|Tomah VAMC 17th Annual Car & Motorcycle Show, from 12Noon-2:30pm, at VA Medical Center's Ballfield (behind building 400), Tomah, WI. The Platoon Run's purpose is to provide entertainment and diversion to the hospitalized veterans. A "Cruise" will be held from the Monroe County Fairgrounds to the VAMC beginning at 11:30am. The Platoon Run is open to the public. About 100 antique and classic cars, trucks and motorcycles are expected to be on display at the VA Medical Center's Ballfield. Singer B-Squat Woody will provide entertainment. For info, call Laura Bishop or VA Voluntary Services at 608-372-1727.
1745|20030831|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1746|20030901|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1747|20030902|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1748|20030903|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1749|20030904|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1750|20030905|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1751|20030906|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1752|20030907|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration|Re-Dedication of Lambeau Field Week-Long Grand Opening Celebration, Sun.8/31 thru Sun.9/7. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime event -- "The Re-Birth of a Legend". Many events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. For complete details on the series of blockbuster events, go to website: www.Packers.com.
1753|20030823|Annual Fall Fest and Hog Roast|Annual Fall Fest and Hog Roast hosted by St Mary's Catholic Parish in Coon Valley, serving starts at 4pm-??, held at Coon Valley Village Park, Coon Valley, WI. Lots of good food and fun for all ages. Raffle tickets available for a hand-crafted cedar chest and many cash prizes. For info, call Bobbi Schamberger at 608-787-0493.
1754|20030823|Free KidsCare Program|Free KidsCare Program, from 9:30am-1pm, at La Crescent Christian Childcare Center, 201 N Elm St, La Crescent, MN. Open to children of all ages. Featuring: Free fingerprinting by La Crescent Police Dept, Free Polaroid picture, free hotdogs, pop, and kool-aide. Sponsored by Mutual of Omaha, Pepsi of La Crosse, Kwik Trip and La Crescent Christian Childcare Center.
1755|20030825|Wisconsin Waterfowl Association Mississippi River Chapter's 11th Annual Banquet|Wisconsin Waterfowl Association Mississippi River Chapter's 11th Annual Banquet, held at Midway Hotel in La Crosse, WI. Cost: $50/single and $80/couple. For info/tickets, call Diane Bailey at 608-796-2641 or John Wetzel at 608-526-4238.
1756|20030814|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, Thurs.8/14 from 1pm-7pm, Fri.8/15 from 9am-5pm, and Sat.8/16 from 8am-12(1/2 price), at Faith Lutheran Church, Hwy 14 East, St Charles, MN.
1757|20030815|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, Thurs.8/14 from 1pm-7pm, Fri.8/15 from 9am-5pm, and Sat.8/16 from 8am-12(1/2 price), at Faith Lutheran Church, Hwy 14 East, St Charles, MN.
1758|20030816|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, Thurs.8/14 from 1pm-7pm, Fri.8/15 from 9am-5pm, and Sat.8/16 from 8am-12(1/2 price), at Faith Lutheran Church, Hwy 14 East, St Charles, MN.
1759|20030815|La Crosse Archery Bow-nanza Extravaganza|La Crosse Archery Bow-nanza Extravaganza, from 4pm-7pm, for kids ages 7-16. Cost: $4/person. Shoot for prizes. Lots of food & fun. Featuring: Tic Tac Toe, Archery Baseball, Old Maid, Pin the Tail on the Deer. Also a kids league starting in September. For info, call 781-7752.
1760|20030824|Norskedalen's Ice Cream Social|Norskedalen's Ice Cream Social (celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Skumsrud Cabin Skumsrud Heritage Farm), serving from 12Noon-4pm, at Norskedalen, located 1/2 mile west of Coon Valley, WI on US Hwy 14-61. Also featuring: Carol Culbertson, storyteller, with stories of the Immigrant Experience; music by the Norskedalen Trio; and Demonstrations of Wood Carving, Rosemaling, and Swedish Painting. Raffle Drawing. Free admission to Ice Cream Social. For info, call 608-452-3424.
1761|20030809|Dunn County Family Resource Center "Grand Garage Sale"|Dunn County Family Resource Center 1st Annual "Grand Garage Sale", from 8am-1pm, at the Family Resource Center, 1701 Stout Road (North side of building behind Menomonie Flooring Center and across from the Dunn County Rec park), Menonomie, WI. Proceeds from this sale will be used to fund various programs at the center, including play groups, parent enrichment opportunities, family scholarships, etc. Funds are being matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For info or to drop off donations for the sale, call Cindy Helmke at 235-2412. Email: fcfr@wwt.net.
1762|20030824|Pie & Ice Cream Social|Pie & Ice Cream Social, serving from 4pm-8pm, at Retreat UM Church, Retreat, WI.
1763|20030817|"The County Fair: An American Tradition" by Vern 'Pee Wee' Olson|"The County Fair: An American Tradition" by Vern 'Pee Wee' Olson, at 2pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, N455 O Ophus Rd, Coon Valley, WI (located 3 miles North of Coon Valley, WI on County Hwy PI). Vern Olson will be sharing some of the knowledge of him many years of involvement in the County Fairs in Wisconsin where he served as County Agent or other capacity. The fair is an annual showcase of young and old showing the best of their projects. It continues to serve as a symbol of rural America and the values that are desperately missing in much of our American society today. Vern's rich background in Agriculture will give us a wonderful picture of the time old tradition of the County Fair! For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1764|20030814|The Children's Summer Festival|The Children's Summer Festival hosted by Family Resources of La Crosse, from 4pm-7pm, at Myrick Park, La Crosse, WI. Held rain or shine. Special performance by Hans Mayer - Children's Musician. Activities include: obstacle course, petting zoo, dinosaur dig, baby crawling races, face painting, and much more! Picnic lunch for the whole family. Tickets required for picnic lunch and are available for $3/each or Four for $10. This event is open to all area families. All money raised will go directly to the parent education services and programs. For info/tickets, call 608-784-8125.
1765|20030906|Villa Louis Carriage Classic|Villa Louis Carriage Classic, Sat.9/6 & Sun.9/7, from 8am-5pm both days, at the grounds of the Villa Louis in Prairie du Chien, WI. Experience the Midwest's largest and most elegantly appointed competitive carriage driving event! Witness over 100 new and restored carriages strut their best. Learn how this event descends from the Dousman era when the Villa Louis was known as the Artesian Stock Farm. Arena/obstacle events begin each day @ 8am. The Picnic Class is held at 12Noon on Saturday. Cost: $11 Adults; $6 Children 5-12; $25 Weekend Adult Pass; Family Passes available. Tours of the Villa Louis are included in these prices. Daily grounds-only admission is $6. For info, call 608-326-2721. Website: wisconsinhistory.org/villa/.
1766|20030907|Villa Louis Carriage Classic|Villa Louis Carriage Classic, Sat.9/6 & Sun.9/7, from 8am-5pm both days, at the grounds of the Villa Louis in Prairie du Chien, WI. Experience the Midwest's largest and most elegantly appointed competitive carriage driving event! Witness over 100 new and restored carriages strut their best. Learn how this event descends from the Dousman era when the Villa Louis was known as the Artesian Stock Farm. Arena/obstacle events begin each day @ 8am. The Picnic Class is held at 12Noon on Saturday. Cost: $11 Adults; $6 Children 5-12; $25 Weekend Adult Pass; Family Passes available. Tours of the Villa Louis are included in these prices. Daily grounds-only admission is $6. For info, call 608-326-2721. Website: wisconsinhistory.org/villa/.
1767|20030822|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society Meeting|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society Meeting, a telescope observing session, at 8:30pm, at the home of Bill & Julie Meyer, 5293 County Hwy 3 about 5 miles West of Brownsville, MN. **(DUE TO ROAD CONSTRUCTION, PLEASE CALL THE MEYERS AT 507-724-5745(HM#) FOR BEST DIRECTIONS BEFORE COMING TO THEIR HOME).** The rain/cloud date is Saturday, August 23rd. For info, call the Meyers at 507-724-5745; or Robert Allen at 608-785-8669.
1768|20030817|"The Newman Singers" Concert|"The Newman Singers" Concert, at 2pm, at St Patrick's Parish, 1031 Main St, Onalaska, WI. FREE-WILL Offering will be taken. For info, call 608-783-5535. Website: www.newmansingers.com.
1769|20030820|Hobo Supper|Hobo Supper, serving from 4pm-7pm, at St Peter's Lutheran Church, Shennington, WI. Cost: $5 Adults; $2.50 Children Ages 6-12.
1770|20030913|Leroy Brown Memorial Truck and Tractor Pull|Leroy Brown Memorial Truck and Tractor Pull, Afternoon Classes start at 12Noon SHARP - Registration Prior to 11am, Night Classes start at 7pm - Registration Prior to 6pm. Located at Osseo Rod & Gun, Osseo, WI (located 2 miles South of Osseo on Hwy 53). Admission: $5 at the gate. $20 Entry Fee per Truck or Tractor. Lawn Chair Seating. For info, call Dan Hart at 715-597-3328; or Luke Rindal at 715-695-3282.
1771|20030822|Chicken-Q|Chicken-Q (by Pogy's) hosted by Viterbo Alumni Association, serving begins at 11am-until gone (but no later than 5pm), at the Jackson Street entrance of the Fine Arts Center (between 9th & 10th Sts), La Crosse, WI. Proceeds going to the Sister Celestine Cepress Endowed Alumni Children's Scholarship. Cost: $7. Soft drinks available for purchase. For tickets/info, call 796-3072 or by email: alumni@viterbo.edu. VISA and MasterCard accepted. Orders of 10 or more dinners can be delivered.
1772|20030823|Appraisal Fair to benefit American Red Cross|Appraisal Fair to benefit American Red Cross, from 9am-4pm, at Valley View Mall, La Crosse, WI. Proceeds go to the Scenic Bluffs Chapter Disaster Fund. Cost: Asking $5 donation per item to be appraised (PLEASE, MAXIMUM OF 2 ITEMS PER PERSON). This is similar to the Antiques Road Show. Sponsored by Cleary-Kumm Foundation and NewsChannel 8. For info, call Cheryl Hancock at 788-1000.
1773|20030830|3rd Annual French Island Lions Club 5K Run/Walk|3rd Annual French Island Lions Club 5K Run/Walk, at 8am (w/REGISTRATION at 7am), located at French Island Community Center (corner of Plainview and Lakeshore Drive). Pre-Registration: $10 for guaranteed T-Shirt; Race-Day Registration: $15. For info, call Jane or Brian at 608-782-3092.
1774|20030830|Oak Grove Acres hosts Dairy Brunch & Bike Show|Oak Grove Acres hosts Dairy Brunch & Bike Show, Sat.8/30 and Sun.8/31, from 8am-1pm, at the Dodge County Antique Power Club Park, Burnett, WI. All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast for $6. Proceeds will benefit the Barr Foundation, a Florida-based non-profit organization devoted to helping amputees who need help for prosthetic limbs. Oak Grove Acres is a charity campground created for the Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Celebration Dedicated to Community Service. For info, call Julie Haase at 920-386-9353. Email: julie@oakgroveacres.com. Website: www.oakgroveacres.com.
1775|20030831|Oak Grove Acres hosts Dairy Brunch & Bike Show|Oak Grove Acres hosts Dairy Brunch & Bike Show, Sat.8/30 and Sun.8/31, from 8am-1pm, at the Dodge County Antique Power Club Park, Burnett, WI. All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast for $6. Proceeds will benefit the Barr Foundation, a Florida-based non-profit organization devoted to helping amputees who need help for prosthetic limbs. Oak Grove Acres is a charity campground created for the Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Celebration Dedicated to Community Service. For info, call Julie Haase at 920-386-9353. Email: julie@oakgroveacres.com. Website: www.oakgroveacres.com.
1776|20030821|Couleecap Mentoring Program's Volunteer Mentor Training Session|Couleecap Mentoring Program's Volunteer Mentor Training Session, from 5pm-7:30pm, at South Side Neighborhood Center, 1300 South 6th St, La Crosse, WI. To register, call 796-A-PAL(2725). Email: mentoring@couleecap.org. Website: www.couleecap.org. Couleecap Mentoring Program is looking for caring individuals who would like to make a difference in the life of a child by becoming a mentor.
1777|20030816|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Field Days|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Field Day, Sat.8/16 & Sun.8/17, at Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club, located One Mile east of Millston on County O. Featuring: Trap Shoot, Refreshments, Chicken BBQ, Children's Games, Raffle, Hourly Door Prizes. SATURDAY, AUG.16th - Horseshoe Tournament, 12Noon Sign-up, $10 Team/Bring your partner/100% Payback. SUNDAY, AUG.17th - Pancake, Sausage & Egg Breakfast from 8am-11am. Everyone Welcome! For info, call Carl Johnson at 608-272-3845.
1778|20030817|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Field Day|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Field Day, Sat.8/16 & Sun.8/17, at Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club, located One Mile east of Millston on County O. Featuring: Trap Shoot, Refreshments, Chicken BBQ, Children's Games, Raffle, Hourly Door Prizes. SATURDAY, AUG.16th - Horseshoe Tournament, 12Noon Sign-up, $10 Team/Bring your partner/100% Payback. SUNDAY, AUG.17th - Pancake, Sausage & Egg Breakfast from 8am-11am. Everyone Welcome! For info, call Carl Johnson at 608-272-3845.
1779|20030820|Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group Meeting|Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group Meeting, from 7pm-8:30pm, in Gundersen Lutheran's John & Nettie Mooney Health Resource Center, first-floor Clinic, La Crosse, WI. The support group meets on the third Wednesday of each month, from January through November. Please register by calling 608-775-3878 or 800-362-9567,ext.53878, by 4:30pm on the Friday before the session you plan to attend. (If fewer than 4 people register, the session will be cancelled. To confirm session will be held, call the same number on Monday afternoon before the meeting and a recorded message will indicate whether the group will meet). For info on this support group, call Gundersen Lutheran Bereavement Services at 608-775-4747 or 800-362-9567,ext.54747.
1780|20030823|Queen of the Holy Rosary School's 2nd Annual Summerfest|Queen of the Holy Rosary School's 2nd Annual Summerfest, from 11am-7pm, located 1 mile East of Necedah on Hwy 21 (follow festival signs). Featuring: Music by "Pat & Carol", MANY activities, Race car display and autograph signing by SAUTERS from 12Noon-2pm, Professional Juggler - Nate Seefeldt - juggle fire and more from 5pm-6pm, Volleyball tournaments @ 11am (call 608-565-2919 to sign up). Drawing for winner of 2003 Polaris Sportsman 500 ATV & other prizes will be at 7pm. Raffle tickets available day of festival.
1781|20030817|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast, from 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
1782|20030823|La Farge Volunteer Fire Dept Dance|La Farge Volunteer Fire Dept Dance, at 8:30pm, at La Farge Volunteer Fire Dept Fire House, La Farge, WI. Featuring: "String Ties" performing. Ticket Price: $3 per person. Refreshments available and door prizes given away throughout the evening.
1783|20030824|CORAH BUTH Benefit|CORAH BUTH Benefit, from 12Noon-??, at Warrens Community Log Building, Pine Street, Warrens, WI. Featuring: Chicken Dinner at 12Noon, Pie Auction/Variety Auction, Music by "The Country Revival Band", Prize Walk for the Kids. Corah Buth is a 2-year-old fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She is the daughter of Todd & Maria Buth and the granddaughter of Rex & Charleen Moseley. Help Corah and her family & have a great family day of fun!! Monetary donations accepted at the F&M Bank in Warrens, The Warrens Mall, & The Warrens Cranberry Festival Office. For info, call Donna Stebbins at 608-378-4655.
1784|20030921|Annual Fall Festival|Annual Fall Festival of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church of Mondovi, WI. Polka Mass at 10am. Activities begin on the grounds at 11am. Roast Beef/Ham Dinner from 11am-1:30pm, Bingo from 1pm-3pm, Live Auction begins at 1pm, Charcoal Chicken served outside all day, Raffle Drawing at 4pm following auction. Fun for all! Bring the family! For info, call 715-672-5640.
1785|20030903|Independent Writing for Publication Classes|Independent Writing for Publication Classes, taught by David J Marcou. These 10-week sessions on Wednesdays will begin Wed.9/3 from 11am-1pm, in the conference room of the Onalaska Public Library, 741 Oak Ave S, Onalaska, WI. Cost: $35 for students under age 62, and $25 for students over age 62. For info, call David Marcou at 608-784-2796.
1786|20030904|Independent Writing for Publication Classes|Independent Writing for Publication Classes, taught by David J Marcou. These 10-week sessions on Thursdays will begin Thurs.9/4 from 9:30am-11:30pm, on the second floor of the Harry J Olson Senior Center, 1607 North St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $35 for students under age 62, and $25 for students over age 62. For info, call David Marcou at 608-784-2796.
1787|20030927|Rumble on the River Boxing Match|Rumble on the River Boxing Match, presented by the City on The Mississippi, and sponsored by Lions Den Boxing Club and Boardwalk Fitness Center of Winona, MN. Weigh-in is from 3pm-5pm, w/Fights at 7pm, located at Winona Athletic Club (corner of 5th & Mankato). Cost: $6 at the door. Lions Den Boxing Club (Officially Sanctioned by the U.S.A. Boxing) is a Non-Profit Organization supporting area youth boxing. For info, call Dale Johnson - Pres. - at 507-452-6368; or Jonny Meyer - V.P. - at 507-452-1117.
1788|20030914|2nd Annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's "Walk To Cure Diabetes"|2nd Annual JDRF's "Walk To Cure Diabetes", w/ Registration at 12Noon, and Walk begins at 1pm, located at Myrick Park, La Crosse, WI. For info, call Lori Ascher - Chairman - at 608-269-5915. In addition to the walk, there will be beverages, snacks, and entertainment including music, clowns, face painting, Tae-kwon-do demonstrations and more. *Also, Harley-Davidson riders will make an entrance and present a check to the JDRF representative at 12:45pm.*
1789|20030927|3rd Legion Auxiliary Rummage & Bake Sale|3rd Legion Auxiliary Rummage & Bake Sale, from 9am-12Noon, at the Fest Building, Spring Grove, MN. Special Bag Sale starting at 9am-10:30am, fill a bag for $3. Grab Bags at 10:30-12Noon, fill a bag for $1. Come for morning and noon lunch!
1790|20030928|St. Mary's Church Dinner|St Mary's Church Dinner, serving from 11am-2pm, at St Mary's Catholic Church, Bangor, WI. Cost: $7 Adults; $3 Children under 12. Country Store and Refreshments. Drawing for Amish Quilt at 2pm.
1791|20031016|Bake Sale/Hot Dog Sale|Bake Sale to benefit Children's Miracle Network and Hot Dog Sale to benefit Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers at Co-op Credit Union in Black River Falls, Melrose, and Galesville. For info, call Sue McPeak at 715-284-5333.
1792|20030927|Soup & Pie Luncheon|Soup & Pie Luncheon, from 11am-1pm, at Northfield Town Hall. Proceeds will be used to provide a handicapped accessible bathroom for the Northfield Legion Hall. Co-sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 541 and Thrivent Financial.
1793|20030914|St. Paul's Catholic Church Fall Festival|St Paul's Catholic Church Fall Festival, from 11am-1:30pm, at 408 West River St, New Lisbon, WI. Cost: $6.50 Adults; $3 Children. A Polka Mass featuring Hermie Bella Band and the Choraleers will be held at 10am. Also featuring: Country Market, Kid's Games, Snacks, Arts and Crafts, Bake Sale, Bingo, and White Elephant Sale. A Raffle Drawing will be held at 3pm. For info, call 608-562-3125.
1794|20030912|65th Annual Blair Cheese Festival|65th Annual Blair Cheese Festival, Fri.9/12, Sat.9/13, & Sun.9/14, from 9am-12Midnight, located in downtown Blair, WI. Many activities, including: Bingo, Flea Market, SJ Peoples Carnival Show, Photo Contest, "SAGE" performances, Grand Parade, Tractor Pull, Classic Car Show, and much more! Free Admission.
1795|20030913|65th Annual Blair Cheese Festival|65th Annual Blair Cheese Festival, Fri.9/12, Sat.9/13, & Sun.9/14, from 9am-12Midnight, located in downtown Blair, WI. Many activities, including: Bingo, Flea Market, SJ Peoples Carnival Show, Photo Contest, "SAGE" performances, Grand Parade, Tractor Pull, Classic Car Show, and much more! Free Admission.
1796|20030914|65th Annual Blair Cheese Festival|65th Annual Blair Cheese Festival, Fri.9/12, Sat.9/13, & Sun.9/14, from 9am-12Midnight, located in downtown Blair, WI. Many activities, including: Bingo, Flea Market, SJ Peoples Carnival Show, Photo Contest, "SAGE" performances, Grand Parade, Tractor Pull, Classic Car Show, and much more! Free Admission.
1797|20031002|Pigeon Creek Lutheran Church Auction/Bazaar|Auction/Bazaar, at 7pm, located at the Upper Pigeon Creek Lutheran Church, Hwy 121 East of Northfield. Lunch will be served. All are welcome!
1798|20030913|De Soto Fire Dept Spaghetti Supper|De Soto Fire Dept Spaghetti Supper, starting at 4pm, at De Soto Fire Dept, De Soto, WI. ALL YOU CAN EAT. Cost: $4 Adults; $2 Children. Raffle tickets for their Fire Prevention Week drawing on Oct.11th will also be on sale. 1st Prize: Pedal Fire Truck. Tickets are $5/each or 5 for $20.
1799|20031005|Sacred Heart Parish Annual Fall Dinner & Bazaar|Sacred Heart Parish Annual Fall Dinner & Bazaar, serving from 11am-2pm, w/Mass at 10am, at Sacred Heart Parish, Pine Creek, WI. Cost: $7.50 Adults; $3 Children 6-12; FREE for Preschool. Carryouts available. Prize Drawing at 4pm. Silent Auction ends at 3pm.
1800|20031014|Harlem Ambassadors Show Basketball Team 2003-2004 "Around the World" Tour|Harlem Ambassadors (Internationally-Acclaimed) Show Basketball Team 2003-2004 "Around the World" Tour, will stop in Black River Falls, for a game with local talent, at the Black River Falls High School Gym, at 7pm. This is a fundraising event for the Jackson County Area Habitat For Humanity. For info/tickets, call: 608-272-3139.
1801|20030907|Southside Christian Church Services at La Crosse Center|Southside Christian Church Services at La Crosse Center. Southside Christian Church formally on Losey Blvd South, will now conduct regular Sunday worship and Bible school weekly, at the La Crosse Center, in Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, WI. Primary meetings will be held in the large Board Room B in the new addition. A directional sign on the front walk will point out the entrance and a greeter will meet attenders at the door. The local populace and the tourist staying in nearby hotels are welcome. Bible School is at 9am, with Worship Service at 10am. For info, call Burdette Wakeman at 608-784-0693.
1802|20030914|Southside Christian Church Services at La Crosse Center|Southside Christian Church Services at La Crosse Center. Southside Christian Church formally on Losey Blvd South, will now conduct regular Sunday worship and Bible school weekly, at the La Crosse Center, in Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, WI. Primary meetings will be held in the large Board Room B in the new addition. A directional sign on the front walk will point out the entrance and a greeter will meet attenders at the door. The local populace and the tourist staying in nearby hotels are welcome. Bible School is at 9am, with Worship Service at 10am. For info, call Burdette Wakeman at 608-784-0693.
1803|20030913|Quilt Show|Quilt Show, presented by the K-T June Quilt Club and the Mon.-Wed. Quilters, held on Sat.9/13 & Sun.9/14 from 1pm-4pm, at the Boorman House, 211 N Union St, Mauston, WI.
1804|20030914|Quilt Show|Quilt Show, presented by the K-T June Quilt Club and the Mon.-Wed. Quilters, held on Sat.9/13 & Sun.9/14 from 1pm-4pm, at the Boorman House, 211 N Union St, Mauston, WI.
1805|20030913|La Crosse Area Builders Association's Auction|La Crosse Area Builders Association's Auction, 9am, at American Legion, 731 Sand Lake Rd, Onalaska, WI. Builders Association members donate new and used building materials for this annual auction. Proceeds benefit LABA's Building Careers Grant Program that buys tools for high schools in Western Wisconsin. For questions or to donate items, call 608-781-5242.
1806|20030913|Ride-A-Thon/Walk-A-Thon|Ride-A-Thon/Walk-A-Thon, supporting HorseSense for Special Riders, Inc (a non-profit therapeutic riding program). RIDE-A-THON (YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN HORSE!) starts at 11:30am, with Registration from 10am-11:30am. WALK-A-THON (Don't have a horse? Collect pledges and walk a trail!) starts at 1:30pm, with Registration from 12:30pm-1:30pm. Located at Jake & Holly Wieser's Outback Ranch, 7750 TT Rd, Houston, MN. Can't make it to the event, but still want to support HSSR? Donations can be sent to: HorseSense for Special Riders Inc, 400 La Crosse St, City Hall, La Crosse, WI 54601. $20 minimum Registration Fee required. For info/pledge sheets, call 608-791-4868.
1807|20030913|Bi-Annual Clothing Giveaway|Bi-Annual Clothing Giveaway, from 9am-1pm, at Church of Christ-Acapella, 3506 S 28th St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring: most sizes, men's, women's, and children's. For info, call 608-788-1593.
1808|20030914|Boy Scout Troop 64 Waukon "Made to Order" Omelet Breakfast|Boy Scout Troop 64 Waukon "Made to Order" Omelet Breakfast, serving from 7:30am-12:30pm, at St Patrick's Church Hall, Waukon. Advance tickets are available from any Troop 64 Boy Scout for $5 Adults; $3 Children 10&under. Tickets also available at the door for $5.50 and $3.50.
1809|20030920|La Crosse Tribune's Kidfest 2003|La Crosse Tribune's Kidfest 2003, from 10am-4pm, at the Onalaska Omni Center, Onalaska, WI.
1810|20030912|Friends of the Library Book Sale|Friends of the Library Book Sale, Fri.9/12 & Sat.9/13, from 10am-4pm each day, located in the lower level of the LE Phillips Memorial Public Library, Eau Claire, WI. A Bag Sale on Sat.9/13 from 10am-4pm features discount pricing. Sale offers a variety of non-fiction, large print, children's, adult fiction and young adult books. Look for books by your favorite authors on a separate table. For info, call 715-839-5004 or email: librarian@eauclaire.lib.wi.us.
1811|20030913|Friends of the Libary Book Sale|Friends of the Library Book Sale, Fri.9/12 & Sat.9/13, from 10am-4pm each day, located in the lower level of the LE Phillips Memorial Public Library, Eau Claire, WI. A Bag Sale on Sat.9/13 from 10am-4pm features discount pricing. Sale offers a variety of non-fiction, large print, children's, adult fiction and young adult books. Look for books by your favorite authors on a separate table. For info, call 715-839-5004 or email: librarian@eauclaire.lib.wi.us.
1812|20030915|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training, Mon.9/15 thru Thurs.9/18, from 6pm-9pm each evening, located at St Paul's Lutheran Church (entrance off of Division St), 420 West Ave, La Crosse, WI. Training packets provided. For info/attend training, call Sharon at 608-791-2607 to reserve a seat. New Horizons provides safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic violence so that they can make decisions about their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental and empowering atmosphere. Thank you for your support!
1813|20030916|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training, Mon.9/15 thru Thurs.9/18, from 6pm-9pm each evening, located at St Paul's Lutheran Church (entrance off of Division St), 420 West Ave, La Crosse, WI. Training packets provided. For info/attend training, call Sharon at 608-791-2607 to reserve a seat. New Horizons provides safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic violence so that they can make decisions about their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental and empowering atmosphere. Thank you for your support!
1814|20030917|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training, Mon.9/15 thru Thurs.9/18, from 6pm-9pm each evening, located at St Paul's Lutheran Church (entrance off of Division St), 420 West Ave, La Crosse, WI. Training packets provided. For info/attend training, call Sharon at 608-791-2607 to reserve a seat. New Horizons provides safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic violence so that they can make decisions about their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental and empowering atmosphere. Thank you for your support!
1815|20030918|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training|New Horizons Shelter & Women's Center Fall 2003 Volunteer & Intern Training, Mon.9/15 thru Thurs.9/18, from 6pm-9pm each evening, located at St Paul's Lutheran Church (entrance off of Division St), 420 West Ave, La Crosse, WI. Training packets provided. For info/attend training, call Sharon at 608-791-2607 to reserve a seat. New Horizons provides safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic violence so that they can make decisions about their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental and empowering atmosphere. Thank you for your support!
1816|20030916|"Hobbies for Everyone!"|"Hobbies for Everyone!", at 6:30pm, at Onalaska Public Library, Onalaska, WI. Featuring Tom Tucker of ABC Hobbies talking about your opportunity to explore new ideas/pastimes, and the latest information on exciting hobbies with question and answer time. Tom may bring some other people with their hobby specialties. Refreshments will be served. Sponsored by The Friends of the Onalaska Library.
1817|20031004|Friends of the Viroqua Public Library Book & Bake Sale|Friends of the Viroqua Public Library Book & Bake Sale, Member-Only Sale from 8am-9am & Public Sale from 9am-3pm (with a Bag Sale from 2pm-3pm), located at WWTC of Viroqua, WI. For info, call Ann Prissel at 608-637-6869. Matching funds of up to $800 has been granted by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Come early for the best selection of quality used books and homemade baked treats. Proceeds to be used to purchase new audio and visual materials.
1818|20031004|Warriors Baton & Drum Corps Annual Membership Drive|Warriors Baton & Drum Corps Annual Membership Drive, at Valley View Mall (located in Marshall Fields Court), La Crosse, WI. They will be performing from 11am-6pm. New classes start Sun.10/12.
1819|20031011|Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church Chicken-Que|Mt Calvary Lutheran Church Chicken-Que, from 10:30am-1pm, at Mt Calvary Lutheran Church, Trempealeau, WI. Sponsored by Thrivent Financial For Lutherans. Cost: $5.50 for 1/2 Chicken. For info, call 608-534-6672.
1820|20031011|St. Mary's Catholic Church (Tomah) Octoberfest|St Mary's Catholic Church (Tomah) Octoberfest, Sat.10/11 & Sun.10/12, at St Mary's Catholic Church, 315 W Monroe St, Tomah, WI. Activities include: Fun Run, youth, two mile and five mile, pancake breakfast, craft & bake sale, lunch, games, haunted house, BBQ Fest, bingo, silent auction, etc. Green Bay Packers game will be available to watch on the grounds. For info, call Bob Kliebenstein at 608-372-4123(wk#) or 608-372-7892(hm#).
1821|20031012|St. Mary's Catholic Church (Tomah) Octoberfest|St Mary's Catholic Church (Tomah) Octoberfest, Sat.10/11 & Sun.10/12, at St Mary's Catholic Church, 315 W Monroe St, Tomah, WI. Activities include: Fun Run, youth, two mile and five mile, pancake breakfast, craft & bake sale, lunch, games, haunted house, BBQ Fest, bingo, silent auction, etc. Green Bay Packers game will be available to watch on the grounds. For info, call Bob Kliebenstein at 608-372-4123(wk#) or 608-372-7892(hm#).
1822|20031011|Harvest Supper|Harvest Supper, at Dell United Methodist Church, from 4pm-7pm, at Dell United Methodist Church, County P & E Bloomingdale Rd, located between La Farge and Westby, WI. Cost: $6 Adults; $3 Children 6-12; FREE Children under 6. For info, call 608-625-2170.
1823|20030927|Women in the Outdoors Event|Women in the Outdoors Event, hosted by the BT Strutters chapter of the Natl Wild Turkey Federation and the Holmen Rod & Gun Club, located at the Holmen Rod & Gun Club, Holmen, WI. The Women in the Outdoors program's mission is to provide hands-on, educational outdoor opportunities for women. For info, call Karyl Utke at 608-374-2774. Email: tribute@mwt.net. Or contact Sandy Heidel at 608-781-7620, or call 1-800-THE-NWTF or visit the NWTF website at www.nwtf.org.
1824|20030927|12th Annual "Lefty" Krajewski Golf Tournament|12th Annual "Lefty" Krajewski Golf Tournament, sponsored by the School District 300 Foundation, with Tee times beginning at 7:30am, located at the Pine Creek Golf Course, La Crescent, MN. The Tournament is a 3-person scramble. Entry Fee is $90/team. For info/registration, call 507-895-2410; or Lora Pechacek, Coord., at 507-895-6261.
1825|20030924|Norwegian Buffet|Norwegian Buffet, from 11am-1pm & 3:30pm-7pm, at Scheie Lutheran Church, 4 miles N and 1 mile W of Mabel, MN. ALL YOU CAN EAT! Bake Sale. Carryouts available. Cost: $9 Adults; $4 Children 6-12; FREE Children under 6. Tickets at the door.
1826|20030927|27th Annual Fort Atkinson Rendezvous|27th Annual Fort Atkinson Rendezvous, Sat.9/27 from 9:30am-4:30pm, and Sun.9/28 from 9am-4pm, at Fort Atkinson, Iowa. No admission charge. Free parking. Bring the family!
1827|20030928|27th Annual Fort Atkinson Rendezvous|27th Annual Fort Atkinson Rendezvous, Sat.9/27 from 9:30am-4:30pm, and Sun.9/28 from 9am-4pm, at Fort Atkinson, Iowa. No admission charge. Free parking. Bring the family!
1828|20030919|73rd Annual Viola Horse & Colt Show|73rd Annual Viola Horse & Colt Show, Fri.9/19 from 6pm-?? and Sat.9/20 from 7:30am-??, at Viola, WI. FREE ADMISSION. Featuring: 4-Wheel Drive Truck/Tractor Pulls, Horse Show, Arts & Crafts Show, Horse Pulling Contest, Mini Rod Pulls, Parade, Dance, and much more! For more info, call: 608-627-1831. Website: www.violahorseandcoltshow.com.
1829|20030920|73rd Annual Viola Horse & Colt Show|73rd Annual Viola Horse & Colt Show, Fri.9/19 from 6pm-?? and Sat.9/20 from 7:30am-??, at Viola, WI. FREE ADMISSION. Featuring: 4-Wheel Drive Truck/Tractor Pulls, Horse Show, Arts & Crafts Show, Horse Pulling Contest, Mini Rod Pulls, Parade, Dance, and much more! For more info, call: 608-627-1831. Website: www.violahorseandcoltshow.com.
1830|20030920|Norskedalen's 17th Annual Threshing Bee|Norskedalen's 17th Annual Threshing Bee, from 10am-4pm, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, located 3 miles N of Coon Valley, WI on Cty Hwy PI, Coon Valley, WI. Demonstrations and Displays will be held all day. For info, call 608-452-3157. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1831|20030920|Onalaska Hilltopper Show Choir Fundraiser|Onalaska Hilltopper Show Choir Fundraiser, from 10am-5pm with the Show Choir performing at 1:30pm, located in the Festival Foods parking lot, Onalaska, WI. Fundraiser will include: Bake Sale, Brat & Pepsi Stand, Car Wash at Kwik Trip on Main St (across from Coulee Golf Bowl), and Sale of Show Choir shirts, tapes and CD's. For info, call Paul Gulsvig at 783-4561(school) or 783-8116(home); or Lauri Berg at 783-1743(home) or 783-5500,ext.221(work).
1832|20030917|Fall Mission Meatball Supper|Fall Mission Meatball Supper, serving from 5pm-7:30pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Spring Grove, MN. Supporting Funds provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For info, call Lorilyn Dehning at 507-765-4548.
1833|20030927|YMCA Maple Leaf Road Races|YMCA Maple Leaf Road Races, featuring the Johns & Flaherty/Jim Gokey Half Marathon, First Logic 5K Walk, or the CenturyTel 5-Mile Run. Proceeds will be used to support the YMCA's youth programs. To register, call Kris Voelker at 782-9622,ext.236. For info, call Sarah Moxness at 782-9622,ext.227.
1834|20030920|YMCA Oktoberfest Youth 3 on 3 Hoops Tournament|YMCA Oktoberfest Youth 3 on 3 Hoops Tournament, at 9am. This fun day of basketball is for youth grades 5-9. For info/registration, call Sarah Moxness at 782-9622,ext.227.
1835|20030927|YMCA Oktoberfest Volleyball Tournament|YMCA Oktoberfest Volleyball Tournament, will be held at 4 different sites in La Crosse, WI. They are: Central, Logan and Aquinas High Schools and the YMCA. It is designed for adults (18+) with competitive mens A/AA and B/BB and womens A and B divisions. Entry forms available at www.laxymca.org or stop by the Y to register. Deadline is Sept.21st. For info, call Sarah Moxness at 782-9622,ext.227.
1836|20030920|Railroad Days|Railroad Days, from 10am-5pm with Fire Truck Parade at 6:30pm and Fireworks at Dusk, at Marquette, IA. For info, call 563-873-1200.
1837|20030921|Marshall Grass Memorial Horse Pull|Marshall Grass Memorial Horse Pull, at 12:30pm, located at Taylor Rod & Gun Club Grounds, 2 miles South of Taylor, WI on County Trunk N. Food/refreshments on the grounds. For info, call 608-989-2840. Limited Seating - Bring Lawn chairs.
1838|20030920|Christian Concert Series featuring MICHAEL SCHROEDER|Christian Concert Series featuring MICHAEL SCHROEDER. (These new concerts will be happening every 3rd Saturday of the month with various artists.) All concerts will be free-will offering and will begin at 5:30pm with fellowship (coffee & cake) to follow. Located at Onalaska United Methodist Church, 212 4th Ave N, Onalaska, WI. For info, call Todd Burnell at 796-9453; or the OUMC at 783-3380. Wisconsin Rapids native MICHAEL SCHROEDER recently released his "A Witness" CD. For more info on Michael Schroeder visit his website at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/michaelschroeder.
1839|20031004|Cub Scouts of Pack 98-La Crescent "Emergency Food Drive"|Cub Scouts of Pack 98-La Crescent "Emergency Food Drive", to re-stock the La Crescent Food Shelf, will be collecting food in the city of La Crescent and taking it to the La Crescent Food Shelf. Please have the NON-PERISHABLE food out by 9:00am!!! Items desperately needed: Canned Chicken, Ham & Spam; Jelly & Jams; Paper Products(toilet paper, paper towels); Pork & Beans; Canned Fruits; Canned Juices; Peanut Butter. For info or to order, call 507-895-6848.
1840|20030922|Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy presents W.I.S.E.|Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy presents W.I.S.E. (Women Initiating Safe Environments), a women's self-defense program. 8-WEEK Program, Monday Nights from 8pm-10pm, starting Sept.22 - Nov.10. Cost: $55/person ($45/person Student/Corporate Rate). Topics covered, include: Common Sense Assault Prevention, Home/Vehicle Security, Stress Management, Escapes, Tactical Awareness, and Countermeasures. For info/registration, contact: Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy, 123 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI, at 608-784-9900. Email: lklahn@aol.com.
1841|20030924|Soup Supper|Soup Supper, hosted by the United Methodist Church of Norwalk/Salem, serving from 4pm-7pm, located at the UMC on Main St, Norwalk, WI. Cost: $6/plate. Handicapped accessible. Public invited. For info, call Linda Beier at 435-6626(evenings).
1842|20030924|Church Bazaar & Supper|Church Bazaar & Supper, hosted by the Melrose Methodist Church, serving supper from 5pm-6:30pm, with the auction/bazaar at 7pm, located at Legion Hall, Main St, Melrose, WI. For info, call 608-488-3772.
1843|20030923|La Crosse Area Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting|La Crosse Area Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting, at 7pm, at the La Crosse Public Library Main Branch (large conference room), located at 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Terry Micks will give a presentation on Genealogy Websites. There will also be discussion on the various genealogy programs. Refreshments will be served. FREE and Open to the Public. For info, call Sue Page at 783-2210.
1844|20030927|FREE Root Beer Floats Immediately Following the Oktoberfest Parade|FREE Root Beer Floats Immediately Following the Oktoberfest Parade (and Karaoke), at Cornerstone Community Church, corner of 5th & State, La Crosse, WI. For info, call Lea Kendhammer at 784-0160. Website: info@cornerstonelacrosse.org.
1845|20030927|23rd Annual Turned Leaf Festival|23rd Annual Turned Leaf Festival, which is an alternative to drinking festival. Price is $3 which includes a meal and chance to win door prizes. Following the picnic there will be a dance from 7pm-12Midnight at the Eagles Club, 228 5th Ave S, La Crosse, WI. More door prizes will be given away. For those who did not attend the picnic, cover charge is $3. Come have fun and meet new friends and old acquaintances!
1846|20030925|Cathedral PCCU Rummage Sale|Cathedral PCCU Rummage Sale, in the undercroft at 530 Main, Thurs.9/25 from 8am-2pm, and half-price sale Fri.9/26 from 8am-1pm. Enter on 6th Street or on West side parking lot where elevator is available. For info, call Judith Strauss at 782-1592.
1847|20030926|Cathedral PCCU Rummage Sale|Cathedral PCCU Rummage Sale, in the undercroft at 530 Main, Thurs.9/25 from 8am-2pm, and half-price sale Fri.9/26 from 8am-1pm. Enter on 6th Street or on West side parking lot where elevator is available. For info, call Judith Strauss at 782-1592.
1848|20030928|Fall Festival|Fall Festival, hosted by St John's Catholic Church, Whitehall, WI. Dinner served from 11am-2pm. MASS at 10:45am. Auction, Raffle, Food & Refreshments all day. Many games and activities for all ages, money raffle, quilt raffle, country store and more. Live music in the large tent from 2pm-4pm. Raffle drawings held at 4pm. For info, call 715-538-4607.
1849|20030923|Min-De's Fluff & Puff Pillow Cleaning|Min-De's Fluff & Puff Pillow Cleaning, from 8am-3pm, at St John's Catholic Church, Whitehall, WI. For info, call 715-538-4607.
1850|20030927|"UN1ON" Concert|"UN1ON" Concert (A Hip/Hop group from Michigan), at 8pm, at Rock Solid Youth Center, 75 West Third St, Winona, MN. Cost: $5/person. Tickets available at Rock Solid Youth Center, Country Market in Winona, Shepherd's Voice in Onalaska, and Christian Book & Gift in Rochester. For info, call Rock Solid at 507-452-2125. Website: www.rocksolidyouthcenter.com. Check out UN1ON at www.un1on.com.
1851|20030927|45th Gays Mills Apple Festival|45th Gays Mills Apple Festival, Sat.9/27 & Sun.9/28, in Gays Mills, WI. Visit the Gays Mills Orchards, Largest Orchards in the Tri-States! For info, call 735-4810.
1852|20030928|45th Gays Mills Apple Festival|45th Gays Mills Apple Festival, Sat.9/27 & Sun.9/28, in Gays Mills, WI. Visit the Gays Mills Orchards, Largest Orchards in the Tri-States! For info, call 735-4810.
1853|20031026|La Crosse YMCA 2nd Annual American Red Cross Blood Drive|La Crosse YMCA 2nd Annual American Red Cross Blood Drive, from 8am-1pm, in the Family Fun Center, YMCA, 1140 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Please call 782-9622 for an appointment or stop by the YMCA. Help save a life...give blood!
1854|20031004|Harvest-Time Bazaar & Bake Sale|Harvest-Time Bazaar & Bake Sale, from 9am-2pm, at United in Christ Lutheran Church, 1857 County Rd Z, Dellwood, WI. Featuring: Lunch, Crafts, Baked Goods & White Elephant Table. Sponsored by United in Christ Ladies' Circle. Everyone Welcome!
1855|20031026|YMCA Halloween Party|YMCA Halloween Party, at La Crosse YMCA, 1140 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Families will enjoy games, costume contest, collecting candy, face painting, cookie decorating, cake walk and more. Admission is FREE and game tickets are 25 cents each. Concessions will also be available. For info, call YMCA at 782-9622.
1856|20031027|La Crosse YMCA Fall II Class Registration|La Crosse YMCA Fall II Class Registration will take place the week of October 27th. Programs include swimming lessons, gymnastics, basketball or many other youth opportunities. There are also programs for infants, families, teens and older adults. For info/registration, call 782-9622.
1857|20031018|Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Open House|Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Open House, from 5pm-7pm, at Alpha Xi Delta, 1328 State Street, La Crosse, WI.
1858|20031019|1st Annual Wilton Lions Polkafest|1st Annual Wilton Lions Polkafest, with Dinner served from 10:30am-?? and Music from 12Noon-7pm featuring Gary's New Ridgeland Dutchman and the New Jolly Swiss Boys. Located at Wilton Community Center. Refreshments available throughout the day. Quilt and blanket raffle. Proceeds to be used for local Lions projects and the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, Inc. Supplemented by Monroe County Chapter Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
1859|20031005|Annual Chicken Dinner|Annual Chicken Dinner, serving family style from 11am-2pm, at Bells Coulee Lutheran Church, Hwy D & DE, Bangor, WI. Also Country Store and Drawing for a home-made quilt.
1860|20031003|Coulee Region FREE Food Distribution Program|Coulee Region FREE Food Distribution Program, from 10am-12:30pm, at Cathedral of Praise Church, 3340 South Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska, WI (just past the Onalaska Gundersen Clinic north of the mall). A donation of $12 is requested to help cover miscellaneous food program expenses. Please bring your own bags/boxes. For info, call Dave and Connie Keating at Creator's Touch Ministries, Inc at 608-783-2909. Volunteers are needed Thursday from 5pm-9pm for unloading and setup and also Friday from 8:30am-2pm. Volunteers are also invited to participate in the food distribution.
1861|20031004|21st Annual Apple Affair|21st Annual Apple Affair, from 7am-??, at historic downtown square in Galesville, WI. Many events, such as: omelet breakfast, crafts, baked goods, orchard vendors, antique doll display, library craft/used-book sale, horseshoe tourney, 20- to 60-mile bike tours, kids' games, 10-foot apple pie baked in town square, live music, and much more. Shuttle bus provided. This is a non-alcohol, non-profit promotion of the area's apple produce. Sponsored by the Galesville Area Chamber of Commerce. For info, call 608-582-2868.
1862|20031011|Ski Patrol 29th Annual Ski Swap|Ski Patrol 29th Annual Ski Swap, from 12pm-8pm, at 4-H Building of Olmsted County Fairgrounds, Rochester, MN. Buy & Sell New and Used Ski Equipment and Clothing for All Family Members (Downhill, Cross Country & Snowboards). Check in items for sale between hours of 7am-2pm; and Pick up checks and equipment on Sun.10/12 from 10am-2pm. For info, call 507-287-0111; 507-281-0769; or 507-281-1308.
1863|20030928|55th Annual Harvest Dinner & Country Store|55th Annual Harvest Dinner & Country Store, from 11am-2pm, at Rush River Lutheran Church, Hwy 29E & County Rd Y in rural River Falls. Everyone Welcome! Thrivent Financial, Pierce-St Croix Chapter 30917 will donate matching funds. For info, call 715-684-3701.
1864|20030923|Washburn Potluck Dinner|Washburn Potluck Dinner, from 6pm-7:30pm, at Lincoln Middle School - between 8th & 9th on Ferry (please use the Ferry St entrance), La Crosse, WI. Please bring a dish to pass. Come and join your neighbors, friends and interested parties. Please feel free to stay for the monthly Washburn Neighborhood Association meeting afterwards.
1865|20030919|Steak & Fish Dinner|Steak & Fish Dinner, from 5pm-7pm, at VFW Clubrooms, 6th & Market St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $8.50. Carryouts available.
1866|20030921|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast, from 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
1867|20030921|Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church Dedication Service|Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church Dedication Service, at 2pm, located just off of Hwy 93-54 at 16303 North Church Lane, Galesville, WI (turn south near the lights on the main highway). Community members are invited to tour the new worship sanctuary. Following the service, light refreshments will be served and tours will be given of the new sanctuary, kitchen and classrooms. For info, call Deb Hofland at 715-662-2209.
1868|20031002|2003 Oktoberfest Needlework Show|2003 Oktoberfest Needlework Show, Thurs.10/2 from 9am-9pm, Fri.10/3 from 9am-5pm, and Sat.10/4 from 9am-3pm, at La Crosse Main Library Auditorium, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Entries will be received at the La Crosse Main Library on Wed.10/1 from 12Noon-5pm. For entry rules/forms, contact the La Crosse Main Library. For info, call Caroline Heisler at 608-783-5991.
1869|20031003|2003 Oktoberfest Needlework Show|2003 Oktoberfest Needlework Show, Thurs.10/2 from 9am-9pm, Fri.10/3 from 9am-5pm, and Sat.10/4 from 9am-3pm, at La Crosse Main Library Auditorium, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Entries will be received at the La Crosse Main Library on Wed.10/1 from 12Noon-5pm. For entry rules/forms, contact the La Crosse Main Library. For info, call Caroline Heisler at 608-783-5991.
1870|20031004|2003 Oktoberfest Needlework Show|2003 Oktoberfest Needlework Show, Thurs.10/2 from 9am-9pm, Fri.10/3 from 9am-5pm, and Sat.10/4 from 9am-3pm, at La Crosse Main Library Auditorium, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Entries will be received at the La Crosse Main Library on Wed.10/1 from 12Noon-5pm. For entry rules/forms, contact the La Crosse Main Library. For info, call Caroline Heisler at 608-783-5991.
1871|20031005|Sparta CROP Walk|Sparta CROP Walk, at 1pm, at Congregational United Church of Christ, 201 N Water St, Sparta, WI. 25% of proceeds will be used to help local food pantry and remainder will go to Church World Service for World Hunger and Refugee Assistance and other global projects. For participation/info, call 608-269-6115; or 608-269-5100. Email: cucc@centurytel.net.
1872|20031007|Nob Hill Boys Bluegrass Concert|Nob Hill Boys Bluegrass Concert, at 7:30pm, at Viroqua's Temple Theatre, Viroqua, WI. Sponsored by The Viroqua Partners. The concert will follow Viroqua and Westby's Annual "Alive After Five" at the Bella Luna Pizzaria. Cost: $10/person in advance and $13/person at the door. Tickets can be purchased at Green Man Music, Dahl Pharmacy, or the Viroqua Partners Office. For info, call 608-637-2575.
1873|20031009|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, Thurs.10/9 & Fri.10/10 from 8am-1pm both days (with Fri. 1/2 price day), at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 612 Division St, La Crosse, WI.
1874|20031010|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, Thurs.10/9 & Fri.10/10 from 8am-1pm both days (with Fri. 1/2 price day), at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 612 Division St, La Crosse, WI.
1875|20031009|Harvest Dinner|Harvest Dinner, from 4:30pm-7pm, at First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave, Tomah, WI. Cost: $7.50 Adults; $3 Children 10&under. Tickets available at the church office or at the door. For info or carryouts, call 608-372-4543. Homemade quilt raffle tickets available.
1876|20031011|All-Church Bazaar|All-Church Bazaar, from 9am-2pm, at Asbury United Methodist Church, 1818 Redfield St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring: Books, Jewelry and Glassware Table, Country Store, Needlework, Bakery & Treats Table, Special Handmade Quilts (from full, queen, twin and baby sizes), and lunch/desserts. Come enjoy!
1877|20031016|Potato Pancake Supper|Potato Pancake Supper, serving from 3:30pm-7:30pm, at Trinity United Church of Christ, W4888 Harvest Lane, La Crosse, WI (located off Hwy 14-61 in Mormon Coulee, just 3.5 miles from La Crosse city limits). Cost: $6 Adults; $3 Children under 12yrs; FREE Children under 3yrs. All you care to eat! Also a Bake Sale and Drawing for prizes. For info, call 608-788-3632.
1878|20031011|La Crosse Jaycees 3rd Annual Autumn Singles Auction|La Crosse Jaycees 3rd Annual Autumn Singles Auction, starting at 9pm (w/silent auction/social at 7pm - see below), at the La Crosse Center South Hall A, La Crosse, WI. The event will honor Breast Cancer Awareness month by donating proceeds to support breast cancer research at the Norma J Vinger Center for Breast Care at Gundersen Lutheran. 10 single men and 10 single women (which include local television, newspaper, and radio personalities and local business owners) will be auctioned off with a date package. There will be a silent auction and social with catering from Garfield's Restaurant starting at 7pm. Cost: $12 in advance. For info, call Kristy Kohner at 608-780-8326. Website: www.autumnsinglesauction.org.
1879|20030920|Praisefest|Praisefest, at 3:30pm, at Applefest Grounds, La Crescent, MN. Featuring local band TWINCROSS. *Please bring your own lawnchair or blanket. Admission: Applefest Button. For info, call 507-895-8907. Website: www.twincross.com. Come and enjoy a time of Christian music and fellowship!
1880|20031015|Harvest Supper, Bake Sale, Bazaar, Quilt Raffle|Harvest Supper, Bake Sale, Bazaar, Quilt Raffle, from 4:30pm-8pm, at Pigeon Falls Evangelical Lutheran Church. Cost: $7 Adults; reduced cost for Children. Carryouts available. Co-sponsored by Thrivent for Lutherans. Everyone welcome!
1881|20031108|Blair 17th Annual Christmas Shop|Blair 17th Annual Christmas Shop, from 9am-3pm, at the Blair-Taylor Elementary School gymnasiums. Event will feature: Santa and Mrs Claus, Unique Christmas gifts, Stained Glass, Ceramics, woven rag rugs, Country and Wooden Items, Handmade Jewelry, decorated sweatshirts, floral wreaths and decorations, bake sales and lots of craft items. There will also be a Chamber of Commerce Raffle and food booths. Sponsored by Blair Area Chamber of Commerce.
1882|20031107|23rd Annual Tomah Jaycees' "Hunter's Night Out"|23rd Annual Tomah Jaycees' "Hunter's Night Out", with Social at 5pm, and Dinner at 6:30pm, at Monroe County Fairgrounds - Rec Building. Tickets: $40/Advance; $45/at the door. Over 10 Different Raffles - Over 250 Door Prizes. Grand Prize: Complete Matthews Bow Package. For tickets, send check or money order to: Tomah Jaycees, PO Box 582, Tomah, WI 54660. For info/tickets, call Darron Granger at 608-374-4059; or Ed Raiten at 608-372-2232.
1883|20031004|Osseo's 25th Annual 10km Walkfest|Osseo's 25th Annual 10km Walkfest, Sat.10/4 & Sun.10/5, from 8:30am-2pm each day, with starting point being R & R Sports Bar & Grill, which is approximately 6-7 miles east of Osseo on Hwy 10. The walk is free, however a certificate and medal can be purchased to help defray costs. This is a fall walk in a rural setting. Some hills, not suitable for strollers. AVA sanctioned. For info, call Bob Gamache at 715-597-2231. Email: rgamache@triwest.net. Sponsored by Osseo Volkssport Club.
1884|20031005|Osseo's 25th Annual 10km Walkfest|Osseo's 25th Annual 10km Walkfest, Sat.10/4 & Sun.10/5, from 8:30am-2pm each day, with starting point being R & R Sports Bar & Grill, which is approximately 6-7 miles east of Osseo on Hwy 10. The walk is free, however a certificate and medal can be purchased to help defray costs. This is a fall walk in a rural setting. Some hills, not suitable for strollers. AVA sanctioned. For info, call Bob Gamache at 715-597-2231. Email: rgamache@triwest.net. Sponsored by Osseo Volkssport Club.
1885|20031008|Annual Sauerkraut Supper|Annual Sauerkraut Supper, serving from 4pm-9pm, at St Peter's Parish Church, Middle Ridge, W695 State Hwy 33, Rockland, WI. Bake Sale, Quilt Raffle & Other Prizes. Cost: $6.50 Adults; $3 Children. Carryouts available. For info, call Carol Gronemus at 608-654-5296.
1886|20031009|La Crosse YMCA hosts "Lights on Afterschool Rally"|La Crosse YMCA hosts "Lights on Afterschool Rally", from 3pm-6pm, at La Crosse YMCA Gymnasium, 1140 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Community leaders, local business leaders, school personnel, parents and supporters of our program are all invited to attend to celebrate our afterschool program. Refreshments will be served. For info, call 608-782-9622.
1887|20031012|Stoddard PTO 5th Annual Chicken-Q|Stoddard PTO 5th Annual Chicken-Q, serving from 11am-?? until gone, at Stoddard Elementary School, Stoddard, WI. Cost: $6. Drive-thru service is available.
1888|20031012|St. Mary's Parish Annual Fall Dinner|St Mary's Parish Annual Fall Dinner, Mass at 10am, w/ Dinner from 11am-2pm, at St Mary's Parish, Minneiska. Featuring: cash prizes, door prizes, bake sale, children's games. For info, call 507-689-2671. Take a short drive to Minneiska, enjoy the fall colors, the scenic Mississippi River, and Hometown fun!
1889|20031016|Babysitting Class|Babysitting Class, from 9am-2:30pm, at Franciscan Skemp Healthcare Conference Room 3 of the Clinic Basement, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $20 registration fee due at the door on day of event. All participants are asked to bring a sack lunch and a beverage. This class is designed for students ages 10-14yrs, to learn how to babysit, as well as how to find a "safe" babysitting job. Students will learn the fundamentals of babysitting, including how to feed, diaper and hold a baby, what to do in medical emergencies, home safety and first aid. For info, call 608-791-9435.
1890|20031030|Babysitting Class|Babysitting Class, from 9am-2:30pm, at Franciscan Skemp Healthcare Employee Lounge, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $20 registration fee due at the door on day of event. All participants are asked to bring a sack lunch and a beverage. This class is designed for students ages 10-14yrs, to learn how to babysit, as well as how to find a "safe" babysitting job. Students will learn the fundamentals of babysitting, including how to feed, diaper and hold a baby, what to do in medical emergencies, home safety and first aid. For info, call 608-791-9435.
1891|20031009|Salad Luncheon Bake Sale, Craft Sale & Silent Auction|Salad Luncheon Bake Sale, Craft Sale & Silent Auction, from 11am-1pm, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1314 East Lexington Blvd, Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $5 Adults; $2 Children under 10yrs. Featuring a great, inexpensive, fast lunch, including a bake sale of homemade lefse and other Norwegian baked goods, and a craft sale of handmade items. Handmade quilts will be sold at silent auction as well. For info, call Vicki Fields at 715-835-5487.
1892|20030927|BARB WINRICH Benefit Dinner|BARB WINRICH Benefit Dinner, with Dinner of Chili and Fixings, from 4pm-8pm, and Drawings from 8pm-10pm, at Hope Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI. Tickets available in advance and at benefit. Barb has recently been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a rare form of Leukemia. She will be receiving treatment at The Myeloma Institute for Research & Therapy in Little Rock, Arkansas, where they treat more patients with Myeloma than anywhere else in the world. They have one of the most active bone marrow transplantation centers for patients with numerous forms of cancer. Come and join family and friends! For info/donations, call Jayne Berseth at 715-720-0241; or Troy Winrich at 715-829-9298; or Jayne Anderson at 608-637-3198,ext.233.
1893|20031010|Westby Host Fest Chicken-Q|Westby Host Fest Chicken-Q (featuring Rooster Andy's), serving from 4pm-7:30pm, behind Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Westby, WI. Sponsored by Westby Music Parents Association.
1894|20031005|October Fair|October Fair, from 10:30am-3pm, at St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, 201 S Michigan St, Prairie du Chien, WI. Featuring: door prizes, outdoor games, demonstrations from different committees of the church to show all of the ministries of St Peter. The Packer Game will be showing! Everyone welcome - Open to the Public!
1895|20031022|79th Annual Sauerkraut Supper, Bazaar & Bake Sale|79th Annual Sauerkraut Supper, Bazaar & Bake Sale, with Supper (served Family Style) serving from 4pm-6:30pm, and with Bazaar/Bake Sale from 3pm-6:30pm, at St John's United Church of Christ, 630 West Ave South (at Market St), La Crosse, WI. Tickets available at church office or at the door. For info, call 608-784-3314.
1896|20031026|Lutefisk Dinner & Bake Sale|Lutefisk Dinner (All-You-Can-Eat...Family Style) & Bake Sale, serving dinner from 11am-7pm, at North Beaver Creek Lutheran Church, 4 miles East of Beaches Corner on County Road C, off Hwy 53, rural Ettrick, WI. Bring the entire Family! Everyone Welcome! Proceeds will be used for mission work. Worship Service at 9am.
1897|20031012|Potato/Regular Pancake & Sausage Breakfast|Potato/Regular Pancake & Sausage Breakfast, serving from 8:30am-12:30pm, at St Mary's Catholic School, Greenwood, WI. Also a Bake Sale. Cost: $4 donation/Adults; $2.50 donation/Children K-6yrs old. Proceeds go to raise funds for new workbooks. For info, call Kathy at 715-267-7335. Sponsored by Catholic Knights Branch 234 and St Mary's Home & School Association.
1898|20031018|Lutefisk Dinner|Lutefisk Dinner, serving from 11am-1pm & 4pm-8pm, at Utica Lutheran Church, Hwy 27, Mt Sterling, WI. Cost: $12 Adults; $5 Children 6-12yrs; FREE Children under 6yrs. Also a Craft & Bake Sale. Featuring: Lutefisk, lefse, potatoes, meatballs, rutabagas, cranberries, Norwegian pasteries.
1899|20031011|St. Paul Lutheran Church Community Auction|St Paul Lutheran Church Community Auction, at 9:30am, at St Paul Lutheran Church, Chatfield, MN. Auction is used to raise funds for the preschool that will be opening fall of 2004. Matching funds by Thrivent Chapter #31202. Donations still needed - no clothing. For info, call 507-867-3583; or 507-867-4251.
1900|20031011|De Soto Fire Department Annual Chicken-Q & Raffle Drawing|De Soto Fire Department Annual Chicken-Q & Raffle Drawing, starting at 11am, at De Soto Firehouse, De Soto, WI. (Also a Craft Fair in the Firehouse starting at 9am). For info, call 608-648-2920.
1901|20031008|Harvest Dinner|Harvest Dinner, from 4:30pm-6:30pm, at St Paul's Episcopal Church, LaFayette & Broadway, Winona, MN. Cost: $7. For info, call 507-452-5355.
1902|20031011|Civil War Battle Reenactment at Norskedalen|Civil War Battle Reenactment at Norskedalen, Sat.10/11 & Sun.10/12 from 9am-4pm both days, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, Coon Valley, WI. Visitors will see Union and Confederate soldiers in camp and battle reenactments throughout both days. Cost: $5 Adults; $2 Children; $12 Family. (Admission is free to Norskedalen members). Website: www.norskedalen.org or www.secondwi.com. For info, call Frederick Beseler at 608-785-2652.
1903|20031012|Civil War Battle Reenactment at Norskedalen|Civil War Battle Reenactment at Norskedalen, Sat.10/11 & Sun.10/12 from 9am-4pm both days, at Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center, Coon Valley, WI. Visitors will see Union and Confederate soldiers in camp and battle reenactments throughout both days. Cost: $5 Adults; $2 Children; $12 Family. (Admission is free to Norskedalen members). Website: www.norskedalen.org or www.secondwi.com. For info, call Frederick Beseler at 608-785-2652.
1904|20031008|Wilmington Lutheran Church Meatball Supper|Winmington Lutheran Church Meatball Supper, serving begins at 5pm, at Wilmington Lutheran Church, rural Caledonia, MN. Cost: $7 Adults; $3 Ages 6-12yrs; FREE Preschool age. All Carry-outs $7. Sponsored by W-ELCA, with support funds by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For info, call Jan Lee Buxengard at 507-498-3461.
1905|20031011|6th Annual Junior Achievement MONOPOLY Game|6th Annual Junior Achievement MONOPOLY Game, from 8:30am-6pm (with 1st game at 9am), at Valley View Mall Center Court, La Crosse, WI. Open to players 12 years and older. Cash prizes to students obtaining highest scores in preliminary rounds. Door prizes throughout the day. Any player eligible to play in the championship round (even adults) could win the grand prize of $500 cash! Sponsored by First Federal and several local businesses/organizations. Registration forms available at all First Federal locations or by contacting Lori Dubczak - Junior Achievement office at 608-789-4777; or Kim Valiquette at 608-526-4569.
1906|20031003|ROMEO & JEANETTE|ROMEO & JEANETTE, Fri.10/3, Sat.10/4, Fri.10/10 & Sat.10/11, at 7:30pm each evening, at Ye Old Opera House, Spring Grove, MN. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5598. A fun-filled evening for the whole family, Romeo & Janette is a story of love at first sight, sibling disputes & family differences.
1907|20031004|ROMEO & JANETTE|ROMEO & JEANETTE, Fri.10/3, Sat.10/4, Fri.10/10 & Sat.10/11, at 7:30pm each evening, at Ye Old Opera House, Spring Grove, MN. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5598. A fun-filled evening for the whole family, Romeo & Janette is a story of love at first sight, sibling disputes & family differences
1908|20031010|ROMEO & JEANETTE|ROMEO & JEANETTE, Fri.10/3, Sat.10/4, Fri.10/10 & Sat.10/11, at 7:30pm each evening, at Ye Old Opera House, Spring Grove, MN. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5598. A fun-filled evening for the whole family, Romeo & Janette is a story of love at first sight, sibling disputes & family differences.
1909|20031011|ROMEO & JEANETTE|ROMEO & JEANETTE, Fri.10/3, Sat.10/4, Fri.10/10 & Sat.10/11, at 7:30pm each evening, at Ye Old Opera House, Spring Grove, MN. For tickets/info, call 507-498-5598. A fun-filled evening for the whole family, Romeo & Janette is a story of love at first sight, sibling disputes & family differences.
1910|20031011|Lamplight Tour of Villa Louis House & Grounds|Lamplight Tour of Villa Louis House & Grounds. Tickets on sale from 5:30pm-8:30pm, with Tours beginning at 6pm and departing every 15 minutes. Flashlights are recommended. Journey through time and learn about the habitants of Old Prairie du Chien. Meet a Voyageur, a Soldier, a Steamboat Captain, and members of the Dousman Family and their servants as they are busy packing and moving. All are revealed in six dramatic vignettes by the Spirits of St Feriole! For info, call Villa Louis at 608-326-2721. Website: wisconsinhistory.org.
1911|20031018|Annual Fall Bazaar|Annual Fall Bazaar, from 9am-2pm, at Lake Street United Methodist Church, 337 Lake Street, Eau Claire, WI. Coffee/Rolls served from 9am-10:30am and Lunch served from 11am-2pm. Also featuring Quilt Display and Face Painting for Children and Young-At-Heart. For info, call Virginia Markin at 715-832-0602.
1912|20031018|Holy Trinity 20th Annual Arts & Crafts Show/Sale|Holy Trinity 20th Annual Arts & Crafts Show/Sale, from 9am-4:30pm, at Protivin Community Center, Protivin, IA. Everyone Welcome!
1913|20031011|Roast Beef Dinner|Roast Beef Dinner w/Dressing and All the Trimmings! Served Buffet Style. Serving from 4pm-8pm, at St Peter Church, Hokah, MN. Also featuring Country Store/Farmer's Market sponsored by St Peter's School Board.
1914|20031026|Harvest Fest|Harvest Fest, from 9am-1:30pm, at St James the Greater Parish Hall, 2502 Eleventh St, Eau Claire, WI. Featuring: Crafts, baked goods, candy, holiday decorations, jewelry, books, cake walk, and Lunch served from 11am-1:30pm. For info, call Emma Barnett at 715-832-6739.
1915|20031018|Valley Community Center's Fall Sale|Valley Community Center's Fall Sale, from 9am-3pm, at Valley Community Center, located on County P in Vernon County. Featuring: Huge rummage sale, crafts, baked goods. Lunch available.
1916|20031029|Norskedalen's Ghoulees in the Coulees Haunted Halloween Hike|Norskedalen's Ghoulees in the Coulees Haunted Halloween Hike, Wed.10/29 & Thurs.10/30, from 5:30pm-8:30pm each day, at Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, 3 miles north of Coon Valley, WI, on County Hwy PI. Cost: $4 per body if reserved and paid by Oct.20th; $5 per body after Oct.20th. Reservations being taken. Come for this thrilling, chilling hike through the hair-raising woods of ghosts and goblins. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1917|20031030|Norskedalen's Ghoulees in the Coulees Haunted Halloween Hike|Norskedalen's Ghoulees in the Coulees Haunted Halloween Hike, Wed.10/29 & Thurs.10/30, from 5:30pm-8:30pm each day, at Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, 3 miles north of Coon Valley, WI, on County Hwy PI. Cost: $4 per body if reserved and paid by Oct.20th; $5 per body after Oct.20th. Reservations being taken. Come for this thrilling, chilling hike through the hair-raising woods of ghosts and goblins. For info, call 608-452-3424. Website: www.norskedalen.org.
1918|20031018|Chili/Pie Supper|Chili/Pie Supper, from 4pm-6:30pm, at Masonic Center, 4th & Main St, Onalaska, WI. Cost: $4.50 Adults. For info, call Paul Hersh at 783-6233. Sponsored by Onalaska Chapter #249, Order of the Eastern Star.
1919|20031021|Stress Reduction for Family Caregivers of the Mentally Ill|Stress Reduction for Family Caregivers for the Mentally Ill program, at 7:15pm, at First Congregational Church Community Room, 2503 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Speaker: Linda Dunn, Clinical Psychologist with Franciscan Skemp Healthcare. The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of La Crosse County is a support and advocacy group for families and friends of the seriously mentally ill.
1920|20031026|Lumberjack Breakfast|Lumberjack Breakfast, serving from 8am-1pm, at Viroqua Eagles Club, Viroqua, WI. Sponsored by LaBelle Masonic Lodge & Viroqua Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. Cost: $5 Adults; $2.50 Children under 10yrs.
1921|20031026|Old Fashion Pancake Breakfast|Old Fashion Pancake Breakfast, serving from 8am-12Noon, at LE Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger St, Eau Claire, WI. Cost: $4 Adults; $2 Children under 10yrs. Public Welcome! Proceeds benefit our program scholarships.
1922|20031104|"Taking the Stress Out of Raising Responsible Kids" Presentation|"Taking the Stress Out of Raising Responsible Kids" Presentation, from 6:30pm-8:30pm, in the auditorium at Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring nationally renowned speaker and co-author JIM FAY of best selling books, 'Parenting with Love and Logic' and 'Parenting Teens with Love and Logic'. Jim is one of America's most sought-after presenters in the area of parenting, positive discipline, and classroom management. FREE and Open to Public! Free childcare is provided at the presentation. For info, call 608-789-8460.
1923|20031019|Pork Chop Dinner|Pork Chop Dinner, serving from 11:15am-?? until gone, at McKinley Methodist Church, 801 W Broadway St, Winona, MN. Cost: $6. Take-out orders and deliveries will be available & for info, call 507-452-3568. Proceeds going to Mission Trip.
1924|20031017|Steak & Fish Dinner|Steak & Fish Dinner, serving from 5pm-7pm, at VFW Clubrooms, 6th & Market St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $8.50. Carryouts available.
1925|20031019|Omelet Breakfast|Omelet Breakfast, serving from 8am-12Noon, at VFW Clubrooms, 630 S 6th St, La Crosse, WI. Cost: $5.
1926|20031023|Chicken-Que|Chicken-Que, hosted by the La Crosse Tavern League Safe Ride Program, serving from 11am-6:30pm or until gone, at VFW of La Crosse, WI. Cost: $6. For tickets/info, call Dorothea Horschak at 608-788-3510. Carryout & delivery available. For delivery, call 608-785-1530 a.s.a.p. Dinner prepared by Pogy's Catering.
1927|20031028|"To Quilt or not to Quilt"|"To Quilt or not to Quilt", at 6:30pm, at Onalaska Public Library, Onalaska, WI. Featuring: Lavern Ness. There will be refreshments and a time for questions and answers.
1928|20031025|Haunted Ghost Town Halloween Costume Ball|Haunted Ghost Town Halloween Costume Ball, hosted by Viroqua's Wild West Days. Ghost Town open from 7pm-9pm, and Dance from 7pm-11pm, featuring "SILVERADO" on stage at Wild West Grounds. Prizes for Best Costumes. Food/Drinks available at the Saloon. Admission: $7. Tickets available at Jubilee, Nelson Mill, Dahl Pharmacy, Viroqua Partners. For tickets/info, call 608-637-2575 or 608-637-7756. Sponsored by Coulee Country Title.
1929|20031018|13th Annual La Crosse Logan Craft Show|13th Annual La Crosse Logan Craft Show, from 9am-4pm, held in the field house and commons at Logan High School, 1500 Logan Drive, La Crosse, WI. Admission: $1 with door prizes given. Featuring: more than 100 vendors selling crafts, home furnishings and food items. Sponsored by Logan High School Parent Organization to raise money for scholarships for graduating seniors. For info, call Susan Hessel at 608-782-3248.
1930|20031025|Annual Roast Pork & Sauerkraut Supper|Annual Roast Pork & Sauerkraut Supper, serving from 4pm-8pm, at Zion Evangelical Church, Brownsville, MN. Cost: $8 Adults; $3.50 Children under 12yrs; FREE to Preschoolers. Adult Carryouts available. Also Country Store.
1931|20031018|Rushford Arts & Crafts Fair|Rushford Arts & Crafts Fair, from 9am-3pm, at Rushford-Peterson High School Gymnasium, Rushford, MN. Admission to event is FREE. Lunch & Refreshments available. Door Prizes, need not be present to win. Proceeds in support of community projects. Sponsored by Rushford Women's Club. For info, call Dorothy Magaard at 507-864-2848; or Debbie Heiden at 507-864-7185.
1932|20031018|"Gospel Truth" Concert at OUMC|"Gospel Truth" Concert at OUMC, at 5:30pm, at Onalaska United Methodist Church, 212 4th Ave N, Onalaska, WI. Featuring several groups associated with the Coulee Region Gospel Choir under the direction of Ruth Granum. Also featuring, The "GOSPEL TRUTH" singing songs from the musical 'Testify' and musical 'Safe Thus Far'. Fellowship and light refreshments available in the Narthex after the concert. Admission is FREE; good-will offerings will go to support the Coulee Region Gospel Choir. For info, call Sandy Koster at 608-783-7013.
1933|20031015|Possible Skate Park Informational Public Meeting|Possible Skate Park Informational Public Meeting, Wed.10/15 from 5:30pm-6:30pm OR Sun.10/19 from 4pm-5pm, at Hazel Brown Leight Memorial Library, West Salem, WI. This informational meeting is to gauge interest and commitment of students and their parents for pursuing a skate park in West Salem. All Village People of West Salem are encouraged to attend! For info, call Errol at 608-786-1675.
1934|20031019|Possible Skate Park Informational Public Meeting|Possible Skate Park Informational Public Meeting, Wed.10/15 from 5:30pm-6:30pm OR Sun.10/19 from 4pm-5pm, at Hazel Brown Leight Memorial Library, West Salem, WI. This informational meeting is to gauge interest and commitment of students and their parents for pursuing a skate park in West Salem. All Village People of West Salem are encouraged to attend! For info, call Errol at 608-786-1675.
1935|20031018|Clearwater Farm Quilt Show/Harvest Gathering|Clearwater Farm Quilt Show/Harvest Gathering, from 4pm-6pm, at Clearwater Farm, on Greens Coulee Rd at the Red Barn (near Coulee Golf Bowl), Onalaska, WI. Featuring: Pig-nic, kids' Halloween activities, pumpkin carving contest, bonfire, view and vote for your favorite quilt, and meet the farm animals. For info, call Karen Sibenaller at 608-783-5813.
1936|20031012|Autumn Festival|Autumn Festival, with Dinner from 11am-2pm, and Quilt/Money Raffle at 3pm, located at Sacred Heart Parish, Cashton, WI. Other events include: Cake Walk, Fish Pond, Games, and Crafts. Carryouts available. For delivery within Village Limits, call Delores Leis through Saturday at 608-654-5202 & Sunday at 608-654-5502. Matching funds - Catholic Knights #249. For info, call Enid Neubauerr at 608-654-7677.
1937|20031014|7th Annual "Heart to Heart"|7th Annual "Heart to Heart", from 4pm-7pm, at La Crosse Center, 300 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, WI. FREE & Open to Public for everyone who has been diagnosed with heart disease, regardless of where they received their medical care. Dinner will be served continuously from 4:30pm-6pm and information on healthy living and other health topics. A.Daniel Harbin, MD, a Gundersen Lutheran Heart Institute cardiologist, will speak on "Cardiology Today: What a Strange Trip It's Been!". RSVP's are requested. For info, call 608-775-3994.
1938|20031014|Onalaska Historical Society Meeting|Onalaska Historical Society Meeting, at 7pm, at Onalaska Community Center, Onalaska, WI. There will be a display of artifacts found at a home on South Court St in Onalaska. For info, call Sheryl Horman at 608-783-0440.
1939|20031015|Coulee Region Audubon Society Meeting|Coulee Region Audubon Society Meeting, at 7pm, in the La Crosse Public Library (lower level), 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Featuring Loon Expert, Kevin Kenow, with the Wildlife Section of the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, has been studying loons for 8 years. Come and hear Kevin discuss his work and see his slides. FREE & Open to Public. Refreshments will be served. For info, call Emily Campbell at 608-534-5548.
1940|20031011|4th Annual "Busy Hands - Happy Hearts" Craft Fair|4th Annual "Busy Hands - Happy Hearts" Craft Fair, from 9am-3pm, located in the gym at Northern Industries, Chippewa Falls, WI. (As you drive into the west entrance of Northern Center, there will be signs along Forest Avenue to direct you to the Craft Fair). Co-sponsored by Northern Wisconsin Center for the Developmentally Disabled in Chippewa Falls, and the NWC Parent's Organization. Featuring a large selection of hand-made crafts for sale. Lunch will be served from 10:30am-2pm. For info, call Theresa at 715-723-5542,ext.4827.
1941|20031019|6th Annual Swiss Steak Dinner & Fall Festival|6th Annual Swiss Steak Dinner & Fall Festival, from 10am-3pm (with Dinner served from 11am-1pm; and Blue Grass Mass beginning at 10am with the family TWO PLUS FOUR), at St Joseph's Church, Rushford, MN. Auction at 12:30pm. Raffle at 3pm. Carryouts and in-town delivery available. Featuring: Raffle, Country Store, Children's Games, Creative Cakes, Bake & Craft Sale. For info, call Fr William Kulas at 507-864-2257.
1942|20031018|Rummage Sale|Rummage Sale, from 7am-1pm, at Christ Episcopal Church, 111 9th St N, La Crosse, WI. Sale will be held in the undercroft. For info, call 608-784-0697.
1943|20031015|Chili, Soup & Pie Supper|Chili, Soup & Pie Supper, serving from 4:30pm-7:30pm, at Grace Lutheran Church, Alma Center. Also featuring baked goods, garden produce, and miscellaneous items. For info, call Barbara Jacobson at 715-964-5678.
1944|20031018|8th Annual Prairie View PTO Fall Harvest|8th Annual Prairie View PTO Fall Harvest, from 10am-3pm, at Prairie View Elementary, CTH N, Retreat, WI. Featuring Bake Sale, Crafts, Rummage Sale, Raffles, Games, Concessions. Children must be accompanied by parent. $1.00 donation per child please. Support Prairie View Elementary and come shop, eat, visit and play with family, friends, and neighbors! For info, call Tami Trussoni at 608-648-2367.
1945|20031014|"DALLAS BRASS" Performance|"DALLAS BRASS" Performance, at 7pm, in the Memorial High School Auditorium, 2225 Keith St, Eau Claire, WI. Hosted by Memorial High School and North High School Band Departments. This foremost musical ensemble of America and internationally-known Quintet has blended traditional brass instruments with a full complement of drums and percussion, for the entire family. They will be presenting instructional clinics to students and will be asking students to join the evening concert for one selection. For more info on the Dallas Brass, visit www.dallasbrass.com. For info, call Kelly Endres at 715-836-9190; Kim Bodeau at 715-833-2009; or Tony Rongstad at 715-833-8483. Everyone Welcome!
1946|20031011|26th Annual Harvest Holiday Craft and Country Kitchen Sale & Bazaar|26th Annual Harvest Holiday Craft and Country Kitchen Sale & Bazaar, hosted by the Harry J Olson Senior Center, from 8:30am-2pm, at the Harry J Olson Senior Citizen Center, 1607 North St, La Crosse, WI. Everyone Welcome!
1947|20031019|Immaculate Conception Church Fall Bazaar|Immaculate Conception Church Fall Bazaar, serving Dinner from 10:30am-1:30pm (with Auction from 1:30pm-2:30pm; and Raffle drawing at 2:30pm), at Immaculate Conception Church, Lansing, IA. Also Country Store and Baked Goods Sale. Carryouts available, phone 563-538-4360. Children's games - 2nd & 3rd floors of the convent; Adult games of chance - bottom floor of convent. 1 FREE BINGO ticket w/purchase of dinner ticket. For info, call 563-538-4171.
1948|20031022|Harvest Supper|Harvest Supper, serving starts at 5pm, at St Luke's United Church of Christ, Eitzen, MN. Cost: $6.50 Adults; $3 Children 10yrs & under; $6.50 All Carryouts. Handicap Accessible. Shop at the Country Store for some treats.
1949|20031012|Fall Festival|Fall Festival, from 9:30am-2:30pm (with Dinner serving from 11am-2pm; and Mass at 8:30am), at St Bartholomew's Church, Trempealeau, WI. Located in All-Weather Tent: Take-out tickets, bake sale, cake walk, children's games, $5 Grocery store, Basket raffle. Cost: $7 Adults; $3.50 Ages 5-12yrs; FREE Ages under 5yrs.
1950|20031018|Turtle Feed|Turtle Feed, from 6pm-9pm, at the American Legion club rooms of West Salem, WI. Hosted by Berg-Hemker-Olson Post#51 American Legion of West Salem. Due to limited supply of turtle, all tickets for this event will be sold in advance. Tickets available at Legion Post #51; 1st National Bank in West Salem; Hunter's Mid-town; Neshonoc Sport & Service; and American Family Insurance in West Salem.
1951|20031018|La Crosse Area Church Library Association (LACLA) Fall Meeting|La Crosse Area Church Library Association (LACLA) Fall Meeting, at 9:15am, at La Crosse Public Library (Main), 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Anita Doering, Archivist of the La Crosse Public Library, will talk on "Weeding & Historical Retention" in Church Libraries. Everyone is welcome! For info, call Louise Bruring at 608-782-0263.
1952|20031017|La Crosse Area Plein Air Artists ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Fundraiser|La Crosse Area Plein Air Artists ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Fundraiser, with the 1st gallery display opening on Fri.10/17 from 6pm-9pm (and the display running Tuesdays-Saturdays 12Noon-5pm until November 8th), located in the Gallery on Main Street, 906 Main St, Onalaska, WI. Over 50 works by the artists and a silent auction of various other arts and items. The artists are paying tribute to the 100th Anniversary of Lou Gehrig's birthday. The artists have pledged a percentage of the sales and Gallery on Main will donate 100% of it's commission from sales in the names of Susan Snyder (a local artist who passed away from ALS) and Shelley Denise Beasley (a personal friend of the gallery owner). For info, call Tinya Meeker-Finch at 608-783-2782; or Dolores Marusarz at 608-782-5921. Website: www.906main.com. Website: http://pleinairwisconsin.tripod.com/.
1953|20031108|2nd Annual Holiday Craft & Bake Sale|2nd Annual Holiday Craft & Bake Sale, from 9am-2pm, at Forest Park Apartments, 1300 Badger St, La Crosse, WI. Sponsored by the Ping Manor "Busy Fingers Crafters", residents of La Crosse Housing apartments.
1954|20031109|Craft Fair|Craft Fair, from 8am-1:30pm, at Neillsville High School, Neillsville, WI. Sponsored by Mexico 2006 (coincides with FFA Alumni Pancake Feed). For info, call Carol Glaze at 715-743-8782 to leave a voicemail message.
1955|20031108|1st Annual Give-A-Gift Event|1st Annual Give-A-Gift Event, at 5:30pm, at La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St, La Crosse, WI. This is a fund-raising event where you choose and purchase new books, DVD's, videos, CD's, and audio books to be added to the Library's collection. A wide variety of subjects and price ranges will be available. Here is your opportunity to "give a gift" to your community, for now, and for the future. Refreshments and musical entertainment will be provided for your enjoyment. RSVP to Hayden Hauser by Nov. 1st, at 608-789-7143. Cash or personal checks will be accepted. Unable to accept credit cards or provide invoices during this event. (Parking Options available are: On-street parking, the library parking lot south side of Main Libary, the Masonic Center parking lot immediately west of Main Library, or the Episcopal Church parking lot immediately north of Main Library).
1956|20031018|Utica Lutheran Church Lutefisk Dinner|Utica Lutheran Church Lutefisk Dinner, serving from 11am-1:30pm and 4:30pm-8pm, at Utica Lutheran Church, Hwy 27 North of Mt Sterling, WI. Cost: $12 Adults; $5 Ages 6-12yrs; FREE Ages under 6yrs. Handicapped accessible. Also, W-ELCA Bake & Craft Sale. Funds raised will be supplemented with a grant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For info, call Esther Aspenson at 608-637-3265.
1957|20031115|St. Anthonys Retreat Marathon|"Care for the Caregivers" Sat. Nov. 15 from 10a-3:30p Registration begins at 9:30a. The day includes the noon meal.
1958|20031023|2nd Common Threads Clothing Sale|Oct. 23-25 at Saint Marys University. 11a-5p Thurs.,9a-6p Fri.,9a-3p Sat. at the gymnasium lobby, located in the Toner Student Center. Cost is .50 per item $3 per bag.
1959|20031101|26th Annual Roast Beef Dinner|The Church of Crucufixion in La Crescent will serve dinner from 4p until 7:30p. Rst. Beef,potatoes,gravy,carrots vichy,rolls,& apple pie squares. There will be a bake sale,craft sale,& silent auction. Tickets are $7.50 adults, $3.25 children 12 and under.
1960|20031030|Alan "Mr. Tricks" Tilove|Juggling at the Onalaska Branch of the La Crosse Libraries on Thurs. Oct. 30 at 10:30a and 1p. Sponsored by the Friends Group of the Onalaska Library. Free and open to the public.
1961|20031121|Clark County Humane Society 16th Annual Bake Sale|Fri. Nov. 21. at Mid-WI Bank in Neilsville, WI from 9a-6p.
1962|20031029|Goulees in the Coulees|Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center is hosting a haunted hike. Join costumes and all. Stroll through the bluffs of Coon Valley. Call 608-452-3424. Oct. 29,30. 5:30p-8:30p Price $4.00 in advance $5.00 of the night.
1963|20031206|Christmas Craft Show & Bake Sale|West Salem are craft sale. Lakeview Health Center Gym 9a-3p and Mulder Health Care Facility 8a-11a
1964|20031103|New Love and Logic Seminar|State of the art solutions for difficult kids addresses parenting and teaching todays kids. 8:30a-2:30p at Park Inn & Suites Eau Claire,WI. Costs $89.00 call 800-LUV-LOGIC
1965|20031206|West Salem Area Craft Show|Christmas craft show & bake sale. Lakeview Health Center Gym 902 E. Garland St. 9-3p and Mulder Health Care Facility 713 Leonard St. N. 8-11a.
1966|20031026|Michael Finley Buckets for Hunger Basketball Shooting Contest|Raises money for local food baskets. At UWL Mitchell Hall 11-2p. Entry fee is $10.00.
1967|20031030|Mardi Gras Krewe of the Northern Sands Halloween Party|Northern Sands Halloween Party. Saint Patricks School Gym. 6-10:30p Food, raffles, games, music, dancing. Admission $1 kids, $2 adults, $5 family max. Kids in costume w/non perishable item get in free. ?'s call 779-5966
1968|20031029|Dad & Me|Dad & me. 5:30p-7:30p Dads and there little goblins can spend and evening doing a Halloween project. Location: Sparta Area Family Ed Center Rm 204
1969|20031103|Bangor First Responders Halloween Fundraiser Dance|First Responders Halloween Dance. "Whats Up Doc" 8p-12m at Bangor/Burns Fire Dept. Music by Marque IV. Adult costume contest,Childs costume parade,raffles,door prizes,"chance prizes,food & refreshments. Donations $2 adult $1 student.
1970|20031123|26th annual Hometown Holiday Fair|Rainbow Community Clubs 26th Holiday Fair from 9a-3:30p at Independence High School. Admission is $1 Children under 12 free. Lunch and desserts available.
1971|20031115|Holiday Happening|Holiday Happening 9a-2p. Parent Child Center in La Crosse. There will be arts and crafts,gift vendors,discovery toys,books, bake sale, and gently used items. Lunch will be served.
1972|20031104|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society|Astronomical Society meeting at 7p in rm 201 of Cowell Hall on the UWL LaX campus.
1973|20031101|Gundersen Lutheran program on Headaches|Gun Luth program on headaches. 8:30a to noon at Pettibone Resort.
1974|20031118|Gundersen Lutheran program on Kidney Failure|Gund Luth program on kidney failure offered on one tuesday each month. Nov 18 at 1-3p in Gund Luth John & nettie Mooney Health Resource Center, 1st floor clinic.
1975|20031104|Gund Luth Special Tues|Stroke: Know the signs. Rasmus Center Call 775-6861
1976|20031111|Gund Luth Special Tues|Understanding Hmong Culture at the Rasmus Center 775-6861
1977|20031118|Gund Luth Special Tues|Its a Laughing Matter: at the Rasmus center call 775-6861
1978|20031125|Gund Luth Special Tues|Conversations that Matter:Talking and Planning for End Of Life at the Rasmus Center call 775-6861
1979|20031107|AGNES OF GOD|Agnes of God by John Pielmeier at the Pump House Nov 7,8,9,14,15,16 Nov 9- Pay what you can $2 min. Curtain at 7:30p Tickets call 785-1434 or 784-7342
1980|20031101|Lutefisk Dinner & Supper|Lutefisk dinner & supper at First Lutheran Church in Blair. 71st annual. 11a to 8p. Adults $10, 6-12 $5, 5 & under free. Carryouts $10.50
1981|20031114|Bangor High School "The King and I'|Bangor High presents the musical "The King and I" Fri Nov14, Sat. Nov 15 at 7:30p in the high school auditorium. Cost is $5 adult, $3 senior citizen and students.
1982|20031111|6th Annual Veterans Concert|Veterans concert- the 5th grade of Southern Bluffs in La Crosse presents "Salutes to Veterans". All veterans and gold star mothers invited. Call 789-7020
1983|20031108|Presbyterian Church Fall Festival|West Salem Fall Festival. 10a-1p at the Presbyterian Church of West Salem.
1984|20031108|Pickwick Vol Fire Dept Annual Lunch|2nd Annual Autumn soup & sandwich lunch by the Pickwick Fire Dept. 11-3p Serving Homemade Chic soup,ham sand.,dessert and beverage. Cost $5. All proceeds go to improve fire equipment. Held at the fire hall.
1985|20031111|Mens Club of Onalaska United Methodist Church Chili Supper|Chili Supper serving 4p-7p. Menu will be chili,chili dogs,cheese,pie & beverage. Cost is adult and youth 12 $4. 11 under $2.
1986|20031108|St Marys Ridge Holiday Bazaar|Holiday Bizaar from 9a-3p in the St Marys Ridge Church basement. Located 7 miles e of Cashton or 7 miles west of Norwalk.
1987|20031025|Safety Day at Sams Club|Safety Day!! 10a-2p Fun gifts and activities for the kids. Safety teams (FD,PD,Gund Luth,Amer Red Cross, Tri State) will be there.
1988|20031104|La Crescent Elementarry Book Fair|Book Fair at La Crescent Elementary school. Nov 3,6 9:30a-7p, Nov 4 9:30a-3:30p, Nov 5 9:30a-6p.
1989|20031102|Bake Sale & Bazaar|St Pauls Luteran Church, Whitehall,WI 12n-4p Serving soup & chili.
1990|20031031|Coulee Region Food Distribution|Food Distribution FREE FOOD. 10a- Noon. At the Catherdral of Praise Church Foyer 3340 S Kinney Rd. Onalaska. Donation $12.00 is requested to cover costs of program.
1991|20031108|Vernon Area Arts & Crafts Club|Vernon Area Arts & Crafts Cllub 29th Annual Sale. At WW2C, Viroqua, WI 9a-3p.
1992|20031030|La Crescent-Hokah Public Info Meeting|Public Info Meeting on the La Crescent-Hokah School District Referendum. 6:30p at the Hokah Learning Center in Hokah.
1993|20031104|Frans Skemp Potato Pancake Supper|Frans Skemp Arcadia Potato Pancake Supper. Serving from 4:30-8:30p at the Arcadia Country Club. Advance Sales Adults $5.50, Children under 10 $3.00. At the door Adults $6, Under 10 $3 Under 4 is free.
1994|20031101|Passion and Principles|Parent-Training Workshop Parent Pack $27.00 Registrarion preferred. 7:30 Youth Event- Speaker, skits,snacks. Viroqua Public High School
Registration/? 608-637-8688
1995|20031106|Album Encounters| at UWL Planetarium 20 Cowley Hall 7p and 8p. Admission $2 No one can be admitted once the program has begun!
1996|20031101|West Salem Bassmasters|West Salem Bassmasters Casting kids competition. Held at Brenengen Chevrolet in West Salem from 1-4p. They will learn to flip,pitch, and cast a lure. This is totally free. Info call 608-269-8558
1997|20031108|Craft & Bake Sale|Community Church in Hokah is having a craft & bake sale. at 9a-3p.
1998|20031115|St. Lukes United Methodist Church Fall Festival|Annual Fall Festival and Free clothing giveaway. 9a-1p at the church located at 1022 Caledonia St.,La Crosse. Featured Items White elephant sale,bake sale,crafts,lunch, free clothing giveaway.
1999|20031026|37th Annual Holiday Bazaar|St Marys Catholic Church, Caledonia,Minn Holiday Bazaar 11a-5p. Roast Beef Dinner 11a-1:30p.Adults $6.50 Under 12 $3. Carryouts available.
2000|20031108|Veterans' Day Observance|21st Non-Denominational Commemorative Services Including Patriotic Messages and Music followed by a Procession from the Cathedral westward on Maint Street to The Great Eagle Monument in Riverside Park. Eveyone is invited to attend the Non-denominational Church Servvices at 10 am and the Wreath Laying Ceremony in Riverside Park. Following the Cememony in Riverside Park, Everyone is also invited to a Chili-Feed at the VFW Clubrooms at 6th & Market Street--La Crosse.
2001|20031111|The 6th Annual Salute to Veterans!!|What: A concert in honor of all veterans
When: Two Performances--11/11 @ 10:00 am and 6:30 pm.
Where: Southern Bluffs School, 4010 Sunnyside Drive, La Crosse, WI 54601
*Veterans who come to our moning concert are invited to stay and eat lunch with the 5th graders as special guests of our school. If you plan to stay for lunch, please RSVP by Monday, Nov. 3. Call Southern Bluffs at 789-7020.
2002|20031104|Teen Parent Group|Tuesday Morning 10:20 am - 11:10 am. Teen parents will be discussing infant CPR and choking with our school nurse.
Location: Sparta Area Family Education Center, Room 204 in the Sparta Area Administration and Educational Building, 201 East Franklin Street, Sparta, WI 54656.
2003|20031108|Decorah High School Presents "Cinderella"|Nov. 8, 14, & 15 @ 7:30 pm. Nov. 9 @ 2pm. DHS Auditorium. Tickets: Adults $6, Others $4. Advanced Reserved tickets by phone 563-382-2808 starting Oct. 22.
2004|20031114|Decorah High School Presents "Cinderella"|7:30 pm. Tickets: Adults $6, Others $4. Advanced Reserved tickets by phone 563-382-2808 starting October 22.
2005|20031115|Decorah High School Presents "Cinderella"|7:30 pm. Tickets: Adults $6, Others $4. Advanced Reserved tickets by phone 563-382-2808 starting October 22.
2006|20031109|Decorah High School Presents "Cinderella"|2:00 pm. DHS auditorium. Tickets: Adults $6, Others $4. Advanced Reserved tickets by phone 563-382-2808 starting October 22.
2007|20031101|Houston Craft Sale|9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Houston High School Gym. Lunch, door prizes, and free admission. Pictures with Santa 10:00 am - 11:00 am. For spaces, cass (507) 896-6494 ext 234. Sponsored by the Houston High School FCCLA Chapter.
2008|20031116|Benefit Spaghetti Supper & Bake Sale|To benefit Vearl & Wanda Eno)Miller & Family
At Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Tomah
5 to 8 pm
Adults $5.00
Children 5-12 $3.00
Children under 5 Free
2009|20031118|The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of La Crosse County Meeting|First Congrgational Church Community Rm.
2503 Main Street, La Crosse
7:15 pm
Program: "How Can Medical Assistance &/or Badger Care help Families with Mentally Ill Members?"
Speakers: Tom Miller & County of La Crosse Health & Human Services
2010|20031114|Get Smart |The Brookwood Drama Department presents "Get Smart" at 8pm Friday, November 14 & Saturday, November 15, in the Brookwood Classic Gymnasium.
Tickets are $3 Adults, $2 Students, $1 Pre-school
2011|20031107|The Auxilliary of Veterans Memorial Hospital|Pillow Perk
8:30am to 3:00pm
Bring your feather, foam, or dacron pillows to be renovated with new ticking.Pillows will be returned same day.For more information, call Erin Berns/Veterans Memorial Hospital at (563)568-3411
2012|20031116|Omelet Breakfast|8am-12noon at the VFW Clubrooms
630 6th St S., LaCrosse, WI
3 egg omelet with choice of toppings, toast, hashbrowns, drink.
2013|20031121|Steak & Fish Dinner|5pm-7pm at VFW Clubrooms
6th & Market St, LaCrosse, WI
Dinner includes baked potato, salad, roll, drink
$8.50/person. Carry outs available.
2014|20031122|Lillejulaften (an old-fashioned Norwegian Christmas get-together)|Highland Prairie Lutheran Church 150th Anniversary Committee is pleased announce its 2nd annyal "Lillejulaften". Planned for Sat & Sun., Nov. 22 & 23 and Sat & Sun, Dec. 6 & 7 at 6pm in the parsonage.Dinner & Desserts as well as Special entertainment with Norwegian folktales, carols, etc. $15.00/person. For tickets, call Marlys Paulson (507)864-7623-Please leave name & number so reservation can be confirmed.
2015|20031108|Blair's 17th Annual Christmas Shop|9am-3pm at the Blair-Taylor Elementary School gymnasiums. The gyms are handicap accessible.
Santa & Mrs. Claus, Unique Christmas Gifts, Stained Glass, Ceramics, Country & Wooden Items, and so much more. There will also be a Chamber of Commerce Raffle, and food booths. Craft stalls are filling up fast. Sponsored by the Blair Area Chamber of Commerce.
2016|20031124|Christmas Trees & More|Fillmore County History Center in Fountain City.
Mon, Nov. 24 -Sat. Dec. 6. This will be a display of Christmas Trees decorated by area businesses and individuals. Admission is free, but donations are welcome.The History Center will be open its normal hours of 9am-4pm weekdays, and the same hours on Sat, Dec. 6. The Display will culminate with a festive Christmas Tea in the Museum kitchen from 1-4pm on Sat, Dec. 6.
2017|20031110|Active Parenting of Teens|Sparta Area Family Education Center, Rm 204
Monday Evening 6pm-7:30pm
This 5 week video & discussion session is for parents of preteens & teens. Registration is required. Call Barb at 269-3161 x3058
2018|20031209|Stand Down/ Veterans Assistance Fair|American Legion Post, 711 6th St. S, LaCrosse.
The event is open to all men & women who have served in the armed forces and those veterans who have questions about eligibility for federal and state VA benefits, as well as many other services.
For Further information, call Stefhanie Schulz (608)372-1286 or Jim Gausmann (608)785-9719
2019|20031115|Holly Berry Fair|St. James Church, 1032 Caledonia St, LaCrosse
Saturday, 9am-6:30pm
Crafts, bakery, mystery gifts, rafffle, silent auction, kids raffle, used toys, & Christmas Items.Crafts will also be available on Sunday from 8am to noon.
2020|20031123|Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Lanesboro's Norwegian Meatball Supper|12Noon till 6pm or It's Gone!
Family style dinnerwith Meatballs, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, legse, and more.
Adults $9.00; Juniors(5-10)$4.00; Children under 4 Free.Also craft and bake sale starts at 11:30am
2021|20031123|Winona Oratorio Chorus presents Gabriel Faure's "Requiem" and|Leonard Bernstein's "Chichester Psalms".
Central Lutheran Church in Winona, at 3:00pm Tickets are $12.00 for regular admission, $8.00 for students/ seniors, $5.00 for children 12 & under.
Tickets available at Hardt's Mucis, from Chorus Members, and at the door.
2022|20031116|Who Needs a Nursing Home? with Tom Rislow|Does Everyone really need a nursing home? What are the advantages/disadvantages of living in such a home?
Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, Inc
Sunday at 2pm
2023|20031128|Rotary Lights Project in Riverside Park|Runs The day after Thanksgiving through New Year's Eve. More than 980 thousand lights. Area Rotary Clubs, 58 charities, many organizations plus individual volunteers team up to make it happen. Food is collected for area pantries. For information about the event or to help, contact Pat Stephens 785-8153
2024|20031116|Mike Zeiher Cancer Benefit|At the Elks Lodge in Winona MN
Baked Ham Dinner starts at 4pm.
Dance music by the Winona All Star Dance Band starts at 6pm till 8pm. Tickets available at the door. Raffle tickets for the big ticket raffle will be available for purchase only at the event. The Prize:Chicago Cubs Dream Day Package (4 tikets to a 2004 season game, passes onto Wrigley Field before the game, and throwing out the first pitch!)For questions, call 457-5419
2025|20031120|Multicultural Women's Film Series|"What's Cooking" is the film being featured.
The film celebrates Thanksgiving by telling stories about four families of different nationalities that serve turkey for the holiday.
Film starts at 7pm, in Graff Main Hall Auditorium.
UW-L Assoc. Dean, Charles Martin-Stanley will lead discussion following the film. Admission is free. For information call (608)782-8732
2026|20031111|Diversity Breakfast: Understanding & Appreciating Hmong Culture|Intercultural Network Committee will host the event at the Radisson Center in downtown LaCrosse from 7:30 to 8:55am
Special Speaker: Pang Cher Vue
2027|20031117|Holiday Auction Event for SE Minnesota Historic Bluff Country|Historic Bluff Country Visitors & Convention Bureau Office at 15 Second St. NW, Harmony, MN. at 7pm
Auction theme is a "Taste of Bluff Country". All proceeds go to support the promotion of tourism in Southeastern Minnesota.Participation is free. For information or questions call 1-800-428-2030
2028|20031114|La Crosse Art Works-an exhibit and sale of Fine Craft|November 14 & 15 at the Pump House Regional Center for the Arts.(119 King St, La Crosse) Show will include framed art, jewelry, pottery, wearable art, furniture & more. Friday's show hours are 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Saturday's show hours are 10:00am to 5:00pm. Admission is $2.00 and benefits the Pump House's educational programs
2029|20031207|Candy Cane Christmas Tour of Homes|From 1 to 6pm. Tour begins at wwtc on Main St, Viroqua,WI, where you can purchase your ticket ($5.00)All Proceeds will be used to help provide handicap accessibility to the Vernon County Historical Museum. For Information or questions, call 608-637-2998
2030|20031111|Spaghetti Supper|New Albin Community Center from 4:30 to 7:30pm
Adults $5.00, Ages 6-12 $3.00, 5 & Under-Free. Carry outs-$5.00
2031|20031120|Royall High School Blood Drive|The American Red Cross will be at Royall High School Thursday. The blood drive runs from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Community donors welcome!
2032|20031114|Blair-Taylor High School Drama Club presents "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"|In the Blair-Taylor K-6 Gymnasium
Friday, Nov.14 at 7:00pm & Sunday, Nov.16 at 2:00pm.
Tickets can be purchased in advance for $3.00 for adults & $1.50 for students or $3.50 for adults at the door.To reserve your tickets, call (608)989-2525
2033|20031031|Monroe County Museum opens New Immigration Exhibit|The exhibit exposes the roots of Monroe County people by examining the peak years of immigration into the county. Visitors are invited to take advantage of the resources in the LHR's Research Library for family research after the exhibit.
200 W. Main St, Sparta, Open Daily Mon-Sat
For more information call: 608-269-8680
2034|20031122|A Fall French Feast to Benefit Habitat for Humanity|An evening of fine dining and silent auction with world-renowned French Chef Monique Jamet Hooker
For more information please contact 608-785-2373
2035|20031106|"Ghosts of the Forest":Wisconsin's Vanished Lumber Towns|Presented by the Monroe County Local History Room.Speaker: Randall Rohe, professor of geography at UW-Waukesha.
7pm at Monroe County Local History Room & Museum
200 W Main St, Sparta
Admission is free.
For more information call, 608-269-8680
2036|20031031|Academy for Troubled Teens has Openings|The Wisconsin National Guard Challenge Academy at Fort McCoy is taking applications for its next class of cadets, which begins on Jan 16, 2004.The Challenge Academy is designed for at risk youths who have the desire & the courage to change the direction of their lives. For more information and eligibility requirements, contact your High School Counselor, or Call 608-269-4605
2037|20031101|Thanksgiving Party (Ages 3-10)|Planned activities include turkey arts & crafts, games, contests, music, and snacks. $5.00/person
Tuesday, November 18th
6pm-7:30pm at the Homen Village Hall
421 D Main St, Holmen
Limited to first 20 participants.Register by Thursday, Nov.13. Call 526-2152 or go to holmenwi.com/holmenpr for more information.
2038|20031201|Winter Holiday party (Ages 3-10)|Planned activities include arts & crafts, games, contests, music, and snacks.
Fee $5.00/person
Tuesday, December 10
6-7:00pm at the Homen Village Hall
421 D Main St, Holmen
Limited to first 15 participants.Register by Friday, Dec.6. Call 526-2152 or go to holmenwi.com/holmenpr for more information.
2039|20041101|Youth Cheerleading (Grades K-6)|Learn the fundamentals of cheerleading. Participants will performa t a high school basketball game and for family/friends the last day of the program.Participants will receive a cheerleading shirt and poms.
Saturdays, Jan 10-Feb 28 at Evergreen Elementary-New Gym.
Fee:Resident $15, Non-Resident $25
Register by December 19, 2003 at the Holmen Village Hall, 421 S Main St, Holmen.
Call 526-2152 or go to holmenwi.com/holmenpr for more information.
2040|20031110|Youth Winter Basketball|Holmen Park and Recreation youth winter basketball program is open to youth grades 1-6.
Saturdays, Dec.6-Feb.28
Fee: Resident $15, Non-Resident $25.00
Register by November 26, 2003 at the Homen Village Hall
421 D Main St, Holmen
Call 526-2152 or go to holmenwi.com/holmenpr for more information.
2041|20031115|Catch the Stars at the Crystal Grand!|George Jones, The Oakridge Boys, Manneim Steamroller, Bill Cosby to name a few...
The Crystal Grand Music Theatre in Wisconsin Dells Presents their Winter Concert Schedule.
For ticket information call 1-800-696-7999
2042|20031128|Old Fashioned Christmas in Osseo & Lighted Christmas Parade|Visit Santa & get a treat at Alliance Bank, Osseo from 5-6pm. Parade starts at 7pm, followed by the lighting of Osseo's Christmas Villa in Central Park. Park will be lit until Jan.4, 2004.
2043|20031121|Annual Spaghetti Supper|Deer Hunters Welcome...Come as You are!!
4:00 - 7:00pm
At United in Christ Lutheran Church
1857 County Road Z, Dellwood, WI
Adults $5/Children under $12
For more information, call:608-339-7187
2044|20031116|The Stoddard American Legion's Annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner/Craft Fair|11:am-4:pm (Or until it's gone!)Carry outs available. Tickets $7 adults/ $3.50 children 12 & under. There will be bingo, bake sale, and refreshments. Please stop by to support the legion and see our new dance floor!
2045|20031206|The 32nd Annual Nativity Pageant|7:30pm--Free Admission
Queen of the Holy Rosary Mediatrix of Peace Shrine. Hwy 21, one-half mile east of Necedah, WI.
Pageant is outdoors, please dress warmly.
For more information, call"608-565-2617
2046|20031119|Why Count Birds? with Fred Lesher|The Coulee Region Audubon Society's President and Super Birder, Fred Lesher , will describe how our loceal bird population has changed during the past 25-50-and 100 years. La Crosse Public Library, lower level, 7pm. The meeting is free, and refreshments will be served. For more information, call: 608-534-5548.
2047|20031119|Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group|7-8:30pm in Gunderson Lutheran's John and Nettie Mooney Health Resource Center, first-floor clinic.
The group is for parents who have experieced a miscarriage, extopic pregnancy, stillbirth, newborn or early infant death.Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from January through November. Please register by calling Gunderson Lutheran at (608) 775-3878 or 800-362-9567 x 53878 by 4:30pm Friday before the session you plan to attend.
2048|20031201|United Way Needs Volunteers for Community Investment Process|As a volunteer you will review program application materials, evaluate and rate those applications with 10-15 members of a team. The scores assigned to each program will assist the Fund Distribution Steering Committee in determining funding amounts. Call the United Way for more information: 796-1400.
2049|20031113|Viroqua United Methodist Church Bazaar|221 S Venter St, Viroqua, WI.
Homemade soup,BBQ, Hotdogs, Ham and Turkey sandwiches, coleslaw, potato salad, pie, coffee, milk. Also crafts and gifts, nearly new, books and stationary, coats & sweaters shoppe, dutch market and bake sale. Call for information: Lynn Whitney 608-637-7919
2050|20031111|Oyster Stew & Chili Supper|Our Savior's Lutheran Church on CTH A in Hixton.
Call for information: JoDee Brooke 715-963-2402
2051|20031206|Pleasant Valley Church Presents: "A Mountain Christmas Memory"|December 5,6,&7 at 7:00pm and Dec 6&7 at 2:30 pm. All performances will be at Winona Middle School.Tickets on sale Nov 16,at Country Market, Abundant Life Bookstore, and Pleasant Valley Church,($5.00 in advance $7.00 at door) Dinner Theater tickets available for $20.00 only at the Pleasant Valley Church box office.
2052|20031114|Arcadia High School Presents: "Little Shop of Horrors"|November 14-15 at 8pm, and Nov. 16 at 2:00pm. All performances are in the AHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for Adults, $3 for students, and are all reserved seating. Tickets can be purchased at the AHS office or by calling 608-323-3334
2053|20031206|First Presbyterian Church of Bangor Annual Bazaar|10:30 am -1:30 pm. Baked goods, crafts, candy, country store. Two quilts & Afghan will be raffled for $1 donation or 6 for $5. And may be purchased from any PWO member or at the Bazaar. Lunch will be served!
2054|20031129|The Boorman Christmas Open House|211 N Union St, Mauston, WI 53948
Nov. 29 & 30 / Dec 6 & 7
Live entertainment, refreshments, raffle.
For information, call: 608-985-8386
2055|20031106|La Crosse County 2003 Flu Clinic Schedule|Festival Foods 9-11:30am 1607 North St. LaCrosse
11/7 Holmen Community Center 10:30am-12:00pm
11/7 Woodmans 2:00-5:00pm
11/8 Bangor Fire Dept. --Public 10:30am-12:30pm
11/10 West Salem Senior Center 9:30-11:30am
11/14 Festival Foods 3:00-6:00pm
11/18 Woodmans 9:00am-12:00pm
11/24 Cub Foods 9:00am-12:00pm
2056|20031123|At Home in the Big Woods by Nancy Overcott|2pm at the Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, Inc. 3 miles north of Coon Valley, WI on La Crosse county hwy PI
2057|20031113|Tomah High School Presents: "The Wizard of Oz"|November 13,14,&15 at 7:30pm, November 16 at 2:00pm
Tickets:Adults $3, Students/Seniors $2
THS Auditorium
2058|20031107|Friday Night at the Movies (La Crescent-Hokah Community Education|Movie: Stephen Spielberg's series, "Band of Brothers"
Part one was October 24th, but you do not need to have seen the first part to enjoy the series.
Part 2: Nov 7th
Part 3: Nov 28th
Part 4: Dec 5th
Part 5: Dec 19th
La Crescent High School Fine Arts Center, 7:00pm No cost, donations are welcome. Film is not rated, Parental discression is advised
2059|20031115|Monday Night Singles: Singles Dance|Doors open at 7:30pm, Dance is from 8:00 til Midnight. Cost is $5.00/person, snacks included, cash bar. Music provided by "Third Planet".
Where: Concordia Hall Ballroom, 1129 La Crosse Street, La Crosse, WI
Open to all singles/unmarried/divorced/widowed 21 or older. Smoke free environment.
For information call Jerry at 781-1582.
2060|20031115|North Bend Craft Fair|9am-3pm;Lefse and Homemade crafts
HWY 54-Community Park
Christmas around the bend!
2061|20031114|Sparta High School Theatre Dept Presents: The Foreigner|Fri, Nov 14 7:30pm
Sat, Nov 15 7:30pm
Sun, Nov 16 2:00pm
Tickets: Adults $5/ Seniors $3/Students $2
Family Pass$12 (immediate famil only)
2062|20031114|Sparta High School Theatre Dept Presents: The Foreigner|Fri, Nov 14 7:30pm
Sat, Nov 15 7:30pm
Sun, Nov 16 2:00pm
Tickets: Adults $5/ Seniors $3/Students $2
Family Pass$12 (immediate family only)
2063|20031118|Family Fun Night|6:30-8:30pm at the Family Resource Center, 123 Graham Avenue, Eau Claire.
Featuring Storyteller Rob Kuchta with Paul Bunyan tales, Magician Tom Hanrath, a free book for every child, family activities, refreshments, and surprise celebrity story readers! The event is free.Colleen Bates will be honored as the "2003 Friend of the Family". For more information, call: 833-1735 or visit www.nationalfamilyweek.org
2064|20031108|Eclipse Viewing |There will be a total Lunar eclipse the evening of Saturday, Nov. 8th. If clear, we will have a telescope observing session for it at the Scenic Overlook on HWY33 just east of La Crosse(Near the former Ridgeview Inn), starting at 5:30pm. Sunset is at 4:42, the eclipse begins at 5:32
2065|20031121|Finally Friday: Nighttime Routines|10:30am-12:00pm
Sparta Area Family Education Center
Room 204 in the Sparta Area Administration and Educational Building
201 East Franklin Street, Sparta, WI 54656
2066|20031108|Annual Holiday Fair|Neillsville United Chuch of Christ (2nd & Park)
Christmas gift shop, twice around shop, country store and bake shop. Lunch consisting of Lasagna, Arizona Salad, Oregano bread, assorted desserts, and beverages served from 11am-1pm
2067|20031207|Norwegian Lutefisk & Meatball Buffet|Buffet and Christmas Gift Shoppe(Shoppe opens at 10:30am)
Reservations recommended as seating is limited to 150 each hour. Serving on the hour starting at 11am until 5:00pm
Tickets in advance: Adults $12.00
At the Door: $14.00
Children under 10:$5.00
Preschool: Free. For information call: 507-765-2161 or 765-3656
2068|20031115|3 on 3 Basketball Tournament for Toys for Tots|Sponsored by UW-L Communication Studies Students.Location: Mitchell Hall on ghe UW-L Campus from 10am-3:30pm The tournament is open to all UW-L students. Prizes from local businesses will be awarded to the top teams, and the 1st and 2nd place teams will receive a t-shir commemorating the tournament. The cost is $40/team (4 person teams) Registration begins on Nov. 10th at 11am-10:pm in the Cartwright Center Lobby. For more information: Bethany Leard:788-7845 or 608-732-0896
2069|20031124|Pianist Vicky Emerson in Concert|at UW-La Crosse. Emerson winll perform a repertoire of holiday music at 7:30pm, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. General Admission $6.00. For tickets, call 608-785-8893
2070|20031123|UW-La Crosse Choral Union Presents|John La Montaine's "Wonder Tidings" and Antonio Vivaldi's "Gloria". 7:30pm at English Lutheran Church in La Crosse. Admission is $5 for students and seniors, and $8 for all others. For information, call 608-784-4497
2071|20031120|Cattle Feeder Update Meeting Schedule|University of Wisconsin Extension Livestock Team will be holding three Cattle Feeder Update meetings in November. Sessions will begin at 11:00am with registration, and a brief tour of the locations followed by a meal. Meetings will be held at the Lancaster Agricultural Experiment Station on Nov 18; Laufenberg Farm, south of Alma Center on Cty Rd R on Nov. 19; Arlington Agricultural Experiment Station Public Events building on Nov 20.Registration fee of $10 per person and pre-registration is strongly encouraged. For information call:608-637-5276
2072|20031122|The Onalaska High School Band Boosters' Big Band Ball|Dinner, Dancing, and musical extravaganza! Steak dinner from 5:30 to 8:30pm and music and dancing from 5-10pm. Tickets are $15 for dinner and music available by calling Sue at 783-5470 or $5.00 for musical entertainment only ,available at the door.
2073|20031129|Craft and Bake Sale|Sparta Eagles Club, Hwy 21 East, Sparta, WI
For more information call 608-269-4232
Food available.
2074|20031127|Thanksgiving Dinner|All activities start at 4pm and the meal starts at 5:30pm. Fun for all! 921 West Ave S, La Crosse, in the basement of Coulee Council.
2075|20031107|Annual Tomah Jaycee's Hunter's Night Out|Social at 5pm, Dinner at 6:30pm
Monroe County Fair Grounds (Rec Building)
Tickets $40 in advance--$45 at Door
Prime Rib dinner, Over 10 different raffles--over 250 door prizes, Grand Prize--Complete Matthews Bow Package.
For tickets send check or money order to:
Tomah Jaycee's po box 582, Tomah, WI 54660
or call Darron Granger 608-374-4059 or Ed Raiten 608-372-2232
2076|20031110|Eau Claire Immunization Clinics|All Eau Claire residents are eligible to attend regularly scheduled immunization clinics. Immunizations for infants and children are provided against polio, whooping cough, diphtheriea, tetanus, red measles, german measles, mumps, haemophilus influenzae-type b (hib), and pneumococcal conjugate.Please call the Eau Claire City-County Health Department at 839-4718 for clinic times and dates.
2077|20031116|Viterbo welcomes "The Emporer's New Clothes" children's opera|Show time is 3pm at Viterbo University's Main Theatre. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more information, contact the Viterbo University Box Office at 796-3100
2078|20031205|UW-L Department of Theatre Arts presents: "The Laramie Project"|Toland Theatre, Center for the Arts, 16th and Vine. Fri & Sat, Dec 5&6 @7:30pm
Sun. Dec 7 @ 2pm; Thr, Fri, Sat, Dec 11,12,& 13 @ 7:30pm, Sun Dec 14 @ 2pm
Tickets $8 general public, $ NON-UW-L Students and Seniors, and $3 for UW-L students with a valid student ID. Call 608-785-8522
2079|20031206|New Lisbon Lioness Craft Fair|Where: New Lisbon High School
When: Saturday from 8am to 2:30pm
Crafts, Santa's Workshop, Lunch stand, door prizes, kringle, cookies, and a raffle.
Fun for all, big or small!
2080|20031206|Jammin' Jingles Hands-On Music Workshop|At the Children's Museum of La Crosse with the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra. For children 5-10.
9:30-11:30 or 1:00-3:00 session. Participants will *try a variety of musical instruments, *create their own instrument, *meet and learn from professional and student musicians, *and play their hand made instrument for parents at the end of the workshop & on stage with the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra during their Dec. 20 Family Matinee Holiday Concert at Viterbo University (ticket included in wkshop fee).Pre-registration and pre-payment is required by visiting or calling the Children's Museum at 608-784-2652. $10 per child. Family and Friends may purchase half price tickets by calling 608-783-2121.
2081|20031118|Dad & Me |Make a festive turkey with lots of fun Fall ideas to dress up your Thanksgiving table.
At Sparta Area Family Education Center; Rm 204 in the Sparta Area Admin. and Educational Building, 201 East Franklin St, Sparta, WI 54656
2082|20031121|Blessed Sacrament's "Choirs of Angels" Advent Fair|Nove 21 & 22 from 9am-2pm Family Advent Fair featuring home baked goods and candies, raffle, giftbaskets, crafts, children's activities, secret store, spiritual gifts, live music, and luncheon. Blessed Sacrament School, 24th St and King St, La Crosse
2083|20031117|The Wright Way to Fly|Presented by UW-La Crosse Planetarium-7pm on Mondays, Nov 17, 24. Programs begin promptly at 7pm with no admittance after program starts. Tickets are $2 for adults, and $1 for area students and sr citizens.Free to UW-L students with ID. Room 20 in the basement of Cowley Hall of Science on the UW-L Campus. Free parking is available for public programs in the Cowley Hall lot.
2084|20031122|52nd Annual Hunter's Dinner|St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Necedah, WI.
Saturday, November 22. All you can eat Turkey Dinner Serving 4pm to 7pm. Adults$7,12 & Under $3, preschool free. Masses are 4:30pm and 7:30pm
2085|20031110|La Crosse County Health Department Clinics|*Well child screenings:(608)785-9723
*Tuberculosis Screening (Dec 1,3,15,17)$5 (608)785-9723
*Lead Screening $5:(608)785-9723
*Cholesterol, blood pressure clinics Dec 1, 8 (Cholesterol$6, Diabetic $5, blood pressure $1)(608)785-9723
*Immunization Clinic (childhood $5 donation requested; Hep B for 19 & older $45/dose; Pneumovax,$17; Tetanus $5; MMR $5)(608)785-9723
*HIV Testing (608)785-9872
*Car Seat Clinics:(608)785-9872
*Pregnancy Testing and Healthy Start Medical Insurance-(608)785-9723
*WI Will Woman Program-free health scrrenings for breast, cervical cancer, depression, diabetes, domestic abuse, heart disease, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis-Income and Family size determine eligibility.(608)785-9723 for information.
*Foot Care Clinic-$15 (Dec. 2, 4, 11, 18)For individuals unable to perform their own foot care. Contact the Aging Unit 785-9710 for an appointment.
2086|20031116|Benefit Pancake Breakfast Bake sale and Auction|To benefit Darin Toot & Chuck Beer, who were critically injured while watching the races in LaCrosse, WI. Both have extensive medical bills.
The breakfast will be at Union Center, Albert Lea, starting at 8am to 1pm, the Auction will begin at 10amFor more information or to help: call Holly Miller at 507-383-6707 or Bob Braaten at 507-438-1781
2087|20031213|Christmas Open House and Bake Sale|Sponsored by the Leon Garden Club. Saturday from 8am to Noon in the Leon Town Hall (Just 3 miles south of Sparta in Highway 27)
2088|20031114|Rennie Harris Hip hop lecture and Class|Rennie Harris Puremovement will present a sold out concert event on November 14, but the lecture and class still have space available. Contact the Performance center box office at 507-457-1715 to reserve your seat.
2089|20031203|Windham Hill Winter Solstice to Perform at Viterbo|Winter Solstice is a holiday tradition across America and includes Grammy Award Nominee Will Ackerman, recording artist Tracy Silverman, multi-talented instrumentalis and singer-songwriter Barbara Higbie, and world-renowned pianist Phillip Aaberg. Show time is 7:30 pm. Tickets are $26/18. For information, contact the Viterbo University Box Office at 608-796-3100
2090|20031113|Christmas Parade DVD's For Service men & women|The DVD's will include the 10th Annual Decorah Christmas Parade and the Decorah Chorale leading carols. Families will have the opportunity to record a special message for their loved one. DVD's will be $10 and it is suggested that you call to schedule time to record your message. You can do so by calling Holly Silkwood at 563-382-3990. We hope everyone will take advantage of this service to show our service members we are thinking of them!
2091|20031120|Holiday KickOff in Decorah|The Decorah Area Chamber of Commerve announces the 2003 Holiday Season will kick off from Nov. 20-23 with activities throughout the downtown area. Local retailers will feature entertaining and gift giving ideas, along with holiday specials and sales. For more information or questions about other Christmas in Decorah events, call Holly at the Chamber office at 563-382-3990 or email her at holly@decorah-iowa.com
2092|20031206|Norskadalen's Old-fashioned Christmas|Saturday and Sunday, December 6 & 7.10am-4pm
Activites for all ages, bake sale, entertainment, Frosty and Santa!Norskadalen is 3 miles north of Coon Valley, WI on CTY HWY PI. Regular admission rates apply. For more information, call 608-452-3424 or go to www.norskedalen.com
2093|20031113|Workshops at Valencia Arts Center|*"Stop, Pause, Rewind"--Nov. 13, 7-8:30pm-Action Theatre interactive workshop focusing on diversity issues.
*Hip Hop Dance workshop, Dec 9., 6:30-7:30pm, with instruction by Kenyatta Blkount & Candy Wordekemper.
*"Explore Yourself", Jan 8, 2004, 7-8:30pm, Action Theatre interactive workshop providing an evening of dialogue and discovery.
*"Creating a Character", Feb 3, 2004, 6-7:30 pm, acting/theatre workshop, focusing on character development for stage and film with instruction by Bradford Martin
Teens and adults are welcome to register for all four workshops for $16; an individual workshop is $5 per person at the door.For more information, call (507)453-5501
2094|20031205|Pleasant Valley Church presents "A Mountain Christmas Memory"|Tickets will go on sale Monday, November 17. Performances are scheduled for December 5,6,&7 at 7pm and Dec. 6&7 at 2:30pm. All performances will be at the Winona Middle School. For additional iformation, call Nancy Iglesias at 453-9665 or 457-0003
2095|20031207|Hospice Touch of Tomah Memorial Hospital "Love Light Tree"|The lighting ceremony will be held at the hospital on Dec. 7, 2003 at 6:30pm with refreshments following in hospital lobby.Lights can be purchased to didicate to lost loved ones at a cost of $3 for a single light, or #25 for a string of lights. Please purchase by 12/01/03.
For more information, call 374-0250
2096|20031120|The Commonweal Theatre Company presents "A Christmas Carol"|Performances November 20-December 21. For tikets and information call 1-800-657-7025 or visit the Commonweal online at www.commonwealtheatre.org. Tickets are $15 for adults, $7.00 for students. $5 preview November 20. Local and group discounts available. ASL interpreted performance Dec. 14.
2097|20031202|Red Cross Bloodmobile|Tuesday, Dec 2, 1-7pm at Osseo Evangelicall Lutheran Church Located in Osseo on US Hwy 53 South. For an appointment call 597-2294. Free day care available.
2098|20031204|The 13th Annual Vernon Memorial Hospital Crafter's holiday|Thursday, Dec. 4 from 9am - 4pm. Join us for a bake sale, handmade crafts, & holiday cheer. Lunch will be available in the cafeteria. More than 40 crafters in th hospital lobby. Admission is free, please enter through main lobby.
2099|20031208|VMH Auxiliary Lovelights|Remember or honor a loved one this holiday season with a Vernon Memorial Healthcare Auxiliary Lovelight. Trees are located in the hospital lobby as well as on the VMH grounds near the main entrance. The Lovelight Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held Monday, Dec. 8th at 1:30pm in the VMH main lobby. Lights may be reserved for a minimum donation of $4 per person per light. To reserve a light send your donation with the names of those you would like to honor to: Love lights, Vernon Memorial Healthcare Auxiliary, 507 S. Main St., Viroqua, WI 54665
2100|20031122|Holiday Luncheon, Craft & Bake sale|Faith Lutheran Church-St. Charles, MN
Luncheon 11am-1pm: Chicken & bisucits, cranberries, carrots, pumpkin seeert, beverage
Crafts: holiday attic treasures, norwegian collectibles, cookie dough, the bakery, lefse baked while you wait!
2101|20031116|uw-La Crosse Screaming Eagles to give review concert|2:30pm Sunday, Nov. 16 in Valhalla Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Band members will re-do their works performed at home football games, Oktoberfest and other fall performances. Admission is free.
2102|20031124|Infant Massage Classes|Menomonie: Morning Star Birthing Center Monday, Nov 24 11:30 am-noon, Sat. Dec.6 & 13, noon-12:30pm Register by calling 715-231-9803 (leave message) or email jmc@wwt.net
Eau Claire: Yoga Center of Eau Claire; Fridays, Dec. 5th, 12th from 9:30-10:30am; Register by calling 715-232-9689 or email jmc@wwt.net
2103|20031128|Villa Louis Christmas|"A christmas Holiday on a Victorian Country Estate" will be celebrated at the Villa Louis in Prairie du Chien, WI Fri-Sun, Nov. 28-30 and Sat-Sun, Dec6&7. The recently restored house museum will be open from 11am to 4pm each day. Special Lamplight tours will be offered from 6-8pm on both Saturday Evenings, Nov. 28 & Dec 6 Admission is $8.50 for adults, $4.50 for children 5-12 and $7.50 for senior citizens. For more informaiton, call 608-326-2721 or visit http://wisconsinhistory.org/villa
2104|20031214|Rock Around the Christmas Tree with the Da Capo Band|At the Historic Hollywood heater (123 5th Ave. S. La Crosse)
Call 608-784-2652 for tickets and information.
2105|20031205|"Swinging Yuletide"|UW-La Crosse Jazz Ensemble and the Freat River Big Band will swing in the Holiday Season at the "Swinging Yuletide" Concert. 7:30pm Friday in Valhalla in Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Tickets range from 12 dollars for adults to five dollars for students. Vall early! 608-785-8415
2106|20031206|"Amahl and the Night Visitors"|La Crosse, WI. Viterbor University will present the classic Gian Carlo Menotti operetta on Sat. Dec. 6 and Sunday, Dec. 7. Sponsored by Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western Wisconsin, Inc. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for children under 12. Performance times are at 7pm on Saturday, Dec6 and 3pm on Sunday, Dec 7. For more information, contact the Viterbo University Box Office at 796-3100.
2107|20031206|YWCA Bangor "Snowflake Ball"|Open to 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, the ball is set for Saturday, Dec. 6 from 7-9:30pm at the Old Bangor High School. Sure to be anight of fun with dancing, open gym, live DJ taking requests, and refreshments for sale. Tickets are $3, sold at the door.
2108|20031117|Fundraiser for Justin Greenwood|Boston's the Gourmet Pizza in Eau Claire is selling Paper Footballs for $1 to help raise money to assist Justin's family with medical expenses. Justin was seriously injured in a football game when he and another player collided, helmet-to-helmet. The fudraiser is ongoing through Dec 15.
2109|20031206|Ping Man or's St. Nick's Sale|at 1311 Badger Street, La Crosse. Saturday, Dec 6th from 8am to 1pm. Home baked goods--crafts--holiday rummage.
2110|20031202|"Kidney Failure: Learning your Treatment Choices"|A free educational program for persons with kidney disease and their families, is offered on one Tuesday each month. The next program wil be held on Dec 2 from 1-3pm in Gundersen Lutheran's John and Nettie Mooney Health Resource Center, first-floor clinic. For information call:608-782-7300
2111|20031117|"Breast Friends" Breast Cancer Support Group|Through "Breast Friends" women who share the diagnosis of breast cancer help each other cope with the challengtes of disease and treatment.They meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm in the hospital board room, off the Employee Dining Room. For more information call:608-782-7300
2112|20031118|Prostate Cancer Report Group|A group to listen, relate and provide a safe place for men with cancer to gain strength and support. The group meets on the third Monday of each month, 3pm in Gundersen Lutheran's Human Resource Development conference room, on the Hospital's 2nd floor. For information call: 608-782-7300
2113|20031118|Epilepsy Education Group|The group is free and open to anyone affected by seizures, personally or through a loved one. Those suffering from seizures may find it comforting to know there's an emotional support group of people experiencing similar problems. The group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month, 7-8:30pm in Gundersen Lutheran's West Wing I conference room, on the lower level. For information call: 608-782-7300
2114|20031119|Gundersen Lutheran Support Groups |Several Groups meet at different times during the month. Tpoics include, KARIS(suicide loss), Brain Tumors, Parkinson's, Brain Injuries, Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Stroke, Caring for a Sexually Abused Child, Families of Homicide Victims, Pregnancy and Infant Loss.For information, call: 608-782-7300 or 608-775-5557
2115|20031205|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School's 23rd Annual|Friday, Dec 5, 2003-7pm-12am.
*A festive adults only holiday celebration!
*Admission $8.00
*Live Music including the Ridgetones Dance to the music of Tall Saul and the Astrals. Decadent Desserts and other refreshments...
Saturday, December 6, 2003 10am-4pm
* A family celebration taht's a full day of fun!
* Admission $1.00
* Children's activities, crafts, food, a play and much, much more!
for information about the fair, call 608-637-7828
2116|20031130|Halvor by Neil Eckstein|Mr. Eckstein will be at the Norskedalen gift shop for a book signing on Sunday at 2pm. The book will be available for purchase at the gift shop as well.
2117|20031206|An Old Fashioned Christmas in Caledonia|At the Houston County Historical Society, 104 History Lane (East Main Street). Open House on Saturday, Dec. 6 beginning fat 10am until 4pm, and on Sunday, Dec. 7 from 11am until 4pm.
2118|20031123|Welcome the Holidays with Northern Lights and Cantorei women's choruses|Concert to begin at 4pm at Decorah Lutheran Church, 309 Winnebago St. Doors open at 3:30pm. No admission, free will offerings will be accepted. Fellowship and refreshments in the social hall.
2119|20031120|Karaoke for a Cure to benefit American Cancer Society|A group of UW-LAX students is putting together a karaoke night to raise money for the La Crosse American Cancer Society. The event will take place Thursday, Nov. 20 at Kellog's Keg at 8pm. Admission is $8/person for the cost of drinks and fod. All refreshments and door prizes are being donated by local businesses such as Bronz Hair and Tanning, Comedy Express, Eagle's Nest, Jimmy Jogn's Gourmet Sandwiches, Lindy's Subs and Salads, Lone Wolf Coffeehouse, Menucci's Pizzeria, Papa John's, Pla-Mor Lanes, Rivoli Theater and Pizzeria, Secret Sun, Tequila Mexican Restaurant, and Toppers. All profits will go directly to the American Cancer Society of La Crosse.
2120|20031207|Love Light Christmas Trees at St. Joseph's Hospital and Nursing Home Auxiliary|The lighting ceremony at the hospital will be held on Sunday, Dec. 7, 2003 at 7pm. To sponsor a love light, a $3 donation can be made for each person one wishes to honor or remember and mailed to: Patsy Kamla, Treasurer
N27929 Thompson Valley Rd, Arcadia, WI 54612
2121|20031121|Drive it to the Hoop! 5th Annual Viterbo Women's Basketball and Residence Life Food Drive|The holiday season is a time that can be extremely harsh on those in need. Viterbo Women's Basketball and Residence Life are hosting a food collection to benefit the Place of Grace food pantry. Please join us on Nov 21 & 22 for the Viterbo invitational tournament. Bring a non-perishable food item and be admitted for only $1.00. Your presence and support will go a long way in helping us make the most of this holiday season for area families.
2122|20031118|Upcoming Children's Miracle Network fundraisers|* Mini Miracle Christmas photos for Children's Miracle Network--Have a photo session for your child at Design Photography and Support CMN. Design Photography, 830 2nd Ave. North, Onalaska, will hold these special photo sessions from Nov. 17 to 21. Sessions are $15 per child, with $10 of that amount donated to CMN. Take advantage of specially priced photo packages. For an appointment, call Design Photography at 608-783-2324.
*Packer/Viking raffle to support CMN
The Wal-Mart Menomonie Deistribution Venter is holding a Packer/ Viking raffle to benefit CMN. Raffle items include footballs autographed by Fran Tarkenton and bart Starr, Brett Favre, Daunte Culpepper, Chris Hovan, Paul Hornung, and Michel Bennett; and an Antonio Freeman autographed jersey. The first person drawn will have the first choice of memorabilia. The drawing will be held Saturday, Dec 13. Raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5 and can be purchased at the Gundersen Lutheran CMN office, fifth floor Founders Building. For more information call the Gundersen Lutheran CMN office at 608-775-5662
*Candle sale will be held in Gundersen Lutheran's Hospital Lobby from 10am to 7pm, Wednesday, Nov 19; 8am-8pm Thurs, Nov. 20; and 8am to 5pm Friday, Nov 21. The Candle Shop of America wil host the sale and candles will be sold from 30 to 50% off retail price. Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted.
2123|20031206|St. Mary's Christmas Craft Show|Come and enjoy the holiday spirit and fun! Crafts of all kinds dispayed by area crafters. Free admission. Door prizes drawn hourly. Hot lunch available. For more information, call Jean at (608) 634-6294
2124|20031209|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society|The December meeting of the La Crosse Area Astronomical Society will be held at 7pm on Tuesday, at the UW-LAX Planetarium. It will feature a Holidays Party and a showing of the planetarium program "Springtime of the Universe". For more information, contact Robert Allen (608) 785-8669.
2125|20031120|Historic Murals in Black River Falls|Two of 12-15 murals have been completed and are displayed downtown. On November 20, at 11:30 am, at the Krohn Clinic in Black River Falls, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held to unveil a historic Krohn Medicine Wagon mural. The Krohn Clinic is the sponsor of the mural and the public is welcome to attend.
2126|20031213|Juice, Jammies & Film with Santa & Mrs. Claus|At the historic Hollywood Theater (123 5th Ave. S. La Crosse) Saturday, Dec 13, 9:30 am to noon. See Santa and Mrs. Claus, enjoy some refreshments, and get in the holiday spirit with a 10am showing of "The Grinch"
Tickets:$5 per adult/child pair($2 for each additional person). Available in advance from the Children's Museum at 207 5th Ave. S. La Crosse or charge to VISA or MasterCard by calling 608-784-2652. All proceeds benefit the Children's Museum of la Crosse and the Hollywood Theater "facelift" canmpaign for new carpet, paint, and more.
2127|20031129|Visit with Santa|The La Crescent Chamber of Commerce is once again having Santa visit with children at his Santa House. He will arrive at noon on Saturday, Nov. 29th via horse drwan wagon. Wagon rides with Santa will be available from 12:00-1:00pm.
He will be available to visit with children form 1:00-3:00pm and discuss their Christmas list at his Santa House which will be located in front of Bauer's Nursery,m on North 2nd Street between Chestnut and Walnut Streets in La Crescent. Everyone is welcome to come visit with Santa.
2128|20031206|Visits with Santa|The La Crescent Chamber of Commerce is once again having Santa visit with children at his Santa House. He will be available to visit with children form 1:00-3:00pm and discuss their Christmas list at his Santa House which will be located in front of Bauer's Nursery,m on North 2nd Street between Chestnut and Walnut Streets in La Crescent. Everyone is welcome to come visit with Santa. Additional Dates for Santa: Sat. Dec. 13 (1-3pm); Sat. Dec. 20 (1-3pm)
2129|20031121|Letters from Santa Program|Sponsored by the La Crescent area Chamber of Commerce. Parents can pick up "Letters from Santa" information sheets from one of the participating members (listed below). The parent can fill out the form, attaching their child's individual letter to Santa and drop it off at the Santa Mailbox, which is located justinside the doors of the La Crescent Public Library. Their child will then receive a personal letter from Santa in the mail.
Information sheets are available at:Lwik Trip, Quillin's, City Hall, Public Library, Heth Hardware, and the Chamber of Commerce.
2130|20031206|Holiday Time in La Crescent|Saturday, December 6th, noon-3:00pm
Festivities begin at noon as Santa arrives at the La Crescent Community Center which is located at 336 South 1st Street in La Crescent. Food, fun and entertainment for all! Pictures with Santa will be available until 1:30.
2131|20031129|Celebrity Autograph Auction for LaCrosse AIDS Charity and Breast Cancer Research|3:00pm at Rainbow's End (417 Jay Street, La Crosse) We will be having a celebrity autograph/ doodle/artwork auction to benefit the LaCrosse AIDS Charity and Breast Cancer Research.
We have asked many celebrities for Autographs and doodle work of any kind to be auctioned off for this event. So far we have received over 200 items from dozens of starts: Ralph Steadman, Celine Dion, Kenny Chesney, Joan Baez, Goldie Hawn and many more. We will also be giving away 2 tickets to Sara Brightman's Feb 20th concert in Minneapolis.
2132|20031201|World AIDS Day|At this time Red Ribbon Family Fund will be presenting a check to the firectors of both Gundersen Lutheran and Franciscan Skemp Hospitals.The event will be held at Rainbow's End (417 Jay Street, LaCrosse).For information, call Peg Heinz at 784-8168 or 782-5105
2133|20031206|Norwegian Christmas at Vesterheim |Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum invites everyone to its annual Norwegian Christmas Weekend, Dec. 6&&. Admission is free both Saturday and Sunday thanks to a generous gift from Duane and Eileen Bruening of Decorah!The Museum will be open from 10am to 4pm each day.
2134|20031206|14th Annual Norwegian Christmas Fest of the North Prairie Lutheran Church|The festival will be held on Saturday Dec. 6 at 1:30pm. A program by Jennifer Dessner and Suzanne Eberle, two Spring Valley area musicians, will be followed by lunch consisting of hot beef sandwiches, sweet soup, Rommergrot, lefse, flatbread, and Norwegian bakings. Baked goods, cards and other items will be for sale, also.
2135|20031207|Generation After Generation, 2003 Holy Trinity Holiday Home Tour|Tour six homes exquisitely decorated for the holidays and fill your senses with the Christmas Spirit! 1-6pm. St Annes' Ladies Christmas Bazaar and Cookie Walk at the Holy Trinity Church hall-1333 South 13th Street 8am-7pm
Advance tickets for tour:$8, Day of Tour:$10 Call 608-782-2028
2136|20031201|The UW-L Planetarium presents "Winter Wonders" & "A Christmas Present"|"Winter Wonders" will be presented at 7pm on Mondays, December 1,8, and 15. This program speculates on what the Christmas star might have been, and why Christmas is celebrated on Dec 25th? The program will also take a look at winter solstice celebrations around the world.
"A Christmas Present" will be presented at 1pm on Saturdays, Dec. 6, 13, & 20. This program is for the young and the young at heart, joins 2 astronauts who are in orbit on Christmas Eve and spot a strange red light. Before they discover what it is, they reminisce about Christmas' of the past and ponder what the "Christmas Star" might have been. Admission is $2 for Adults, $1 for area students and sentior citizens, and free to UW-L students with ID.Programs begin promptly at the times listed, and no one can be admitted after they start.
2137|20031213|"A Joyful Noise Holiday Concert"|The concert will take place on Saturday, Dec. 13 at 7:30pm at the St. Mary's Ridge Chruch. The concert will feature Christmas music originating from many countries with a special focus on children. A free-will offering is all that is being asked for admission. A homemade pie and Ice cream social will follow the concert. The Church is located 7 miles East of Cashton or 7 miles West of Norwalk on County "U" in Monroe county
2138|20031124|Craft Show |Craft Show at the Fest Building and American Legion, Spring Grove, MN Dec 6, 2003 9-3pm. Lunch served.
2139|20031212|La Crosse Pride along the Mississippi presents Comedian Vickie Shaw and Singer Tret Fure|At the UW-L Valhalla Hall on December 12 at 8pm. Tickets $16 general public, $12 for students. Reserved tickets call 791-9084 or send check for amount to "Pride Along the Mississippi" PO BOX 2842 La Crosse, WI 54601
2140|20031205|La Crosse Logan Alumni Association Holiday Party|All of the Logan Family and Friends are invited to attend our annual Holiday Party on Friday, Dec 5 at the City Brewery Hospitality Center. The doors open at 6pm and close at 11pm. There will be food, refreshments, auctions, raffles, music, and more. Tickts are $7 in advance, or $10 at the door. Ticket outlets: Logan High School, Sloopy's Alma Matter, Ken's Barber Shop, Sam's-Northside Rules, Kraft's Barber Shop, All Alumni Board Members, Coulee Region Business Center
2141|20031129|Fall Harvest Dance benefitting the American Red Cross and Childrens' Museum|Saturday, Nov. 29th at the City Brewery Hospitality Center. Entertainment includes Elvis impersonator and Studebaker 7. Silent Auction. Door open at 6pm. For more information, call 788-1000
2142|20031206|Three Rivers School Holiday Fair|Three Rivers School, a non profit Waldorf School in La Crosse, will host its 4th annual Holiday Gift-Making and Craft Fair on Saturday, December 6 from 10am to 3pm. For a small fee, children of all ages can choose to make one or several gifts with supervision by school parents. Local artists and craftspeople will offer a variety of beautiful gifts for sale to adults. Lunch will be available and music will accompany the day's events. Everyone is invited. The fair will be held at the school, 2000 Weston Street, La Crosse. For more information, please call 608-782-8774
2143|20031208|UW-L Presents |This play chrnicles the life of a town where a young, homosexual was beaten and left to die on a fence. The laramie project compiles interviews from the people of Laramie, WY. The play will presented Friday, Dec. 5 through Dec 7 and Thurs, Dec 11 through Dec 14. at 7:30pm (Sunday Matinees at 2:00pm).Also, Moises Kaufman, the award winning filmmaker and playwright who wrote "The Laramie Project" will visit campus Monday, Dec. 8 as part of the Campus Activities Board lecture series. For information, call 608-785-8522 or 608-785-8898
2144|20031122|The Art of Dr. Seuss at by James Galleries |A very special display of Dr. Seuss' illustration works featuring the inside cover art from " Cat in The Hat Song Book" is on display at by James Galleries in La Crosse to co-incide with the release of Universal Studio's film "The Cat in The Hat". The display will be open through December 23. Tues-Fri 10am-5pm and Sat. 10-3.
511 Main Street, La Crosse, WI 54601 (608)785-2637
2145|20031213|Christmas Wonderland Parade of Lights|Have a night of family fun beginning at 7pm with a parade of Lights, visits with Santa, hot chocolate and cider, cookies and caroling. Associated Bank of Rushford would like YOU to be in the parade. Everyone is welcome to enter.
At this time we are also encouraging donation to the Food Shelf. There will be a drop off site at the depot following the parade.
To sign up your parade entry or if you have any questions plesae call Associated Bank at 507-864-7744.
2146|20031205|Coulee Region Food Distribution Program|There will be a free food distribution to the general public on Friday, Dec 5th, 2003 from 10am to 12:30pm at the Cathedral of Praise Church in Onalaska, WI. (3340 South Kinney Coulee Road, just past the Onalaska Gundersen Clinic north of the mall). A $12 donation is requested to help cover miscellaneous food program expenses. Please bring some of your own bags and boxes. Each month a different selection of food is available.
Volunteers are needed Thursday from 5pm til 8pm fror unloading and setup and also Friday from 8:30am to 2pm. f you would like to volunteer in this community outreach, plese come to Cathedral of Praise Church at the times posted.
2147|20031206|"Santa Bowed at Christmas"|Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (601 Fall Street, Eau Claire, WI) presents a musical play, "Santa Bowed at Christmas." Performances: Saturday, Dec. 6th at 7pm, and Sunday, Dec 7th at 1pm. Free admission.
2148|20031204|Lice Busters and Other Communicable Diseases|Sparta School Nurse, Nancy will help parents and childcare providers understand head lice and demonstrate a variety of methods used in the treatment of this and other communicable diseases. Registration required, call 269-3151 x 3058. Childcare provided.
2149|20031202|Teen Parent Group|Teen parents meet the first Tuesday of every month to discuss relevant topics with a parent educator.
Sparta Area Family Education Center (Rm 204 in the Sparta Area Admin. and Educational Building 201 East Franklin Street, Sparta, WI 54656
2150|20031228|Grandma's Attic Rummage Sale at U.M Church|Grandma's Attic Rummage and Resale, Saturday, Jan 3rd, 9:30am to 3pm. County "P" at Dill between Westby and La Farge in old school house. For information, call 608-625-2170
2151|20031206|Festival of Carols|UW-LaCrosse Symphony Orchestra, Women's Chorus, and Concert Choir at 2pm on Saturday Dec. 6 and 7:30pm Sunday, Dec. 7 at Toland Theatre, UW_L Center for the Arts, 16th and Vine streets. Admission $10 adults/ $4 students. Tickets go on sale in the box office on Monday, Dec. 1. Reserve seats at 608-785-8522
2152|20031213|Christmas Cookie Walk& Mini Bazaar|and Bake Sale together with free coffee and apple cider on Saturday, Dec. 13 from 9am -1pm at Bethel Lutheran Church (1931 Loomis street). Cookes by the pound are $5.50 per pound. For information call Rita at 608-781-1029
2153|20031206|LeFarge's Old Town Christmas Live Nativity Scene|On Saturday, Dec. 6th on Penn Street, one block North of Main Street. There will be a drive by Continuous Christmas Story with Music from 3 to 5pm. There will be an opportunity to pet the animals as well. The Live Nativity Scene is sponsored by local churches, businesses and citizens. Come enjoy all the Christmas festivities at La Farge's Old Town Christmas from 8am to 9pm. Refreshments will be hot cocoa, coffee and cookies.
2154|20031216|Lori Line "A Christmas Classique"|Lorie Line and her Pop Chamber Orchestra at the LaCrosse Center on Tuesday,m December 16 at 7:30pm. Reserved seat tickets are on sale at $45.75, $38.75, $28.75, and children 15 and under are $28.75. Tickets are available at the La Crosse Center Box Office. Charge by phone at 608-789-4545, all Ticketmaster outlets or at www.ticketmaster.com
2155|20031213|A Magical Ride on the Polar Express|All proceeds from this fundraiser go to the YWCA's CASA for Kids Program. We will begin by meeting at the Amtrak station in La Crosse to enjoy hot chocolate, holiday music and every family will receive a hard copy of "The Polar Express", by Chris Van Allsburg. Families will then board the train for a book reading, and be greeted by Santa at the North Pole (Winona, MN), then we ride the bus back to LaCrosse. For Information call 608-781-2783 x 6.
2156|20031206|Christmas Art Walk in Winona|Starting at 10am on Saturday, December 6. For further information call Studios on 5th at 507-454-4893
2157|20031213|12th Annual Cookie Sale|December 13 from 8:30 am until gone at United Methodist Church (210 N. Court St.)Sparta, WI
Use "K" St. Entrance. Handicap accessible
2158|20031213|Oakwood Hills Retirement to Offer Free Gift Wrapping Service|On Deceber 13, local high school students have gift wrapping duty along with volunteers from the United Way. On December 20th, a senior citizens' group called "Happy Hookers"(a knitting club) will take over the wrapping.The service will be available at Oakwood Hills (4316 Oakwood Hills Parkway in Eau Claire)from 10am to 4pm
2159|20031211|Annual Christmas Cookie/ Candy Walk|December 13, 2003 from 9-11am at First United Methodist Church, 1105 Butts Ave., Tomah, WI
2160|20031207|Christmas Around the World|Sunday, Dec. 7 at 2pm. in Luther High School's Auxiliary Gym. The La Crosse Coulee Chorale will present music from many different countries and styles, ranging from French folk songs to calypso carols.
2161|20031205|Swinging Yuletide Concert|UW-L Instrumental & Vocal Jazz Ensembles, Jazz Combo and the Great River Big Band present "Swinging Yuletide" at 7:30pom, Friday, Dec. 5, in the Valhalla, UW-LaCrosse Cartwright Center- Gunning Addition. Admission $10 general admission, $12 reserved. UW-L Students: $5 general admission, $7 reserved.Call for tickets: 608-785-8415
2162|20031204|Benefit Concert for A Place of Grace|La Crosse area musicians will be coming together for a concert to benefit food shelves of A Place of Grace. The December 4th concert begins at 7pm at the San Damiano Chapel (Viterbo Church)10th and Winnebago in La Crosse.
2163|20031213|Good Shepherd Lutheran Women of the ELCA "Christmas Cookie Walk"|Saturday, December 13, 9am Cookies, pastries and other baked goods available by the pound, or prepackaged. Good Shepherd Lutheran (S Main St. in Viroqua)
2164|20031220|Home for Christmas benefit concert for Habitat for Humanity|The Decorah Chorale will present the fourth annual "Home for Christmas" benefit concert for Winneshiek County Habitat for Humanity, on Saturday, Dec. 20 at 7pm at Decorah Lutheran Church in Decorah ,Iowa. Free will offerings will be accepted.
2165|20031206|West Salem Area Craft Shows|Sat. Dec 6th. *Mulder HCF: 8-11, Raffle Drawing 11:15 am (713 N Leonard)*Lakeview HC Gym:9-3pm (902 E Garland)
2166|20031205|International Business for Experienced Managers at UW-L|"International Order Management: Implementation from the Entire Organization's Perspective," from 8am to noon, Friday, Dec 5. The program will give a strategfic overview of the international sales process, and practical information from experienced managers. The $59 fee includes refreshments. "International Order Management" will be held at the Cleary Alumni and Friends Center on the UW-L campus. Call the Business Development Center, 608-785-8783, to register.
2167|20031201|"Cash on Delivery" Auditions|Auditions for La Crosse Community Thatre's prodction of Cash on Delivery will be held December 1st and 2nd beginning at7pm at the La Crosse Community Theatre, 118 Fifth Avenue North. Roles are available for six men and four women.
Perusal scripts are available at the box office. They may be checked out for one week with a $10 refundable deposit. For information, call: 608-784-9292
2168|20031207|Granton Area First Responders "Tailgate Party" fundraiser|Sunday, Dec. 7 beginning at 11am at the Sportsman's Club in Granton. Adults $5, kids $4, preschool free. Raffles will be held throughout the fame. Multiple TV's for your viewing pleasure.
2169|20031206|Rudolph's Dash for Kids|The YMCA's Winter Running Series kicks off on Sat., Dec. 6, tithe the Rudolph's Das for kids ages 3-11 and the Jingle Bell run including a 5 mile run, 5K run and 5 K walk for teens and adults. Don't miss breakfast with Rudolph following the events! For more detailed information, please call the YMCA at 782-9622, or visit our website at www.laxymca.org
2170|20031206|St. Peter's Annual Soup & Sandwich Dinner and Bake Sale|Saturday, Dec 6 at 11am to 1:20 pm. Great Homemade Soups, Sandwiches and Desserts. St. Pter Evengelical Lutheran Church, 201 S. Michigan Street, Prairie du Chien, WI
2171|20031129|Prince of Peace Church Bazaar and Bake Sale|Bazaar, Lunch, & bake sale at Price of Peace Church, 21 N. Hill St, La Crescent.
Sat. Dec. 6, 10am to 1pm
2172|20031129|Westby Coon Prarie Church "Christmas Cookie Walk"|December 13, from 9am-1pm at the Wewstby Coon Prairie Church, 500 S. Main, Westby, WI
2173|20031129|Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School presents "Cinderella"|Dec. 11 through Dec 14 at Viroqua's Temple Theatre.Dec 11, 12, & 13 at 7pm. Dec. 14 at 1pm.
For Ticket Information, call Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School at 608-637-7828
2174|20031130|Christmas Cookie Walk|North Presbyterian Church (2600 N. George and North Salem Road)Saturday, Dec. 13, 7:30am-11am
2175|20031214|The Music of Christmas and More by Father Tom Smith|Father Tom Smith will intermingle his Irish wit with a Norwegian slant as he shares his love of music, storytelling, and more just in time for the Christmas Season. Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center, Inc. (3miles north of Coon Valley, EI, on La Crosse county hwy PI)Dec. 14, 2pm
2176|20031231|The All Night Strut|Jazz, Blues, and Swing at the Pump House! Presented by Curtain Call Capers Corporation, the musical will take you back in time to the sounds of the Big Band Era. The show will be presented at the La Crosse Pump House at 8pm on December 31, January 2nd, and 3rd. For tickets and information call 507-452-1724.
2177|20040110|Improvisational Theater Workshops for Children & Teens|The Dance Studio,(329 Division Street, in La Crosse, WI) will offer a series of Improvisational Theater Workshops on Saturday, January 10,2004. Fees are $15 for 6-9yrs, and $30 for 10-12 & teens. For more information, or reservations, call 608-785-7543
2178|20040110|UW-L's "Metamorphoses" Chosen for Kennedy Center Competition!|The Department of Theatre Arts at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse is very proud to announce that its production of Metamorphoses has been chosen for performance at the 36th Annual Kennedy Center/ American College Theatre Festival at Illinois State University this January. The cast & crew will be competing for the opportunity to perform at the Kennedy Center's National festical in Washington D.C. There will be a benefit performance to raise travel funds on January 10 at 7:30pm in the Toland Theatre on the UW-L campus. For information and tickets, call 785-6701.
2179|20031224|Commonweal Theatre Company announces its 16th Season of Professional Theatre|Plays in next years season include "Rosmersholm", "Marguerite Bonet", "Steel Magnolias", The Complete Works of William Shakespeare", and "A Sanders Family Christmas" for information including performance times and ticket prices, call 507-467-2525 or 800-657-7025 or go to www.commonwealtheatre.org
2180|20031220|Adaptive Ski Day at Mount La Crosse|A-PRO, a program of the YWCA will be hosting the 5th annual Adaptive Ski Day at Mt. La Crosse on Saturday, December 20th from 10-2pm. Come ski or volunteer and have a fun day on the slopes. Registration forms are available by calling Dan Stacey at 781-2232
2181|20040131|V-Day Lacrosse presents "The Vagina Monologues"|A benefit performance of Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues"as part of the V-Day Worldwid Campaign. ONE performance only at the Rivoli Theatre on January 31, 2004. 7:30pm. $50 main floor table seats, $25 general seating. Call for Tickets 608-791-2604
2182|20031224|"The Voices of Christmas"|"The Voices of Christmas" adapted from "The Twelve Voices of Christmas" by Woodrow Kroll and Keith Ghormley, at 7pm, at Faith Evangelical Free Church, 6644 State Hwy 16, Sparta, WI. For info, call 608-269-5469. Come to see and hear the stories that remind us of God's greatest gift.
2183|20040118|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestras Auditions|La Crosse Area Youth Symphony Orchestras Auditions (for the second semester). Openings for both the Youth Symphony (advanced) and Philharmonic (intermediate) orchestras. Call 608-788-0159 for audition requirements and position openings for each orchestra, or website www.lyso.org. To schedule an audition call 608-788-0159.
2184|20040207|Dell United Methodist Church Rummage and Resale|Dell United Methodist Church Rummage and Resale, held Feb. 7th and Feb. 21st, from 9:30am-3pm, at County P at Dell which is between La Farge and Westby in the old schoolroom. For info, call 608-625-2170.
2185|20040221|Dell United Methodist Church Rummage and Resale|Dell United Methodist Church Rummage and Resale, held Feb. 21st, from 9:30am-3pm, at County P at Dell which is between La Farge and Westby in the old schoolroom. For info, call 608-625-2170.
2186|20040102|Coulee Region FREE Food Distribution|Coulee Region FREE Food Distribution, from 10am-12Noon, at the Cathedral of Praise Church Foyer, 3340 S Kinney Coulee Rd, Onalaska, WI (past Gundersen Lutheran Clinic north of the mall). Donation: $12 per family is requested to cover associated costs of the program. (Volunteers needed Thurs.1/1 from 5pm-9pm; and Fri.1/2 from 8:30am-1pm).
2187|20040104|La Crosse Logan Show Choir presents "The Chocolate Soiree"|La Crosse Logan Show Choir presents "The Chocolate Soiree" for their annual fundraiser, with two performances. The first is from 2:30pm-3:45pm; and the second is from 3pm-5:15pm. The event showcases performances by the Logan Show Choirs, The Class Act and the Classy Ladies. Lincoln and Logan Middle School Show Choirs will also perform. Delicious chocolate desserts available from 3pm-5pm. Admission is $5 for Adults and $2 for Children 12yrs and under. Tickets available at the door. For more info, call Carol Bell of the La Crosse Logan Parent Organization at 608-784-6283.
2188|20040113|Onalaska Area Historical Society Annual Meeting|Onalaska Area Historical Society Annual Meeting, 7pm, at the Onalaska Community Center. For info, call 608-783-0440.
2189|20031231|Monday Night Singles Organization hosts Singles Dance|Monday Night Singles Organization hosts Single Dance, w/Doors open at 7:30pm and Dance from 8:30pm-12:30am, at Concordia Hall Ballroom, 1129 La Crosse Street, La Crosse, WI. Music provided by "Simon Sezz". Cost: $10 per person - Free Hors d'oeurves during the dance, cash bar. Dance is open to all singles, divorced, widowed, never married, 21 or older, who want a chance to meet the "Right Person", in a smoke-free environment. For info, call Jerry at 608-781-1582.
2190|20031230|FREE Youth Basketball Clinic|FREE Youth Basketball Clinic, from 12Noon-1:30pm, at McCown Gym at WSU (Winona State Univ.), Winona, MN. Clinic will be conducted by the WSU Men's and Women's basketball coaches and players. All participants will receive a WSU basketball. To register or for more info, call 507-457-5210.
2191|20040106|Teen Parent Group|Teen Parent Group, from 10:10am-11:10am, at Sparta Area Family Education Center, Room 204 in the Sparta Area Administration and Educational Building, 201 East Franklin St, Sparta, WI. Meeting consists of parents discussing relevant topics with a parent educator.
2192|20040109|2004 Onalaska Show Choir Classic|2004 Onalaska Show Choir Classic, Fri.1/9 & Sat.1/10, w/Show Choir competition at Onalaska High School and Concert Choir competition at First Lutheran Church, 410 Main St, Onalaska. Twenty-nine show choirs and nine concert choirs competing! For detailed info/times, call Paul Gulsvig at 608-783-4561(wk) or 608-783-8116(hm); or Lauri Berg at 608-783-1743(hm) or 608-783-5500,ext 221(wk).
2193|20040110|2004 Onalaska Show Choir Classic|2004 Onalaska Show Choir Classic, Fri.1/9 & Sat.1/10, w/Show Choir competition at Onalaska High School and Concert Choir competition at First Lutheran Church, 410 Main St, Onalaska. Twenty-nine show choirs and nine concert choirs competing! For detailed info/times, call Paul Gulsvig at 608-783-4561(wk) or 608-783-8116(hm); or Lauri Berg at 608-783-1743(hm) or 608-783-5500,ext 221(wk).
2194|20040124|Great River Folk Festival presents 3rd Annual Midwinter Folk Dance|Great River Folk Festival presents 3rd Annual Midwinter Folk Dance, from 4pm-10pm, at the Concordia Ballroom, 1129 La Crosse St, La Crosse, WI. Enjoy an evening of waltzes, polkas, and schottisches, square and contra dances, reels and jigs. Suggested Donation of $5 for individual adults and $12 for families. All proceeds benefit the Great River Folk Festival. Continuous dance music will be provided by area string bands playing traditional American and Celtic music. A chili supper will be available on-site from Jules' Coffee House. For more info, call 608-784-3033. Website: www.greatriverfolkfest.org.
2195|20040110|Color Guard Chicken Que|Color Guard Chicken Que, serving from 12Noon-7pm, at American Legion Post 417, 700 Fisherman's Road. Cost: $6 for all the trimmings. Advanced sales or at the door. Free delivery on 6+ orders, in area.
2196|20040117|Animal Tracking Basics|Animal Tracking Basics, from 9am-4pm, at Hixon Forest Nature Center, La Crosse, WI. Doug Gaulke from Tracks and Trees Learning Center will be here to provide a course that will give you a firm foundation in the basics of tracking. You will learn how to identify common tracks, interpret basic gait patterns, measure tracks, and determine a track's age. Call the Nature Center at 608-784-0303 to pre-register asap. Minimum age to participate is 12yrs old with adult or 14yrs old. Fee is $45 for members and $55 for non-members. Bring your own lunch.
2197|20040124|Learn to Snowshoe|Learn to Snowshoe, from either 10am-11:30am or 1pm-2:30pm (both sessions are the same), at Hixon Forest Nature Center, La Crosse, WI. Pre-registration is required. For pre-registration or more info, call 608-784-0303. Come to the Nature Center for an introduction to snowshoeing while observing the sights and sounds of winter. This program is snow-dependent and is appropriate for persons age 7yrs and older. Fee is $5 for members, and $8 for non-members.
2198|20040131|Benefit for Kurt Berberich|Benefit for Kurt Berberich, from 2pm-10pm, at the Baus Hause, 1920 Ward Ave, La Crosse, WI. For info, call 608-783-3892.
2199|20040207|Joe Stetter Benefit|Joe Stetter Benefit, from 2pm-12Midnite, at Holmen American Legion, Holmen, WI. Benefit will include such things as a Live Auction, Silent Auction, Raffles, Live Music, and Food Available. For info, call 608-782-6809. (Joe Stetter was injured in a serious car accident in November.)
2200|20040118|Pancake Breakfast|Pancake Breakfast, serving from 9am-12:30pm, at Gilby's in downtown Whitehall, WI. Cost: $5 per plate. Hosted by the Trempealeau Republic Party. For info, call Linda Matchey at 608-323-6660 or 1-800-477-2222,ext.6660. Email: Imatchey@ashleyfurniture.com.
2201|20040123|Cancer Benefit for "Chef Ron" Ron Muenchen|Cancer Benefit for "Chef Ron" Ron Muenchen, from 7pm-12Midnight, at the Baus Haus for a "Night In Vegas". Featuring Raffle Tickets for a chance to win $500 towards purchase of airfare, Games, Raffles, Fun, Food and Cash Bar. Donations accepted at the door. Join us to help raise money for Ron's healthcare costs. Ron was a long-time kitchen manager at The Salvation Army and has given his heart, soul, and spare cash to hundreds of people. Unwillingly, Chef Ron had to find another job because he needed health insurance. It was through a pre-employment health screen that a tumor was found in his lung. He requires four months of intensive chemical treatment, and therefore is unable to take the new job in La Farge. Unfortunately, his former position had just been filled. Now, this man who has given so much is uninsured, unemployed, and fighting lung cancer. For info, call Kristina Verde-Murphy at 797-5933.
2202|20040120|Perspectives Course|Perspective Course, beginning January 20th this course will be taught every Tuesday evening for 15 weeks, from 6:30-9:30pm, at Bethany Evangelical Free Church, 3936 Cty Hwy B, Onalaska, WI. This 15-week semester class taught by 15 dynamic visiting professors provides the most comprehensive course available to give you a strategic overview of what God Himself is doing in our world, in our day. You will have a completely fresh understanding of the "news behind the news" as you see how the Living God is moving in all of it! Everyone should take this course! To register, call 786-4695 and ask for Susan.
2203|20040131|Home Business Extravaganza|Home Business Extravaganza, from 9am-5pm, at the Ramada Inn downtown Eau Claire, WI. Over 20 booths! For info, contact Heather Johnson @ www.discoverytoyslink.com/heatherjohnson.
2204|20040117|Chili Supper|Chili Supper, hosted by St Patrick's Boy Scout Troop 168, Onalaska, WI, will be held from 5pm-8pm, in the St Patrick's Parish Center (Main Street and 11th Avenue North). There will be all-you-can-eat chili and Red Lobster cheese garlic biscuits. Hotdogs are available for children. The cost is $3.50 for adults, and $2.00 for children. For info, call Mike Herro at 783-3279(hm#) or 789-3673(wk#).
2205|20040117|Angelo First Responders 1st Annual Fundraising Dinner|Angelo First Responders 1st Annual Fundraising Dinner, with 6pm cash bar and 7pm dinner, at Shon@Sydney's, Hwy 21, Sparta, WI. Cost: $25 per ticket, limited number of tickets available. Cash door prizes and several raffles. To purchase tickets or make a donation, contact Cindy Culpitt at 269-2062.
2206|20040116|Tomah Boat Show|Tomah Boat Show, Fri.1/16 from 1pm-9pm, Sat.1/17 from 11am-9pm, and Sun.1/18 from 11am-5pm, at Recreation Park "Home of the Monroe County Fair".
2207|20040117|Tomah Boat Show|Tomah Boat Show, Fri.1/16 from 1pm-9pm, Sat.1/17 from 11am-9pm, and Sun.1/18 from 11am-5pm, at Recreation Park "Home of the Monroe County Fair".
2208|20040118|Tomah Boat Show|Tomah Boat Show, Fri.1/16 from 1pm-9pm, Sat.1/17 from 11am-9pm, and Sun.1/18 from 11am-5pm, at Recreation Park "Home of the Monroe County Fair".
2209|20040110|The Clark County Teenage Republicans Monthly Meeting|The Clark County Teenage Republicans Monthly Meeting, open to all area teens, from 6pm-8pm, at the Greenwood High School in the Community Room. For more info, contact Brita Genteman at 715-267-7157.
2210|20040111|Minneapolis-St Paul Record Show|Minneapolis-St Paul Record Show, from 10am-4pm, at Four Points by Sheraton, Minneapolis, 1330 Industrial Boulevard (just off of I-35 West, exit #22, near Hwy 280, just five minutes north of downtown Minneapolis). Admission: $3, or $2 with the donation of two cans of non-perishable food. More information available at msprecordshow.com, or call Tim Schloe at 651-373-0065. This is a local record/music memorabilia collector's show that takes place every other month, and we collect cans of non-perishable food for Minnesota Food Share at each of our events.
2211|20040123|"Pinocchio" play|"Pinocchio" play, Fri.1/23 at 7pm and Sat.1/24 at 2pm, in the All Purpose Room at St John's Lutheran School in Nodine, MN. Prairie Fire Children's Theatre musical. Admission: $3 and tickets are available at the door. For info, call Brenda Frickson at 507-643-6587 or Julie Beach at 507-643-6098 or St John's Lutheran School at 507-643-6440.
2212|20040124|"Pinocchio" play|"Pinocchio" play, Fri.1/23 at 7pm and Sat.1/24 at 2pm, in the All Purpose Room at St John's Lutheran School in Nodine, MN. Prairie Fire Children's Theatre musical. Admission: $3 and tickets are available at the door. For info, call Brenda Frickson at 507-643-6587 or Julie Beach at 507-643-6098 or St John's Lutheran School at 507-643-6440.
2213|20040131|NHS Community Homebuyers' Seminar|NHS Community Homebuyers' Seminar, from 8am-4pm, in the Training Room at the Richland County Bank. This educational seminar is open to all Wisconsin Residents, has no income limits, and intended for everyone who wishes to purchase a home in the future (may include current home owners). Participants who complete the seminar will receive a certificate of completion, certifying that they are now "educated buyers." This certificate may entitle these families to benefits such as a smaller down payment, smaller cash reserve, or lower closing costs. This seminar series satisfies the educational requirements of WHEDA; USDA; NHS; Movin' Out, Inc.; and the DownPayment Plus Program. Numerous topics will be covered. Pizza Hut will provide lunch free of charge. To pre-register before the January 28th deadline, contact NHS at 608-647-4949 Mon-Fri from 8:30am-4:30pm; or visit website: www.nhsrcwi.org; or email: lori.b@nhsrcwi.org. This seminar is open to the first 30 participants.
2214|20040120|The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill La Crosse County Program|The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill La Crosse County Program, at 7:15pm, at the First Congregational Church Community Room, 2503 Main St, La Crosse, WI. Program Topic is Major Depression: A Serious But Treatable Illness. Speaker is Robert Bablitch, MSW, MPA, CADA, of the Gundersen Lutheran Behavioral Medicine Department. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill La Crosse County is a support and advocacy group for families and friends of the seriously mentally ill. For info, call Mary Lou Ryan at 784-7532.
2215|20040124|Holmen Rod & Gun Club's Annual Membership Party|Holmen Rod & Gun Club's Annual Membership Party, Doors open at 6pm, at the Holmen American Legion Hall, Holmen, WI. Lunch and Refreshments will be served. Door prizes will be awarded. Memberships for 2004 will be available at the door. Cover Charge of only $7.50 per person. For info, call Roy Oines at 608-526-3727. Website: www.holmenrodandgunclub.com.
2216|20040130|MOMS Club Open House|MOMS Club Open House, MOMS Club of La Crosse/West Salem, from 10:30am-12Noon, at South Community Library, La Crosse, WI. Come learn more about this fun and supportive group for stay-at-home moms! Refreshments and fun activities for kids will be provided. For info or questions, call Kathryn at 608-786-4385; or Trista at 608-784-0475.
2217|20040206|MOMS Club Open House|MOMS Club Open House, MOMS Club of La Crosse/West Salem, from 10:30am-12Noon, at Hazel Brown Leicht Memorial Library, West Salem, WI. Come learn more about this fun and supportive group for stay-at-home moms! Refreshments and fun activities for kids will be provided. For info or questions, call Kathryn at 608-786-4385; or Trista at 608-784-0475.
2218|20040201|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Smelt Fry|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Smelt Fry, All-you-can-eat, serving from 11am-5pm ? (while supplies last), at the Sportsmen's Club, located 1 Mile East of I-94 on County Road O to Sportsman Road, Millston, WI. Cost: $6 Adults, $3 Youth (under 12). For info, call Carl Johnson at 608-272-3845.
2219|20040307|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Smelt Fry|Millston-Knapp Sportsmen's Club Smelt Fry, All-you-can-eat, serving from 11am-5pm ? (while supplies last), at the Sportsmen's Club, located 1 Mile East of I-94 on County Road O to Sportsman Road, Millston, WI. Cost: $6 Adults, $3 Youth (under 12). For info, call Carl Johnson at 608-272-3845.
2220|20040203|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society Meeting|La Crosse Area Astronomical Society Meeting, at 7pm, in Room 301 of Cowley Hall on the UW-La Crosse campus. Featuring a talk by Steve Fulton on "The Search For Extraintelligence At Home". Fulton is a former employee of SETI At Home. For info, call Robert Allen at 608-785-8669.
2221|20040223|Crucifixion School Mardi Gras|Crucifixion School Mardi Gras, from 12:30pm-6pm, at Crucifixion School Auditorium, 420 South 2nd St, LaCrescent, MN. Featuring: Games, Prizes, Fun, Big Ticket Raffle Drawing, Silent Auction, Food Court, Family, Friends, and Fun! For info, call Christie Hogan at 507-895-8451.
2222|20040124|Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club Annual Snowmobile Radar Runs|Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club Annual Snowmobile Radar Runs, w/Registration starting at 10am and Racing starting at 11am, located on Lake Neshonoc, West Salem, WI. Food and Refreshments will be available on the grounds. For info, call Dan Degenhardt at 608-452-3646.
2223|20040125|Sparta S.T.A.R. 1st Chili Fundraiser|Sparta S.T.A.R. 1st Chili Fundraiser, from 12Noon-6pm, at 210 North Court Street in the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall (use the K street entrance), Sparta, WI. Cost: $4 (includes chili, corn bread muffins, drink & dessert). For info, call Sandi Anderson at 608-269-1113 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sponsored by Bethany Lutheran Homes, Inc.
2224|20040121|Coulee Region Audubon Society's Annual Membership Meeting & Potluck Supper|Coulee Region Audubon Society's Annual Membership Meeting & Potluck Supper, at 6pm, in the La Crosse Public Library, La Crosse, WI. Following supper and the election of officers for the coming year, members will show slides, share photos and stories describing outstanding sighting and events of the past year. For info, call Emily Campbell at 608-534-5548.
2225|20040131|Gopher State Sportsmen's Club Wild Game Feed|Gopher State Sportsmen's Club Wild Game Feed, serving starts at 5:30pm, located 1 mile West of La Crescent on Pine Creek Road (Cty 6), turn right (North) at club sign, go to end of valley. Featuring many door prizes, raffle for guns and other items. For info, call 507-895-4719.
2226|20040213|Father Daughter Dance|7-9pm in our YMCA gymnasium. Cost is $6 in advance or $8 at the door. ?'s call 782-9622.
2227|20040118|Annual La Crosse Jaycees Week|1/18-1/24
1/18 Euchre Tournament 1pm,Jaycee Hall, 1/19 Bingo w/elderly 6pm Alterra, 1/20 Community Recognition Night 6pm, Jaycee Hall, 1/21 Family Night, 1/22 Comedy Night 7pm Chameleon Club, 1/23 Movie Night Rivoli Theatre, 1/24 Chili Cook off 12pm Coulee Golf Bowl.
2228|20040131|USCA Junior Natl Curling Champ.|1/31-2/7 ?'s call Robyn at 507-454-2996 x212 or 608-582-4332
2229|20040112|La Crosse Archery Leagues|Leagues beginning Jan 12. Hours M-F 12p-9p. Sat 9a-5p. Sun noon-5p. Different leagues please call 781-7752
2230|20040124|Effigy Mounds Film Festival|41st annual film festival. Show times 10,11am,noon,1,2,3pm on 1/24,1/25. More info call 563-873-3491
2231|20040210|Art Competition for Veterans|Submit artwork by 2/6. Artwork display is 2/10-2/12. at the Tomah VA. Spec Guest- Miss Wi.?'s call 608-372-1727
2232|20040219|"Infant Massage" class|Feb 19,26 and March 4,11 at the Allied Health Build. in Neillsville. Fee is $25. Call 743-5121
2233|20040212|Chili Supper, Bake and Craft Sale|5-7pm at St. Pauls Luth.Church. Cost is $5. Fundraiser for Coulee Region Trans. Housing Program. To donate or ?'s call 787-0466 for pick up.
2234|20040123|Steak & Fish Dinner|at the VFW Clubrooms 6th and Market. 5-8pm Price is $9
2235|20040118|Omelette Breakfast |8a-noon at VFW Clubrooms 630 S. 6th LaX. Price $5
2236|20040128|Luther College Concert Band|Westby High School at 7:30p admission is $5 for adults and $3 for students.
2237|20040329|Onalaska Kindergarten Round Up|3/29 and 3/30 kindergarten registration at the Eagle Bluff School. Call 783-2453 for info packet.
2238|20040122|Brian Gym Game|Join Physical Therapist Diane to enhance your ability to learn using your body and mind together. 6-7:30p at Sparta Area Family Ed Center. Rm 204
2239|20040208|Variety Show in Honor of Tomah Area Cancer Support|held at St Marys Catholic churh in Tomah. no 2/8 at 2pm.
2240|20040129|Album Encounters-UWL|at the UWL Planetarium at 7-8pm. Admission $2
2241|20040327|Kindergarten Karnival|at Onalaska Kindergarten Center (Eagle Bluff) from 11a-2p. Fun,games, prizes.
2242|20040123|La Crosse Symphony-Tours des Strings|6-10p at Otin Art Gallery 507 main
2243|20040129|Open House Preschool Book Fair|Open House Preschool Book Fair, from 7pm-8pm, at First Lutheran Preschool of Onalaska, 410 Main St, Onalaska, WI (You may enter the building off of Irvin Street which is directly behind the main entrance). Bring your child/children in their pajamas, as milk and cookies will be served. This is a great opportunity to view the preschool classroom, meet the teachers, or just buy some great books from Scholastic. For info, call Rhonda Bonner, Director, at 779-4504.
2244|20040207|Rummage and Resale|"Grandma's Attic" rummage sale. 9:30am to 3pm at old schoolhouse on Cty Rd P. Sponsored by United Methodist Church. Call 608-625-2170
2245|20040129|Martin Luther King Jr Koliday Celebration|Celebration luncheon w/speaker and music. At Alumni and Friends Center Tickets avail 1/15-1/27 in Cartwright Center, 785-8888. Cost $5.
2246|20040131|Great Tri State Rail Sale|9a-3p at the La Crosse Center. Costs $3, children under 12 free. For info call 608-582-4761 or 784-0036.
2247|20040127|How to prevent lower back pain program|The program will held at Gund Luth Sports Medicine- Winona,MN 111 Riverfront at 7:30pm. Costs $5 and preregistration is required. Call 507-454-8700.
2248|20040131|CouleeCap Mentoring Program|An extensive recognition campaign for our mentors which will culminate in a recognition celebration. 4-6PM,at the Moose Family Center on Ward Ave in La Crosse. Call 608-796-A-PAL
2249|20040214|Valentines Silent Auction and Dance|at the City Brewery Banquet Hall, 1111 Third St.,La Crosse. Food & cash bar 6-9pm. Music at 8. Tickets $15 or 2 for $25. Call 782-8774
2250|20040204|World Language Advocates|at 7pm at Central HS LMC.
2251|20040130|Smelt Fry and Wings|at the Caston VFW Club Room. Serving from 4pm until ?
2252|20040206|Coulee Region Food Distribution Program|distribution to the general public from 10a-12:05p at the site of Catherdal of Praise Church in Onalaska. A donation of $12 is requested to help cover expenses. Please bring some of your own bags and boxes.
2253|20040201|Clearwater Farm annual meeting|1-3pm at Eagle Bluff School in Onalaska. Public invited. Info 783-5813
2254|20040207|15th Annual Lutefisk Supper|at Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Westby. Serving 11a-2p and 4p-8p. Menu-Lutefisk,meat balls,potatoes,rutabagas,More.
2255|20040203|Teen Parent Group|Tuesday morning 10:10a-11:10a. At the Sparta Area Family Ed Center, Sparta,WI.
2256|20040213|81st Annual Snowflake Ski Jump|in Timber Lake in Westby,Wi. February 13-15 Opening at 11:00a. Buttons $10 for all 3 days in advance, or $15 at the gate. Kids under 12 FREE.
2257|20040131|How to play piano in three hours workshop|9a-noon. For further info on laocation and costs call 785-6500
2258|20040130|La Crosse Community Theatre|"Cash On Delivery" Call box office at 784-9292. Performance dates are 1/30-2/1,5-8 and 15. Curtain time is 7:30p. Tickets $15
2259|20040309|Free CPR Class|La Crosse Eagles Club & La Crosse Fire Dept. will hold a CPR class. And free first aid class on 3/16. Held in the Eagles Clubroom at 5th and King. Time is 6:30p-9:30p. Call 782-7514 Sign up deadline is 3 days prior to class.
2260|20040208|Camp Winnebago: A Gem in your LBackyard by Brian Swerine|at 2pm at the Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center.
2261|20040328|Spring Craft Show|from 9a-4p at the American Legion Post 52 6th & Market. Info call 788-4494 or 788-0391
2262|20040321|13th Annual Farm Toy and Craft Show|Black River Falls FFA Alumni hosting this at 9a-3p at the Black River Falls High School Hwy 54 West. Kids pedal tractor pull at 2pm. call 715-284-9266
2263|20040202|Public Planetarium Program/UWL|"The Endless Horizon" 7pm at the UWL Planetarium. Costs $2,$1 area students,Free for UWL students with ID.
2264|20040131|Past Commanders Banquet|at 5:30pm at the Legion Post 52 711 6th St. La Crosse. Tickets for Legion members and guests are $15 and reservations to be made by calling 782-3232 by 1/26
2265|20040314|Crown Trout Jewelers|On March 14th & 28th there will be a jewelery making class in their private studio. 11a-5p Costs $150 call 888-750-9294
2266|20040203|Vegetable & Fruit Production Workshop|Cost is $20 covers lunch and an info binder. Registration deadline is 1/26. Info call 608-269-8722 or 608-372-8722
2267|20040131|Bird Sit|Bird Sit at 10am. There is no charge but state park permits are required. Daily permits cost $7 and annual $25. This is held at Whitewater State Park
2268|20040201|West Salem Lions Club Annual Pancake Breakfast|West Salem Lions Club Annual Pancake Breakfast, serving from 7am-12Noon, at West Salem American Legion Hall, 148 S Leonard St, West Salem, WI. Cost: $4 Adults, $2 Children 12yrs & under. Door Prizes and Raffle. For info, call Norman Rowe at 608-786-2973. Email: oronam@centurytel.net.
2269|20040207|Sweethearts Dance|Sweethearts Dance, for all 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders, from 7pm-9:30pm, at Old Bangor High School, Bangor, WI. There will be an open gym, dancing, live DJ taking requests, and refreshments for sale! Tickets: $3 sold at the door. Sponsored by the YWCA Bangor Learning Center at 608-486-2876.
2270|20040131|Pamper Your Pet|Pamper Your Pet, at 2pm, at La Crosse Public Library Auditorium, La Crosse, WI. Cost: FREE. Presented by Robert Spencer, DVM, of Hillside Animal Hospital. Topics covered: choosing a pet, new products to make owners' lives easier, pet insurance, alternatives to declawing, and other health-related topics. For info, call 608-789-7127. Website: www.lacrosselibrary.org.
2271|20040220|Lefse Busse Lunch & Auxiliary Bake Sale|Serving 11a-2p at Osseo Medical Center(Nursing Home Dining Rm)$4
2272|20040221|Concert for Relay for Life in West Salem|The Preludes will reunite for a one night concert from 8p-midnight at the Moose Lodge in La Crosse. Cost is $3 per person $5 couple.
2273|20040206|Electronic Jazz Fusion Quartet Concert|Free and open to the public. Will begin at 7:30p in Page Theatre,located in the Performance Center at Saint Marys University.
2274|20040213|Tomah Middle School Musical|On 2/13,2/14 at 7:30p in the Tomah High Auditrium. "The Great Ghost Chase" Tickets $3 adults, $2 students.
2275|20040222|St Marys Spaghetti Dinner|Houston, MN. 11a-1p. Adults $6 children 12 & under $3. At St Marys church hall.
2276|20040207|Valentine Dinner Theatre|6pm at 1st Evangelical Free Church. Tickets avail in foyer-$12/person. Info call 608-786-2173 featuring ***Higher Power***
2277|20040210|Onalaska Area Historical Society Meeting|at 7p at the Onalaska Community Center.
2278|20040131|Onalaska United Methodists Church Concert|presents "Real Woman of Faith" free with offering and will begin at 5:30pwith fellowship to follow.